Unbreakable Forever: A New Adult Romance Novel

BOOK: Unbreakable Forever: A New Adult Romance Novel
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Unbreakable Forever

Book Four of the Unbreakable Series

by Amanda Chayse

Copyright © 2014 Amanda Chayse

All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, entities, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Title Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


Chapter One

Devon unclasped the
envelope and ran his finger along the seal to open it, tugging the letter partly out. His eyes moved over the top of the letter.

leaned forward, looking for hints in his expression. “Read it out loud,” I insisted.

Devon’s eyes met mine
before falling downward and back into the letter.

“I knew it was good news. They would not send you a letter otherwise. Read it!”
I chirped.

Devon cleared his throat and lifted the letter out of the envelo
pe. A fluttering feeling rolled in my stomach.

Dear Mr. Coury:

The Stanford Athletics Department would like to invite you to apply at Stanford University to participate in the Stanford University Football program. Our coaching experience at Stanford University Football has been applied to football talent at all levels, from high school to the NFL. Moreover, a degree from Stanford University is one of the most prestigious in the nation. 

Our staff is committed to
advancing your academic and athletic career, and has recommended that you apply to the college of your choice for admission into Stanford University. NCAA rules require us to inform you that we would consider offering you a full scholarship provided that you:

Successfully complete requirements of your senior academic curriculum.

2). Meet all NCAA initial eligibility requirements that apply for your senior academic year.

3). Meet the admission requirements of Stanford University.

4). Contin
ue to excel academically and as a role model in your school and community.

5). Receive the recommendation of your high school coach and one academic teacher.

Stanford University has a winning tradition both in athletics and academics. We sincerely hope you consider submitting your application for admission into Stanford University and Stanford University Football.


Coach Russell Hennington and Staff

Devon took in a deep breath as he folded the letter and placed it with the
envelope. I picked it up and skimmed over it. “They want to offer you a scholarship. They want to offer you a
scholarship, Devon. They’re courting you. They want you on the team!”

Devon shook his head i
n disbelief. “How did they know?”

“They had a scout or something…I don’t know. But they’ve been watching you. Oh, baby
, you deserve this so much.” I flung my arms around him, and Devon scooped me up, laughing. His eyes widened as he stared at the letter on the desk, and back at me.

He moved his arms over my
lower back and leaned out to search my eyes. “Erin, you have to apply at Stanford. I can’t go there without you.”

“I’ll apply
, Devon, but are you going to turn down a scholarship at Stanford if I’m not accepted?”

“Maybe,” he murmured.

“You can’t turn down one of the best schools in the nation, Devon.”

“I can’t spen
d four years without you, either.” Devon’s eyes moved from excitement to becoming soft and vulnerable. “What am I supposed to do without you there?”

glanced away with a hint of sadness before my eyes met his. “The chances are not good that I’ll get in, Devon. All I can do is try. They must really need a strong safety.” I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

The corners of his mouth curved up.
“I guess so.” Devon paused and looked into my eyes. “Nothing is going to separate us, Erin. I won’t let it.” He smiled at me as I exhaled and sank into the warmth and security of his huge, comforting body. In this moment nothing could separate us, and I wanted it to always be this way.

When I returned home, I
turned on my computer to review the Stanford Fine Arts Program. It was not in the top twenty fine arts programs that I had applied to, but a) it was Stanford and highly-ranked, and b) Devon would be there. I also wanted to combine my degree with the business school, which was one of the best in the nation. I noticed the acceptance rate was about the same as Yale: less than seven percent. I bit my lip, opened the online application, and began to fill it in.

Bryan Daly was Devon’s supervisor and had worked at Lake Crystal for three years. He was a junior in college majoring in engineering
, and came home for the summer to work and pay some of the college bills.

The next day
Bryan assigned Devon to watch the swimming area from the chair, while I patrolled the beach on foot. Devon came into the office and immediately asked me if I had applied to Stanford. “I started the application first thing when I got in last night.” I smiled. “I still have to do the essays and stuff. You know the chances of me getting into Stanford are like everyone else…something like seven percent.” I winced.

“No one is going to take you away
from me, Erin. Not even Stanford,” he said in a husky voice.

Later that day Kathy called while I was t
alking to my mom about college applications and scholarships over dinner. Kathy wanted to know how things were going with my summer job and especially with Devon.

“Devon got a letter from Stanford. They
’re hinting that he’ll get a scholarship if he applies,” I said.

, then, we should both apply,” Kathy insisted. “Someone has to watch you two,” she teased.

“I would like nothing more
, Kathy. But you’re going into medical school, and I’m still not even sure what I want to do.”

I know you’re just as smart as any of those other geeks at Stanford or Ivy League, for that matter. All you have to do is prove it,” she said with no doubt in her voice.

