Gents 4 Ladies (4 page)

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Authors: Dez Burke

BOOK: Gents 4 Ladies
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She allowed herself to be coaxed onto the dance floor and pulled close to him. She drew in a deep breath, smelling the musky scent of his aftershave.

“Do you desire me?” he asked softly, gazing into her eyes. “I mean, do you find me attractive, sexually stimulating?”

Tiana swallowed imperceptibly. There was no lying about this, or beating round the bush. “You know I do. You’re a very handsome man as I’m sure you’re well aware.”

He smiled, pleased. “Good. Because I feel the same. And it’s not always like that. For many, it’s just a job. But it’s not that way with you. I can sense that.”

“Thanks…I think,” she said with a nervous laugh, trying not to squirm as his thumb began to brush caressingly over the sensitized skin of her knuckles. Oh my God, I think I’m getting wet just with him stroking my hand, she thought with an inner wail. She really needed to get a serious grip. He was a professional, Tiana had to remind herself. It was part of his skill-set to know how to thrill a woman with his touch, his voice, his words. That was his stock in trade. To make a woman feel wanted.

And yet, here he was telling her it wasn’t just business as usual with her. He was telling her this was different, special.

But then he probably said that to all his clients, that inner voice told her. So Tiana valiantly warned herself to be on her guard, and keep her emotions locked safely away. Tonight was almost over.

Her boss had gone big-eyed in the receiving line when Tiana had introduced Jordan as her date so overall the night had been a raging success. Jordan had definitely been worth every cent.

Mission completed.



Chapter Four


Jordan could feel her going cold on him.

Had he come on too strong? Maybe he’d overdone things with his “intense” attitude. He wasn’t sure. But he knew one thing: he was slowly losing the plot here, and he had to step back and ask if he really, really wanted to go through with this.

Tiana was a beautiful, smart woman. And young too, which made it all a great surprise that she was doing this, paying for male companionship. One of the first things she’d done soon after he arrived was to slip an envelope across to him. Inside had been the steep amount of dollars it was “costing” her for his company for the evening. That had been his chance, he knew, to tell her the truth. And there were many more opportunities after that. But he didn’t; he took the money. He sat there, he flirted with her, and tried to get into her mind without really showing it.

Jordan was insanely attracted to her, intrigued, and at the same time, confounded. He wasn’t sure now what he was getting himself into. It would be over in a few hours, and they would never see each other again. He’d go home, and soon get to the bottom of who did this and why, and his photo and details would be deleted from that escort website. Tiana would have gotten her night of pleasure, and he…well, he would have done a really, really bad thing.

No, maybe not bad: just dishonest. Because, it didn’t really matter if it was him or some other guy; Tiana
intended to hire a male escort for the evening, hadn’t she? And well, here he was, fulfilling that role. He considered himself as articulate, accomplished and good-looking as any she could have picked to be her companion and sexual partner that night. She had shown some surprise at him being so “genteel” as she’d called it. Had she expected someone with a bit more rough edges? For some reason, Jordan hated to disappoint…




“Do you want to go dancing somewhere else after the reception is over?” he asked suddenly. Tiana looked up in surprise.

“You really want to ask a black woman that?” she retorted with a playful smile, then added with a shrug, “Yes. Sure. Why?”

“Well, I know a good club not too far from here. Has a steampunk theme plus fantastic cocktails
the best DJ mixes this side of the coast. Interested?”

“Well…um…” Tiana wasn’t that bad on her feet.

“It’s all part of the package, Tiana. You’re getting what you paid for; a fantastic evening out. And that’s not going to be complete without some rump-shaking on a hot, crowded dance floor. Bright lights, great music to get the blood pumping just enough to take us to the next level. What do you say?”

Damn, this guy’s good, Tiana thought with appreciation. He could charm a bird off a tree. He could talk her into anything with that deep, sexily refined voice of his as well as his infectious smile. And he was right. She had paid for it, so why not take advantage?

“As soon as we can slip out unnoticed, let’s get out of here!” Tiana replied, already grinning.


* * *


Dancing always made Tiana lose a lot of her inhibitions. The atmosphere at the club was just right, and the crowd was so alive she was drawn in before she knew it. What made it all more exciting was having Jordan there, jamming right in with the club scene as he moved with her to the pumping sounds.

It was a blend of everything; all the top hits sampled with all the popular dance beats. Once the music started to really get into her, plus the glasses of well mixed cocktails, Tiana allowed herself to let go for the first time in months. Grinding up against Jordan, feeling his hands on her hips or waist as he danced right along with her gave her the most exhilarating feeling.

He felt comfortable with the music and the scene, making Tiana realize he was indeed a man with many facets. He’d discarded his jacket and looked even more gorgeously laid back as he swayed along with her to the slow jam the DJ had just spun. With her back against his chest, Tiana turned her head to the side and felt Jordan nuzzle his face in her neck. His grip tightened on her waist as he tugged her even more snugly up against him, leaving her in no doubt of his masculinity as she felt something thrillingly solid stir within the grove of her ass.

Tension building, arousal deepening…Tiana lost all sense of time and place for the moment as she reveled in the sensation of being this close to a virile man like Jordan. It still amazed her how at ease she felt around him, and how well they flowed together not just dancing, but when they talked.

