Geisha (Shinobi Saga) (3 page)

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Authors: Sessha Batto

BOOK: Geisha (Shinobi Saga)
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Nevertheless, he lingered, once again picturing the psych specialist in the shower. His mind's eye traced the erratic path of a water droplet as it slid over bronzed flesh, running this way and that along criss-crossed scars as it traveled down the broad chest and muscular abs. The thought of his hand following the same path sent a frisson of excitement up his spine and Yoshi's cock began to harden, poking wantonly through the opening of his yukata.

His guard lounged against the wall, content, for now, to observe. It was rare that he got a chance to watch the shadow wolf without his knowledge, so he opted to delay his pleasure, hoping to gain some insight into the reclusive shinobi.

Yoshi carefully examined his reaction, eager to figure out why the thought of Makoto aroused him so. As he slipped deeper into his fantasy a strangled moan passed through pale lips, capturing the attention of his silent spectator.

Zenshiro’s cock hardened, and he slipped a hand inside his robe to stroke himself, imagining a slender, paler one in its place. He nearly blew his cover when the same hand he was picturing dipped into the small jar of ointment next to the futon and then disappeared between long legs. The thought of the reluctant shinobi fingering himself was almost too much to resist.

When an agile tongue peeked out to wet the shadow wolf's lips his guard could wait no longer, eagerly pressing his dripping erection against them.

“Kami, you feel good,” Zenshiro muttered as he rocked wantonly into the heat, throwing his head back with a groan. The shadow wolf showed none of his usual reluctance, avidly swallowing his erection to the root. Yoshi slurped and sucked, twining his tongue teasingly up the prominent vein and around the flared head, too engrossed in his fantasy to notice that it had slipped into reality.

When his guard lifted him away, pouting pale lips made his displeasure clear. Yoshi lay back and spread his legs, hooking one around his startled partner's back to pull them flush. “Fuck me like you mean it.” The wanton growls and breathy moans coming from the shadow wolf spurred Zenshiro on, and he thrust with abandon.

“Not enough.” Yoshi's snarled words were the only warning his guard received before he found himself flipped onto his back, a none too subtle reminder of the power hidden behind a deceptively delicate appearance. The shadow wolf wasted no time, twisting erotically as he positioned himself with his back facing Zenshiro to give him a perfect view of his cock disappearing between creamy cheeks.

Yoshi's hands slid over his own ass, squeezing and parting the firm globes, giving his shell-shocked guard teasing glimpses of his hole, shiny with lube, stretched taut around the thick cock as the shadow wolf slid ever lower. When he finally bottomed out, ass pressed firmly against Zenshiro's groin, he stretched languidly, lifting and twisting his long locks into a loose figure eight at the back of his head.

Thigh muscles flexed and bunched as the motion reversed. “Wait.” Zenshiro struggled to lift his upper body, wrapping his arms around the shadow wolf and pulling them flush. Hard fingers tweaked pale nipples and Yoshi scrabbled for purchase, throwing his head back and letting his hair cascade over his guard's shoulder.

“Now, slowly.” The tight hold loosened just a fraction and the shadow wolf started a small undulation, twisting and bending as he slid up, letting gravity do its job on the way down. The breathy 'oh' at the bottom of each stroke was driving Zenshiro mad, so he focused on the heavy curtain of hair tickling the small of his back and drops of moisture glittering in white lashes.

“Look at me.” The soft command registered in some deep part of Yoshi's brain and he blinked several times before finally focusing. The glamour they were caught in dissolved and he froze. “Don't move.” Steely arms wrapped tightly around his chest, pinning him in place. “It’s obvious your mind was elsewhere. Who were you thinking about?”

“That is none of your concern,” the shadow wolf snapped back. “My thoughts, at least, are my own.”

“I’m trying to help you,” Zenshiro insisted. “You were enjoying this, and so was I. Wouldn’t it be better if it were always pleasurable? I don’t really want to hurt you, but you’re so distant and it’s the only way I can get a reaction.”

