Games (Timeless Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Games (Timeless Series)
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Just as he was about to leave Hillier Meadows, Caroline met him by his horse.

“Here are the records for the past three years.” She handed Simon a package. “They include the men I let go not too long after my horse died. I’ll need those back or Frank will have my head.”

“Thank you
.” He took the information and placed it in his saddlebag. “I’ll bring them with me when I stop by to speak with Frank Miller sometime during the week.”

“Hopefully by then you’ll have made up your mind
.” Caroline threw out a sultry chuckle as well as a considering look. At Simon’s furrowed brow, she grinned, then said in a voice hot enough to melt tar, “About whether or not you’ll be ready for the pleasure I know we can both give each other.”

he reached up, twined her hand around his neck, and pulled him closer for a scorching kiss, showing him with her mouth how fully prepared she was to play.

Caught off guard, Simon fully responded to her demanding lips
. Once the moment ended, he quickly grabbed her wrists and pulled his head free. His voice held warning. “Ah, ah, ah. You’ll have to wait until I make the choice. You can’t make it for me or push it on me.” He hesitated a heartbeat, catching her gaze, using his to emphasize his meaning. “And let me give you a bit of insight. If I do decide to go forward, I like to be the one in control.”

Another throaty laugh preceded her whispered, “I’ll keep that in mind
.” Smiling slyly, she ran a finger down his cheek before she turned and started for the porch, saying over her shoulder, “Can’t hurt a girl for trying, though.”

Caroline’s soft laughter carried on the morning breeze as Simon stood watching until she was inside her house
. Shaking his head at the woman’s boldness, he mounted up and headed out.

He pushed the widow out of his mind, replacing her with his case
. He had much to do before making it to Twin Oaks Farm.


Chapter 9

In no hurry to return to Twin Oaks on
her way back from Shelbyville, Giselle let the horse amble, remembering the wonderful time she spent with her family, despite all their teasing about her flirting. She’d have to make the trip more frequently, as too much time had passed since her last visit.

A rider
approached from the rear, rudely interrupting her thoughts. Pulling on the reins, she turned to see a man advancing at a good clip.

Her jaw dropped when she recognized Simon Harrington racing toward her.

Recognition must have set in for Simon, too, because he stopped short a good distance from where Giselle sat gawking. After returning her stare for too long, he slowly urged his horse closer.

“Well, well, well,” he said, riding beside her
. “If it isn’t the flirtatious Giselle Franklin.”

“As I live and breath
e. Fancy meeting you here,

“I could say the same
.” His eyebrows rose in question. “Aren’t you supposed to be in Shelbyville with your parents?”

“I was
. But my visit is over, so I have come home.”


“Yes, home
.” She gave a small laugh at his chagrined expression. “I work and live with the Thorpes.” When he stared at her like she’d grown a second head, her chin lifted an inch. “Obviously you did not know.”

Simon only glared at her, swallowing hard as he absorbed
the news. “Obviously not. So you work and live with the Thorpes?” He nudged his horse in the direction of the main house, which was now coming into view.

, I do.” Giselle’s grin widened. She hurried to catch up to him, sensing somehow her revelation didn’t sit well. “Does my living with the Thorpes bother you, Simon?”

.” He shook his head and gave a self-deprecating laugh. “The news just surprised me, is all.”

a coy smile in place, Giselle met his gaze and let her eyebrows rise. “So, what are you doing so far from Washington?”

He flashed an unconcerned grin
. “I’m on a case.” The shock of seeing her had clearly worn off.

“Ah, I see
.” Giselle nodded. “And this case brings you way out here?” She hesitated. “I do not understand. Not too much happens in these parts to concern Washington.”

“Enough has happened to bring me
.” Simon grunted. “I can’t talk about it yet. Right now, I’m merely asking questions.”

“I hope you get your answers
.” She broke off, eyeing him thoughtfully while they rode in silence. Finally she sighed. “If you intended to question Colin and Libby, you are out of luck. The Thorpes are in Louisville. I do not expect them back for several days.”

“I know,” he said
. “I met with Colin yesterday and he invited me to stay at the farm to aid in my investigation.”

are staying at the farm?” She tried to block the look of horror she felt taking over her face, but could tell from his soft mocking chuckle she hadn’t been successful.

“Does that bother you, Giselle?”

She ignored his amused tone
, not missing that he’d pretty much asked her the same question. With head held high, she met his laughing green eyes without letting him see how much this did bother her. She would die first. “Why should I be bothered?” But her answer came out a bit too rushed. She smiled radiantly. “The news just surprised me, is all.”

, Giselle.”

His genuine smile
sent an odd feeling throughout her system as he straddled his horse, dressed casually in clothes accentuating total masculinity. The man was too attractive for his own good. She moved her focus back to the road, and decided to keep it there for the rest of the ride, also trying very hard to pretend the burst of pleasure she’d experienced at recognizing Simon had never happened. Why did it have to be this man eliciting such emotions from her? She still had no clue. Yet she did know his company meant one thing—trouble.

The two riders remained silent until they neared the stables
. When they dismounted, Simon’s voice cut through Giselle’s thoughts. “So, how are your parents?”

“My parents?”

“Yes, your parents.” Simon lifted a brow. “You know—Sophie and Marcus Franklin? Weren’t you returning from visiting them?”

She bristled, clenching a fist
. “I know their names.” Feeling her nails dig into her palm, she relaxed her fingers and took a deep, steadying breath. “Why do you want to know?”

