Galactic Earth (8 page)

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Authors: G.S. Luthra

BOOK: Galactic Earth
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So, look out for the pranks the secret government tries to pull off. Sure you could say this is all quackery, but what if it isn’t? What if everything you just read were true? Would you want to take a chance?


Let go of false images and pursuits.


Television, social media, internet, and alike have given you a fake perspective of life and what is important. Illusions are painted where everyone is partying, and having a great life of luxury. It is pure insanity to chase silly meaningless quests of filthy rich lifestyles filled with excessive material possessions, cheap thrills, and low level pleasure that is short lasting and incomplete.


Life is about developing yourself, becoming someone greater of respectable value, a person who others will look up to, dignified, and with noble character. What you’ve been brainwashed into believing is a consumer’s paradise where you can buy unlimited products promising you success, “prestige”, and fans who will cheer your name.


Ignore this childish pursuit for glory. Man up or woman up, and see the overall picture. Your fellow human beings are suffering in poverty, hunger, while unspeakable terror occurs regularly. Governments don’t care, so it’s up to you to snap out of the daze and together create a better future.


The solution to all the problems in the world is to take action! Nothing will change by itself! You have to do something to make it better.


What do you do? Well, the possibilities are endless but here are a few suggestions -


Live your life consciously every day, not mindlessly drifting away following what the media says. Real peaceful people are aware of their actions and live harmoniously. Develop dignity and character!


Surround yourself with good energy - loving, supportive friendly people, music, art,

This all will expand your consciousness.


Keep your home clean of all disturbing energies. Remove everything that distracts you from your highest purpose. Television, radio, media, why waste your time with these things? They all revolve around death related concepts, who cares what they say, forget them. Spend your money wisely on things that will lead to a positive outcome.


Do the same with your body as well. Don’t waste yourself with junk, self-destruction, and wastefulness. Keep yourself clean from all negative energies. Hate, anger, jealousy, competition, these are all preventing you from evolving. Focus on love, joy, bliss, and good energies.


Create what gives value to society - playing music, painting, singing, walking in nature, inventions, relaxing, pleasant conversations, exercise,


Remove yourself from draining activates or areas. All these sporting events generate a lot of wasteful anger. Think about it, there are millions who are living homeless without any food or water, and people are getting mad because some guy didn’t kick a ball in a goal? That is what’s important? You tell me. What a primitive way to spend your time.


Listen to your soul. Your soul is your connection to the existence or what you normal refer to as God. This energy can teach you everything you need to know.


Spread this knowledge, especially to those willing to listen. Show them where they can find information on spiritual development (by going within) and leave it alone, let it work itself.


Get creative, don’t depend on this book!


Your history’s greatest inventors understood the mutual relationship between conventional science and faith or religion, the connection to the divine. Because of this, great individuals were made. In that regard, again, use your God giving talents in harmony with the divine cosmic flow of God to produce physical manifestations which benefit your world.


Science is cold and limited without religion, being very rigid and vice versa, religion without a fundamental understanding of basic sciences and mathematics is impractical and delusional, running around in a circle. Be wise and stray away from the extremes of either side. Mastering both worlds yields you the title of intelligent.


I know there are many of you capable and who wish to help. You just need a good push to shine. Well, I’m here to tell you that you don’t need any special anything. You already have all you need to become your heart’s desire. Delete any limiting thoughts or beliefs at once, they serve no purpose in your life.


It is time now to take back the power and create a new world where everyone is healthy, free, and justice is universal. It’s going to take the efforts of all to collectively make a difference on this earth. Running the rate race for wealth, wine, and women will destroy the masses and the winner will still ultimately be a feeble minded rodent.


Following your passion will give you the best rewards. Too many people today steer away of their goals and dreams in an exchange to take the more “safe” and secure route via a “stable” job with benefits, insurance, and other mind traps promising security. Look at the world around you, there is no such thing! Only through your own power are you protected, through the untouchable spirit of God!


Immense power us waiting within. Such enormous endless energy is not being cultivated, because you constantly give it away to superiors in all forms. Your friends don’t dictate your life. Your parents’ satisfactions are not the ends to a means. Society is not who chooses who you become, you do!


For the love of God, and of yourself, become a better individual! Don’t fall to your knees due to the disapproval of others. You think great scientists, artists, inventors, doctors, warriors, healers, or musicians allowed themselves to be directed by peers? You’ve got to be kidding me. No, they paved the way to their legendary status through supernatural efforts and the sun hot fire of their will. These great minds deserved their success and so do you if you mimic such behavior.


Venture out and be someone who will transform the earth from a miserable mud ball, to a god’s oasis!

How to Save the World

I don’t know if there exists a formula for peace, but here’s a guess,

Love + Wisdom + Intelligence = Peace

Likewise, it can be also said that

Ignorance + Arrogance – Intelligence = Destruction

It appears that earth has been following the wrong formula. The problem is they persist at solving this error solely through mathematics.

