Gate Wide Open (6 page)

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Authors: M. T. Pope

BOOK: Gate Wide Open
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Chapter 11

The Good Girl
October 30
, 2018, 11:25

“Hey, Tony, baby,” I cooed into the phone.

Every time I spoke Tony's name, it just sent chills down my spine. Tony knew what I liked sexually and did it well. We would sneak off and we'd go to some secluded place and make out. Tony knew all the right spots to lick and nibble on to send me to heaven. Again, you see, Tony was much older than I, and knew how to treat me like a lady. Tony took me on dates to the movies and dinner, and sometimes we drove to New Jersey to go shopping.

My parents didn't know I was out with Tony, because they were so wrapped up in their shit. I didn't give a fuck anyway. It was my life, and if I wanted to give my body to Tony, then that was my business. I would tell them I was going over to so-and-so's house, and they would believe me, because I was a good girl who never lied to them, or so they thought.

Some of my friends thought we were the perfect family. Yeah, right. If they only knew about my alcoholic father and my pillow-smothering-me-to-death mother, they would know what our family was really like. I got four words for you—

Anyways, I can remember the first time we made out, we almost went all the way. It was so sweet and toe-curling.


“You ready, baby?” Tony whispered in my ear as I pulled my sundress up to my waist and over my head. Tony squeezed my perky breasts and licked on them like they were two chocolate-covered strawberries.

I moaned in pleasure as my teenage pussy oozed between my legs. I reached down between my legs and felt my warm juices flowing. I eased my hand back up seductively and placed it in Tony's mouth. Tony licked my hand clean and made the trip down to my throbbing clit to get a better taste.

“Ah,” I moaned. I squeezed my legs around Tony's head as what I came to know as an orgasm rocked my world. My legs shook violently as Tony's tongue took off again, trying to give me a heart attack and an orgasm at the same time.

“Tony! Um…Stop! Umm…Please…Stop!” I yelled, all the while pushing Tony's head closer to my womb. I climaxed once again and collapsed out of exhaustion.

“That's what I am talking about,” Tony said, coming up for air.

I breathed heavily as Tony too collapsed beside me.


“Ashley,” I heard my name being yelled, breaking me out of my reflective state.

“Oh, I'm sorry, baby. I was thinking about something.”

“I hope it was me.”

“You know it was. You the only thing that's important to me right now.”

“Meet me at our spot in an hour,” Tony said seductively into the phone. “I need some of that lovin'.”

“Sure, baby. I'ma leave out now.”

I hung up the phone and speed-dressed. I put on my easy-access dress and made my way downstairs. I grabbed my backpack, for perpetrating purposes. My parents didn't know their sweet little girl had an inner ho. In fact, I had a sexual appetite that rivaled most men's. If they knew I was seeing someone much older, I knew they would've flipped a lid. But, again, I didn't give a fuck. I was out to get mine.

“Hey, Ashe, baby,” my mom said as I entered the kitchen.

I put on my good-girl routine. “Mom, I'm going over Katie's house to do some studying. I'll be back about ten.”

“Sure, baby,” she said as she kissed me on the cheek. “And don't forget you have to help me with the ceremony that me and your father are having to renew our vows”

“Oh, okay. Sure, Mom, whatever.” I turned and headed for the door. I could care less what they renewed.

Diana, my little sister, squealed as she ran up to me and hugged me. “Hey, Ashley. Where you goin'?”

“Out,” I said, a little annoyed. I was just trying to get to Tony so we could spend as much time as possible together.

“Can I go with you? Please?” she said, clasping her hands in front of her like she was praying. “I promise I'll be good.”

“Sorry, Diana. You can't come this time, but I promise that this weekend we'll go out shopping, just you and me.”

“Really?” she said with a just-got-a-happy-meal smile.

“Yep, but I gotta go, okay.” I kissed her on the forehead and made my way out the door, headed for my destination.

Alex was raking leaves in the front yard. “Hey, Ash. Where are you headed in such a hurry?”

“Out!” I kept my answer short and sweet.

“I know that, Ash. And technically we're both out, since we're standing outside.” He stood within hands reach of me with the rake in his hand and a goofy Joker smile.

I wanted to punch him in his face for being such a smart ass. “Is that all?” I asked, my hand on my hip.

“No, I just want you to be careful.” He walked up to me and hugged me real tight. “You're my little sister, and I get worried about you when you come in so late at night.”

“You be spyin' on me?”

