Georgia On My Mind (19 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Georgia On My Mind
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“Oh hell no!  Not again.  What the hell is up now?” She groaned as she quietly cracked the bedroom door to hear the conversation.

“Where were you last night?  I must have called you ten times.”

“I was here.  Why?  What's wrong?”

“Nothing... I just thought something happened to you.”

“Well, as you can see, I'm fine.”

“Yeah, but what were you doing?  You didn't hear the phone?  I tried every line in this place. Hell! I even sent you an email and a fax.”

“Chase, I get it.  Let it go... I’m fine and everything here is fine... And could you please do me a favor and lower your voice?” Rashawn deflected as he unconsciously looked towards the Master Suite.

“Oh my God!  You have a woman here.  Don't you?  Who is she?” Chase asked shocked.

“What?  I don't know what you're talking about.  Don't you have something for me? And I’m not going to tell you to lower your voice again.” Rashawn warned as he tried to evade the whole line of questioning.

“Oh, so that's how you going to play me?  Huh, Rashawn?  Alright... I see what type of game this is.” Chase whispered.

There's silence from this point and the suspense was killing Peaches.  She quickly slipped on her clothes. After taking a moment to smooth her morning after hair, she followed the muffled voices that now led to the kitchen.

Chase was making a pot of coffee and Rashawn was going over some papers that appeared to be a contract of some sort. “Don’t be bringing no gold digging hoochies with nasty koochies up in here. Take their ass to the Motel 6, that’s all I’m saying.” She mumbled beneath her breath, although she knew Rashawn could hear her.

“Enough already Chase! Let it go and stay out of my personal business!” Rashawn nonchalantly warned as he continued to look over the paperwork.

“I'm sorry… I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Don’t mind me, finish your conversation. What were you saying Chase? Keep talking, I just came to get a cup of coffee.” Peaches sarcastically said as she cautiously entered the room and eyed the two of them.

Chase eyes widened and her mouth dropped open the moment she heard Peaches' voice. “Oh my God, it's Peaches.” She murmured in utter shock.

“Chase can you give us a moment?”

“No Chase, please stay.  I'm curious… How do you know Peanut?”

“Peanut?  Who's Peanut?” She asked Rashawn, confused.

“I'm Peanut.  Look I'll explain later.  Can you please give me a moment to talk to Peaches alone?”

“Why does she have to leave? Huh, Peanut?  No!  Let her stay.  Chase is something going on between you two?  What is Rashawn to you?”

“Don't answer that.  Wait for me in the study.”

Chase looked at Rashawn totally confused, but quickly gathered her things and headed for the study.

“What's going on Peanut?  And please don't even think about lying to me.  How do you know Chase?  And why didn't you tell me about her last night before we... I trusted you! How could you?”

“Peaches it's not what you think...”

“It never is... So, answer the damn question.”

“Look Peaches, I need to tell you something...  Something, I should have told you a long time ago.  Actually, I've been trying to tell you this since we ran into each other that night at the restaurant.”

“What? Who is she? Huh Peanut? Your baby mama?  Your boo?  Your jump off?  What?” Peaches is pissed. “Answer me Peanut!” 

“Just stop! Chase is my personal assistant.”

“Your what?  What the hell does a landscaper need with a damn personal assistant?  Come on Peanut... Do I look like a fuckin idiot to you? You can do better than that!”

“Peaches, I'm not a landscaper.  I'm The Hit Man.” Rashawn blurted out under pressure.

“You're a hit man?  What the hell is going on?  Somebody better tell me something before they get hit!”

“I'm not a hit man.  I am The Hit Man.  I'm Rashawn Martin!”

“Peanut I know your damn name!  What does that have to do with this?”

“What I'm trying to tell you is that I am the new First Baseman for the Atlanta Braves. They call me The Hit Man, because of my batting average.  I'm not unemployed… I am a Major League Baseball Player.  I'm not homeless…  All of this… Everything you see here is mine… And I have a home in Los Angeles and Jamaica.  Chase is not my girlfriend. I don’t have kids, so she’s certainly not my baby mama! She’s my personal assistant… And trust me, there is absolutely nothing going on between us.  I'm in love with you. And I have been in love with you since the night I ran into you at the restaurant.” Rashawn confessed. “So just calm down.”

