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Authors: M. T. Pope

BOOK: Gate Wide Open
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Chapter 34

December 21
, 2018, 2:30

“There they go right there,” Keisha said, pointing in front of us as we drove two cars behind Antoinette in a car with some young-looking chick.

“All right, I see them,” I said back, trying not to lose them.

I hadn't the slightest idea why I was helping her track down her cheating girlfriend. I would have thought she would have learned her lesson from the last time Antoinette knocked her on her butt.

My ass had to be a glutton for punishment as well, because I should have said no when she asked me to do this foolishness. I wanted to be home spending the holiday with my son. I shook my head in shame. Here I am running behind some chick I could care less about all because James wants this chick to pay for something she did to him a ways back.

I felt like I was on the television show
, following behind this broad, weaving in and out of traffic in the middle of the day. I had other things to do.
James needs to hurry his ass up and do whatever he got to do to this chick, and fast, so I can move ahead with my plans.

We pulled into the Owings Mills Mall shopping center and watched them go into the movie theatre.

“Come on, let's go,” Keisha said in a hurry as she exited the car and walked casually across the parking lot. “I don't want to lose them. I'ma catch this bitch and her little trick she has with her in the act.”

“All right,” I said, trailing behind Keisha, watching Antoinette and the little chick hold hands and walk into the theatre. It was still early, and there weren't a lot of people at the movies this early. “Don't walk too close,” I said, pulling her back a little.

We walked up to the booth to buy tickets.

“Welcome to AMC Theatres. How can I help you?” the clerk asked.

“Yeah, um, what movie did the two chicks buy tickets for?” Keisha asked the clerk.

“Excuse me?” the clerk answered back, confused looking.

“Oh, I'm sorry,” Keisha said apologizing. “My two girlfriends just came in here before us, and we were supposed to see a movie together. I forgot and was wondering if you could give me tickets for the same movie they purchased.”

“Oh, sure, ma'am,” she said with a smile.

I handed her the money and grabbed our tickets and entered the concession lobby.

We made our way into the appropriate theatre and sat about six rows behind Antoinette and her little friend.

About a half of an hour into the movie, Keisha got up with her soda and popcorn in hand.

“Where you going?”

“I'm going to say hi to Antoinette and her friend,” she said, a sinister smile on her face. “You might wanna stand by the door, because it's about to get ugly up in this bitch.”

As she made her way up to her former lover, I did as I was instructed and stood by the door.

Keisha threw her popcorn and then her soda on the two lovers, and she just wilded out on Antoinette. She wasn't doing too bad, because all I could see was her swinging and tagging Antoinette continually. The other chick just looked on with fear in her eyes.

When she had enough, she sprinted toward me, and we exited the movie and made a mad dash toward the car. We pulled off before Antoinette could catch up to us as we made a beeline back to Keisha's house.

Chapter 35

Whipped Cream
December 21
, 2018, 5:32

I just got back into the house from the movies and I was a total mess. Some chick had come in the theatre and just started going crazy on Tony as we sat and watched a movie I wanted to see really bad. It all happened so fast, I really couldn't do anything as the chick just up and started throwing punches. It was, “Bitch, this” and “Bitch, that” every time the crazy chick swung.

Tony was caught off guard and couldn't defend herself as the crazy chick tried to beat her into next week, and my little ass couldn't do anything but stand there and watch my girlfriend get her ass whupped. Then the chick sprinted off and left us there to get ourselves together. Tony was covered with popcorn and soda, and she had a busted lip and eye.

We quickly exited the theatre and made our way toward the car. The other chick was nowhere in sight. I wanted to know who the crazy bitch was.

Tony told me it was one of her exes that just couldn't let her go. I could believe her because her tongue work was the bomb. Then out of nowhere, she just hauled off and sucker-punched me in the eye.

I looked at her with hurt and shock in my eyes.

She followed up with a couple more blows as I tried my best to shield myself. I begged and pleaded as she continued to do me bodily harm. I just laid there and took it.

“Get the fuck out my car, you punk-ass bitch!”