Perhaps someone should inform them of their stupidity, but that might provoke another war.


Elevating the consciousness of human beings must be done in order to create real tangible peace on earth. Love can burn all the evil away, and the physical reality will reflect that. When you look at a planet and its race, it is easy to figure out how advanced they are and where they‘re going by observing their behavior and patterns. Suffering exists on earth, because that is what the majority of humans are emitting. They focus on low living, and it shows on the outside. Their thoughts, emotions, and actions revolve around negativity. Filth, scum, and muck stain this planet and that is why love is needed to change this energy into a higher one. In order to defeat the hierarchy government, and the slavery system they’ve created, the power of God must be used to heal the earth and this power is love. Love is God, and God is love. When you experience such real purity you are experiencing the power of spiritual light, of the universe, of the soul spirit, of God. Independence from all government and authority is liberty. Having the choice to follow your dreams without the burden of political law, rules, financial worries, or fear is true freedom. When you live free, you live life according to your own decisions. Unfortunately, most people on earth let fear lead them. They let the imperial establishment dictate their lives. They are forced to abide by restricting regulations. Attending schooling, being registered “legally” so you can be tracked, ID cards, and all other irrelevant things are forced upon the citizen. In order for people to truly live free they must destroy that which is preventing them from doing so, the corruption in government. All that is required is choice. That conscious decision will bring justice.


Centralized government only brings more war, more government, and less freedom. These are the only three plagues corruption has, and always will give to human beings. Look at your history and you’ll see for yourself. Once people have chosen freedom over slavery, peace over war, love over hate, and conscious purpose over aimlessness, those who wish to control the planet will perish by the awakened ones, the ones who are in control of their destiny, those who do not bow down to faker! They laugh at those who attempt to give orders, and sweep away slavery. It is these individuals who have the will, the intelligence, and the strength to cleanse the earth of all the filth she has tried so hard to clean. These parasitical dark rulers have stained earth’s beautiful face with their scum. Her once clear vibrant glowing face, which once shined in healthy radiance, has been made ugly by these bloodsuckers.


Earth’s temple, her untouched clean skin, has been scarred by these deceptive leeches. She has been raped by authority of all her riches and gifts. Now she is crying out for help, for someone to save her. Humans must answer her calling. They must rise up and free themselves of the evil that is on this planet to purify the world of their slime, and restore earth’s beauty so she may shine once again! All of the dictators, religious fanatics, and governmental authoritative officials will be exposed for who and what they really are. The heavenly bright light of truth will reveal their greed, which dominates their lives. The people will realize that they have been robbed from these no good value destroying parasites. Their lies, corruption, and thievery will be revealed. Power will be restored to where it belongs, in the hands of the people. Each time big government tries to condemn others with false guilt and confession they will be ridiculed for their charade. Laughter will shake the world each time a politician attempts to enslave humanity. This global transition will cause a dramatic change on the planet. Team work of all nations will correct the imbalance on earth. It is only a matter of choice. Now is that time to make that decision.


Yes, good aliens exist. No, they’re not coming to save you. Unlike what the new age fanatics tell you, they are not here to clean up. It is possible for benevolent ET’s to evacuate people if it is necessary, but as far as coming down here and playing hero, no. It would be detrimental to the development of human beings as a race. Why? Well, because if they did so, they would be babying us. They’re doing the work for the populous. Plus, it is part of evolution for us to over throw a dictating government to complete our independence. If humans don’t take the actions to free themselves, then they are not worth saving. No one will do it for them. They must save themselves. The Galactic Alliance of Planets believes that every race has the right to evolve without interference, unless the majority asks for help. Unfortunately, most of earth’s population is focused on internet, TV shows, war, politics, drugs, alcohol, competition, and other unimportant things. Too many people are uninformed and addicted the material idiocy, so that is why they don’t come.


Many people ask why the good aliens don’t help. Answer, who told you they aren’t? They are and have intervened many times in the past. In ancient books they have been referred to as angels, spiritual masters, and teachers. They are watching the earth and are very patient, and act only in accordance with the universe when the time and energy are right. There are no dates, or calendars. This is a linear belief system that earth people need to abandon. All of the thoughts and emotions are being felt by advanced beings. They simply do things when the time is right guided by the supreme intelligence (God), not a calendar.


Contacts are being made, but at the moment only with peaceful humble people. Negative people may fear, and/or attack benevolent beings. Earth needs to change its energy to a higher one. Human beings need to use their minds and hearts together to transform themselves and the earth for the better.