“Well, not really. I just think we, as brother and sister, need to make sure each other is safe.” He had a sincere look on his face that melted me. “Feel me?”

“Yeah, I feel you. I promise I'll be careful.” And, with that, I walked off toward the bus stop to meet Tony.


I got in the house at about seven o'clock at night. There were no cars in the driveway, so I knew my parents were out. I walked to the kitchen to get a few things to entertain myself with in my room. I put my ear to the basement door and listened to see if Alex was home. I didn't hear anything, so I continued on my way to my room.

I walked into my room and went into my closet for my secret “Sinner Girl” stash, which consisted of R. Kelly's
12 Play
CD, a vibrating rabbit, and a nude picture of Tony. I was all set to go as I stripped down to my birthday suit. I had shaven my pubic hair just like Tony liked it. I put the CD in the CD player and turned it up so that any neighbors that happened to pass by wouldn't hear my moans of ecstasy. My parents had a reputation as the “quiet family,” and I didn't want to ruin it with what I was about to do.

I lay back on my pink silk sheets and spread my legs apart, ready to pleasure myself, my eyes focused on Tony's picture. I flipped the switch to my Rabbit vibrator to full speed and gently applied it to my clit. I closed my eyes and moaned. The sensation was making my hips lift off the bed. I threw my head back as an orgasm caused me to explode all over my pillow, making my hands sticky.

But orgasms were like Pringles. I couldn't have just one. I was going for the put-my-ass-to-sleep orgasm. The stronger, the better.

I put the vibrator back on my clit and went at it again. My ass was off the bed now, and I felt the explosive energy of another orgasm in my stomach. Twitching and moaning, my eyes were going far back in my head. I was in heaven. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” I was exploding like never before.


It took me a minute to get my eyes focused. When I did, I wanted to disappear. Alex was standing in my doorway, his mouth open as wide as my legs. I was mortified. I wanted to know, how long was he standing there?

“Oh, shit!” I belted out.

I still don't know if it was the orgasm, or seeing the look on Alex's face. He raced out of the room like a bat out of hell. I didn't know what to do.

I knew I had to do something, so I went to get out of bed and ended up falling on my face. The last orgasm must have taken all my strength in my legs, because I could barely get up to my bed again. I managed to pull my housecoat off the end of my bed to cover myself.

“His ass must've been down there 'sleep,” I mumbled.

I was more mad at myself than at him. I should have put a chair under the doorknob to block the entrance into my room. My parents, well, mainly my mother, took off all the locks to our bedrooms, saying, “People who pay bills get locks on their doors.” I didn't have a job, so my door was without a lock.

After about twenty minutes of waiting for my legs to get back to normal, I went downstairs to talk to Alex. I made my way to the living room, where he was watching television.

I had no idea what to say to him. I shook my head in disgrace. “Hey, um, Alex, er, can w-we talk?” I was nervous as shit.

“Yeah, Ashley.” He never looked at me.

Shit, I wouldn't have wanted to either. Getting a bird's-eye view of his sister's private area probably devastated him for sure. He probably had never seen a woman's privates before.

“I—I—I'm sorry about what you saw upstairs.” I couldn't believe I was apologizing for pleasuring myself in my own room. “You know you should have knocked, though.”

“I did knock.” He huffed. “Your music was up too loud for you to hear me knocking. I just thought you were talking on the phone and listening to music like you usually do when we're home alone.”

“Oh, okay.”

“You know it's a sin to do that stuff, right?” Alex looked me square in the eyes.

“Yeah, Alex, we go to the same church, remember?” I was a little angry. I didn't need him to remind me of my wrongdoing. I knew I had an addiction to sex. “Look, I know I have a small problem. I just need you to keep this between us.”

“Okay.” He put the television on mute. “Besides, we all have secrets.”

I looked at him, a puzzled look on my face. “What secrets do you have? You're a Goody Two-shoes, and you always stay in the house. Football, school, church and home. That's your routine, and everybody knows it.” I slightly laughed at him.

“Yeah, okay.” Alex had a smug look on his face. “You keep on believing that. I gets mine. Believe that.”

We quieted down for a second as I wondered what he could possibly be doing to get his.

“Alex, are you gay?” I blurted out.

He started laughing uncontrollably, as if I had made the biggest joke possible. He never answered my question. When we were kids, Alex would always get caught in a lie because he would laugh or smile, giving away his guilt.

“Stop laughing.” I pushed him hard.

He kept on laughing.

“Tell me. I won't tell anybody.” I was dead serious. I could keep a secret like it was nobody's business. All my friends knew that.

