Georgia On My Mind (22 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Georgia On My Mind
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Paul never once considered the fact that Miss Priss and Teddy were in love. Honestly, he really didn’t give a rat’s ass. Paul knew that Teddy was a ladies’ man and more sexually experienced than Miss Priss and that’s all he really needed to know. He knew their relationship would end in disaster and he simply didn’t want Teddy mind fucking his baby sister.

What Paul didn’t realize was that Miss Priss had captured Teddy’s heart. He was chocolate dipped bananas over her and was willing to forsake all other women just to be with her. Nonetheless, to maintain the peace and rectify his differences with Paul, he agreed to stop seeing Miss Priss.

Pissed to the infinite power Miss Priss dared Paul to so much as look in EJ’s direction. Sensing that Paul was falling for EJ she knew she had him by the balls and she was not about to loosen her grip. Miss Priss thought that this was exactly the ammunition she needed to force Paul’s hand and get him to leave her and Teddy alone. But Paul was as stubborn as an old castrated bull and he would not budge on that issue. So, he agreed to never pursue EJ. Miss Priss and Teddy, with no other recourse, did the only thing they could; they continued to love each other behind Paul’s back. Their relationship was rocky and would have ended in disaster, but neither one of them could keep the other out of their head, their bed or their heart.


“So, what’s up with you for tonight?” Paul asked Teddy as they showered in the locker room after the brutal football practice.

“I don’t even know why you asked me that question. It’s Friday night and thanks to Coach I haven’t even had a whiff of pussy in a week. I’m going to find me a pair of legs that are open for business and I’m going to hang out there until Sunday night. That’s what I’m going to do. Why, what’s up with you?”

“I was thinking maybe we could take the girls out to dinner and play some pool afterwards.”

Teddy raised an eyebrow as he surveyed Paul’s face for just a hint of what the hell he was talking about. “Exactly, what girls are you talking about… because I know damn well that you’re not talking about Miss Priss and EJ.”

“Actually I was…”

“OH HELL NO!” Teddy complained. “Didn’t I just tell you what my agenda for the weekend involved?”

“Yeah but…”

“But what?  No, as a matter of fact don’t even answer that… Because I thought I made it quite clear that I was going to get some pussy! And I really don’t see how a platonic date with your sister and her friend is going to accomplish that mission.”

“Look, they are both barely speaking to us as it is. I promised them that we’d take them out tonight. Seriously, we’re kind of obligated to.”

“Obligated… How the hell do you figure that?” Teddy asked as he continued to lather the intimate crevices of his body.

“You know every time a nigga even considers asking one of them out we run his ass away! There’s not a nigga on this campus bold enough to even talk to either of them, let alone ask them out, because of the two of us. ”

“I wish a bitch would!” Teddy snorted as the thought of another man touching Miss Priss briefly crossed his mind. “Lord please just let a bitch try!”

“See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. If we’re not going to let anybody else take them out then we need to step up and take them out every now and then.”

“Teddy eyed Paul before testing the water. “Step up huh? So you cool with me and Miss Priss…”

  Paul abruptly interrupted, “Don’t even fuckin think about it! You know ain’t shit changed, so don’t even fuckin play!”

“Then like I said before… Hell No! Besides, Miss Priss barely says hello to me anymore, thanks to you, your hang-ups and your stupid ass, monkey bullshit! So, Hell to the Fuckin No!”

“My bullshit? What the hell did I do?” Paul asked shocked.

“Nigga! Are you really going to play that game? You know what you did…”

“Grow the fuck up! You and Miss Priss both need to let that bullshit go! It wasn’t going to work anyway. And answer me this… Why the hell do you want to sleep with my sister, my twin sister at that? Dude that shit’s just nasty!”

“Why is it nasty?” The handsome Teddy asked as he shampooed his close cut hair.

“She’s my twin sister, need I say more. It’s the equivalent of fucking me!”

“FYI, Miss Priss don’t look a damn thing like you! I kind of wish she did, then we wouldn’t have a problem… with your ugly ass self. I should have just gone after EJ instead then we wouldn’t even be having this damn conversation.” He joked.

