Read Games Frat Boys Play Online

Authors: Todd Gregory

Games Frat Boys Play (24 page)

BOOK: Games Frat Boys Play
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“I didn't bring a suit.”
“I can loan you one.”
“You just dried off.” I shrugged. “Maybe later?”
“You spoil all my fun,” he teased. “Now I'll have to come up with another way to get you out of your clothes.”
I stood up and pulled my shirt up over my head. “All you have to do is ask,” I replied, tossing my shirt to him. He caught it, folded it, and placed it on the table. I kicked off my shoes and started to undo my pants.
“Wait a minute.” He got up and walked around to me. He put his big arms around me and pulled me in close. I could feel his heart pounding as he pressed his thick chest against me. “I like you, Jordy. I like you a lot.” He looked me deep in the eyes. “And yes, I want to take you to bed. But I don't want a one-night stand with you.”
you want?” I replied, leaning my face toward his until we were bare inches apart.
“I want to get to know you. I want to date you.” His hands slid down my back and cupped my ass. “Is that something you want, too?”
I slid my hands inside his shirt until they rested on his big pecs. His skin felt hot to the touch. “I think I could want that, yes.”
He leaned in and kissed me. It was chaste, a sweet kiss, just our lips pressed against each other as we stood there. He tasted of the wine and mint. He slowly started moving me around in a slow dance, there under the stars, to Pachelbel's Canon. And when he undid my pants, I didn't resist as he slid them down. I stepped out of them and pulled his shirt up over his head, kissing him at the base of his throat. “You have such a beautiful body,” I breathed into his ear as he started kissing my neck.
“Not as beautiful as yours,” he whispered back, and he swung me up into his strong arms as effortlessly as if I weighed no more than a feather, and carried me back into the house, kissing me the entire time. He set me down on the couch and stepped out of the scrubs. He was naked underneath them, and he sat beside me on the couch. He lay back and pulled me down on top of him. I traced his lips with my right index finger, and we kissed again.
It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Usually sex was rushed, hurried, and frantic—an animalistic need to sate desire. But this—this was gentle, and slow, and loving. We explored each other's bodies with hands, mouths, and tongues in a slow ritual of pleasure. And when I finally entered him, it was like we became one with each other. I didn't want to slam into him, pound away at him until he gasped with pleasure and screamed when he came. Instead, I gently moved into him, not pressing, not forcing myself into him. Rather, I waited for him to slowly open to me, slowly sliding back and forth until his breathing came faster and I went deeper into him.
I couldn't take my eyes off his incredible body as I made love to him, as I kissed his neck, as I stroked his magnificent chest.
And when he came, just before I did, tears slipped out of my eyes. And when I was finished, I collapsed on top of him, and he kissed the top of my head.
“That was beautiful,” he whispered. “I could lie here with you for the rest of my life and never get up.” He smiled. “Hey, you're crying.” He kissed my wet cheeks. “Why?”
“I don't know.” I snuggled against him. “I've just never felt so close to someone before.” I felt safe lying there, in his arms, like nothing in the world mattered.
He squeezed me a little tighter. “It's been hard on you, hasn't it.”
I nodded. “I've been so lonely.” I forced a laugh. “I had no idea just how lonely until now.”
“You don't ever have to worry about that anymore.” He kissed my cheek again. “You're a special guy, Jordy. I could see that the first time I met you.” He started stroking the back of my head. “Forget about Chad. Forget about everything in your past. Start over. You can't do anything about the past, but you can do something about the future. Don't let your history poison your future.”
Chad was an idiot to walk away from you,
I thought.
“You're a good person,” he continued. “That's what matters. The outside is just wrapping paper. You can wrap a pile of shit in the most gorgeous paper, but it's still a pile of shit.” He kissed me again. “Now wipe those tears away. No more crying, you got it?”
“I'm okay.” I smiled back at him. “Should we shower before dinner?”
He nodded, and I climbed off him. When he stood he wrapped his arms around me again. “Stay the night?”
I nodded. “I'd like that.”
And he led me to the shower.
Chapter 11
aving sex with Brandon had been the last thing on my mind when he came over so I could help him with his paper. But it had been kind of a shitty day. I woke up in Dante's arms, and he made me breakfast before I came home. He'd sent me a few flirty texts in the morning, which made me smile, and I'd responded in kind. He wanted me to come back over that night, but I remembered agreeing to help Brandon with his paper so had to beg off—and the next night was Big Brother Night and I'd be stuck at the house. So we made plans for me to come over for dinner on Sunday.
Make sure you bring a swimsuit ;)
was his last text.
I'd gone to my classes walking on air. I couldn't focus on the lectures. I just sat there and daydreamed about Dante, remembering what it felt like to have his arms around me, remembering how special being with him was. I'd always thought the term
making love
was stupid—but now I understood what it meant. There was definitely a difference between that and fucking. I was sorry I wasn't going to be able to see him again until Sunday. I couldn't wait—especially after he texted me a nude photo while I was sitting in my Art History class.
It was at the gym that the day started going downhill.
