From the Heart (A Valentine's Day Anthology) (28 page)

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Authors: M.B Feeney,et al L.J. Harris

BOOK: From the Heart (A Valentine's Day Anthology)
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Chapter Six


“Coffee babe,” Benny says, handing me a warm mug. She sits down beside me. It’s just after 6am and I’ve not slept well at all, maybe two hours a night for the last week or so. “I heard you moving around again last night, still not sleeping well?” I shake my head. “Okay, we need to do all we can to get you to sleep. No coffee after 5pm, only herbal tea. A warm bath at 9pm, and a lullaby sung by yours truly,” that would be torture. I laugh, something I’ve not done for a long while.

“You and I both know that there’s only one thing that can help me sleep, but I’m not falling off this fucking bumpy wagon. I refuse to succumb to my vice.” With all the stuff that’s happened, I’m surprised at myself, I’m surprised I’ve not had the urge to hit the bottle again. Perhaps I’m stronger than I thought.

10am rolls around, and the post is delivered. “Letter for you Kat,” Benny sings as she skips towards me. She hands me a huge white envelope. “What is it?” The nosey cow asks.

“Let me open it first.” I tear it open and pull out a wad of paper. It’s a purchase agreement for the old storage house in the marina. I stare at it, confused as hell. Then I spot my name in the section that says ‘new owner’. I search for any clue as to why, or how this has happened - I come up short for answers. “Fuck!”

“What’s wrong?” Benny’s voice is concerned.

“I don’t know, I really don’t.” I search the documents, then look in the envelope to see if I missed anything.

There’s a note.


Jersey Girl


I really hope you can accept this gift. It’s my way of apologising for all the shit that happened. You can use the space for anything you want. But I would like to think that you’d use it for a coffee and cake shop, like we discussed at the beach that day.

I made a huge mistake, I fucked up, badly. I hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I know you’ve been sad for a really long time, and this gift is the one thing that could make you light up again. Don’t let the fire inside you fade, take this and turn it into something amazing. I know you can do it.


PS - call the number below to arrange the collection of the keys.



C x


“He bought it,” I yell out.

“Bought what?” Benny has no idea about our day at the beach. I explain what happened that day, but I leave out the part where we made love on her sofa. I don’t think she’d like that. “What are you going to do?” She asks me.

“I’m going to collect the keys.”




The keys are handed to me by an estate agent in St Helier a few days later. “This is for you,” he says, handing me another white envelope. I tear it open, there’s another note, but what grabs my attention is the cheque for twenty thousand pounds.


Jersey Girl


This should get you started in business. Let me know if you need more.



C x


I stare at the note, and this time he’s left his phone number. I’m beyond happy; I don’t like the idea of handouts. But I have to say that for as long as I can remember I am the happiest I’ve been in a very long time. I thank the man for the keys, and leave. I have so much to do, and I want to start right away. I’m giddy with excitement. I can’t wait to tell Benny.


A few weeks later, and ‘Jersey Girls’ finest café and bakery is finally ready to open. It’s been hard work, but I’m so happy with the final outcome, the creation of my imagination is finally a reality. I’ve helped out with decorating, furnishings and all the cleaning up. The workmen who installed the kitchen were fantastic, and the fitters that built the seating area did an amazing job. I stand outside in the blazing hot sun and look up to the sign, blue neon flashes the name of my place. I am so proud of myself. I walk back inside and look at the modern space, it’s warm and welcoming. The floor is white and black, like a chess board. The walls are painted in dark grey and white vertical stripes, and the wooden tables and chairs are a deep blue with gingham cushions. There are pictures of ships hanging on the walls, and other nautical items. There’s another blue neon sign, inside this time and smaller than the one outside, announcing to customer’s that they’re at ‘Jersey Girl’s’ place. I love it so much.

I can bake cakes, bread and other bakery items in the well equipped kitchen. People can come in for coffee and cake, or they can just buy bread to take away. I purchased a huge coffee machine, perfect for espressos and cappuccinos - I just need to learn how to use the bloody thing.

The smile on my face is huge.

“Who do I need to kiss to get a decent cup of coffee around here?” I know that voice. It’s ingrained into my memory. I turn around and he’s standing in the doorway. My mouth hangs open. He looks just as delicious as ever. The memories of our two weeks together return full force.

“What are you doing here?” I don’t mean to sound thankless, it’s just the way it sounded.

“I was in the neighbourhood, so I just thought I’d pop in for some of the best coffee in the world,” he’s smiling, and even from a distance I can see those crystal blue’s shining. They’re even more brilliant in the sunshine. He slowly walks towards me, “I saw the sign, you plan on opening up tomorrow?” I nod, unable to say a word. He comes nearer, those tattoos are delicious. I remember them, from the times we spent naked together - I’m an instant hot mess. “You have people to help out tomorrow?” I nod again; still my brain to mouth function refuses to kick into action. “You’ve made cakes?” I nod again. “I’m sure they’re delicious,” he’s standing in front of me, towering over me and his smile is electrifying. “You’re all I want, Jersey Girl.” He leans down and captures my lips in that slow, methodical kiss that sends me weak in the knees.

I’m suddenly aware that I am a complete mess. I have paint splatters in my hair; I’m sweaty and dirty from all the cleaning. “You look beautiful,” he says when he sees I’m trying desperately to sort myself out.

I find my tongue at last, “I’m a disgusting sight.”

“Never,” he says and I smile up at him. “I’m sorry for all that happened.” His remorse is genuine, I feel it.

