GhostlyPersuasion (6 page)

Read GhostlyPersuasion Online

Authors: Dena Garson

BOOK: GhostlyPersuasion
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“No, don’t go,” she answered quickly then dropped her voice
to a whisper once again. “I mean, there’s no need to risk disturbing them.”

He held her gaze for the longest time, or at least it felt
long to Katie. Finally he returned his attention to the couple on the other

Katie peeked through the space in the trellis.

The man was standing very close to the woman. His chest was
probably brushing the back of her shoulder as he asked, “Do you know why I
brought you here?”

“No, my Lord.”

“Oh I think you do.”

“To fuck me, my Lord?”

“That’s right.”

A shiver ran through the woman.

Katie felt a similar one run through her body.

The man untied the woman’s hands. “But not just yet.” He
walked around the woman and sat on the bench in front of her. “You’re going to
have to prove to me that you’re ready to be fucked.”

“May I touch you, my Lord?”

The man leaned against the wall behind the bench and let his
knees fall open. “Proceed.”

Katie turned to Seamus and whispered, “Why is she asking for
permission to touch him? If they’re a couple wouldn’t she normally do that?”

One side of Seamus’ lips curved upward. “They aren’t what
you would think of as a traditional couple.” He paused. “At least, not here, in
this moment.”

Katie waited for him to continue.

“You have heard of Doms and subs, haven’t you?”

“You mean like a dominatrix?” she asked a little louder than

“The dominant personality in a Dom-sub or Master-slave

“Is that what’s going on over there?” Even with her voice
low, it squeaked in surprise.

“It’s just a wee bit of play, that’s all.” He shrugged.
“Tomorrow you may see them at breakfast or strolling the grounds like any other

“Hmmm.” Katie was at a loss for words. She’d heard of
couples who did that sort of thing but had never thought about whether or not
the idea might interest her. The idea of witnessing it in action was almost too

As she turned back to the couple she was grateful Seamus was
wise enough not to question her about her lack of experience, nor did he judge
her for it.

The woman on the other side was now kneeling at the man’s
feet, between his knees. It looked as if she had the man’s belt unfastened and
was working on his zipper. Unfortunately, now that he was leaning back against
the wall, the man’s face was in shadow and Katie couldn’t see his reaction.

There was at least one part of him enjoying what she was
doing. That part was finally freed from the confines of the man’s pants.

And what an impressive part it was.

Katie didn’t have a lot of experience with men but none of
them had the girth this man had.

“Wow,” she blurted, not meaning to say it out loud.

“No man wants his sword compared to others but even I have
to say that is unusually large.”

Katie’s cheeks heated. She couldn’t look in Seamus’
direction. Instead she focused on what the woman was doing to the man.

The woman took the man’s oversized cock in hand and stroked
it in a slow, rhythmic motion. Then she leaned in and licked it from the bottom
to the top. As she did, her free hand roamed across the man’s chest and over
his abs.

When the woman began licking in earnest and finally took it
all into her mouth, Katie became hyperaware of Seamus’ presence beside her.

While it was a bit of a turn-on watching the other couple,
she felt somewhat smutty for eavesdropping.

“I, uh—” Katie stuttered. “Perhaps I should get back to the

Seamus looked at her. For some reason, she felt as if he
could see into her soul.

“You don’t want to see how this ends?” he asked.

“I would hope it ends with the expected outcome.” She
smiled, hoping to ease some of the tension she was feeling.

“Most likely,” he said with a nod. “But it’s the journey
there that makes the trip worthwhile.”

Katie tilted her head to the side. “That’s true.”

“So why are you running away, Little Katie?” Seamus’ voice
dropped to a husky tone that made Katie’s insides quivery.

“I’m not running away. I’m just trying to give these guys
some privacy.”

“Hmmm,” Seamus said noncommittally as he searched her face
and eyes. “Did it make you uncomfortable to watch them?”

“A little.”

“I would have been surprised if it hadn’t.”

“Then why did you suggest that I do?”

