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Authors: Margaret Tanner

Frontier Wife (26 page)

BOOK: Frontier Wife
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Her nightgown, a simple white affair, had delicate embroidery around the neckline, and short puffed sleeves. The silken sheets on the large bed felt cool against her burning skin. Snuffing out the lamp, she laid there wondering if he would come tonight. He hadn’t acted like an impatient bridegroom and his cold indifference filled her heart with dread. It only reinforced her suspicion that he had no regard for her whatsoever. She wasn’t attractive enough to appeal to his manhood.

A connecting door led into his dressing room. When she heard him moving around excitement built up to a crescendo. She could see the faintest flicker of light coming from a crack under the door then suddenly only darkness. Maybe he had decided to sleep in there after all. She surprised herself that she wanted to scream in disappointment.

Only when the bed sagged did she realize he was beside her. For a big man he moved quietly. “Don't pretend to be asleep because I know you aren't. Even if you were, I'd wake you up.”

When he dragged her into his arms she discovered he was naked. She felt the heat of his skin. The heady male scent of him drove coherent thought out of her head. She felt nothing except his presence, his power, the savage splendor of a man in his prime. It swamped her emotions.

“I've been longing to feel your soft white body against mine,” he groaned. His mouth descended on hers. No savage possession, just a gentle caress of his lips until her mouth softened and opened up for him. She felt his hot moist tongue begin an almost tentative exploratory journey. Touching. Tasting. Withdrawing. Encircling her mouth.

Their breaths mingled. Emboldened she started moving her tongue in unison with his, feeling the texture, loving the taste of him.

He lifted his mouth and her moan of deprivation turned into a sigh of ecstasy as he nuzzled into the soft flesh of her throat. She didn’t realize that he had unbuttoned her night gown and pushed it over her shoulders until his teeth gently grazed her nipple. When he took it into his mouth and started suckling a multitude of colored stars exploded inside her head.

One hand tangled in her hair, the other explored her, touching, seeking. All the secret parts of her body felt the caress of his questing fingers.

She felt a sudden explosion of heat in the secret, sacred place that would feel no man’s touch but his. A symphony orchestra started playing inside her head, conducted by a master musician. A sound so sweet, so poignant it brought tears to her eyes. If only Adam loved her.

“I’ve waited so long for this, my darling.” He gasped as his fingers opened her and slid into that forbidden place.

She felt hot, wet, and ready for his ultimate invasion. Excitement surged through him—his little ice maiden had started to thaw out. She sighed as he played with her pubic curls, so soft, so exquisite. He started working her bud until the precious little flower fluttered open for him.

Her tongue licked his earlobe, that bold, exciting little tongue working its magic on him. Oh God, he couldn’t wait much longer or he wouldn’t be in any state to take her gently. If truth be known he had waited all his life for this moment. The blood pumped through his veins, his heart crashed against his rib cage, his manhood throbbed unbearably. He had never known such discomfort, such ecstasy, all rolled into one.

“Now, my darling,” he gasped. “I can’t wait any longer if I’m to be gentle with you.”

He crawled over her, and supporting some of his weight on his arms, slid into the valley of love—that sweet warm place. He met some resistance. But she was so enchantingly wet he soon felt her flesh closing around his shaft, holding him firm, drawing him in deeper and deeper. He felt her momentary recoil, her gasp of pain as he breeched the veil guarding her virginity. Oh ,God, if he died right now he would be a happy man.

A tidal wave of desire and carnal need crashed over him, picking him up, spinning him around in its raging vortex. He’d had sex many times before, purely a carnal release of pent-up male need. Nothing as perfect as this.

Tommy couldn’t believe what Adam did to her, the way he made her feel, the endearments whispered in her ear. He made her feel willful, uninhibited and thoroughly wanton. She welcomed his manhood, hard, sleek. Her love canal accepted his powerful presence even though it stretched her fully. As he gently laved her deepest recess, she sensed he held himself back, fighting his desire. She wrapped her arms around his waist and felt the dampness of his sweat slicked back. His breathing rapid, she smelled the scent of his arousal.

As he increased the tempo, thrusting, parrying like a master swordsman, she went with him, two entities became one, locked in a feudal dance of love. Raw, primitive, savagely erotic, exquisitely tender. He cried out her name, she his, as they both reached their shattering climax. The hot warmth of his seed filled her with its potency, and she sent up a desperate prayer that she would conceive his child tonight.

He shifted away from her. The suddenness of his withdrawal thrust like a sword blade through her heart. Once he spent his passion, he didn’t want her anymore. She closed her eyes to blot out the agony. When she opened them, cascading moonbeams danced across the window panes.

Adam sat on the side of the bed, his shoulders hunched, his head hanging.

“What’s wrong?” She touched him gently on the back and felt his shoulders shaking. Shocked and dismayed, she watched him scrubbing at his eyes. “I love you.” The words slipped out before she knew it. She held her breath.

He glanced up, looking deep into her eyes, her soul. He gave the sweetest, most tender smile she ever dreamed possible for a man to give. She could see his love, sense it, even though he said not a word.