“Oh yeah? I guess you really want to get fucked up now!” Paul warned. “Miss Priss would cold beat your monkey ass and then I’d finish you off.”

“Yeah, I knew your ass didn’t want to hear that bullshit!” Teddy laughed. “You need to just go ahead and handle that. You know you want to anyway. Stop fighting the inevitable.”

“You need to stop playing, that girl’s like my sister. Besides, Miss Priss would beat my ass for even entertaining the thought.”

“That girl is a woman and she is absolutely in no way related to you or Miss Priss! She isn’t your little sister, which makes her fair fuckin game. You need to just wear that ass the fuck out!”

“Sister or not, she’s not on the menu so just let it go. Look, let’s just take them out and after that I’m sure you’ll find a pair of legs still open for your unique brand of bullshit… I mean business.”

“I’m sure I will.” Teddy mumbled to himself as he deviously devised a plan to get Miss Priss alone for the weekend.

Chapter 3

Love Does Not Hold Grudges

Paul and Teddy arrived to pick up Miss Priss and EJ in separate vehicles. Teddy had successfully convinced Paul that he had a weekend date after their platonic date with the girls. Paul never suspected that Teddy’s hot date was Miss Priss.

Hotter than the noon day sun shining over the equator Miss Priss was a vision of beauty. Tall at five feet nine but nowhere near Teddy’s six foot five frame Miss Priss almost stood eye to eye with him in her five inch stiletto heels. Teddy stared into her big brown eyes and conceded that he would always love her. Thick, long curly dark brown hair danced across her bare shoulders as Teddy helped her into his blood red, chromed out Lincoln Navigator.

“Stop frowning… You’re too pretty to pucker your face up like that.”

“If that’s your way of telling me that I look nice then you can keep it.” Miss Priss responded as she rolled her eyes and looked away from Teddy as he buckled his seat belt and started the engine. She was so mad at him that she could slap him.

“OK, first you didn’t even give me a chance to say anything to you. Second, Miss Priss I get that you’re mad, but damn… can you just let it go for tonight.”

“Why should I Bear? Huh? You think I don’t know that you plan to go lay up with some fugly ass skank the second you leave me? How do you think that shit makes me feel? Huh? You know what… don’t even answer that question. It’s obvious to the whole world that you don’t give a fuck about me.”

Teddy drew a deep breath and sighed. It bothered him that over the years they had drifted so far apart. He knew it was his fault. In order to thoroughly prove to Paul that his relationship with Miss Priss was strictly platonic Teddy had to conduct the Teddy Bear Express. Besides, rolling with a different woman almost every night prevented him from developing feeling for anyone other than Miss Priss. Truth be told he didn’t sleep with even a fraction of the women that he took out on a date. Trying to explain that to Miss Priss was hopeless and honestly he knew that there really was no explanation for his behavior.

“Prissy after all these years you have to know how I really feel about you… don’t you?”

Miss Priss refused to even look his way, “Yeah, I know that you don’t give a shit about me. I’m just another hole for you to stick your raggedy dick in when you’re bored. If that’s what you mean? If you actually cared about me you wouldn’t treat me the way you do.”

Teddy watched as Paul maneuvered his Escalade out of the apartment complex parking lot. As the truck disappeared out of sight he cut his engine and took off his seat-belt He hoped that it wouldn’t come to this but it was time for a showdown.

“If that’s how you feel then just get out my truck.” He commanded.

“What? What did you just say?” Miss Priss looked at him shocked.

“You heard me! Get out the damn truck. I’m not taking your ass nowhere tonight if you are going to act salty like this all damn night!” He challenged.

“Fuck you Bear! I’m not going anywhere. So you can just kiss my ass!”

“Fine! That’s how you want to play it?”

Teddy snatched his keys from the ignition and exited the truck. Miss Priss watched in horror as he came to her side of the vehicle, snatched the door open and physically removed her from the truck.

