Get Somebody New (24 page)

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Authors: Michael Lewis

BOOK: Get Somebody New
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“Don’t push
me boy! Besides, bullets cost money why waste one on your worthless ass?”

“Do it! Cold
Tony, just kill me now! Stop threatening to do it!”

It was pure
adrenaline talking for me. I was so fed up and angry that I didn’t care
anymore. It was like slow motion. He pulled the gun from his waistband, aimed
it at me, and I closed my eyes. I heard the click then the shot. When I opened
my eyes Zeke was standing between my dad and me. He’d jumped between my dad and
me and taken the bullet. The police rushed in and cuffed my dad before taking
him out of the room.

“Oh Zeke he
shot you!”   

“What are you
talking about Jazz?”

“Look at your

“Damn, he did
shoot me. I guess it happened so fast I didn’t even feel it.”

The nurse
came back with a doctor and put Zeke in a wheelchair. I sat there looking into
space because I couldn’t believe all that happened. I mean I knew my dad was a
loose cannon but I never thought he would act like he did.




When Jazz asked
me if I’d slept with Randall, I almost froze in my tracks. Although I hadn’t, I
felt somewhat guilty about what happened. The whole incident with Jazz’s father
at the hospital was so surreal I still couldn’t believe it happened. The
bandage on my arm reminded me that it was real. The bullet went into my bicep
and nicked an artery. Once they removed the bullet and dressed the wound I was
able to go home. The nurse was on the way to the room to inform Jazz that he
was cleared to go home when all the madness popped off with his deranged dad.
Jazz and I came home together.

About 5
minutes after we got home, Alton called me.

“Hey cuz,
what’s up?”

“Nothing just
got home.”

everything ok with Jazz?”

“Yeah, he’s

“Alright, I’m
calling because I was about to come over.”

“Okay, I’m

knowing how Alton would react, I decided not to say anything about what
happened. Jazz sat silently in his favorite chair in the living room. The
wheels were turning in his head so I let him have his space.

Before I knew
it Alton was at the door. Knowing I would have to explain things to him, I took
a deep breath before opening the door.


“Hey Alton.”

“Why are you
guys looking all gloomy? What happened to your arm?”

Jazz lifted
his head when Alton asked the question, looked at him, and then looked back at
the floor while shaking his head.

“Well we had
a little altercation at the hospital.”

“What are you
talking about Zeke?”

After telling
Alton everything that happened he looked at me in slack-jawed amazement.

“Jazz your
daddy sounds like a mental case. He could have killed you and Zeke.”

“I know
Alton, I feel bad enough about it. If I hadn’t provoked him to shoot me, this
wouldn’t have happened.”

“He shouldn’t
have had a gun in a hospital in the first place. What kind of man goes to that
extreme over someone being gay, that’s just crazy.”

“This is
partly your fault too.”

“Me? How the
hell do you figure that?” Alton asked.

“If you
hadn’t suggested that Zeke call that Randall clown, I wouldn’t have ended up in
the hospital.”

“I didn’t
suggest him but he got you out of jail didn’t he?”

“Yeah but at
what price?”

“What are you
talking about?”

“Zeke when we
were walking out of the police station, you had already gone ahead so you didn’t
hear what that fool said to me.”

“What did he

“He told me
my time with you was up and you were done slumming with me. He said you
deserved better and that you two had discussed it and you were just waiting for
the right time to break up with me.”

“He said
what? Why are you just now telling me this? You should have told me then.”

“Then he
threatened me, said he would set me up and have me locked up for years if I
didn’t go away.”

“Jazz none of
that is true. So now I know why you asked me if I slept with him.”

“Yeah and you
lied to my face. He told me he hooked up with you. He said I was clear for
release 10 minutes after he called, but you were here getting busy. That’s why
it took two hours to come get me.”

“Jazz don’t
tell me you believed that? You must have a low opinion of me to just accept the
first thing a stranger tells you. Didn’t it dawn on you that if he told you to
get out of the way so he could get with me that he has a reason to lie?”

