Gabrielle Demonico (38 page)

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Authors: Shifters Unleashed (Five Volume Box Set) (Retail)

BOOK: Gabrielle Demonico
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She nodded. “
Okay, I will do my best.”

Good, that is all I can ask of you.” He said.

He continued, “
Anabelle, many tiger shifters once lived in this area until very recently. It was actually right up until the time that your generation, as well as that of Armin and Tanner, was born.”

What happened to them?” she asked.

A rare disease impacted the females which rendered them unable to have offspring. It was suspected by the male shifters that the sickness was not an accident but a purposeful act.” He said.

Purposeful? Who would do something like that?” she asked.

It was thought that a group of humans known to be hostile towards the presence of the Weres was responsible. Although that was never proven, the tigers vowed to take their revenge. Unfortunately for them, their plot was discovered. On the eve of the assault, tigers from many regions had gathered together in preparation. But, the humans had known about their plans and that same night, they orchestrated a surprise attack of their own. It caught the tigers completely off guard and was very successful. In fact, only a small group of cubs and a few of their relatives were known to have survived.” He said.

Oh my God, that’s… terrible.” Anabelle replied. “What happened to the ones that lived?”

Well, you know two of them, of course. Armin and Tanner were among those that lived. Some humans that were sympathetic to their plight and helped the still living Were escape into hiding.” He said.

What happened to them? Where did they go?” she asked.

The Professor turned towards Anabelle and said, “
They were scattered far and wide, aided by people like myself.”

You? You helped them escape?” she asked.

The Professor nodded and said, “
Yes, as well as some other humans who were sympathetic to their plight. The children went to orphanages and the adults were relocated to other states.”

Wow…” she said.

Tell me, Anabelle… What do you remember of your time at the orphanage in Lebanon?” he asked.

Not very much really. I was still very, very young when I lived there. My first foster home was out-of-state so I left and never went back and…” she said. Suddenly, her eyes began to widen as the deeper meaning of the Professor’s question became clear.

Professor looked at her silently.

Anabelle shook her head in confusion. “
Professor… I… That can’t be true. I’m
a shape shifter, that’s crazy…”

On the contrary, it
true Anabelle. You may not have ever shifted but you most definitely have shifter blood coursing through your veins.” He replied.

What? But… how? I am so confused right now. Anyway, if that were true, wouldn’t Armin and Tanner know that?” She said.

They do. As did I the moment that I met you.” He replied.

You? How would you know?” she asked.

He said, “
Most humans do not know that shifters even exist. Among the ones that do, there is often a great deal of hostility towards the Were kind, mostly due to ignorance. In any case, there are a group of humans that have a very special bond with shifters, of which I am one. We are known as the Patronus. We are not shifters ourselves but rather we are connected to Earth elements – air, fire, soil and water. As such, we are bound by our birthright to care for all creatures that need assistance – including shifters.”

Anabelle listened intently.

“Sadly, there were few of our kind in the valley here when the shifters were attacked. Those of us that were here, were captured and held until the conflict had ended. I was devastated in the aftermath of it all and once I was released, I vowed to rescue any shifters that remained and so, I did.” He said.

Anabelle could feel tears begin to pool in her eyes. She considered the Professor a close friend as it was and now, in light of everything he told her, that bo
nd felt even stronger.

That is so sad – so very, very sad…” she said.

Yes, it was. However, there is a chance for renewal. But that depends upon you.” he said.

There is? What do you mean?” she asked.

Anabelle, you have shifter blood running through your veins. As a Patronus, it is impossible for me to
see it. But, unlike Armin and Tanner, you are only a shifter of partial heritage. If you were merely a human, they would be able to be with you with no consequences but because of your birthright, that is not the case.” He said.

Why not?” she asked.

Well, you have never shifted Anabelle and because of that, if you were to ever mate with another shifter there is the possibility that…” he said.

…?” she said.

The Professor paused for a moment. He lo
oked into the distance as if the next words he would utter were going to weigh heavily upon him. He turned back towards her and said, “Are you in love with them Anabelle?”

Yes… Well, at least I
that I am or
could be
… I really don’t know Professor. To be honest, I’m not sure that I’ve ever really experienced what love is.” She said softly.

Well, you need to be certain. For if you are, it may be the only thing that saves you in the end. I won’t mince words Anabelle. Any sexual contact with either of them could compel you to shift. The first turning is dangerous for
any shifter
but especially those who are only of partial birth. They would already know this which is why they wouldn’t have put pressure on you to be with them.” He said.

And, if
had wanted to?” she asked.

They would have been compelled to seek out a Patronus. It is against their nature to mate with one of partial birthright. If you were to get pregnant as a result, the offspring would be in jeopardy because you were also at risk. No shifter would ever risk the life of either the mother or the child. But at the same time, they are not permitted to influence or manipulate one of partial birthright into mating. Doing so would put any offspring at risk of being viewed as a bastard and should anything ever happen to the parents, they child would be abandoned.” He said.