The more time she spent with him, the happier she was that she’d been able to do this. When they said their goodbyes at the end of the night, she’d still go away with the knowledge that she’d had the best time since, what felt like forever. Being in the company of a charming, handsome and exciting male certainly did a lot of things for a girl’s ego. And sometimes, like now, when he growled deep in his throat as she rocked her rump just so against the burgeoning bulge in his groin, she almost forgot that she was paying for every second of his time. But even that did nothing to sour her mood, not when she sensed he was as attracted to her as she was to him. They would never see each other after tonight, but it was clear they had
between them that overrode the fact that he was simply a male escort hired for one evening of companionship…




“I needed a last minute date to show my boss that a black woman can still find a good man,” she blurted out suddenly, surprising him as she turned round in the circle of his arms to face him

“What?” Jordan asked, a startled grin crossing his lips.

“I’m answering your question. The one you asked earlier at dinner, about why I’m doing this. Well, I mean, I know I asked you first, but…”


“No, I’d like to finish. That woman has always put me down for one reason or another, her latest being that I can’t find a decent man. Because I’m black, I guess. So…I came up with this bright idea to bring a gorgeous, sexy man as my date to her wedding. The only problem was none of my male friends would go with me! And I’d seen the Gents4Ladies website on Wendy Williams so I figured, why not? And the fact that you’re white made it even better.” She giggled as she stumbled against him.

Jordan caught her to him, wrapping an arm around her waist with a lop-sided smile on his face. “Are you having a good time?” Jordan asked, his voice light and a little teasing.

“Can’t you tell?” she asked, laughing gaily as she flung her arms around his neck. She giggled again, feeling silly but unable to help herself especially after the champagne at the wedding and cocktails here at the club.

She slowly stopped laughing, her eyes serious as they held his for a moment. “Can I ask you something?”

“No,” he said promptly, but he was smiling. So she asked him anyway.

“It doesn’t matter either way, but…I guess I’m really curious,” Tiana went on musingly, “Would I be someone you’d be interested in physically, on a good day? I mean, if you weren’t being hired for the evening.”

“You mean, would I sleep with you for free?” he asked humorously. “Yes, definitely.”

She slapped his chest in mock-anger, and he re-phrased, “Not trying to flatter you, Tiana, and this is just hypothetical, but – yes, you are certainly someone I’d be attracted to and would want to, I don’t know, even try out a relationship with.”

“You’re so sweet,” Tiana purred, leaning into him, tipping her head back, their lips almost brushing as her gaze grew hooded, sultry as his factual words sent a thrill of irrepressible pleasure through her…




Jordan felt his body tense as Tiana’s lips drew close. He was losing his cool here, forgetting to play Mr. Suave and instead of doing the enticing, was getting highly enticed himself. Her body so close against him, her feminine, sweet-hot scent, was very, very distracting. He couldn’t think straight, or remember what he was supposed to say next. Something cool, confident, charming? His mind was a white, lust-filled blank.

“What time do you turn back into a pumpkin?” she mumbled, her hands clutching his shirt front, her eyes smoky.

“Not until the sun comes up in the morning,” he replied huskily, not recognizing his own voice which was no more than a rasp. “Can I take you home?”

Tiana smiled, bit on her bottom lip, and nodded.




“Oh my God, Alyssa, he’s amazing! He’s everything I’d have hoped he’d be. Very handsome, fun to be with, and cool. Oh, and sexy as hell.”

Tiana was in the ladies’ room of the club, fulfilling her promise to call Alyssa to let her know if the evening turned out well with Jordan. Alone in the plush rest room, she could talk freely on the phone with her friend.

“So what’s happened so far?” Alyssa asked with obvious excitement for her.

“Well; we had a great time at the wedding and reception. I mean, as great as you can have at a stupid event like that. You should’ve seen Pam’s face when I introduced Jordan to her. Oh my God! It was all so worth it for that moment. And then we left to go clubbing…and he’s just finished dancing me off my feet at this swanky nightclub. He even offered to take me home.”

“Take you home? Wait a minute! That’s not part of the deal, is it? Are you sure you know what you’re getting into?” A worried note crept into Alyssa’s tone.
“Oh, it’ll be fine. No big deal.” Sobering slightly, she added, “I just wanted to say…thanks, Alyssa. For talking me into this. Tonight, I got a taste of the fun and unconventional side of me, and I like it. I think I’m going to be that me more often.”

“I like this new you,” Alyssa said softly in reply. “And I hope she sticks around. Do your thing, Tiana. Enjoy.”




He’d returned to their table and now that he found himself alone, Jordan thought, this was it. There wasn’t going to be any turning back now.

He reminded himself this was a crazy, dangerous game, and this was his last chance to put a stop to it. He could leave right now, while she was gone. And then send her money back to her somehow, explaining why he hadn’t been able to go through with it. Or she could come back, and he’d tell her the truth. Apologize, and then leave.

But Jordan knew none of that was going to happen. After all, she’d paid for his services and he meant to make sure she got them.

By the time Tiana returned, he was back in the gigolo mode. Let’s do this, he said to himself, taking her hand and walking with her out of the club.




Jordan hadn’t really come out tonight with any play by play drawn up or some kind of to-do list concerning how this would go.

He’d just decided to do whatever felt natural; go with the flow and see where it led him.

In fact, he’d never actually thought they’d get to this part, but here they were. About to become lovers. The moment he’d walked into her apartment with her, he knew that nothing but the world coming to an abrupt end could stop him from making hot, pounding and all-night love to this beautiful, sexy woman.

So yeah: go with the flow; do what his senses told him, Jordan decided. And right then his senses were telling him to kiss Tiana until those plump, honey-toned lips of hers grew plumper with passion.

Eyes burning into hers, Jordan backed her up against the sturdy coffee table before hoisting her by the waist and placing her on the polished surface.

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