| George Wharton James, "Charles Warren StoddardAn American Appreciation," Ave Maria 68 (22 May 1909), 650-56.
| 48. Stoddard to W. D. Howells, 21 July 1903 (Houghton Library, Harvard University).
| 1. Diaries for the period November 1901 to August 1903 are in the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. On the first page of the diary that covers the period from 6 April to 24 April 1903 was written: "The Resurrection and the Life of Charles Warren Stoddard who descended into the Limbo of the Catholic University and of Washington D.C., but who rose again from the dead after fourteen grevious years on Monday of Passion Week, 1903." Quoted in Carl G. Stroven "A Life of Charles Warren Stoddard," (Ph.D. diss., Duke University, 1939), p. 297, n. 12.
| 2. Stoddard to Daniel Hudson, 16 June 1903 (CHUD, University of Notre Dame Archives).
| 3. LaRose was a leader among those Harvard undergraduates in the 1890s who had aped Oscar Wilde's "decadence" and who had founded a Bohemian little magazine, The Mahogany Tree. See Shirley Johnson's fictional portrait of this group in The Cult of the Purple Rose (Boston: Richard Badger, 1902).
| 4. Kenneth O'Connor also came to Stoddard's bedside. It was to be their last meeting.
| 5. [Pierre Beringer], "Charles Warren Stoddard," Overland Monthly; n.s. 43 (April 1904), 346.
| 6. Overland Monthly, n.s. 44 (July 1904), 24.
| 7. Stoddard to Daniel Hudson, 28 October 1904 (CHUD, University of Notre Dame Archives).
| 8. "A Summer Rest," Ave Maria 65 (6 July 1907), 4.
| 9. Henry James quoted in Leon Edel, Henry James, The Master: 1901-1916 (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1972), p. 286.
| 10. Ibid., p. 285.