I exited her car and watched her speed off like a bat out of hell. I broke down and sobbed right there in the middle of the parking lot, even as people passed me by. I couldn't care less. I was deeply hurt and dumbfounded as to why Tony would do this to me.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I recalled just standing there as her ex wailed on her in the movie theatre. I stood there like a scared bitch and did nothing as she was getting fucked up royally.

I was so ashamed of myself. I pulled myself together and made my way to the bus stop to catch the bus home.

Thankfully, when I got home, the house was still empty, so I made my way to my room and sat on the bed and sobbed once again. I pulled a picture of me and Tony out of my teddy bear I'd hid it in.

I picked up the phone and dialed Tony again for like the tenth time since she'd left me. She never picked up, but I did leave a message pleading my case. But what could I say? I was wrong, and I knew it.

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a look at my face. My eyes weren't black, but I did have a cut over the top of my eye. I didn't even feel the pain of the cut until I looked at it just now.

The pain of Tony leaving me just hurt too bad. She was my first love, and I didn't want to lose her.

Chapter 36

Pleasure Principle
December 27
, 2018, 9:32

Christmas had come and gone, and I was about to start the new year on a clean slate, so I had to get this one last person off my list. It was a little nippy when I walked out of the house, and the wind was brisk, so I had to zip up my thin Coach jacket. Having taken a shower no more than twenty minutes earlier didn't help either.

Wallace and I had just gotten finished breaking each other off, and his ass was half-asleep when I told him that I'd promised Sherry I would stop by to check on her and Li'l Shawn. He mumbled okay and rolled over and went to sleep.

I really needed to come clean with Wallace with some of this stuff I was doing. I didn't want to risk losing such a good man.
Who would have thought that I would fall in love again?
I still didn't believe that shit myself. Shit, love was nothing but trouble for me in the past.

As I walked to my car, I noticed a piece of paper underneath one of the windshield wipers. I hated when business folk put shit on your car, trying to advertise or sell you some useless crap. But none of the other cars on the parking lot had fliers except mine. That shit was odd.

I snatched it off the window with one swipe, ready to toss it to the ground, when I noticed my name etched out in magazine letters.
That shit was original
! I chuckled.
Somebody on some Cagney and Lacey type of shit
! I mumbled and chuckled again. My chuckle was short-lived because, when I got in the car and I opened the letter, my mouth hit the floor.


Your ass living on Nob Hill and shit. You think your shit don't stink don't you. You going to pay for what you did to me. I think you better leave that dread-wearing boyfriend of yours alone before he end up like the old man. Time is ticking, muthafucka. lol.

The Sandman

“Okay, this shit is getting ridiculous.” I was heated and afraid at the same time. I didn't like being stalked, and I damn sure didn't like being afraid. This shit only made me madder at whoever was coming at me. They didn't want to fuck with me right about now. I was beginning to feel like a cornered animal ready to pounce at the next attack.

I put my car in drive and peeled out of the parking lot. I was steaming mad and was going to take it out on the next victim on my list.

I had gotten the call that I was waiting for all week. It was time to pay back the last victim for their betrayal. I was truly going to enjoy this. Sherry had called me and told me that she was just leaving the house and it was a perfect time for me to do my business.

It took me about forty minutes or so to get down to the east side where Keisha and her lover lived. It was late in the evening, probably about nine o'clock or so, and I was amped up and ready to strike.

I parked a couple of blocks up the street from the house, just to be safe. As I rode by, I saw that Antoinette bitch at the door going in. I loved getting two for one. Her ass was going to get hers just for messing over her brother, my ex-lover Kenny.

I got my supply bag and my gear, which included a gun and Taser, and exited my car. I went around the back into the alley so I could get in with ease. I was hoping I didn't have to pry the door open, not wanting to leave any evidence of forced entry or anything suspicious.

I crept up the alley and counted the house to make sure I was going to the right one. When I got to the yard, I quickly jumped the fence. I couldn't believe I was still so agile at forty-six. I loved it.