“Get the fuck out of here, Peanut!  You must think that I'm Boo- Boo Kitty the Damn Dumb Ass Fuckin Fool!” Peaches laughed.

Rashawn looked puzzled.  He could not believe that Peaches didn't believe him. “What's so funny?  It's true!” 

“No it’s not and stop lying!” She laughed. “Seriously? Is that the best lie you could come up with? If you fucking Chase, just say I’m fucking Chase!”

“What? Peaches! I am not fucking Chase. I haven’t slept with another woman since we reconnected! And Question…Exactly which part of my story you find so hard to believe?”

Peaches laughed harder. “None of it!  Not a damn word.  Oh my God, that's funny as hell.  No seriously... What's going on between you and Chase?”

“You actually don't believe me do you?  Okay I can prove it.  Chase come here please.” Chase, who had been ease dropping from the foyer the entire time quickly returned. “Chase, tell Peaches who I am.”

“Peaches it's true. It's all true. You're the one. Big Daddy's in love with you.”

Peaches abruptly stopped laughing as she looked back and forth between Rashawn and Chase. “What? Wait a minute… You're Big Daddy?”

A Broad sexy grin transformed Rashawn’s handsome face. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

“So, this house, the cars and… Oh my God, all the money belongs to you?” 

Rashawn did not say a single word.  He simply gave her a slow affirmative nod.

“Then I must be Lucky Girl... Chase is this true? Am I Lucky Girl?” Peaches asked stunned as she tried to piece it all together.

“Yeah it's all true.” Chase, who was misty eyed, confirmed what Rashawn said. “And yes, Peaches… You are an extremely lucky girl!”

Peaches swooned and collapsed back into a chair at the table.  Rashawn quickly ran to her aid. “Peaches!  Are you alright?”

“Oh my God! I think I just had a damn stroke.  No wait a minute it's an orgasm.  Shit! I was right the first time- it's definitely a damn stroke.” Peaches declared as she stared blankly out in space, frozen like a marble statue.

“Breathe Peaches! Breathe!” Rashawn yelled as he tried to revive her. “Chase get her some water. Peaches are you okay? Peaches! Talk to me!”

Peaches blinked three times and then snapped out of it. “I'm okay!  I just need a minute to digest all of this!  Just give me a second Peanut.” Peaches said as she quickly gulped down the glass of water.  “That's some good water, but do you have anything stronger?  That's not going to get it. I need some alcohol for this one! Grab a bottle of wine from the frig Chase.”

Chase immediately ran to the refrigerator and retrieved a bottle of wine. Searching for a cork screw she hurried to open it.

“Stop playing Peaches! She's fine Chase. Don’t worry about her, she’s just kidding around.” Rashawn laughed.

“No I’m not Chase. Girl open that wine!” She yelled to Chase.

“Okay Peaches! I got it!” Chase responded as she quickly uncorked the wine and handed Peaches a big glass.

Peaches took a big gulp of the wine as she eyed the drop dead gorgeous Rashawn. Quickly emptying the glass she returned the glass to Chase and turned her attention back to Rashawn.

“So you're The Hit Man.” Peaches tried to clarify what she just heard.

“That's what they call me.” Rashawn proudly grinned.

“And you play First Base for the Atlanta Braves.”

“I do now. They signed me right before I left for LA! Yelp! I’m an Atlanta Brave.” Rashawn smiled and nodded yes.

“So I guess you have to be a pretty fast runner, to play first base and earn the title The Hit Man. Yeah you always were a fast nigga.”

Rashawn looked puzzled. “Yeah I guess. I’m not the fastest guy on the team, but I’m pretty fast. Why?”

“I just wanted to know if I needed to give your ass a head start!”

Realizing what she had planned.  Rashawn jumped up to run and Peaches quickly chased him. “I'm going to beat your little ass, Peanut!” 

“Okay! Okay! Just calm down Peaches!” Rashawn laughed as he narrowly escaped her grasp.

“Calm down my ass! I’m going to kill you!” She screamed.

“Just let me explain!”