I showed up at Body Quest in my workout clothes. I checked in at the front desk, and the girl working there frowned at me. “Didn't Jay call you?”
“I don't think so,” I replied, pulling my phone out of my shorts pocket. I checked the messages. Nothing from Jay. “Is there a problem?”
“You really need to talk to Jay.” She sighed. “He doesn't work here anymore. He should have called his clients to let them know.” She pushed a stray lock of hair off her forehead. “I'm so sorry.”
“What?” I stared at her. “What happened?”
She looked around, then leaned over the counter. “I'm not supposed to say anything,” she whispered, “but you were one of his clients so you should probably know. He had sex in the steam room with one of the members.”
Oh, my God.
She nodded. “One of the other members went into the locker room and saw him. He even recorded it on his cell phone and turned it over to the manager.” She clicked her tongue. “The member is going to have his membership canceled, once Rosemary gets a chance to talk to him.” She shook her head. “Can you believe it?”
“Thanks,” I mumbled, and headed over to the elliptical machine to start my workout.
Somehow, I managed to make it through my workout. I drifted from machine to machine, crazy thoughts running through my head.
They're going to cancel my membership, I'm going to have to find another gym and another trainer, someone taped us in the steam room, I wonder who it was, I can't believe I let him do it, I wonder why someone would do such a thing, there's a video of me having sex with Jay, oh, my God, I wonder if anyone else has seen it, what if it gets posted on the Internet, oh, God, I need to talk to Dante, what am I going to do?
When I finished my workout, I headed out to the parking lot. I got into my car and sat there for a moment. I got my phone out of the console and texted Jay:
Just found out—dude, I'm so sorry.
I didn't expect an answer, and didn't get one.
All the way home I fumed. There
to be something I could do. Sure, Jay and I had broken the gym rules, but it was still shitty. I made a call when I got home, and felt a lot better when I hung up.
Brandon showed up at six on the dot, wearing a pair of nylon sweatpants and a tank top showing off his broad shoulders and firm chest. He gave me a hug and a kiss when I answered the door. It was obvious he wasn't wearing underwear. “Thanks for doing this,” he said, plopping down on my couch. “I appreciate it.” He winked at me. “I promise to make it up to you somehow.”
“No need. You want something to drink?” I asked, getting myself a Diet Dr Pepper out of the refrigerator. Soda makes you bloat, but I kept some on hand for a treat every once in a while. After the weird thing with Jay, I felt like I deserved some kind of treat.
“A Diet Dr Pepper would be great,” he replied, removing reference books from his backpack.
I walked into the living room carrying his can of soda. He took it from me, and I sat down on the couch next to him. “Your topic is the Thirty Years' War? When is this due?”
He nodded. “Yes. And it's due on Monday.”
“Nothing like waiting to the last minute,” I said, and I laughed. “But you're not going to get a good grade on so broad a subject. I mean, historians write books on the subject and can't get everything in,” I explained. “All you'll be able to do is oversimplify everything, and I'm sure your professor is sick to death of that kind of paper.”
He grinned at me and shrugged. “That's why I'm here.” He frowned, knitting his eyebrows together. “What do you suggest?”
“One of the most interesting dynamics to this religious war is the fact that Catholic France—led by a cardinal, no less—intervened on behalf of the German Protestants,” I replied. “Cardinal Richelieu was one of the first modern statesmen; he was able to look past the religious question and realize it was in the best interests of the French to side with the Protestants, to break the power of the Catholic Hapsburgs. By doing so, he made France the preeminent power in Europe.” I shrugged. “That should be your thesis.”
“You sure know a lot about this.” Brandon started bouncing his legs on his toes. His left knee brushed against mine.
“I wrote a paper about Cardinal Richelieu's contributions to the Thirty Years' War in high school,” I replied. He stopped bouncing his legs and slid down on the couch a bit. He spread his legs out wide, and his knee came to rest touching mine. I picked up one of the books from the coffee table, glancing at him out of the corner of my eye.
Is he hitting on me? Or had it just been an accident since we're sitting so close?
I flipped the book open to the index and found RICHELIEU, CARDINAL. I marked the page with a Post-it note and scanned the entries. “At that time, it was truly shocking that France . . .” I let my sentence trail off. Brandon's hand had dropped to my inner thigh. I turned my head. “What are you doing?”
He gave me his gap-toothed grin. “Do you mind?”
I swallowed. “Well—” I licked my lips. “No, not really.” His hand slid up my leg. I put the book down and leaned back into the couch. “Is this why you asked me for my help?” I swallowed. “It's not like we have a lot of time to work on this paper, Brandon.”
His hand reached my crotch and he let it rest lightly on my stiffening cock. He leaned into me and kissed the side of my neck. “I really need help with my paper,” he breathed against my neck, “but I kind of need help with my hard-on, too.” He took my left hand and pressed it against his hardness.
I choked down a laugh. It was like dialogue from a porn movie—a
porn movie. But the hardness I could feel through the thin nylon was rather impressive. I closed my hand around it, and he moaned, closing his eyes. “Yes,” he breathed, “oh, yes.” He opened his eyes. “Can we go into your bedroom?”
