Gents 4 Ladies (2 page)

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Authors: Dez Burke

BOOK: Gents 4 Ladies
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Was that why some people - both men and women - liked the idea of no-strings escorts? Was it for the taste of the exotic and the forbidden brought to an otherwise everyday existence? Tiana liked to think so. It was certainly true she had her own reasons, yet she was sure that not everyone who sought the companionship of escorts was lonely or desperate for a last-minute date – which just happened to be true in her case.

But for now, she was looking forward to an evening with Jordan, her very own male escort...




Once he hung up his call with Tiana, Jordan quickly called his closest friend Tommy and asked that they meet - pronto.

"How about we hook up later for drinks, man. I’m kinda busy...” Tommy said distractedly.

“Tommy, I need to see you now. It’s an emergency. Look, I’ll come by your office. I can be there in fifteen minutes,” Jordan said hurriedly.

Tommy sounded doubtful as he said, “Okay, man. If it’s that important.”

“Trust me, it is,” Jordan said, his jaw tight. And then he was rushing out of his office, throwing instructions over his shoulder to his secretary that he’d be gone for the rest of the day. He had a glimpse of her amazed expression, and smiled a little to himself. He was certainly acting out of character, that was for sure. The woman would be wondering what ever must have happened to her very calm, collected and hard-to-faze boss? Well, Jordan was fazed like hell right then. And he needed answers...




“Honestly, Jordan, you don’t think I’m behind this?”

Jordan looked studiously at his friend, who was staring at the computer screen where they were both viewing the male escort site where Jordan was so prominently displayed.

“If not you, who else could it be? You’re the only person I know with such a warped sense of humor!”

“Anyone else but me,” Tommy said, throwing up his hands. “I don’t even have the imagination to think up something like this. Trust me man, this is way out of what even I would be capable of. Way out of line. I mean, this is…this is cruel.”

Once again Jordan studied Tommy’s face, and saw that the guy looked wounded, surprised, even dismayed. But then he ruined it by adding with a lop-sided grin, “So, you already got your first customer, huh?”


“Hey, I mean, check it out, pal,” Tommy said. “Some escorts have been on here for months probably, and don’t even get a call. But your profile gets put up and in just a week, you’ve already been…hired for a job.” Tommy wasn’t even trying to keep a straight face anymore, and Jordan scowled.

“How come you know it’s only been up for a week?” he asked suspiciously, and Tommy paused.

He then pointed to a line just beneath Jordan’s photo, at the bottom of the page. “Says right here, joined July 16th. That’s one week ago.”

Jordan still looked suspicious, but then he said, “You see, I didn’t even notice something like that. But with you being a lawyer, you’re certainly more observant. Maybe we can get to the bottom of this, together. At least now I know how long since my photo and personal details have been put up.”

“It’s got to be someone with a grudge,” Tommy said, shrugging. “This goes beyond a joke man. I mean, your personal phone number, your picture and everything – this is no friendly, every day prank. Someone really wanted to annoy the shit out of you. Someone very vindictive.”

Tommy’s words made Jordan’s brain click, and he suddenly said, “You think it’s Chloe?”

Tommy stopped short, and realization dawned. “You know, it actually could be.”

Jordan gritted his teeth as he looked at his friend and knew the guy was thinking exactly what he was thinking. Chloe, his ex-girlfriend. Ex-fiancée to be exact. They’d just broken up three weeks ago, and he hadn’t seen nor heard from her since then.

“So, this looks like something she would do?” Jordan mused.

“Dude, you dumped her. Two months to the wedding. And she really had her heart set on you, you know. And then there’s that saying about a woman scorned. Maybe she just wanted to have a laugh, teach you a lesson. This isn’t really hurting anyone, is it?”

“How can you say that?” Jordan gasped. “Tom, I’m a well-respected financial consultant. People entrust their businesses, their whole incomes, to me to look after. I’m a responsible man of commerce with whole corporations on my client list. How would it look like if it comes out I’m shadowing as a male escort in my spare time? Offering strange women companionship for money and Lord knows what else?” he said, his eyes on the screen as he read down his profile.

