Geisha (Shinobi Saga) (5 page)

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Authors: Sessha Batto

BOOK: Geisha (Shinobi Saga)
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“Thank you,” the startled shadow wolf murmured. “Travel safely.”

“Do you need extraction?”

“Not necessary. I will report as ordered.” Yoshi contemplated slipping away before the rest of the evening's program, but decided discretion outweighed the lure of an immediate escape. His heart lifted and a smile graced his face as he wandered through the crowd in a daze, mind already working to plan a smooth exit.

Thankfully, the shadow wolf was scheduled last in the music section. Despite her initial disappointment, the music mistress had been thrilled with his progress once an instrument had been selected. Since the yokobue was such a startling departure from the usual program she turned it into a show piece, the only solo performance of the evening.

While the other maiko took the stage, Yoshi took the opportunity to study the details of his next assignment. After a nearly eight month stint as the Mochizuki no Shuhan's toy, an assassination struck him as the perfect opportunity to work off some of his pent up frustration. He looked forward to shedding his disguise and flexing his formidable skills before they decayed from disuse.

At the end of his performance the crowd surged forward, anxious to congratulate the maiko on a successful evening. In the confusion Yoshi easily slipped away. He knew his guard was not expecting him to be free for several more hours, the shadow wolf hoped to get back to the apartment and prepare a final surprise before Zenshiro caught on to his absence.




Zenshiro stumbled through the door, jerking to a halt when he caught sight of the elaborately coiffed figure dressed in a kimono kneeling in front of him.

“I'm so glad you've returned,” the heavily rouged lips whispered. The eyes never lifted, staying submissively fixed on the floor. “I've been waiting for you.”

The guard's heart skipped a beat as the geisha gracefully rose and glided over. He allowed himself to be tugged over to the table and settled on a cushion. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“I just wanted to thank you for being so thorough in my training,”

“I must admit I'm shocked. I thought you despised every moment of it.”

“Looks can be deceiving. Do you like me like this?” Yoshi spread his arms and slowly pivoted, giving Zenshiro a good look.

“You look positively edible,” he admitted. “Do I get to unwrap you now?”

“Of course not, silly. You missed my performance, so now I'll demonstrate my skills for you privately.” The shadow wolf pulled out his yokobue, lifted it to his lips, and began playing a haunting melody. Mismatched eyes slipped shut and he swayed gently as he played, the kanzashi pinned in his hair tinkling a counterpoint.

“I had no idea you were so multi-talented, Ama-chan. You never cease to amaze me.”

“I am a genius,” Yoshi retorted smugly. “How else could I finish my training so quickly?”

“I'm sure the fact that it's time for us to return to the Shuhan's estate has nothing to do with your sudden change of heart.”

“Be nice,” the shadow wolf warned. “I don't want you getting off track and spoiling this.”

“No, I definitely don't want to spoil this.” Zenshiro lounged against the cushions and watched the slender figure through hazy, heavy-lidded eyes. “Now what?”

“Now I continue entertaining you.” Yoshi knelt at his feet and carefully began removing the guard's clothes, stopping when his chest was bare to lick and nip at the ridges of muscle.

“Enough with this slow shit.” Zenhiro pulled the shadow wolf up for a deep passionate kiss.

“Now you've smeared my make-up. Naughty, naughty,” Yoshi scolded, slithering off the older man's lap to kneel between his legs. “If you keep fighting me I'll think you don't want this.”

“Oh, I definitely want this.” Zenshiro's eyes rolled up in his head as scarlet-painted lips wrapped around the head of his straining erection. The shadow wolf used every bit of his experience, flicking his tongue around the slit before diving down to the root and sucking fiercely.

A large hand found its way into elaborate snowy coils, knocking loose the fragile ornaments. They dropped to the floor with a delicate chime as long locks were worked loose to flow over alabaster shoulders.

The feel of those powerful hands clenching and relaxing drove Yoshi to increase the pace, bobbing and sucking almost frantically as his guard twisted and writhed.