They shared hours of pure magic, so sensuously tender it would be embedded in her heart forever. Even as an old woman sitting in a rocking chair on the verandah with Adam, she would remember this night.

He reached for her again, as if he couldn’t get enough of her, couldn’t survive without this desperate togetherness. This powerful love between them had been forged by such a fiery, frenzied union of body and soul.

“Sleep now, my darling,” he finally whispered. “You’re exhausted. I’ve asked too much of you tonight.”






Chapter Twelve


When Tommy awoke next morning, the sun, like the moonbeams last night, streamed through the window because they had forgotten to lower the blind. She stretched out languidly for a moment and became aware of a slight tenderness of her breasts and thighs from Adam’s frantic lovemaking. She was now Adam Munro’s woman, in every sense of the word. The other side of the bed was empty. A quick glance at the clock told her why, ten o’clock.

Climbing out of bed, she glanced around for her discarded nightgown. It lay on the floor in a crumpled heap, the ribbons and pretty lace torn away by his impatient questing hands.

She slipped on a robe and sat at the mirror to brush her tangled hair, before tugging the bell cord to summon the housekeeper.

“Good morning, Mrs. Munro.” The housekeeper swept into the room bearing a tray containing toast and tea.

“Oh, how nice, breakfast in bed. Thank you. Would it be possible for someone to prepare water for my bath, please?”

“Of course.”

“Where's Jamie?”

“Gone off with the boss. They ate an early breakfast and left. Mr. Munro said to let you sleep.” She gave a knowing smile, and Tommy felt hot all over.

After bathing and dressing she decided to explore. Maybe she would run into Adam. She wanted to gaze at his powerful male body, see the desire darkening his eyes for her. Only for her.

Fetching a wide-brimmed hat she ventured out on to the verandah and immediately the scorching rays of the sun assailed her. She walked out into the yard.

The outbuildings were built from pit-sawn slabs, weathered silver gray by the elements. The stables, harness room and coach house were laid out in an L shaped configuration, with a loft providing living quarters for the grooms.

A huge woolshed and shearing shed held stands for fifty shearers. Adam had built roofed in pens to protect the sheep from getting wet while they waited to be shorn. She couldn’t believe the number and variety of the buildings.

The house had once been surrounded by magnificent well-tended gardens, but only native shrubs survived now in the dry searing heat. After half an hour she felt so exhausted, she escaped indoors.

She wandered through to the kitchen, another huge room with the most up-to-date amenities. Mrs. Rogers sat in the little salon off the kitchen drinking a cup of tea.

“Mind if I join you?”

“Mrs. Munro.” The housekeeper made to rise.

“Don't bother getting up, I can join you here. I thought perhaps we could discuss the housekeeping arrangements.”

Over tea, Tommy got to know and like the housekeeper who seemed to be quietly efficient. “Mr. Munro hasn’t bothered with live-in domestics. The wives of two workmen came in each day to help me with the heavy cleaning but…”

“No, the arrangement sounds quite sensible; no reason to change it for the time being. I’ll look after the master bedroom suite.”

“But, Mrs. Munro—”

“Please, I want to.”

Mrs. Rogers gave her the routine of the household, before taking her through the pantry and linen cupboards.

Tommy rested in the shade of the verandah when Adam and Jamie rode to the stables. Within a short time they walked towards her, the tall man matching his stride to that of the child.

When Jamie saw her he gave an excited whoop and started running.

“Did you have a nice day?” She hugged his soft little body close.

“We did lots of things.”

Her eyes met Adam's for a moment and he gave a languid smile that made her nerve endings tingle. Would he kiss her? He took his hat off and rubbed a hand across his perspiring forehead. “Hopefully I’ve tired my little partner out so he’ll want to go to bed early.” His eyes promised more of the intimate magic they had shared last night.

“Why don't you both sit down here for a moment while I see about cool drinks?”

“Good idea.” Adam dropped into a chair and Jamie tried to imitate him as he took his own seat. Returning within a short time with a jug of orange juice and three glasses, she saw Jamie gazing at Adam with adoring eyes.

“I'm going to help Adam every day. He needs an extra hand.”

“That's good.” She gave him his drink; hardly had it left her hand then he gulped it down. “My, you are a thirsty boy.”

Without a word she handed Adam a glass. His eyes flicked over her, resting longest on her lips. By his smile and the darkening of his eyes he too remembered last night.

Jamie chattered away, oblivious to the silence between the adults. Every sentence he uttered contained Adam's name, causing something akin to jealousy to surge through her. Once he hung on her every word and deed.

She was grateful that Adam liked Jamie and took an interest in him. A boy did need a man to look up to. David had been away with the army so often, Jamie barely knew him. Only after he got shipped back from Africa did the two of them get to know each other. Even then, David had been too ill to take more than a desultory interest in him.

When they finished their drinks Adam put his glass down.

“Come along, we'll clean the dust off ourselves.” They rose together, leaving Tommy to gather up the glasses. While Jamie raced on ahead Adam waited, holding the door open for her.

“I can’t wait for us to be alone again.” He gave a wolfish smile. “Get him some fresh clothes. Jamie can bathe first. I'll use the water after him.”


BOOK: Frontier Wife
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