Games (Timeless Series) (5 page)

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Beaming, Giselle sat back and sighed as he walked away.

“That was quite a show.”

The familiar voice broke into her daydreams and she turned to see Simon standing a few feet away.

“Simon.” Wild excitement rushed throughout her system. “What a surprise. I did not expect to see you again.”

Though he smiled, his posture was stiff. “I’m sure seeing me is a huge surprise. I’m only glad to note you didn’t waste any time.”

Giselle couldn’t miss the angry edge to his voice. When she glanced at his face, her smile froze in place at the disgust she saw reflected in his eyes. It hurt to have him view her like that.

“If you will excuse me.” She stood, feeling a sudden need to escape. “It is time I retired to my room.” She hesitated, not sure why he was so angry. “You seem concerned. I do not see how my actions should give you cause for concern.” She glanced at him once more before turning and heading for the staircase.

He followed, saying heatedly, “Oh, honey, I’m not concerned. But I do admit I didn’t think you’d be back to your games so quickly. I should have known better.”

“I am sure what I do is none of your business.” She hurried up the stairs to get away from him. If she could just make it to her room, she’d be safe.


Simon stayed doggedly behind her, having no intention of letting her escape so easily.

“Maybe, but somehow I thought our time together meant something,” he said a little more sharply than he’d intended as she halted outside her room.

She put her key in the lock, opened the door, and turned back to him.

What did you think it meant?” She stamped her foot in a fit of temper, nearly yelling at this point. “I will tell you what it meant. I spent two pleasant encounters with a dashing man. But where will you be tomorrow? And the next day? And that tells you exactly what it is supposed to mean.”

“Shush. You’re bringing undue attention to yourself.” Simon pushed her into her room. He followed and closed the door behind him.

“What are you doing?” Giselle practically shrieked, staring at him with a look of horror on her face. “You cannot come in here. You are insulting and insufferable, and I will not have you ruin my reputation.”

, as irrational as it was, he had no intention of letting her off the hook so easily and leaned against the door. “No one saw us and I’m not done talking.”

“Why are you here spying on me?” Giselle snapped. “I do
not find your conduct amusing.”

Well, honey, guess what? I’m not amused either. And I wasn’t spying on you. I happened to be conducting business in the lobby and saw you gushing over…hmm…what was his name? Bradford? Ah, yes, I believe it was Bradford. I was curious.” He left out the part about the jealousy consuming him from the moment he spied the two chatting so amicably while he met with his man. Here, he’d knocked him out and risked losing his cooperation because of Giselle Franklin.

Worse, he didn’t like admitting how much her actions with Tyler infuriated him. Only hours ago he’d kissed her sweet lips. Though he knew she was a shameless flirt, he couldn’t believe she’d gone from him to another man so swiftly. That he shouldn’t care didn’t temper his annoyance any.

“Apparently my behavior bothers you.” Giselle held her head high, glaring at him. “I do not understand why. I have never tried to hide what I am. You were the one to point it out. I like to flirt and I enjoy the attention of nice men. Bradford is a very nice man. I fully intend to enjoy his company. Now, will you please leave? This conversation is over.”

She turned to stalk f
arther into the suite, but his grip, fast as a striking snake, stopped her.

Before she could react, he’d pulled her into his embrace, now totally annoyed because she could dismiss him so readily.

“It’s over when I say it’s over,” he said as his lips descended on hers.

At first the kiss was punishing. He was in no mood to be gentle.
His mouth ground into hers. Yet when she responded and didn’t push him away, he couldn’t hold on to his anger. His lips softened.

When she slid her arms around his neck, drawing him closer, the fight to control his desire for her became daunting.
He pushed her back against the door, stepped into her warmth, pressing his full arousal into her. For glorious minutes he continued kissing until her soft moan filled his ears, sending need shooting through him. He lifted his lips, kissed his way to her ear. Using his tongue, he licked, then bit her lobe.

“Giselle, what have you done to me?” he whispered. “My God, you are the most infuriating woman. I shouldn’t be here, but I can’t stay away.”

“Do not think. Just kiss,” she said in a sultry voice, dragging his mouth back to hers.

e stepped up the tempo, increasing the pressure of his mouth and tongue. At the same time, his fingers stroked, stopping at her luscious breasts. Soon, he began kneading. First one, then the other.

With fast hands, he un
fastened the top of her gown, baring her breasts while still kneading them. She moaned, opening and sending a straight shot of white-hot heat to his groin. He was having trouble holding on to his sanity. Kissing Giselle was intoxicating and addicting. He wanted nothing more than to finish undressing her…to have her naked…to continue making sweet love to her. Her compliance told him he could achieve his goal. Desire warred with common sense, with desire edging out ahead. Quickly forgetting his resolve of leaving her untouched, he now had a new purpose—seducing this enticing woman. He had the means and the opportunity.

A steamboat whistle pierced the air, denoting an imminent departure. The noise jolted Simon back to reality.


Regret washed over him. He had everything but time.

Fighting for control, he raised his head. Giselle opened her eyes. Looking into stormy, passion-filled depths that were clearly stating she’d give him all he wanted, Simon’s temper ignited. How had this slip of a woman caused him to forget his duty? He’d never been in this situation before and it angered him that the flirtatious Giselle was the reason.

He tugged her
bodice closed. “Cover yourself.”

His sharp words cracked like a whip. A look of horror moved over her expression.

She slapped him across the face with a stinging blow. “You
, monsieur
, are not nice. And that was not a nice thing to do.”

