Gargoylz Get Up to Mischief (3 page)

BOOK: Gargoylz Get Up to Mischief
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Toby looked sheepish. “But they’re so delicious.”

A dragony tail appeared beside him followed by the rest of Zack. “Best place for pricklz ever,” he said, munching away.

“Coo-ee, boys!”

“Hide!” whispered Max. “It’s Nan. She mustn’t see you.”

Zack and Toby jumped out of the bramble pile and dived headfirst into the bushes just as Nan
with a tray. She set it down on the grass.

“I’ve brought you some juice and cupcakes. I wasn’t sure which toppings you’d like so there’s a selection.”

“Thanks, Nan,” said Max, eyeing the huge pile of brightly coloured iced cakes in delight.

There was a rustling in the bushes followed by a licking of stone lips, and a pair of stone ears suddenly popped up.

Nan frowned. “I hope that’s not a cat in my blackberries,” she muttered.

“A cat?” came Toby’s indignant growl from the bush.

“Ben dear,” said Nan. “Your voice is getting worse. I’m going straight back in to make some of my special cold cure.”

She suddenly noticed the pile of brambles. “What do you want those for?” she asked.

“Er . . . they’re for the school rabbit,” said Max quickly.

“Yes . . . he’s staying at my house for the weekend,” added Ben.

Nan looked puzzled. “They’re a bit prickly for a rabbit, aren’t they?”

“It’s . . . it’s . . . a very rare rabbit,” said
. “Isn’t it, Ben?”

“Yes. It’s a . . . er . . . Bramble-eating Stony Church Rabbit,” gabbled Ben. “It loves prickly things.”

“Well, fancy that.” Nan turned to go back into the house. “Enjoy your cakes.”

As soon as she’d gone the gargoylz scampered out.

“Cat indeed!” exclaimed Toby. “Ferocious yowling creatures with too much fur—” He suddenly saw the cupcakes. “Are these like the cookiez I had at school?” he asked eagerly. “I love cookiez.”

“They’re the cupcakes I told you
,” said Max, holding out the plate. “Try one.”

Toby stretched out a paw and grabbed a cake, then stuffed it in his mouth. “Dangling drainpipes, they’re delicious!” he sighed happily.

“Let me try! Let me try!” Zack cried, gobbling up a cake and grabbing two more – one in each paw. He darted off, sat down in the weeds and munched noisily.

Three minutes later every cake had gone. Both gargoylz lay on the grass, bellies bulging.

“Shame there aren’t any more,” said Toby.

“You’ve had ten!” Max exclaimed.

“Ben and I were lucky to get any once you two started!”

“Coo-ee,” came Nan’s voice. “I’ve brought a bag for the brambles – and my special cold cure for you, Ben.”

Zack vanished. Toby struggled to his feet but he didn’t have time to hide. He was stranded on the grass in full view. He froze, a horrified expression on his face, as Nan appeared holding out a mug of bubbling green liquid. It smelled like old socks.

She spotted Toby immediately. “What a lovely little garden gnome!” she said, putting the mug down on the grass and giving him a poke. “Did you make him at school, Max?”

“No . . . er . . . yes,” said Max. How was
going to get Toby out of this?

“Look at his diddy little hands and his little round tummy,” Nan went on. “He’d look lovely in my rockery.”

“I can’t let you keep him, Nan,” said Max hurriedly. “He’s got to go back to the chur— I mean, school. He’s not finished.”

“I can see that now,” said his grandmother kindly. “His face looks ever so ugly.”

There was a growly snort of laughter in the air behind them from Zack.

Nan looked anxiously at Ben. “You still don’t sound right, dear,” she said. “Drink up your medicine like a good boy.”

“Er . . .” quavered Ben, bending down to pick up the revolting drink.

Max could see his friend needed a plan – Operation
the Drink. But before he could do anything there was a faint slurping noise from the mug. The boys gazed down in astonishment as the bubbling green liquid quickly disappeared. Max hid a grin. Invisible Zack must have sneaked out of the bushes. Luckily Nan didn’t seem to have noticed.

Ben swept up the empty mug and pretended to drink the mixture down in one gulp. “Thanks.” He grinned. “It was . . . tasty.”

An almighty gargoyle burp filled the air. “Pardon me!” said Ben quickly. “My cure never fails,” chirped Nan. “See, your voice is back to normal already.” She bent down and patted Toby on the head. “And I’ve got the very thing for
, Mr Gnome. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

She bustled off to the house. Max and Ben burst out laughing.

Zack appeared, wiping green goo off his chin. “Sorry, Ben. Drank it all. Couldn’t resist. Nearly as tasty as bramblz.” He raced over to Toby. “Mr Gnome!” he giggled, skipping around him. “Mr Gnome!”

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