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am right. I’ll see you tomorrow at the lake.”

“Okay. Thanks
, Kathy.”

“For what?”

“For saying that. For being such a good friend.”

“I’m right – you’ll see.”


Southeastern Conference or Pac-12, baby! I told you, I don’t mess around with losers!” Matt growled through the half-open Dutch door to the lifeguard office.

“You go
t some letters?” Devon chuckled at his friend.

“LSU, Florida, Oregon, Stanford, UCLA, Arizona State! Take your pick
, baby! Yeah! Yeah!” he howled, shaking his fists in the air.

Matt was making such a ruckus that Bryan stepped out from the inner office. “Wha
t the hell is going on out here?” he said, placing his hands on his hips.

“Sorry about that
, Bryan. Matt apparently got some good news from some rather confused colleges.” Devon snorted.

“Oh, no
, you don’t. You can’t take my high away today, bro! Yeah!” he screamed.

“I’m kidding, do
g. I’m happy for you, man. I’m really happy for you.” Devon stood up, clasped Matt’s hand, and embraced him with a swat on the back. “It just goes to show you they don’t care about anything except that you’re a big lug who can plow through defenses.”

damn right, motherfucker! Whoo! Hoo! I’m premier division bound either way.” Matt clenched Devon’s hand between them with a wide grin.

“What are you guys tal
king about?” I said, placing my hand on my hip and giving Matt my familiar frown.

turned to me with an amused smile. “Matt is getting invitation letters from Pac-12 and Southeastern colleges, some of the best football teams in the nation.”

Matt rubbed his large hands together in excitement, his eyes glowing with joy. “Yeah. We have to celebrate. I heard about your letter from Stanford. Someone’s been watching our team.”

“You think?” Devon chuckled.

, bro.” Matt glanced at me. “This is an exclusive club, brat. Sorry you’re not in it.” He smirked.

“Why, because I’m not a
dumb football jock? Big deal.” I glared, crossing my arms and realizing the prickle of the words before they left my mouth.

eow!” Matt said with a stupid grin.

glanced at me and chuckled.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I just…”

“It’s okay.” Devon reached for my hand and pulled me toward him. “I’m not going anywhere without you, baby.” He made me feel so safe in his arms, but part of me wondered if this was just a fantasy now. After all, Devon could not control the future or the decision at Stanford. I felt a pit in my stomach at the thought of us separating.

“No fucking way!” Matt scoffed.
“You would turn down a top ten college for whatever this is?” he grumbled with his arm stretched out toward me.

“Matt, will you give us a second?”
Devon said in an impatient tone.

I’ll be right outside, bro.” Matt turned and walked out, still howling from the good news.

Devon cupped my
chin with his hand. “Hey, we’re going to get through this. It’s just a lot of noise right now. Fairly or unfairly, this is the way it works with some of these programs. You have to work harder to get in. It’s not fair, Erin. But I know you can do it.”

eyes pooled with tears before one streamed down my cheek. “What if I don’t get in, Devon? What will happen to us?”

“I told you, baby. I’m not going to let that
happen. You know you’re more important to me than football, college, or even a career. It doesn’t mean anything to me without you.”

“I can’t let you s
acrifice everything for me,” I sobbed.

“It’s not your choice
, Erin. This is all me. I’m not going to let you get away from me.” Devon wiped tears away from my cheeks with his thumb.

“Okay. We’
ll think of something, then.” My lips quivered into a soft smile.

That’s my girl.” Devon swallowed me up in his arms, determined that nothing would ever come between us again. I sighed against the warmth of his broad and firm chest.  His masculine scent caressed my senses like the warm summer day. Then Kathy’s words came ringing in my head:
All you have to do is prove yourself
. I felt the heaviness in my body give way to a lighthearted feeling of hope.

Chapter Two

Devon received the invitation to the July Fourth party
and shook his head at the thought of the mayhem. Most of the junior and senior class would be there, mainly so Matt could brag about his college admissions, but also to have an excuse for partying on a hot summer night.

had stopped by his house to see him while he was reading the invitation. Devon grabbed me, picked me up, spun me around, and tugged me onto his lap on the couch. I smiled a full-wattage smile and kissed his neck, moving a trail up to his ear, where I nibbled on his earlobe. His hard body met mine with delightful warmth.

“Did you get this?” De
von asked, pulling Matt’s July Fourth invitation out.

“Yeah, I’m surprised he sent me one. Sometimes I think he hates me, not that I care. But what did I ever do to him?”
I said with pinched brows.

“Maybe he has a secret
crush on you.” He smiled at me. “I mean, seriously, who wouldn’t?”

curled up in his lap and ran my hand over his strong, square jaw, admiring the hard and masculine features of his symmetrical face.

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