“Yeah, well
explain how he knows about the birth mark on your ass if he didn’t see it! When
he told me about that is when my chest started hurting and I collapsed. Explain
that shit to me Zeke?”

“You have
already convinced yourself that I did it. It’s sad that you don’t trust me any
more than this. I can’t believe you are this damn gullible.”

I’ll show you gullible motherfucker!”

Jazz grabbed
me by my shirt collar.

“Get your
damn hands off me and back up. You have gone insane?”

Alton put him
in a chokehold from behind causing Jazz to release his grip on my shirt.

“Calm your
ass down! You can’t be grabbing on my cousin like that. What’s wrong with you!”
Alton shouted at him.

It took a bit
of effort but Alton was able to get Jazz outside where he could talk to him.

“Jazz, look
at me!” Alton shouted.


trippin that’s what. I know my cousin better than anybody and I can tell you he
is not lying.”

“Why should I
believe you?”

“Because I
know how much he loves you. You should know that too. He has been in love with
you since he met you. Can’t you see that? You know what kind of person he is.
Do you honestly think he would do that to you?”

“I don’t
know. You should have heard how Randall said those things to me.”

“Jazz he is a
lawyer he gets paid to lie with a straight face and be believable. Zeke jumped
in front of a bullet for you what more proof do you need that that? He could
have died trying to save you. If it had happened out in the street somewhere
and not in the hospital, he’d be gone!”

Jazz came
back inside and got his keys.

“Zeke, baby
come in the room for a sec, I want to talk to you.”

“Zeke I have
a lot to think about and I need to go clear my head. I believe that you didn’t
mess around with Randall. I am sorry I grabbed you like that.”

“Jazz you have
to look at the big picture. I’d never cheat on you. I had it done to me and it

“Yeah, after
I thought about it I knew better. I got a lot on my mind right now. I’ll be
back later.”


When Jazz
walked out the door I had a strange feeling that I couldn’t explain. The
feeling just wasn’t right.

“So Alton how
are things with you and Rachel?” I said switching the subject.

“Oh good,
real good. She is a wonderful woman.”

“I know.
That’s why I made sure to get you two in the same room whenever I could. I knew
you both needed each other but were mismatched with two devils.”

“I’m glad you
did. I’ll be indebted to you forever.”

happiness is satisfaction enough for me.”

I didn’t let
on to Alton but when I mentioned Rachel’s name, he beamed from ear to ear like
the cat that swallowed the canary. I knew right then that they’d done the do.
For the first time I couldn’t wait for him to leave, because I wanted to call
Rachel immediately. As soon as he backed out the driveway I was on the phone.

“Hi, Rachel
how are you?”

“Hey Zeke, I
am good and you?

“Alton just
left. When I mentioned you he smiled so wide I thought his face would crack. He
didn’t tell me but I already know you have been naughty haven’t you?”

“Okay, I
confess. Zeke I would have called you but I just came down off the ceiling a
few hours ago.”

“Ha ha, I
told you!”

‘That man
touched me in places I didn’t even know I had.”

“And the way
you had him glowing you must have put a whammy on him too. I am glad. I so
wanted to see you two together. Now you two are engaged! You deserve him and he
deserves you.”

“Zeke he is
so different. I mean the confidence in his stride and the strength of his
character is amazing. He is just so wonderful. He makes me feel so comfortable
and safe like he can do anything.”

“He is
blessed and highly favored, you are too.”

“I feel it.
The Lord definitely smiled on me when he opened my eyes and put Alton in my
life. I haven’t felt this kind of happiness since I don’t know when. How are
you and Jazz?”

“Oh Rachel,
you got a minute?”

“Sure what

“An arrest, a
fainting, a fight, and a shooting in the hospital.”

I proceeded
to fill Rachel in on the latest happenings in my personal soap opera Nelson




What a perfect
little actress I am. Charming the Sunny Brook staff was a piece of cake. They
decided to release me early. It was time to work on getting Alton back. He
loved me once and I would make him fall in love with me again. The first thing
on my agenda was to get my hair done. I needed to put on my A game and make
myself irresistible to him. Second was a new wardrobe so off to Neiman Marcus
on Peachtree I went.

