| 16. "From a Bay Window," Ave Maria 66 (7 March 1908).
| 17. Michael Orth, "A Biography of George Sterling" (M. A. Thesis, San Francisco State University, 1963), pp. 10-11.
| 18. George Sterling to Stoddard, 30 September 1907 (Bancroft Library). The poem is reprinted in Clark Ashton Smith, "George Sterling, An Appreciation," Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine 85 (March 1927), 79.
| 19. Quoted in M. E. Grenander, "Ambrose Bierce and Charles Warren Stoddard: Some Unpublished Correspondence," Huntington Library Quarterly 23 (May 1960), 290.
| 20. Ibid.
| 21. Andrew Sinclair, Jack: A Biography of Jack London (New York: Harper & Row, 1977), p. 24.
| 22. Ibid., p. 181.
| 23. Letters From Jack London, ed. King Hendricks and Irving Shephard (New York: Odyssey Press, 1965), pp. 354-55.
| 24. Ibid., p. 251.
| 25. Stoddard to Jack London, 13 August 1903; letter copied in Stoddard's Notebook (Bancroft Library).
| 26. Inscription quoted in Charles E. Goodspeed, Yankee Bookseller (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937), p. 91.
| 27. Stoddard to Horace Traubel, 8 October 1906; letter copied in IH (Bancroft Library).
| 28. Monterey Diary, pp. 92, 97 (Department of Special Collections, The Stanford University Libraries).