“Okay.” I stood up and started walking toward the hall, but he grabbed me from behind and swung me up into his arms easily. “Damn, you're strong.” I put my arms around his neck.
“I've wanted you to fuck me since we came back this semester.” He carried me down the hall and put me down on my bed. He smiled down at me and pulled his tank top over his head.
I'd seen him shirtless before on the dance floor at Fusions but had never paid a lot of attention—I had always been focused on Chad. I'd always thought Brandon was hot, but I'd never realized just how hot. His torso was hairless other than the path of curly dark hairs trailing down from his navel. I'd never noticed how broad and muscular his shoulders were, or how thick the muscles of his upper arms were. Veins bulged in his forearms. His stomach wasn't ripped but was completely flat, and two deep lines descended from his pelvic bones to disappear inside the waistband of the sweatpants. Just below his ribs, two abdominal muscles stood out above the flat plain beneath, but as he moved, the lower abdominal muscles popped out as well, disappearing again when he put his arms down. He kicked off his sandals, hooked his thumbs inside his waistband, and pulled the sweatpants off in one fluid movement. He placed his hands on his bare hips and just stood there for me to take it all in. His cock was long, thicker at the base, and narrowing as it reached his thick mushroom-like head. His pubic hair was trimmed short, and his balls were shaved hairless, nice and plump beneath the branch of his cock. His legs were also smooth—not defined but solid in their muscularity and the smoothness of his skin. I reached out with my right hand and stroked his left leg.
His skin was softer than I would have thought, and silky to the touch.
He climbed onto the bed, getting on all fours and then leaning down to kiss my neck. His tongue darted out and ran down my neck, making me shiver with desire. He undid the button of my shorts and yanked down. I lifted my ass, and my shorts and underwear slid down my legs. I pulled my shirt off and tossed it over into the corner.
“Wow,” Brandon said, his eyes widening. “You have a
“I do?”
He kissed the head of it, and a bit of pre-cum leaked. “Oh, yeah.” He smiled up at me. “It's big, man, one of the biggest I've ever seen—outside of a porn movie, that is.” He opened his mouth and took the tip inside, swirling his tongue around it.
“Oh . . . my . . . GOD,” I moaned, putting my hands beneath my head as he started sliding his mouth up and down over it. His right hand came up and started pinching my right nipple, and involuntarily I thrust my hips upward.
He gagged a bit, letting me slide out of his mouth. A string of spit extended from the head to his mouth, and he wiped it away. He winked at me, and whispered, “Don't do that, man.” He pulled on my nipple again. “It's too big—let me work it my own way. You won't be sorry, I promise.”
“Sorry,” I whispered, and I actually was. “It was a reflex.”
“Just relax and let me worship this monster the way it deserves to be worshipped.” His left eye slid shut in a wink.
He certainly knew what he was doing.
After a few moments, I stopped him. “I'm going to come if you don't stop.”
“Don't want that.” He licked the head of my cock one last time before straddling me. I handed him a condom, and he opened it, sliding it down over my cock. He grabbed the bottle of lube from my nightstand, squirted some into his hand, and slicked up my cock. He winked at me again as he maneuvered himself down on top of me. His eyes closed as I entered him. “Oh, damn, that's big,” he muttered, inching down a bit more before stopping again. “Man, I don't know if I can take all that.”
“Take it,” I growled. I was already close, and this teasing with his tight asshole was going to make me come.
He stuck his tongue out at me and grinned. He took a deep breath, exhaled, and slid all the way down. “Oh, yeah,” he moaned, and started riding me. He held me down so I couldn't move—he really was strong—not letting me arch up or try to take control. He started moving up and down, slowly. He would go all the way up until just the tip was inside him, and then slide down really fast before going up in slow motion again.
“Dude, I'm really close,” I said again, and he opened his eyes.
“So am I,” he whispered, and he slid down again.
He cried out when he reached the bottom, and he started coming. Warm drops shot out of his cock, hitting me on the face, on the chest, and all over my abdomen. He jerked spasmodically with each shot, an involuntary cry coming from his lips.
And as he ground down on me, the pressure on my balls broke and I felt my own eruption begin.
He was still holding me down so I couldn't move.
It was agony—a delicious agony. My back arched, my legs twitched, and I couldn't catch my breath.
“Wow,” I whispered after the last spasm had passed.
He leaned down and kissed me, and slid me out of him. He collapsed next to me on the bed. “That was nice,” he whispered.
I started to protest when Brandon lit a cigarette, but I closed my mouth and put my head back down on his chest and listened to his heart beat.
That was when he made the remark about me sleeping with Dante.
“And how did you know about me and Dante?” I asked, watching as his cock continued to stiffen as my fingers traced figures around his navel.
He put a hand down on top of mine, stopping my hand. He kissed the top of my head again. “Rees saw your car parked in front of his house last night,” he said slowly.
He laughed. “It's a small town, man.” He inhaled on his cigarette. “Rees has a fuck buddy who lives down the street from Dante. Your car was still there this morning.”
BOOK: Games Frat Boys Play
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