Angelic Beings


There are many accounts in religious texts, and ancient books of angelic like people. These are beings that are more socially evolved than the average person. Here on earth, people only think of an advanced alien race possessing superior technology, but they don’t take into consideration what their personal development might be like. Spiritual mastery is another way to see how civilized a race is, rather than just technological achievement. Sometimes clever aliens use artificial lights and technical fancy gadgets to fool people into believing they are godly when in fact they are tricking them. Mastered beings are radiating the energy of spiritual light. The light of love is shining around them and they can use this energy to do wonders. Miracles have been described when man did not understand how such feats were achieved, so they worshipped them even though such aliens did not want it. With the power of love, anything is possible. Spiritual beings are in tune with the mind of everything (God). Human beings must develop their spirituality if they want to evolve to the next level. Mind, body, souls together is ideal. Many abilities that people would claim as impossible will be common traits future man will possess as he evolves to the higher realms. Life on higher dimensions is quite different than the compact earth dimension. You experience so much more, because you are using senses you never knew you had before. Not only can you feel physically, but you can feel energy, the thoughts and intentions of others, and so much more. This is why lies do not exist on higher planes. Evil cannot survive in such environments. They can’t exist there only thrive on earthly and other low garbage. Some people refer to this as hell. The very high dimension, where everything is light, is referred to by some people as heaven. Earthly books tell you to do well in your life, so you can go to heaven and avoid hell. Others say it’s good karma and so on. Part of this is true, because when you commit positive deeds, you attract it to you and thus, more of that same energy will come. If you live peacefully, you will be able to go to higher dimensions, because your aura is clean.


A life spent doing evil destructive deeds, will result in receiving more of the same. If you neglect your carcass, then you destroy yourself and end up re-incarnating to learn your lessons. This is not punishment or judgement. It is simply evolution. It is experience. Everyone is learning. Every soul wants to experience everything so it can grow and prosper. Many people have lived thousands of lives in the past as plants, rocks, minerals,
Everything is constantly developing and evolving. This is the way of life Love must be used to clean the planet of negative energies. You may think that you have to do many things in the physical world to bring change, but you have to understand that the cause of everything is energy. Therefore, all the evil you see in the physical world is the result of frequency. When people remove the negative vibrations from themselves, they will experience liberation. When the forces of love, joy, beauty, and happiness dominate the earth, true freedom will emerge. That is the natural way of life. You have to use higher energies to change the lower energies.


Many other civilizations in the universe have been freed because of combined bravery to create peace. Hate, anger, and arrogance only bring more of the same. Spiritual masters in the past have taught man the ways of love. Unfortunately, those teachers were killed, and their teachings were destroyed. Martial artists strive to unify the body mind and soul to attain mastery. This same achievement is what can utilize science with sane usage. That’s why there is no need for war, crime, government, money, or any of the primitive organizations or systems we have here on earth once people come to common ground and manifest a world where individuality can be expressed.


Some of you may not believe such a world is possible. Some of you believe that there will always be war, crime, hatred, and alike. Well, what does that say about you? What does that say about the human race? And you wonder why the intelligent aliens don’t come down? Why should they? You can’t blame them. Why should they risk their lives to help a race that believes in war, crime, hate, murder, rape, religion, fake authorities, false worship of idols, corruption, and evil, and deception, right? Does it make sense for you to risk your life for a group who are irresponsible for their actions?


Politicians are a block for human advancement. They prevent people from developing themselves by controlling them with military. Authority dictates their lives making them to be slave workers. Many people think their government is protecting them, but this is a lie, they PROTECT THEIR POWER. People are taught since infancy to believe in hierarchy. Corrupt imperialism only brings more war, more government, and less freedom. These are the only three plagues such government has, and always will give to human beings.


Look at human history, and you'll find this to be true. These are the only three that remain consistent. Stop continuing their destruction. If you are a military, police, or any other government employee mindlessly enforcing their laws, wake up. Quit enforcing their laws that are enslaving your own people. Stop fighting their wars, killing the innocent, and destroying freedom for them. You are giving your life to them while they sit back and laugh at your misery. Abandon being their slaves. They are nothing without their followers. If you really want to help your fellow man, put down your weapons and pick up your tools. Help build houses and help provide necessities that people need. Go to school and get usable skills to make this world a better place. What need is there for a government when the people have to take care of the poor? Human beings will realize how small their controllers are when they reject being their slaves. When this happens, the evolution will occur. Technology will increase a hundred fold. War, crime, poverty, disease, and even death will not exist any longer. Humans will become gods and goddesses. They will regain their power and earth will look very different.


Future generations will one day look back and laugh at how immature they were living under authority. Every person will create values for society, and will live in total happiness. Never again will human beings fall under slavery for they now have the secret to ever lasting peace. Their civilization will only go higher, and higher for all eternity. Live and let free philosophy must be adopted.


Forcing others to cater to religion, politics, or any belief always leads to trouble. Many claim that a democracy must be restored. Let me tell you something.

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