Galactic Earth (9 page)

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Authors: G.S. Luthra

BOOK: Galactic Earth
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Political “Democracy” is nothing, but a dictatorship in disguise.


Democracy is where citizens are free to enterprise, practice beliefs, and achieve dreams. Many parties oppose one another yet agree on certain standards. Government works for people, to protect them from harm and deception, a government FOR the people. Man was not created to be subservient to an all mighty hierarchy. Slimy bureaucrats, however see it as they deserve to rule over everybody. In order to take the next step in evolution, mankind must stop worshipping authority, whether it is government, politicians, religious elites, media, false gurus, or whoever. Responsibility must be taken to create change. No government, god, or president can save you. You and only you must save yourself.


Protecting the individual rights of every human is necessary to create peace. No one or authority has the right to tell others how to live. That includes government, priests, military,
What must be enforced is the safety of others. Government should be used only for protecting the people from violence and deceit. Not only that, it has to be operated by the noblest individuals who are for the people. The wise spiritual ones have to run it. To have a system where science and technology is used intelligently, and power is evenly distributed. People must participate, not be controlled by dictators. Action and decisions are based on unbiased facts, therefore no one, or entity is controlling the masses. A new emerging society must be created that uses technology, science, and resources to enhance the quality of human life. People will have the option to have those services, not to be forced against their will to have them. Eventually, earth can duplicate the freedom on other planets, because human beings will continue to advance until there is no need for war, crime, money, military, lies, religion, belief systems, or human government.


Negative thoughts and emotions drain you so don’t sabotage yourself to appease some previously held belief. This creates energy blockades. And they prevent you from becoming a better person.


Improve yourself and discard your mistakes. You are kept dumb and ignorant if you dwell in the old world, because you are delaying your evolution with outdated philosophy. Actions are inspired by the kind of thoughts and emotions you are creating and will result in the appropriate actions. So you see why the dark forces strive to make you feel stuck in the blues. Luck is an art, and a science, and it all rests within you, on how you hold yourself. Evil elites want you to circle in self-pity so you don’t think about the real meaning of life.


Informing as many humans on earth as possible will help free the earth. The more people that know what’s going on, the greater the chance the planet has of becoming free. The power of God, which is spiritual love energy, must be spread in abundance all across the globe. Now there is a difference between saying and knowing what must be done, and actually doing it. There are many books saying love and light, we must use it and so on, but people have to take action! So the question arises, how do I use love to help myself and others? How do I send thoughts of love to the whole planet? The answer is to live it in your daily life. No matter what you do, you can use this energy in your profession and outside with others. Just please remember this, nothing is going to change if you sit idle. Nothing will change if you don’t take action. In order to do this right, you’re going to have to do the necessary tasks to create change. Not just thinking and visualizing, but by actually doing something about it. No one will bring it for you. You have to do it yourself. Meditation can help you, because you are harnessing your energies so you can focus on creating a positive outcome that builds over time. By simply spending some time daily or once a week in silence, you can draw in universal free energy and use it for protection, cleansing, or whatever else you want. Another thing you have to remember is to be consistent. Don’t expect to do the energy work once and everything will be alright. You have to do the right things long enough to change something. Not everyone is at the same level. Each person is on their own level of evolution. Some have to do more than others and more frequently. Where ever you are, just remember this and you’ll be fine.


Man was originally born with twelve DNA strands, unlike what the bald pipe smoking college professors say. Since they possessed twelve, they were capable of understanding knowledge much better than today's knave human. Spiritual development must be practiced in order for humans to reclaim those lost DNA strands, many of the so called psychic abilities that some people exhibit is just having some of those strands activated. When you have your DNA strands activated, more knowledge is available to you, and you understand more. To explain how man was able to perform "psychic" abilities, one must understand the chakra system.


Humans have seven major chakras. Here is a list from top to bottom. They can be described as follows:


The Crown Chakra

Location - Top of the head

Purpose - Connection with the universe (God). It is used to delve deeper into the sub and super consciousness.


The Brow Chakra

Location - Middle of the forehead, between the eyes.

Purpose - Clairvoyance, intuition, and psychic ability.

Seeing beyond what the physical eyes can see, having sight beyond sight observing through time and space. It is commonly referred to as “The Third Eye.”

Throat Chakra

Location - Base of the throat.

Purpose - Art of expressing one’s self in forms of art – singing, writing, music, painting,
Trust, honesty, and integrated planning are associated with this chakra.


Heart Chakra

Location - Center of the chest.

Purpose - Love, compassion, forgiveness. Inner strength, healing, emotional and social contact comes from this center.


Solar Plexus Chakra

Location - Abdomen area.

Purpose - Self-ownership, freedom, independence, contains a second brain for intuition.


Dan Tien Chakra

Location - Two inches below the navel.

Purpose - Center of body. The store house of energy, deals with passion, relationships, and the art of making love. Also conducts satisfaction and pleasure.