“Hi Mrs.
Allen we were beginning to worry about you since we haven’t seen you in a
while.” The salesgirl remarked.

“Oh I’ve been
laying low for a while. I decided to come out today to update my wardrobe a

“Sure, well
you just let me know if you need anything.”

I liked the
fact that all the sales staff knew me by name and taste. I never had to spend
too long in the store. I only got 4 dresses, 3 new pairs of pumps, and some
accessories. My total bill came to under $5,000.00, which was good for me.
Since “Alton the money well” had dried up, I had to exercise some discretion in
my spending. I’ve easily spent $12,000 in one evening before.

After getting
myself together, I decided to surprise Alton at his office. Besides, I wanted
to be able to talk to him without Rachel being around to run interference.
Knowing Alton couldn’t resist me in red, I wore a long red dress, which I was
working the hell out of by the way. As soon as I stepped out of the car, I felt
my power.

My head
straight, my back erect, I began my walk from the parking lot. The wind tossed
my long, loosely spiraled curls as they hung down my back. The fluid movement
of my generous hips drew attention to me as I walked. Teasingly, I feigned
indifference to the stares of numerous men as I wet my red, succulent lips with
my tongue for added effect. A gentle breeze blew softly across my proud breasts
sending a sensual charge through me as I prepared to enter the building.

would be a distant memory once he saw me. When I reached his office, I steadied
myself before going in. Alton sat at his desk with his back to the door. He was
on the phone but I quickly surmised that it wasn’t a business call.

“Yeah, I
can’t wait to see you either baby. I’m gonna make love to you all night
tonight.” He said into the phone receiver.

“Okay, love
you more.” He said as he concluded his call.

When he hung
up the phone he didn’t turn around so he had no idea that I was standing there.
As I planned what to say to him Alton looked out the window daydreaming. I
could see his right arm moving slightly, but didn’t know what he was doing. My
curiosity was satisfied when I heard him moan.

“Oh man, I’m
gonna put it on my baby real good when I get home. Damn, I love that woman!”
Alton said aloud to himself.

Still with
his back turned to me, I decided to take advantage of his aroused state. After
locking the office door I quickly slipped out of my dress. As I stood there in
my black and red lace teddy and red stiletto “Fuck Me” pumps, I softly
whispered to him,

“Why wait
till you get home to her when you can have all of me right here and now, baby.”

Alton turned
around slowly in his chair.

“Nadiah what
are you doing here?”

“I came to
give you what belongs to you Alton, all of me.” I responded as I cupped my full
breasts and fondled them.

Alton didn’t
seem shocked at all to see me. He looked at me with a lustful gaze and licked
his soft, full lips.

“So you’re
gonna act right this time?”


Alton pushed
his chair back from his desk and spread his long legs apart. He slowly
unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks and rubbed the rapidly expanding bulge
between his legs. Alton leaned back in his chair and unbuttoned his shirt.

“You sure you
gonna act right this time?”

“Yes, Alton,
I promise.”

serious? Do you really want me back or do you just want to have sex with me?”

“Both, I want
you back and I want you to handle Miss Kitty the way that only you can.”

Alton stood
up and stripped naked then walked around to the front of his desk and beckoned
me over to him. His long, thick, erection expanded as he teasingly ran his
fingers up and down its full length. He picked me up as if I were weightless
and placed me on his desk. The simple display of his strength caused the
floodgates of my passion to open wide for him.

He placed the
first 2 fingers of his right hand into his mouth and wet them thoroughly. With
his left hand he pulled the delicate lace of the lingerie aside and placed his
long, moistened fingers into the warm, inviting softness between my legs. After
sampling the sweet evidence of my arousal, Alton plunged his long, nimble
fingers deep inside. I could no longer control the moans that escaped me. The
deep thrusts of his fingers brushed against my G-Spot over and over,
threatening to bring me to orgasm with each movement.

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