“You don’t understand. I don’t want to react. I can’t enjoy this and still look at myself in the mirror. Push too hard and I’ll commit seppuku. I doubt your master would appreciate that.”

“Have it your way.”

Yoshi felt the hold on him loosen slightly, then the world tilted as he was pushed forward. His momentary relief at the loss of penetration, however, was short lived. Embarrassment flooded through him at the position he found himself in, face pressed into the mattress and his ass lewdly raised. He shut down completely when fingers spread his hole wide, shivering at the panted breaths his guard could not restrain. Two fingers became three, then four.

“Since you choose not to enjoy this, I will.” Zenshiro wedged his thumb into the overstretched ring and made a fist, sliding it in wrist deep. “Now crawl, and don’t lift your face.”

The mortified shinobi slid one knee forward, biting his lip when the fist inside him shifted. After a few moments he managed to move his other leg, setting up a hitching motion that carried him across the futon and onto the floor.

“You can do better than that,” the guard chided, lifting his hand and twisting slightly. “Faster. Across the room and back. Do well and, perhaps, this will end here.”

Eager to bring the torment to a close Yoshi struggled to obey. He slipped and slid across the smooth floor, propelled at an ever increasing pace by the relentless pressure inside him. When he reached the wall he realized there was no easy way to go back. He struggled through a wide turn, picking up speed in his desperation to reach the safety of the futon.

“Not bad, but I’m sure you can do better. Shall we try again?”

“No, please.” It was as close to begging as he would allow himself to get. “I’ll try harder.”

Apparently it was enough, the fist unclenched and the hand slowly slipped out, leaving Yoshi feeling unpleasantly open and empty. He struggled for a semblance of his usual grace, clawing at the futon for purchase and collapsing face down. He barely felt the hard cock pushing inside him, surrendering, instead, to the darkness that rose to meet him.




Yoshi gradually slipped further into his own world. The life of a maiko was demanding in the best of circumstances. His days were hectic, the instructors rushing to bring him up to speed in time for the annual dance and music performances. To his dismay, his coloring made him the focus in any grouping, and the extra attention he drew brought out the worst in the other girls.

“Okasan, perhaps it would be best if I didn’t perform,” he suggested after a particularly brutal dance rehearsal. “The other maiko need the exposure more than I. I’m sure my master would understand.”

“These performances are our biggest source of funding,” she replied tersely. “Patron or no, I expect you to do everything required for the success of this okiya. Just because you have a rich man in your pocket doesn’t mean you can do as you please. I’ve heard you are very popular with the tourists. Times are changing, we need foreign business to survive. Besides, if you perform well then I can tell your lord your training is complete. Surely you want to go home?”

“I’d love to go home.” Yoshi spoke so softly the okasan almost missed it. “But I won’t get to. If my choice is here or the Shuhan’s estate, I definitely choose the okiya.”

“He’s been urging me to hurry and send you back. Apparently you are greatly missed.”

“No doubt,” the shadow wolf said drily. “I am, after all, his favorite victim. Life must be very boring with no one to torment.”

“By the way, the music mistress has requested extra sessions with you. When you finish your regular classes you are to report to her for additional instruction.”

Yoshi saw no point in arguing, tilting his head slightly in acquiescence. “I shall head there directly.”

The music school was at the far end of the hana-machi from the okiya. Even with months of practice his high center of gravity and narrow hips made walking in heels difficult. At times like these shinobi instincts took a back seat, and the shadow wolf passed through the throngs of tourists unaware of the many eyes following his progress.

“Miss, excuse me. May I take your picture?”

The voice startled Yoshi out of his thoughts and he was shocked to find himself surrounded by a ring of foreigners. “Nani?”

“Your picture.” The speaker held up a camera. “You are very beautiful.”

Remembering the okasan’s warning about cooperation he waited while they snapped frantically. “I must go now. I will be late for my lesson.” He resisted the urge to push through the crowd, and the even stronger urge to kill everyone who’d seen him in his womanly disguise.

For once Yoshi was glad to see the music mistress, at least here he was free from prying eyes. “The okasan said you wanted to see me?”