As soon as I landed, to my surprise, a pit bull ran out of nowhere and made a mad dash toward me. I scrambled around the yard, digging in my bag, trying to find something to subdue the dog. I knew I couldn't just shoot the dog because that would bring attention toward the yard.

Just in time, I reached my Taser gun and gave his ass a jolt that sent him careening toward the ground, as limp as an eighty-year-old man's dick without Viagra. I wiped my forehead as the perspiration dripped down my face from the short sprint around the yard.

I got myself together and made my way to the back door. I tried the door, but it was locked.

I quickly thought and felt around the border of the door, just in case they left a key in a crack or something. No luck.

Just as I reached down in my bag for something to pry the door open with, I noticed a flowerpot next to the steps, and sure enough, there was a key waiting for me to retrieve it.

I crept in the house, hoping this was going to be easy. I could hear sounds of pleasure coming from a nearby room. I couldn't figure out which one, so I pulled out my gun to catch whoever by surprise. I walked with my back toward the wall, after I left the kitchen, and through the hallway that led to the front of the house.

As I got closer, I could hear Janet Jackson's “The Pleasure Principle” playing softly. I stopped to listen to make sure the kids were nowhere around. It was quiet, so I assumed they were gone. Or, at least, I hoped so.
If these nasty tricks having sex out in the open with the kids in the house, that would be just plain trifling. And that's coming from me.

I got to the living room and quickly glanced around the corner to see what was going on. These nasty-ass hoes was on the living room couch licking each other like they were eating Jell-O Pudding Pops. I almost lost my fucking lunch. I had to hold my hand over my mouth because I was gagging and shit. I barely could do one, so two was nauseating.

From what I saw, Keisha was sitting up on the couch, head tossed back, eyes closed, and her legs cocked up like she was getting a fucking pap smear exam. The other bitch, Antoinette, was laying between her legs, lapping and poking her pussy.

I pulled out my Taser, and I had the gun in my other hand. I walked up to the two lovers, a big smile on my face. Their asses were so into the sex, they didn't even hear me creep up on them. I quickly jabbed the cunt on the floor, and her ass flopped like a fish. It was lights out for her. She didn't even see it coming.

I kicked her with my foot, just to make sure she was out. At the same time, I had my gun pointed toward Keisha. She opened her mouth like she was about to scream.

“Bitch, scream, and I will blow your fuckin' head off!”

She stayed still and didn't let out a peep. She was petrified. I was her worst nightmare, and she knew it.

“What's up, Keisha? I bet you didn't see this shit coming. You forgot all about my ass, didn't you? You thought your ass was home free. You sent Kenny up river and thought you was going to run off with his money and live it up with this bitch.” I darted my eyes toward her incapacitated lover.

She shook her head.

I slapped her ass with the gun. “That's for going through my pockets and taking the keys to my car, bitch! You thought I was going to forget about that shit, didn't you?”

I slapped her ass again. “That was for taking the money that was rightfully mine, bitch!”

She wiped the blood trickling down the edge of her lip.

“So how much money did you get me and Kenny for?”

She gave me a blank look, like she was afraid to speak.

“Bitch, answer me!” I roared, pacing in the middle of the room.

“A hundred thousand!” she muttered.

“Is it all gone?”

She nodded her head yes, tears rolling down her face.

“What the fuck!” I ran up to her and placed the gun to her temple. “You mean to tell me you blew through that much money and all you have to show for it is this shitty shack?”

I glanced over and noticed her dyke lover was off the floor and charging at me. I Tasered her ass, and she went down again. I leaned over and gave her ass another jolt, to make sure she would be out longer.

I prayed I didn't kill her ass. I remember hearing about police Tasering people and killing them. My ass surely didn't want to go back to jail. Before I entered the house, I had set the Taser to “low stun,” so I knew she would be all right after a good night's rest.

I focused my attention back toward Keisha, my anger boiling. This bitch had wasted the money I was going to steal from Kenny myself.
I gotta give it to her. A bitch is always three steps in front of a nigga.

“You know you gotta pay for robbing me,” I said, a smile on my face.