“Slow down,” Zenshiro muttered. “This isn't a race. We have all night. I want to properly appreciate this wonderful gift you're giving me.”

The bobbing slowed, then stopped altogether. After a long pause Yoshi lifted his head. “Is this not alright?”

“It's more than alright. I just don't want it to be over too quickly. I can't remember the last time I was this eager to bed someone.”

“I'm flattered.” Sooty lashes brushed flushed cheeks. “I was afraid this might seem ridiculous to a man such as yourself.”

“You will never seem ridiculous to me.” Large fingers expertly captured the fine-boned face. “You know you're very beautiful.”

“I'm a man. Men aren't beautiful.”

“I beg to differ.” Zenshiro twisted his wrist, studying the captive features closely. “You're one of the most beautiful people I've ever known. Definitely more beautiful than any woman I've ever been involved with.”

“That's very sweet of you. I'm sure that silver tongue of yours is a big hit with both sexes.” Yoshi slipped out of his grasp and leaned forward to press their lips back together. “I think it's time for you to stop stalling,” he muttered when they parted for air.

Zenshiro slid his hands inside the elaborate kimono, gently parting it to rub his hands over all the smooth creamy flesh he could reach. He slid the heavy fabric off broad shoulders, picking up the pace as more and more pale flesh was revealed. “This is enticing I must admit,” he gritted out. “But not nearly enticing as you are unclothed. I don't need a fake female to enrapture me. You have me harder than I've been in years with no illusions involved.”

“So you have no reservations when it comes to sleeping with another man?” the shadow wolf asked huskily.

“I obviously have none when it comes to you. I can never get enough of you.”

“Well then, why don't you let me see what I can do about that?” Yoshi nuzzled the satiny skin of his cock before sucking one of the guard's balls into his mouth. He sucked and swirled, noting with satisfaction the insistent pulse of Zenshiro's erection.
Payback's a bitch,
he thought wickedly as he slid an oily finger deep inside the older man, twisting and retreating as he spread the slick substance.

The shadow wolf opened his mouth wider, sweeping the other ball into his mouth to roll them together and adding a second slippery digit. Zenshiro winced and tried to pull away, only to lapse into a surprised squeal when one of the intruding fingers bumped his prostate.

“Do that again,” he demanded, pushing back on the slender fingers greedily.

“Do you mean this?” Yoshi chuckled, a smile lighting his face as he rubbed the bundle of nerves firmly and Zenshiro let loose a husky moan. He proceeded to torment the spot, rubbing and prodding it as he stretched and oiled the passage for what was to come.

By the time he removed his fingers the guard was humping his hand almost frantically. “Don't leave me like this. I'm as hard as diamonds. You have to finish me off.”

“Oh, I'm far from done with you.” Yoshi quickly rolled on a condom and oiled his erection, shutting his eyes and digging his fingers into the bedding in an attempt to control his reaction as the head of his cock pushed through the quivering ring. He dropped his head to rest on Zenshiro's chest, breathing deeply as they both adjusted to the reversal of roles.

“What the hell? I’m no bitch. You can’t…” The husky voice broke the spell holding them frozen in the moment and Yoshi drove himself to the hilt with a sharp snap of his hips. He immediately set a punishing pace, pounding into the larger man with as much force as he could muster.

Zenshiro was too close to the edge to put up much resistance. The constant stimulation of his prostate sparked a hot coil deep in his abdomen. Despite his reservations he began to respond, pushing back on the thick length until he suddenly went taut, every muscle tensing as he shot his load into the rumpled sheets with a guttural grunt. The shadow wolf was quick to take advantage of his momentary weakness, binding the guard’s wrists and ankles tightly and sitting back on his heels.

“You wore a condom?” The non-sequitor brought a wicked smile to the shadow wolf’s lips.

“That’s what you’re worried about?” Yoshi quickly peeled the offending item off and dropped it on the guard’s chest. “I didn’t want you on my dick.”

“Very funny.” Zenshiro struggled to free his hands, unease bubbling in the pit of his stomach at the unreadable look on the other man's face. “You need to untie me now.”