“Because you need to find out for yourself whether or not
you can and if it’s something that you’d like to try.” He paused. “One of the
reasons I began watching couples around Tullamore was so I could pretend, for a
little while, I was the one doing those things. To remember what it was like to
touch a woman’s skin.”

Seamus lifted his hand to Katie’s face. She felt the
electric tingles across her cheek where his fingertips brushed her skin. When
Katie met Seamus’ gaze, the pain and longing she saw renewed the ache in her
chest. The need to comfort him and chase away the cold and loneliness was

“It helps me remember the pleasure that can be found in the
arms of a woman.”

“Do you remember? After all this time?” Katie asked.

“Yes,” he replied as his fingers skimmed down the side of her
face then her neck and across the curve of one breast. “Yes, I do.”

The tingles she felt where he touched her sent a wave of
heat and desire through her body. Her lips fell open on a gasp. “You know I can
feel that, don’t you?”

Even in the darkened alcove, she could see desire burning in
his eyes. “What do you feel, Little Katie?” His finger returned to her breast
and hovered over the area where her nipple was tucked inside her bra and shirt.

The husky sound of his voice sent another wave of heat
through her body.

Maybe it was because they had just watched something very
intimate together, or she needed to ease some of Seamus’ pain, or perhaps she
was surprisingly comfortable with Seamus. Whatever the reason, she found the
courage to answer him.

“When you touch me, I feel tingles, like an electric
current.” She closed her eyes to focus on the feeling of his hand on her skin.
“But there is also coolness.”

“It is not unpleasant?”

“No.” She shook her head then opened her eyes. “As a matter
of fact, it is a little stimulating.”

“I see.” He skimmed his other hand across her other breast.

Familiar tingles then another flash of heat raced through
her belly.

“Shall we try something else, then?”

“Like what?” she asked, drawing each word out.

“You watch.” He pointed to the trellis. “I’ll stand behind
you and you tell me what you feel.”

She wasn’t sure what he planned but was excited by the
possibilities. “Okay,” she said softly then positioned herself so she could see
through the trellis.

The air moved around Katie as Seamus shifted to stand behind
her. The expected coolness and tingling zipped up and down her body where he
brushed against her. She wrapped her fingers through the slats of the trellis
to steady her wobbly knees but couldn’t help looking over her shoulder to where
he stood. The smell of wood and ozone permeated her senses. She breathed
deeper, taking as much of it in as she could.

Her fingers twitched from the need to caress his bristly

“Look,” he said gently with a lift of his chin, directing
her to the couple on the other side.

It was an effort to drag her eyes away from his face.

When she did she saw the woman standing in front of the man
with her legs straddling his knees. Since he was reclined, it put her crotch
just below his eye level.

One of his hands held her by the hip. The other was working
her clit in slow, easy strokes. He was saying something but based on how the
woman’s head rolled back, she was probably not paying attention to anything
except his fingers on her pussy.

As Katie watched she became aware of a tingling sensation on
and around her own pussy. She swallowed hard and tried to focus on what she was
seeing through the trellis.

The tension building in the woman became more obvious. Her
muscles were rigid, her lips were parted and Katie could hear her panting.

“What do you think she’s thinking right now?” Seamus
whispered near Katie’s ear.

“Probably, ‘Dear God don’t stop’,” Katie whispered back.

Seamus’ chuckle made her smile but her gaze didn’t waver.

“What about you? What are you thinking right now?”

Katie’s cheeks warmed. “That I am getting more turned-on
than I expected.”

“How do you know? What are you feeling?”

Katie turned her head to look at Seamus but he stopped her.
“No. Don’t stop watching. Stay focused on them.”

She did as he asked.

“Tell me what you feel,” he urged.

“I, uh… I’m warm.”


“Probably because I’m both embarrassed and turned-on,” she

“What else?”

“My breasts feel heavy. It’s kind of like the fabric of my
bra is irritating them.”

“Do you want to take it off?”

“What, my bra?” she asked, a little shocked by the idea.