“Please, please…don't hurt me. I had no choice. I had to take the money. I needed it to take care of my kids.”

This bitch must have thought I was a dummy. “Bitch, I know good and well you didn't spend that fucking money on those brats of yours, so cut the bullshit. You and this bitch over here probably blew that shit on trips and clothes. You know I wracked my brain trying to figure out what I was going to do to get back at you. I was stumped until I got in here and heard you two going at it like two alley cats in heat. It seems to me that you love getting your pussy licked, so your ass can twitch and shake. How about I give your ass an orgasm that your grandmother can feel?” I grabbed my crotch.

She looked at me and started shaking her head.

I laughed a hearty laugh as I looked at her contorted face. “Don't worry, bitch. I'm not going to fuck your greasy ass, even though I know your ass is probably in need of a good piece of dick.”

“I heard you guys in here getting it on to one of my favorite songs, ‘The Pleasure Principle,' and I am the one in need of pleasure right now. And you're going to give it to me. Open your legs and get ready to receive the best orgasm of your life.”

She hesitantly opened her legs.

“Now close your eyes, bitch! And if you tell anybody about this shit, bitch, one of your little brats will end up on an AMBER Alert. You hear me?”

She nodded in agreement.

I moved in for the kill. I was going to love this, and she was undoubtedly going to remember this for years to come. I cut my Taser on and raised the notch to “fry,” then I slowly eased it toward her waiting womb. Sex for her would never be pleasurable again.

I covered her mouth with my hand, and with one quick jab, I gave her pussy the shock of its life. She was twitching and shaking, but I didn't let up until I saw her pussy sizzling like hot bacon.

After a couple of seconds, her ass was out cold. I removed the Taser, placed it on “safety,” and put it back in my pocket. I couldn't risk the same shit happening to me. I needed my dick, like any other nigga.

I looked over at her lover, and her ass was still out. “You won't be enjoying that pussy no more.” I laughed and exited the house the same way I came in.


I had a little more vengeance I had to get out before I could get back to my life with my man and live happily ever after.

When I got back home, it was a little after midnight. Wallace was still in the bed where I left him. I undressed and jumped in the shower for about twenty minutes to freshen up and get a good night's sleep.

“Hey, baby,” I said as I slid under the covers and into the bed totally naked.

The flat-screen television was on, showing a marathon of
The Golden Girls
. Wallace and I were both hardcore Golden Girls fans. We had a lot in common.

Wallace was on his back. I could see him fighting sleep. I couldn't sleep without the television on, and neither could he. Even if we weren't watching it, it still had to be on.

I snuggled up to him, and he was naked as well. He liked to sleep naked too. Our body heat mingled together as I wrapped one of my legs around his and laid my head on his chest.

He managed to mumble during one of his nods, “How is your cousin doing?”

“Oh, she is fine,” I said half-heartedly. “I took her and Li'l Shawn to the movies and out to eat.”

“You have fun?” He was fully awake now. He lifted my head by my chin toward his, and pecked me on the lips.

“Yeah, it was okay.” I kissed him back.

I looked into his eyes. It was like they were dancing. It seemed like he instantly got excited about me every time we were apart for any length of time. I was getting the feeling that he truly did love me.

In those few moments, I wanted to spill out all of my secrets to him. I wanted to let him know about the pain I'd experienced in California and all the things I'd been getting myself into.

I knew I needed to release this anger and pain, and exchange it for this love he was offering so freely, but I just couldn't do it. I said I would never be vulnerable again.

Would he still be with me, or leave me if I told him about the true me? The evil me. The hurt me. The abused me. The little boy in me that just wanted to be loved. I could never tell him now. I was, no,
were too deep into this for me to go and risk losing it over the truth.

“I'm just glad to be back home with my man.”

He smiled and pulled me on top of him.

I looked down at him and gazed into his eyes. “You miss me?”

“And you know this. Man!” he belted out.

I threw my head back and roared with laughter. It had been a long time since I laughed. It felt good, made me feel real. Too bad I was going to have to shut it off a little bit longer.

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