Tommy smirked. “I’m not sure, man. But since she didn’t exactly specify you as “straight”…”

“So in essence, I’m also offering my service to guys, too? Is this a gay site?”

“Maybe,” Tommy said, obviously struggling to control his urge to laugh.

“You think this is funny, don’t you?” Jordan growled, glaring at him.

And with that, Tommy simply collapsed into laughter. Jordan waited with cool patience for several minutes as Tommy figuratively rolled on the floor in helpless mirth.

“Look, I’m sorry man,” Tommy gasped when he could finally breathe and speak at the same time. He was holding his belly and he strove to get his merriment under control. “I know it’s low, laughing about it, but you’ve got to see there’s a light side in this situation somewhere.”

“I don’t see it,” Jordan said, deadpan. “I don’t see how the hell this can be funny. I just got a call this afternoon from a strange woman named Tiana, and she has effectively booked me for an evening. Attending a wedding with her might not be so bad, but what if she is expecting other services for her money? Is that even legal?”

Tommy was staring at Jordan. “No. And to get around it the website explicitly states no sexual favors in exchange for money, but hey, it’s an escort site. What the hell do you think she’s paying for? Think about it. That’s so…hot, man.”

Jordan glared at him again, but he had to admit, it was. And that was part of the reason why he hadn’t had the heart to stop her; part of him had been curious to find out what exactly this woman wanted. His curiosity had been pricked; once he got to realize she may not be in on the prank, but was actually an innocent client-to-be, he’d started having the strangest ideas…

Jordan was the kind of guy who liked to try everything at least once, and he certainly had some experience with some other out-of-the-ordinary stuff. He’d even been cuffed to a bed once or twice, he’d confess. But at least, he’d done these things with a girlfriend, someone he knew and trusted. So why was he even considering maybe pulling off the bluff and actually meeting this strange woman?

“You’re thinking of doing it, aren’t you?” Tommy asked, breaking into Jordan’s thoughts. His voice was hushed, and tinged with something like envy. “You sly old dog.”

“I don’t know!” Jordan exclaimed. “I’m not sure what one does in a situation like this. I mean, when she called me and started talking, I just blanked out. It was like I was on some joke TV show. I kept expecting someone to burst in and say I just got “prank-called” or something.”

Tommy let out a “whoosh”, and then said soberly, “Look, you don’t have to do this, Jordan. Just call her up and tell her the truth. I mean what if she’s some psychopath serial killer? I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He actually looked sincerely concerned. Jordan was touched, really.

“Neither do I,” Jordan muttered. “So how can you help me? You’re a lawyer; you must know someone good with investigating. Is it possible to find out who posted my profile?”

Tommy stroked his chin thoughtfully. “You know, I might actually do. There’s this guy, some kind of hacker, but officially, he works as a computer programmer. He helped me out with a simple case of online identity theft some months ago. He just might know how to find the person who’s done this. Maybe trace the computer or IP address or email from where it was posted…”

“Great,” Jordan said, gripping Tommy’s shoulder. “Get him on it. I really don’t want to involve the police just yet.”

“Why not?” Jordan…,” Tommy said warningly, as his friend rose to his feet. “Come on. Don’t do it, man…”

Jordan glanced guiltily at Tommy. “What are you talking about? I just…I just want to meet her okay? It will be my chance to apologize and tell her the truth. It might be embarrassing, for both of us. But I’d rather see her face to face and explain what’s happened. Apparently she really needs a date for this big wedding she’s attending. She was saying something about it being her first time trying out a male escort…”

“And now you’re going to ruin it for her. Forever,” Tommy said, suddenly grinning. “I mean, think how she’ll feel when she finds out the first escort she chooses is not even an escort. And this is actually risky for her as well as you. Extremely risky. She’s acted really carelessly I must say. The actual process of booking a proper independent escort is usually, far more detailed and systematic - which is for her own protection. There are actual agencies for this sort of thing; so that way both the client and the service provider can be sure that there’s an element of security if something goes wrong.”