“That and maybe even your blouse too.”

Katie’s mouth hung open. She had to make herself sort
through the conflicting feelings and thoughts being scrambled around inside

“I… No.” Katie paused. “Sort of. But mostly no.” She found
herself needing to explain. “It would definitely be more comfortable without
the bra or shirt,” she whispered, “but I wouldn’t be comfortable being out here
without clothes.”

“I understand.” Seamus took a small step back. “I find
myself uncomfortable with the idea of another man seeing you even partially
undressed.” He ran his finger down her spine, making Katie stand up tall. She
sucked in a breath through her now-clenched teeth.

“What are our friends on the other side doing now?” Seamus
asked, even though he could look for himself.

“He’s licking her
down there
,” she whispered.

“Down where?” Seamus pushed.

She hesitated before she answered. “Between her legs.”

“Does it look as if she likes it?”

“I would say so.”

“What about you, Little Katie? Do you like it when your
lover does that to you?”

She swallowed hard. “Yes.”

“Did he make you come when he did it?”

Her voice deserted her. She nodded reluctantly and wondered
why she was even answering his very personal questions. It occurred to her that
she trusted Seamus. Even though they hadn’t known each other long.

“Would you like to come now?”

“I…” She squirmed and transferred her weight to her other
foot but it still didn’t alleviate the throbbing in her pussy. Her now-damp
panties certainly didn’t help her situation. “No,” she told him. “Not yet.”

“If I could, I would slip my hands into your pants so I
could see how ready you really are.”

Seamus’ silky-smooth voice ran through her like a caress.
The images he created in her mind pushed her closer to passion’s edge. If he
were able to touch her, it probably wouldn’t take him long to help her get to
that much-needed orgasm.

“You are wet, aren’t you, Little Katie?”

She shuddered when she felt tingles on her ear as well as
her butt cheek and hip. “Yes.”

Finally the woman on the other side of the trellis threw her
head back and yelled out her release. Her body shivered and convulsed as the
man held her by the hips and drank in her nectar.

Katie’s breath caught. She was transfixed by what she was

Suddenly the man stood, grabbed the woman by the waist and
switched places with her. He flipped the woman around and bent her over,
forcing her to grab on to the seat of the bench. Holding her by the hip with
one hand, he guided his cock into her pussy.

He pushed in as far as he could go and held that position
for a moment. Both of them looked as if they were savoring the feeling.

When the man eased back then quickly rocked forward, Katie’s
own pussy clenched in response. The man’s rhythm picked up and soon he was
pounding into the woman, their bodies making slapping noises when they came in

“Touch yourself,” the man told the woman. “I want to feel
you come on my dick.”

Katie couldn’t tell from where she was standing but the
woman must have complied because her moans became louder. Finally the woman let
out a hoarse cry. The man answered by thrusting into her a couple more times
before stiffening and grunting with his own release.

Katie groaned. The visual stimulation was becoming too much.

“Seamus,” she pleaded, even though she wasn’t sure what she
was asking for.

“I’m here, Little Katie,” he reassured her. “What would you
ask of me?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered as she turned away from the
trellis. “I need…”

“What do you need?” he pressed.

Her body was trembling. “I need you to touch me.” She tried
to keep her voice low. “I need to come, Seamus.”

He stepped closer. “If I could, I would lay you on that
lounge, spread your legs and make you come as I buried myself in you.”

Katie shivered in response.

“But since I can’t, you’re going to have to do most of the
work. Go sit on the lounge.”

She did what he told her.

“Lie back and slip your pants off.”

“Um. I don’t think that is a good idea,” she whispered and
pointed to the trellis that shielded them from the other couple.

He shrugged. “Then just loosen the fastenings.”

Katie looked around to see if anyone could see her. It was
shaded enough that it was unlikely. Then again, she just spent the last half
hour watching the couple on the other side of the trellis. With as little
traffic as she saw in the gardens when she was walking and the fact that the
sun had almost completely set, Katie felt it was reasonably private.

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