How does having you intervene change anything?” she asked.

He said, “
It doesn’t change anything about the risks involved. But, you now know what those are and you are able to make your decision with full knowledge of what all possible consequences could be.”

Anabelle sat quietly for several moments. She looked at the Professor and said, “
What do you think I should do?”

Only you know the answer to that Anabelle. You must search your own feelings for the answer to that. I’ve come to appreciate and love you almost as much as one of my own children.” He replied.

Anabelle smiled.

“They know that I am here speaking to you not as Professor Wilkinson but as a Patronus. Because of that, they know that I’ve come to tell you the truth about everything. All that remains is what you will do about it.”

I see.” She replied.

Anabelle, they are good, honorable men, who, like yourself have been thrust into a world not always accepting of those who are different.” He said.

Yes, I’m very familiar with the feeling of not being accepted.” She replied.

Yes, I realize that. Believe it or not, it’s the same way for Armin and Tanner. In spite of the trappings of wealth and fame, there are some things in life that are more important and far,
more precious.” He said.

Anabelle paused before speaking. But, just as she was about to say something, the Professor stood up. He turned towards Anabelle and said, “
I’m happy to stay with you if you wish. Otherwise, I will leave you with your thoughts. I know you have much to think about.”

At first she thought it best for him to stay but then reconsidered. “
No… I think I’ll be fine here. Thank you Professor, I am very grateful to you for…

He smiled and said, “
Come here Anabelle. Give me a hug.”

She stood, walked over and embraced him. For several seconds, they hugged in silence. Suddenly Anabelle was overcome with emotion. In spite of everything she
’d been told by him, she had the distinct feeling in her life that for the first time… she belonged, she
actually belonged

What began as a tender whimper quickly turned into deep sobbing. All at once, a lifetime of loneliness had been lifted from her spirit. The years of hurt,
anguish and self-doubt suddenly felt distant, as if they were a million miles away, never to hurt her again. As if aware of the depth of her feelings, the Professor said, “It seems you have made your choice.”

She slowly pulled away from him and without spe
aking, she nodded in agreement.

Very well,” he said as he smiled. “Let’s get you back to the hotel. I’m sure you’d probably like to freshen up. I know a couple of men who will be waiting to hear all about it when they return and I’m sure you’d like to feel your best.”

Thank you Professor.” Anabelle replied. “That sounds exactly like what I need right now.”


Several hours later, Anabelle sat alone in the hotel room looking out over downtown. It was a beautiful, warm summer night and even though she was high above the hustle and bustle, she could still feel the energy of the city. After showering, her mental state had turned reflective and introspective. When she thought of the faceless strangers below enjoying their evening without consequence as to what it might mean for the rest of their lives, she at once envied and pitied them.

For her, there would be no middle ground any longer. Not tonight and possibly, not ever again…

Suddenly, in the midst of her contemplation, she could hear the door to the hotel room open from behind her. In her self-induced hypnotic state, she turned to see Tanner enter. So many things had changed since she’d last seen him the night before. Even though the Professor had told her that they knew he was going to speak with her it was still…

Tanner saw her, smiled and tossed his things in a chair near the door. Without a word, he walked over and said, “
Anabelle, are you okay?”

Yes.” She said.

I suppose you had a lot thrown at you today, didn’t you?” he asked.

Anabelle nodd

How do you feel about all of it?” he asked. It was the first time she’d ever seen either one of them seem at all unsure. The Professor’s words about their integrity rang true in that moment. She felt safe in his presence, as if she could trust him with any words she were to speak.

Emboldened, she stepped towards him and said, “
I’m still here. Aren’t I?”

Tanner looked at her with surprise in his eyes. “
But… Anabelle, surely the Professor told you…”

She moved nearer until only inches separated their lip
s. She whispered, “Told me… told me… what?”

That…” he said softly.

She closed the gap by another millimeter or so, interrupted him and said, “
That I would risk being happy in a way that I could have never imagined? That I could have a life I’d never dreamed of having, with not one,
but two
, of the most amazing men a woman could ever hope to be with? Is that what you are asking me, Tanner? Is it?”

” he said sternly.

Then what Tanner? What is it that you want to know about what the Professor said to me? I’m right here, just ask me…” She dared.

Instantly he replied, “
That you could die, Anabelle. That you could
fucking die
. That’s what…”

Without a word, she nodded in the affirmative. She reached towards his thick, mussed hair and tugged a runaway strand b
ehind his ear. Their eyes met as never before. She looked deep into them and replied softly, “Yes… He did.”

Tanner seemed stunned by her resolve but Anabelle had reached her limits as a woman. If she was to assume her rightful place in
life, alongside

It was her birthright, as much theirs, to be with one
’s true mate. She stared bravely into the abyss of death with the tenderness of love as her only weapon - her only hope of salvation…

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