“Just curious
.” He chuckled. “It’s been awhile since I’ve heard anything about your father. I’m genuinely interested in how he’s doing. He was a legend among his peers back in his day.”

, I have heard all about his many exploits. I am sure yours are just as notable.” Giselle sighed. “My parents are both very well, thank you. You should take the time for a visit. Papa seems to think highly of you, so I am sure he would love to see you.”

“I just might take your advice.”

Jake, Twin Oaks’ head handler, walked out of the stables and Giselle handed the reins of her horse to him.

“I see you’re riding one of Twin Oaks
’ mounts.” Jake nodded to Simon’s horse. “Here, give him to me and I’ll make sure he’s taken care of.”

“Thank you
. Do you know where I might find Gus Gunderson?”

“Last I saw him he was in the stables
. He should still be there, right through that door.” Jake grabbed the reins and led the horses in the direction he’d pointed.

Turning to Simon,
Giselle smiled sweetly. “I have an engagement, so I will leave you to your investigating.”

“Of course,” Simon replied
. “I’m sure I’ll see you later. Enjoy your afternoon.”

took her time in reaching the front porch, his gaze scorching her back the entire way.

Once inside the house and out of sight of Simon’s prying eyes, Giselle headed up the stairs at a full run
. When she got to her room, she slammed the door behind her and plopped on her bed. Putting her arm against her forehead, she tried to block his laughing green gaze from her mind, but that mocking expression wouldn’t budge. She pounded the pillow in frustration. How could the infuriating man be staying here? In the same house?

She lay there
awhile formulating a plan to deal with his annoying company. To make matters worse, the thought of riding with Bradford, who was due in less than an hour, now paled in comparison to being around Simon. Yet, spending any time with Simon was not a good idea because she knew the futility of getting involved with him. Once his questions were answered, he’d be on his way, breaking any connection they might make in the process.

Giselle needed was to figure out a way to keep her distance from the attractive male with the killer smile, whose humor-filled eyes missed nothing. She wasn’t fool enough to believe she could control him any longer. Simon Harrington was unlike any man she’d ever known in that he seemed immune to the ploys that kept all her other beaux in line.

ore experienced at the game than she, he molded her to his every whim as if she were soft clay in his hands. Giselle had no intention of giving him another chance to make her appear to be a green, inexperienced girl. True or not, she’d had enough of his insulting ways.

comments about the recalcitrant young stallion from the day before flowed back.
There is something to behold in the predictability of the male species. Some males just hate to be ignored. They will do anything to keep that from happening.

What would happen if she totally ignored Simon?
For that matter, could she? “Humph,” she muttered. “I can certainly try.”

Smiling, she hugged herself
at the idea of wearing her exquisite dress to dinner on one of those evenings Simon would be sure to attend, ignoring him the entire time, of course.

Having formed the perfect plan, s
he jumped up to prepare for her visit with Bradford, humming as she did.

When she strode down the stairs forty-five minutes later, her confidence had
fully returned.

“Bradford, how nice to see you.”
Holding out her hand, she met his smile with an enthusiastic one of her own, happy for the opportunity to ride since the weather was still unseasonably warm.

The pleasure is truly mine. And might I add, you look beautiful this afternoon.” He took her gloved hand and brought it to his lips.

“Thank you, kind sir
.” Giselle beamed, spinning in a full circle to show off her attire. She’d changed into one of her favorite riding habits and was sporting a matching new hat. “Are you ready for our ride?”

“I’ve thought of nothing else since we planned it last week.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Jake should have the horses ready.”


Laughter from the direction of the house drew Simon’s gaze. He stiffened, clenching his jaw. From his spot near the stables where he and Gus stood talking, he watched Giselle head toward two tethered horses. Seeing her so obviously entertained with Bradford Tyler annoyed him. He recognized Tyler from his meeting the day before. Tyler was also the same man Giselle had flirted with that last night in Louisville, and that fact annoyed him further, especially when she appeared far too fetching in a riding habit that enhanced her curvaceous figure.

Earlier, when
Simon had spied Giselle ahead of him on the path, he’d thought his eyes had deceived him. Sitting proudly astride her horse, the epitome of innocence and femininity, he’d wanted to jump down and draw her to him. The same feeling came over him now. Though an outrageous flirt, she was such a striking contrast to the Hillier woman, a breath of fresh mountain air, clean and fragrant compared to the baser scents of the inner city.

“Sorry,” Simon said, refocusing on the task at hand when Gus said something he didn’t catch.
He shouldn’t care what she did. Should be happy she was so clearly taken with another man. “My attention drifted. What were you saying?” That flirtatious coquette was off-limits.

chuckled. “She keeps them hopping.” When Simon glanced at him, cocking an eyebrow, his chuckle rolled into a hearty laugh. “I merely happened to notice where your attention drifted and thought I’d fill you in.”

“What makes you think I want to be filled in
,” Simon asked, frowning.

“Are you telling me you don’t?”

“All right, you caught me.” He laughed. “Can’t blame a man for noticing the landscape.”

“No, you can’t.
Especially that landscape. She’s definitely a charmer. Got ’em all wrapped around her little finger. I’m amazed they keep coming around. ’Tis obvious she has no real interest in any of ’em.”

“Now that sounds like the woman I know.”

“So you’ve met the charming Giselle?” Gus’s gaze turned questioning.

BOOK: Games (Timeless Series)
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