“I know it isn’t traditional for a geisha, but I’m at my wit’s end and it is a traditional instrument, at least.” She held out a long bamboo flute. “You do have exquisite breath control. Shall we give it a try?”


“In time, perhaps. Let’s start with the yokobue, it’s a bit easier at first.” The music teacher lifted the flute to her lips and played a simple passage. “You blow across the hole, like so.”

He reluctantly took the flute he was offered, lifting it tentatively and mimicking her actions. Based on his previous musical attempts, the shadow wolf expected, at best, an ugly squeak. Instead a clear, pure tone emerged.

“Wonderful,” the mistress clapped her hands in glee. “We’ve finally found your instrument. Now we just have to get you ready for next week’s performance.”

Never had Yoshi been more thankful for his eidetic memory. The fingering sequences were complex and he had enough to concentrate on without worrying he’d forget them. “Once more,” his teacher instructed. “With more emotion this time. It’s a sad song about lost love. You need to make the audience feel your despair.”

After hours of practice the music mistress finally released him for the night. “Same time tomorrow,” she reminded him. “We still have a lot of work to do if you’re going to be ready.”

The moon had already risen, and Yoshi studied it longingly. He briefly considered simply fading into the night, never to be seen again. The oath of loyalty he had taken made him reconsider. As much as he longed for his freedom, he would not abandon his shuudan so callously. The point was made moot, in any event, when Zenshiro stepped out from the shadows of the engawa.

“What are you doing here?” Yoshi’s chilly tones made it clear he did not welcome the company.

“I am tasked with guarding you, like it or not. The okasan told me where to find you. Certainly you didn’t think I’d let you walk home alone looking like this?”

“I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” the shadow wolf hissed. “You forget who you are dealing with. I am an elite ninja of Kobayashi shuudan.”

“So you keep telling me,” his guard sneered. “If you were really so valuable I doubt your Shuhan would consign you to duties better fit for a kunoichi. I know you’re pretty, but there must be another reason why you’re doing women’s work. Perhaps you aren’t as strong as you like to pretend.”

“Would you like me to prove myself? A fight to the death, perhaps? Win or lose I’d be better off.”

“Another time. It’s late and I need to get you home. It wouldn’t do for such a lovely flower to fall ill.”

“Call me a flower again and I swear I’ll cut off your balls while you sleep.” Yoshi drew himself to his full height, glaring at the look of amusement on Zenshiro’s face.

“Anything you wish, Ama-chan.” The guard settled a hand in the small of the shadow wolf’s back and urged him out into the street. “I’m sure you’re ready to get home and freshen up.”

By the time they reached the seclusion of their apartment Yoshi’s energy was nearly gone. “It’s late and I’m exhausted. Do you think we could skip our ‘lesson’ for tonight?”

“But I’ve been looking forward to it all day.” The guard seemed to consider the request, feigning deep thought despite the smirk twisting his lips. “Since you are so very tired, I’ll give you a break. We’ll play while you get clean, and then you can go right to bed.”

“Break, my ass,” the shadow wolf muttered as he quickly stripped off his restricting layers and yanked the pins from his hair. “If you’re coming, hurry up. I’d like to get this over with.”

“Cooperation, Ama-chan.” Zenshiro dropped the last of his clothes on the tile floor and slid into the shower. “Pretend you’re happy to see me, at least.”

“I’m too tired to pretend. Just do whatever it is you have planned and let me rest.” Yoshi turned his back on the guard and began removing the heavy makeup.

“Ama-chan, you’re ignoring me.”

“Insofar as is humanly possible while we’re sharing a shower, yes, I am,” the shadow wolf snapped back.

A hard shove flung him into the tile wall, knocking the breath from his lungs and trapping his hands. “Just for that, I’m going to take you dry. Maybe then you’ll be more cooperative.”

Knowing what was coming made it both easier and more difficult. Yoshi was barely able to resist the urge to tense his muscles, instead directing all his energy into remaining as relaxed as possible in hopes of minimizing any damage.

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