“Explain what? Huh Peanut? You can run, but you can't hide. All this damn time I was worried about you finding work and making ends meet and you're a damn multi- millionaire!  Why didn't you tell me, Peanut?” She screamed as they ran around the kitchen in a game of cat and mouse that came to a standoff at the big, country, kitchen table.

“Stop playing, Peaches.  I tried to tell you several times, but you wouldn't let me.  After a while I didn't know how to tell you.  You wouldn't have believed me anyway.”

Rashawn continued to playfully duck and dodge Peaches in a crazy game of keep away. Peaches was fast, but the athletic, agile Rashawn was as quick and nimble as a African gazelle about to be eaten by a lion. Laughing hysterically he jumped over furniture to evade her as Peaches chased him. Finally, he surrendered and allowed her to catch him. Peaches body tackled him and they fell onto the plush sofa in the great room.  Frustrated and pissed, Peaches rained down a barrage of playful slaps and bunches, which all landed on his forearm. Laughing hysterically, Rashawn pulled her into his strong arms and kissed her full in the mouth. Caught up and so in love with that man Peaches gave in to his hungry passion and they melted away in a searing kiss.

“I love you, Georgia Porter.” Rashawn conceded.

“I love you more, Rashawn Martin.” Peaches assured him as she covered his mouth with a smoldering hot kiss.

“It's a damn shame you got to give all of this up to marry Charles cheating ass for financial security.” Rashawn teased as they resurfaced for air.

“Charles who?” Peaches giggled as she tasted Rashawn's lips.

“That's all I wanted to hear.” Rashawn grinned before drawing Peaches into another fiery lovers embrace.

Chapter 34

Less than six months later the meticulously manicured lawn of Rashawn's estate was lavishly decorated and transformed into a lush garden oasis. Beautiful exotic flowers and plants from around the world were flown in for a luxurious, lake front wedding and reception. Over five hundred guests anxiously looked on as the happy Bride and Groom shared their first dance as man and wife.  

“So, are you happy Mrs. Rashawn Martin?” Rashawn asked as he dotes on his beautiful Bride. Holding her tight in his arms they sway to the rhythm of a slow classic love song, Endless Love.

“I'm ecstatic Big Daddy.  What about you my breathtakingly handsome, husband? Are you happy?”

“Extremely!  I'm happy you decided to marry me for love, instead of marrying Charles for money.” Rashawn teased.

“You’re never going to stop teasing me about that, are you?” Peaches laughed.

“Umm, let me think… No! I don’t think so!” He burst into laughter. “Oh God! I can still see your face when you found out who I was! Priceless!”

Peaches giggled. “You laugh, but I think I had a stroke that day.”

“I thought you said it was an orgasm?” Rashawn’s sexy voice teasingly whispered in her ear.

“Yeah, I think I had one of those too!” She murmured as the guests clinked their glasses for the couple to kiss. Rashawn eyes met hers briefly as he swept her into a breath snatching kiss. “I love you Rashawn, with or without the money. You know that right?”

“Yeah, I figured that out when you thought I was a homeless man cutting my friends grass and sucking his dick for a living.” He chuckled as he sampled her lips. “Seriously, I’ve always loved you, Peaches? I’d give everything I owned up just to be with you. I’m just glad you’re happy.”

“Oh I’m happy alright… I'm happy Charles turned out to be the ass wipe that you always said he was!” Peaches laughed. “If not we'd never found our way to each other.  And I would have missed out on the true love of my life.”

“Amen to that.” Rashawn declared as he gently sampled his Bride’s lips. “You know, I'm convinced that it was destiny that brought us together.  I remember when I was ten I prayed to become a professional baseball player so that I could steal you away from Charles.”

“You know what? God sure has a funny way of aligning the stars and the moon so that everything works out the way that it’s supposed to be. Cause you were a terrible ball player at ten. You couldn’t hit a volley ball with a bat to save your little life. Pathetic!” Peaches laughed.

“Yeah, I know. You don’t have to remind me!” He chuckled.  “That's why all of this is such a miracle.”

“Speaking of miracles... I half expected to see Miracle here.” Peaches joked as she looked around and pretended to search the crowd for Miracle. “I don’t see her. Her flight must have been delayed.”

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