Root Chakra

Location - Bottom base of the spine

Purpose - Connection with the earth, strength, survival, and physical worldly issues.


They are like meridians that conduct energy flow. Each chakra corresponds to a specific function along with emotions. There are also minor chakras too, such as the palm chakras. The energy flows like water when functioning at optimum levels. Plus, with the more activated DNA, man could grasp more because he could use the higher energies from other dimensions. Now, if you block that flow of energy like blocking a dam, problems then arise. Deactivating DNA strands leads to malfunctioning of the body. That’s what has happened to humans due to genetic engineering and manipulation by evil extraterrestrials with super technology.


Look, what I’m trying to tell you here is that we will never have peace on planet earth if we continue to fight and hate each other. The ways of love and peace is the only thing that can save us. I’m tired of all the bloodshed…I’m just tired. I’m so tired of seeing homeless children picking food out of a trash can. I’m tired of seeing men and women being killed, suffering from war, and crying to go back to their families. Human beings were not meant to live this way. We were meant to live better. Please, for the sake of the human race, stop fighting, stop hating, stop killing. Start loving, start helping, and start striving for what’s really important…the freedom of the human race. To all of you people who want more war and victory over others, what is that going to do, if you beat them, so what? What does that prove? War and destruction will only bring war and destruction. Anger and hatred will remain even after a war is over and so another battle will start. It may be in ten years, or twenty years, or thirty years, but war will continue again, and again, and again, and again until we’re all dead! That’s what you want? If you want to put out a fire, you have to use water. You can’t put out a fire with more fire, you have to use water. You can’t stop war with more war, you have to use peace. You can’t stop hate with more hate, you have to use love.


Most wonder why the benevolent aliens don’t come to help us. They don’t, because most of the population has not invited them. They’re too preoccupied with all of the distractions that have been given to them. Also, the benevolent aliens are not going to save earth. That job is for human beings. Good aliens will not come, because humans have to grow up. How can human beings love someone from another galaxy when they can’t even love someone from another part of their own planet? They only see divided countries and hate others who look, talk, and live differently than them. When an astronaut sees earth in outer space, he sees one planet, one human family. Not just North

America, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, Antarctica, or Australia. We must learn to care for our own planet first in order to evolve. If you can’t, then that shows that you are no more evolved than animals, that you’re just a bunch of primates with technology and no self-control. You give an angry wild monkey a gun and you watch what happens. That’s what humans are if they don’t change. Help from the divine will come when we are ready, so let’s focus on fixing our problems. Don’t stare up in the sky, because you’ll miss what’s right in front of you.


Many people blame God for everything that’s happened, and question how could such an almighty creator let such evil happen on earth? Well, guess what? That almighty creator is you, you let it happen. Oh yes, you see, God lives in you. God did not do this, evil individuals have done this, and you let them! Why doesn’t he save us? I can hear many cries of save us, save us! People waste their time whining when they should be taking action. Every time people ask to be saved, God shakes his head, because they’re not taking responsibility. Human beings have to take responsibility for their lives. God is not going to pamper anybody. People have to evolve and save themselves, otherwise they won’t learn anything. Independence and self-reliance is the key, not worship and surrender to falsity.


Remember God is beyond religion and more importantly, God is beyond good and evil. If you can understand this, then life will become a whole lot simpler. Realizing this is vital for the evolution of the human race. All edited religions preach servitude, slavery, and dependency. This will never achieve peace just as history has shown. Human beings were not meant to live in obedience to any man, government, alien, or false god. There is no God, only the God in you! Stop living like blind sheep! Recognize yourself as a responsible person. Don’t tell me, or anyone else to serve you, or any other entity, or else you will be destroyed by your own self lack!


This is what must be done. If humans can’t learn to use love, then they are finished. Is this such a big thing I’ am asking of you? All I’m asking is love each other, not hate, put your differences aside and come to common ground. God helps those who are open and make efforts. Are you able to do this? Is that so hard of a task? Well, we’ll soon find out. May the infinite light enter your soul and change you forever.


A World beyond War, Government, & Belief Systems


Dreaming about a future world where everything is love, peace, and…wake up! This is the world you live in! Sure things could be better, but that requires action! You can’t just sit there and do nothing expecting things will change. Everything will not get better if people make not effort. What should you do? That is the wrong question. What can YOU do? Ask yourself that, and then go from there. Look at the world, what do you see? And you know, earth people are so funny, they ask the same silly question, “how are ya?” every single day. How am I? I live on a planet with war, crime, hatred, discrimination, stupidity, and religious fanatics that is run by military, corrupt bureaucrats, and gangsters who are mentally retarded in a monetary slave economy all operated under a globally elite world government…how do you think I feel?


How do you really get things done? Do it with action, in accordance with God. Doesn’t matter how you feel, nor does anyone want to hear any excuses. Those who show up and do their work get the job done. People if you keep on living this way ignoring the ways of love and peace, then destruction will come and you will deserve it.

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