He stopped laughing and looked at me with a smirk on his face. “I can't believe you asked me that.” He was avoiding answering the question like a squirrel avoiding cars while trying to cross a street.

“Well, are you?” I posed the question again.

Before he could answer, my parents and Diana came through the door and interrupted us.

“Hey, you guys.” My dad took off his coat and sat down next to us. “So what were you guys doing while we were gone?”

“Oh, nothing,” we both chimed, like twins usually do.

“We were just sitting here watching cable and talking.” I gave Alex a menacing stare and then got up and headed to my room.

I wasn't through with him yet. The next time we were alone, I was going to find out what I wanted to know.

Chapter 12

The Curse
October 30
, 2018, 12:09

“Ashley is such a good girl,” I said to myself as I prepared to go down to the basement and get the last little load of clothes out of the dryer. My job as a wife and a mother never paid well and had absolutely no sick days. Some days, I just wanted to walk away from it all, but the love of my family kept me onboard this ship that sometimes seemed to be headed to nowhere.

I had to walk through Alex's room to get to the laundry room. When it came to neatness and organization, he was just like his father. Everything had its place, and his bed never went unmade. I marveled at the décor and color scheme that he put together so well. Even as a woman, I couldn't get the rest of the house coordinated as well as he had his little habitat in the basement.

I proceeded on to the back of the basement and removed the clothes from the dryer so I could fold them and put them away. “Let me hurry up and get this done,” I said to myself. “I need to get dinner started.”

Since I was already down in Alex's room, I decided to put his clothes away for him. I went to his dresser, which was labeled for shirts, underwear, pants, etc., and began placing the items in the appropriate drawers. As I got to the last drawer to place his underwear away, I got the shock of my life.

I placed my hands over my mouth to muffle my whimpers of shock. “What in the hell!” I mouthed as tears flooded my eyes and ran down my face. I picked up the thick, veined dildo and slowly sat down on his bed. Thoughts of Shawn's demons and his past that involved him sleeping with men flooded my mind.

I balled up on Alex's bed and sobbed. “Not my baby, Lord! No! Not Alex!” I cried uncontrollably as I clutched the plastic toy. I couldn't take the thought of my only son being gay. It couldn't be true. It just couldn't.

I heard the noise of footsteps above me and assumed it was Alex coming home from football practice. I scrambled to get myself together and quickly placed the dildo back where I'd found it. Then I removed the clothes I had previously placed in his drawers and made my way back to the laundry room to pretend like I was there the whole time.

As he came down the basement steps, I dried my tears and made my way through his room. I don't know what most parents would've done in this situation, but I didn't plan on forcing him to come out to me. If I'd done that, he might have rejected me and even run away. I couldn't have my baby running the streets, so I decided to just keep this to myself. I wasn't even going to tell Shawn. That would've definitely sent him back to counseling.

“Hey, Ma.” Alex greeted me with a kiss on the cheek as he walked into the laundry room.

I fumbled with the clothes a little longer, just to distract him and myself from my nervousness. “Your clothes are over there.” I pointed away from myself, trying not to make eye contact with him. “I didn't want to invade your privacy, so I just folded them. All you have to do is put them away.” I brushed past him and made my way toward the steps in a faster pace than normal.

“Hey, Ma,” he slightly yelled.

“Yeah, baby?” I turned around to see what he wanted.

“You thought I wouldn't notice, didn't you?” He had a serious look on his face.

“Ah. Notice what?” I said, afraid that he'd noticed that someone had been through his things. My palms began to sweat as he walked toward me. I wanted to run and leave him standing there.

My eyes quickly darted around the room, making sure I had placed everything back as I'd found it. In my haste, I could have left a drawer open or something. To my relief, I left no evidence of my previous invasion.
I sighed mentally.

“You thought I was just going to let you walk away from me without giving me a hug?”

“Oh. Ha-ha.” I laughed nervously and placed the laundry basket on the floor, preparing to be hugged.

He hugged and squeezed me really hard, like he normally did. I had forgotten that Alex was a very affectionate person. Even as a child he hugged everyone that he greeted like they were family.

“Alex, baby, you know you can talk to me and your dad about anything, right?”

“Yeah, Ma. Why you getting all mushy?” he said, a smile on his face.

“Alex, I just want you to know that, okay,” I said in a serious tone.

“I know, Ma, I know.”

I turned around, picked up the laundry, and headed upstairs with a load in my hand, and on my mind.

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