“Get the Fuck off of me Bear! I fuckin hate your ass! FUCK YOU! I don’t need you to take me no fuckin where you cheating ass bastard!” She screamed in his face. “I fucking hate you and I hate Paul and fuck both of you bitches! You ruined my whole fucking life with your bullshit! You fuckin male hoe!” She screamed as she began to cry.

Teddy watched as she melted completely down and everything she felt poured out fowl and explosive like verbal diarrhea. He even watched as her hand raised and slapped him hard across his cheek. It stung like hell, but he allowed it to land without defending it. Hell he even gave her the second one, but he grabbed her hand as she raised it the third time.

Pissed she drew the other hand to fire, but Teddy caught that one as well. Holding them tight he quickly pulled her into him hard and smothered her mouth with his as his hot body pressed against hers. Pinning her against the truck in one fluid motion he feverishly sought her tongue with his as he sucked on her mouth. Emotionally bankrupt, but so sold out in love with him Miss Priss gave in to his passionate kiss and his sensual embrace.

Teddy’s dick was as hard as an uncut, raw, African diamond. He wanted her and he wanted her now! His hands took the liberty of roaming all over her body while his mouth continued to suck on hers as if it held the key to life. Miss Priss knew the look in his eyes as he asked for approval as he lifted her high in his arms. She straddled his waist with her thick, bare thighs and allowed him to grind his hard spot against her now wet spot. Miss Priss knew exactly what he wanted and oh hell yeah… she wanted it too!

Seeking permission with his sexy eyes Miss Priss enthusiastically nodded yes like a broken Bobble Head Doll. Receiving the green light, Teddy quickly opened the door to the backseat of the truck and they climbed in. Miss Priss was dressed in a sexy but short, strapless mini dress, no stockings and no bra. It took less than a New York second before Teddy had her down to her bright fluorescent pink thong.

Laying her on her back he continued to suck on her mouth while his long slender fingers found the wet spot between her thighs that his mouth craved. Locating her swollen clit he began to play and old familiar tune on it that Miss Priss knew oh so well. She squirmed to no avail as he drove her mad with the preciseness of his skilled hand. Fingering her within in an inch of an orgasmic explosion he redirected his mouth to her ample breasts. Suckling them like a newborn baby tasting milk for the very first time Teddy quickly got lost in titty heaven.

Sensing that they both were reaching the boiling point and quickly running out of time, Miss Priss decided to take matters in her own hands. Reaching between their bodies she quickly unzipped Teddy’s jeans and released the long thick, chocolate colored Alabama black snake that strained to be free. Grabbing it by the base she methodically stroked it into submission causing it to instantly double in size and its head to leak baby making venom. Teddy was a big man with a really big dick and Miss Priss absolutely loved it, but she wasn’t willing to die for it.

“Do you have a condom?” She asked as she continued to gently slow stroke the baseball bat that hung proudly from Teddy’s pants.

“Yes… Take your panties off while I get ready for you.” He commanded as he quickly fished a condom from his wallet.

“OK, we’d better hurry up before they come back looking for us.”

“We’ve got a little time before they miss us. Don’t worry this is just going to be a quickie. We’re going to the ranch house for the weekend. Okay?” Teddy asked as he pulled his jeans down and strapped up.

Miss Prissy nodded yes before stripping her thong off and climbing in Teddy’s lap. Teddy sucked her mouth in his as he helped her slowly receive his engorged dick in her wet pussy. Taking as much as she dared take, in that position, she slowly began to bounce up and down on Teddy’s hard joy stick.

It had been over a month since they were intimate. Miss Priss had somehow found out that Teddy took that nasty ass, backdoor trick, Zoey Chandler to Florida for an impromptu weekend getaway. Furious that he didn’t consider asking her to go she almost lost her damn mind. She was absolutely livid. Vowing to never speak to Teddy again she refused his apology, his calls, his gifts, and his advances. Unable to let it go until tonight she cut him off and ended what was left of their five year, secret affair.

Teddy knew that the only chance that he had of reconciliation involved letting her vent her frustration. He started the fight for that one simple reason. He wanted to spend the weekend with Miss Priss and he knew they had to clear the air of all the bullshit that strangled their relationship in order for that to happen.

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