It was Jordan’s turn to stare at his friend. “How do you know so much about this? Have you tried an escort before?”

“Hey, due to my job I get to know about a lot of procedures, okay? But yeah, I have had an escort before – a female one,” he confessed with a goofy grin. “Tried it when I had to go to Australia for a conference. And trust me, it was great. She was really classy, just like any woman you’d see walking around this law firm. Most of these ladies are independent escorts; which means they work for themselves, call their own shots.  They can happen to be anyone from a former beauty queen to your dentist. Anyway, mine was sexy, beautiful. Spectacular assets. She showed me around town, and we went to the theater and then dinner. And then back in my hotel room…” He widened his eyes expressively. “Mind blowing.”

“How come you never even told me any of this?” Jordan accused.

“What? Strait-laced you? I didn’t want to have you judging me,” Tommy said with mock affront, then grinned. “Seriously dude, I just did it one time on a whim. I was bored, in a strange place, all alone…I just did it for the hell of it and it was fun. I might actually consider doing it again since I got so lucky the first time. Unlike this new “client” of yours,” he added with a bigger grin, sitting back on his chair. “Seems like such a pity that of all the hunks on the site, it had to be you, the one guy who’s actually not even an escort.”

And then Tommy shrugged. “But then again I can understand why she may have picked you out. I mean here’s a guy offering “gentleman company” and willing to spoil her in the comfort of her home or restaurant. Promising to be a true gentleman with impeccable manners, providing stimulating yet relaxed conversation, and all wrapped in a superb athletic build…”

“Let me see that,” Jordan yelled, and he came back behind the desk to check out what Tommy was reading from the screen. Jordan hadn’t really taken the time to thoroughly view what had been written on his own “page”; he’d been too thunderstruck for much to really register.

But as he read on, he was getting more and more interested in this…case. This looked like a woman who’d been missing some attention, perhaps one who needed a man who had an extra touch. Maybe she wanted someone to make her feel special for the night.

He kept thinking of her, with her unconsciously sexy voice which had contrasted with her cool, methodical manner. Was she those types of women who had the calm, reserved exterior, but who actually liked to get hot and wild in the sheets? Jordan was seriously, seriously considering the options open to him here, and how he could use, not to his advantage, but at least, to give the woman what she wanted.

And to warn her, of course. Didn’t she realize the danger? She hadn’t even known how to properly book an escort. Women like that could get themselves in trouble. He decided he’d have to make sure he did meet with her and straighten out some things, just so the next time, she’d take more care.

Screw that. You’re doing this for you.

That inner, accusing voice made him blink as he decided maybe it was true: he wanted to do this crazy, dumb and stupid thing, and just because he could. She would never even know the difference. And in the end, they’d both get what they wanted. Not a bad prospect was it?

“As your lawyer and your friend, I’m begging you not to do this,” Tommy was saying, breaking into his thoughts once again. “Jordan, you’re supposed to be focusing on finding the culprit and also getting your name and face off that site. You really shouldn’t be playing the gentleman companion this weekend, no matter how the prospect appeals to you. And if I’ll be honest, to me.”

He was grinning again, as if unable to help himself. He sighed when he saw the decided look on Jordan’s face. “What if you meet her, see she’s not what you were expecting. Maybe she’s not your type of woman at all.”

Jordan shrugged. “I’d still go through with it. I mean, isn’t that what escorts do? They don’t just turn people down based on physical appearance or if they aren’t their usual “type”. They’d end up with a drastically slim log of clients if they’re that picky. No, she sounded hot, and I’m sure she is. She even told me a bit about herself and what she’ll be wearing so I’d recognize her in the lobby of the country club where I’m meeting her. I don’t know, Tommy…but the more I think of this, the more I think I can pull it off. Let me give the lady the good time she’s looking for.”

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