Stunned, he grabbed her hand and put it behind her back, bringing her close. Then he roughly kissed her again. He raised his lips and said in a terse voice, “Oh no! You
can’t put all of that on me. You allowed me to continue, so don’t try and play coy with me now. Play with your other fishes if you must, but
toy with me. You understand?”

The whistle blew again.

“Hell, I haven’t got time for this. I’m late.” He let go of her and opened the door, but before he left, he turned back. “And one more thing. Don’t call me
My name is Simon. I damn well expect you to use it when you kiss me like that.”

Simon made it to the riverboat dock with only minutes to spare. He stood on the deck and watched the lights of Louisville recede as the steamboat made its way up the river.
Closing his eyes, he leaned into the railing, remembering the feel of Giselle’s enticing breasts in his hands. He could still taste her kisses and he yearned for more. God, the woman kissed like a seasoned courtesan, not the innocent he knew she was, and desire for her still hummed throughout his body. He opened his eyes and sighed.

Suddenly he laughed, the rich sound breaking into the noiseless night as it dawned on him that he’d had a very close call. Kissing Giselle had caused him to lose control and in his thirty years of life, he couldn’t recall it ever happening before.

The flirtatious coquette already had him forgetting his duty. He’d been damned lucky to get away from her hook unscathed. His resolve strengthened as he turned to go inside. He was damn good at solving his cases. No woman was worth changing and giving all that up, especially a flighty one like Giselle.


Chapter 4

Months Later

The unseasonably warm
December sun beat on Giselle’s neck and shoulders. She reached for her handkerchief to wipe the moisture from her forehead as Libby encouraged a frisky young stallion to take a bit with lead into his mouth.

“You obstinate beast.”
Libby frowned, placing her hands on her hips. “You’d think he’d realize after a while that I’m more stubborn than he is and just give in.”

“I do
not know, Libby. He is being mulish.” She chuckled. If Libby couldn’t do it, then it couldn’t be done. She had a special way with horses and Giselle had learned a great deal from her these past months while working on Colin’s—and now Libby’s—stud farm.

“You think this
beautiful weather will hold,” Libby asked.

“I hope so.”
Giselle sighed, her breath coming out in one long puff of air while she stared over the landscape. “I’ll miss being outside when it turns too cold.”

I’m not looking forward to winter.” Libby’s gaze followed Giselle’s toward the track where the two trained Colin’s beauties for racing each morning. “I don’t think Colin was expecting such warm weather for so long. He’s put off his trip to Louisville because of it.”

, Libby, I love it here.” Her words rushed out like a waterfall during the spring runoff. “These horses have given me purpose. Paris wasn’t this exciting.” Of course, her parents weren’t too happy with her decision to work on the farm. Still, they didn’t have any valid reason to deny her request, seeing as she was now Libby’s companion and helper, living in the Thorpes’ big house. Colin had assured them she would be treated more as a guest than a paid servant.

Libby smiled
. “I can’t imagine how working as hard as you do can compare to living in Paris, attending balls and other social soirees.” She put her arm around Giselle, squeezing gently. “I’m just glad you’re here rather than there. Your friendship means the world to me.”

As does yours,” Giselle said as Libby refocused on the yearling.

“Why won’
t you cooperate, you bad boy?”

bit back a smile at the sight her friend presented, standing head-to-head with the reluctant animal. Her boy’s dungarees were tucked into scuffed riding boots and she was wearing a muslin shirt under her jacket. The dress somehow worked for Libby, but it would never do for her.

. Giselle would never don male attire as Libby was wont to do. Her riding habits worked just fine. The thought of someone mistaking her for a boy was the worst thing she could imagine. She never could understand Libby’s penchant for working in boy’s clothes, but after laboring with her day after day for several months, she, like everyone else on the farm, finally accepted the fact that Libby dressed the way she did.

“Stubborn males,” Libby exclaimed in exasperation
, giving an irritated shake of her head at the horse. “I’ll have to try a different approach, like ignoring him, to see what he does.”

Libby walked away from the feisty animal
. Giselle followed.

After going about ten yards, she stopped
and glanced at Giselle. “Oh, before I forget. Colin and I are leaving for Louisville tomorrow once we’re done with training. Even the weather can’t delay him any longer. He has another meeting to attend…some problems with the new racetrack. I’m not sure how long we’ll be staying. Would you like to join us?”

Any other time Giselle would have jumped at the chance
. Trips into Louisville with the Thorpes always provided wonderful opportunities to attend exciting parties and such.

Instead of agreeing, she scanned the horizon
. “
” she said wistfully. “I plan to visit my parents tomorrow afternoon. It has been well over a month since my last trip to Shelbyville.” Amusement replaced her pensive mood. A note of laughter rang in her voice as she added, “I cannot believe I am saying this, but I am homesick. Besides, Marguerite has some new gowns she wants me to see. I haven’t spoken to her in ages.” Her sister had been away during Giselle’s last visit.

“Your decision wouldn’t also include the fact that a Mr. Bradford Tyler usually
comes calling on the weekends, would it?”

laughed. “Yes, he usually calls on Saturday afternoons and I will be back well before then. We are going riding. Colin said I could take Fortuna and Hercules—if the weather stays nice enough. Otherwise, we will have to cope with Minnie and Maizie’s watchful eyes in the library.”

groaned. The two happened to glance at each other at the same time and they both erupted into gales of laughter.

“I know I shouldn’t laugh, but the
idea of those two very old-fashioned dears watching over you is too funny,” Libby said of the Young sisters, who took care of Colin’s three children by his first wife. After her death, the ladies became indispensable to Colin’s household, and then later to Libby. “It’s sweet how they feel it’s their job to keep you chaste with all of the men who come to call.”

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