“No, I don't think I will.” Yoshi leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “I've been called home, after all. I need to leave you something to remember me by.” Zenshiro tried to make sense of the words, his eyes riveted on the kunai being twirled in pale hands. “Something … permanent.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, untie me,” the guard insisted. “Eventually you’ll be sent back to us. Don’t ensure yourself a punishment.”

“Just looking at you is a punishment,” the shadow wolf snapped back. “Now shut up and let me think.”

“I’ve been good to you. You know I have. This has been a vacation compared to spending time with my master. Why don’t you just go while you still can?”

“Oh, I’m going, all right,” Yoshi assured him. “Just as soon as I finish with you.” He knelt and traced the tip of the kunai over defined abdominal muscles. “Now it’s your turn for a little training in the art of suffering.” The knife dug into the smooth skin of Zenshiro’s chest, neatly carving a line of kanji declaring him to be Yoshi’s bitch.

The shadow wolf regarded the sluggishly bleeding letters dispassionately. He wiped the area clean with a damp cloth and then packed it with salt to guarantee it could not heal without scarring. “Now you’ll be sure to think of me every day.”

He gracefully unfurled from his crouch and pulled his hair into a high tail. The bloody kunai flashed, slicing through a few inches from his scalp. “You can have this,” he declared as he dropped the severed locks onto the bloody mess on the guard’s chest. “No one will ever mistake me for a woman again. I’m afraid I can’t untie you, but the maid will be here in the morning. I’m sure you’ll have fun explaining all this to her. Don’t bother coming after me, I’ll be nearly home by then and you would not be allowed past our borders.”




Two days later Yoshi passed through the outer walls of Kobayashi enclave, dusty, tired, but eager to once again walk the familiar streets. So engrossed was he in the sights and sounds around him he walked right into a hard chest. “I'm so sorry, please excuse me.”

“That's alright Takahashi-san. It's good to see you back. It's been quite a while since you've been home.”

The shadow wolf froze, embarrassment rushing through him when he realized he'd walked into none other than his secret fantasy. “Sasaki-san,” he stammered uncertainly, sure his lewd desires were easily read in his flushed cheeks. “I didn't expect … I didn't mean…”

Makoto's face hardened. He had hoped Yoshi, at least, would not be repulsed by his appearance. “I am sorry if I disturbed you,” he rumbled, bowing politely. “I forget myself. Please excuse my intrusion and enjoy the rest of your evening.”

By the time the shadow wolf recovered his voice, the interrogator was striding away, back stiff and face carefully averted. “It's for the best,” he murmured. “I'm unworthy of his attention.” So they went their separate ways, each secretly wishing for the other to notice him, but fearing what would be revealed.

Long years of silent avoidance began in that moment, but in a shinobi enclave nothing can remain secret forever.



Turn the page for an excerpt of:






Sessha Batto



Will love be sacrificed when duty and honor rule all?


The life of a shinobi is, at its best, a selfless devotion to duty. In modern day Japan, the ninja legends live on in a grim saga of political maneuverings, betrayal, sexual abuse, torture and homoeroticism.


The Shinobi clans lurk in the shadows, performing services that not even the hardened Yakuza will touch. Takahashi Yoshi fulfills his duty with soul-stripping resolve, each assignment driving a nail into a coffin of lost faith. After years of sexual abuse and torture in the name of clan honor, Yoshi must learn to trust, but the man who offers him hope is himself flawed. Sasaki Makoto has spent a career in torture and interrogation, exploring not only the dark secrets of his clan's enemies, but also the darkness within his own heart.


How far must Yoshi run to escape his shame and torment? And what price freedom when fear and self-loathing threaten to upend the hard fought struggle to find meaning and safety in a world fraught with danger.


Yoshi seeks time and space, only to find himself once more at the mercy of power mongers and despots. When Makoto finds him, Yoshi is broken in more than body. Near death, his spirit recedes to find safety within, locking out all who care.


They say time will heal but the path to acceptance is never easy, the roadblocks many, and none will emerge unscathed as Yoshi embarks on a struggle for balance.

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