“Water under the bridge,” I say, waving my hand, “it’s all forgotten now.”

“I feel like a fool, I got sucked in by Lisa, she was so convincing and it never occurred to me to talk to you about it all. I took her at face value, and I suffered for it. She eventually came clean about the whole mess when she found out she was ill. She told me it was all a pack of lies. I was hoping we could start again, can I ask for your forgiveness?”

“You’re already forgiven Connor. I love you,” I didn’t mean to say that out loud, but I’ve been thinking it since the day on the beach. He looks stunned for a moment; shock is evident on his perfect face.

“I love you too, more than anything. I don’t deserve your love, but I will spend the rest of my days cherishing all the love you give me.”


We take the short walk back to my apartment. I watch him as he sits down on the sofa, I’m smiling so wide. It’s great to have him back in my life. Even with all the misunderstanding, defiance and deception, I can’t help thinking that everything will turn out just fine.

“I won’t be long,” I say walking to my room, “I just need to clean myself up.”

I take a shower and try desperately to remove all the paint from my hair. I spend a good fifteen minutes standing under the lukewarm water - it’s cool and refreshing. I need to get dressed and then be ready to talk things through with Connor. I have forgiven him and his indiscretions, I’m well aware that my sister is manipulative. I blame them both, for hurting me, but I know that she used me to get her own way. It was the same when we were kids, she could twist Mum and Dad round her finger.

I wrap a towel around my body, and walk back into my room. Connor is sitting on my bed - he looks sad. I walk over to him and run my fingers over his smooth head. “What’s wrong?”

“I feel stupid Kat. I want to explain what happened. I need to tell you why I left.” I’m not sure if my heart can handle the pain. It was horrific the first time, but to re-live it through his words might be more than I can take. I need to ‘man up’, I need to let him get this off his chest, maybe it’s the best way for us to move forward. He continues, “the day I saw that woman standing outside your apartment, I knew she wasn’t a Jehovah’s Witness, I knew you were lying, but I don’t know why you lied.” I feel like shit.

“I’d only just met you, I wasn’t about to tell you all about Lisa and all the shit she caused. I still had a hard time dealing with it myself, so to unload all that crap on you, wouldn’t have been fair,” he nods in agreement.

“I understand, I really do,” he takes a deep breath; “I was coming to see you. I was just walking down the street, minding my own business and looking forward to seeing you again. Lisa stopped me; she told me all about how you stole the money from her. She was crying, and so convincing, I realise now that she was actually a heartless and conniving woman.”

“That she is, she always has been.”

“But she’s ill now,” he reminds me. “Do you think you can forgive her?” Now that I have calmed down from the altercation in Connor’s office I can think more clearly. But I just don’t know. Can a leopard change its spots? “I don’t know why I found myself in a relationship with her. I regret it all, but I will regret that, the most, for the rest of my life,” I see the honesty in his eyes.

“I need time to make up my mind about forgiving her, but let’s just forget the rest shall we. What matters now is that we’re together and nothing can come between us again.”

He raises his chin, his eyes meet mine, his sadness has morphed into a beaming smile. “I’m so happy to be back Kat, I want nothing more than to be with you,” his sadness returns, “but I’m sad that I have to leave again soon.”

“It’s okay; I know you have work commitments back in London. Just come to visit when you can, I will wait.” He stands up, towering over me by a huge margin. He lowers his head to place a velvet kiss against my forehead, all the while; his fingers are running through my hair. His lips are warm against my skin and his fingers are firm, rubbing in soft, sensual circles. The prickling sensation is a mystifying surprise. I have never felt anything so arousing in my life. Previous sexual experiences pale into insignificance as his hands move to my hips. I feel his fingers digging into my flesh, when he pulls me closer into his body.

My body feels as light as a feather, it’s of the way he’s holding me. His eyes are screaming with carnal desire, and I’m sure mine say the same. His lips move, I know he’s saying something, but my mind has switched off. All my blood has diverted to another location. I’m sure that the sensitive group of nerves between my thighs are the sole cause of the lack of blood flowing through my veins. “Kiss me Jersey Girl,” he demands. I obey immediately, my lips find his and they begin to devour, almost independently. “Slow down,” he whispers, “we’ve got all night.” I reduce the hurried pace of my kisses, taking the time to taste him, worship those lips that speak so beautifully. “That’s better baby, let’s just take the time to
each other.” I can’t argue with that.

“You taste like butter,” I say with a sigh into his mouth. He starts to laugh.

“You taste like heaven,” he counters.

“You win,” I say with a giggle.

We slowly strip each other down, we’re naked, there’s not even room for oxygen between our bodies. Our discarded clothes lay on the floor. He pulls me down so that we’re face to face lying on my bed.

“Your eyes are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen, your skin is the softest I have ever felt and your lips are the sweetest I’ve ever tasted.” I can’t help laughing. “Too much cheese?” He asks me, I agree with an enthusiastic nod.

“I love it though,” I say, stroking his cheek, “you say the sweetest things to me.” I pounce, unable to wait any longer. I sit astride him looking down into those amazing blues. He smiles up at me; I see love, smut and happiness in his eyes all at once. 

I reach behind me and my fingers make contact with his cock. I begin to stroke lazily, eliciting deep, breathy sighs from his lips. I watch as he tilts his head back and closes his eyes. I love how he reacts to my touch. His hands find my breasts; he massages them slowly with the occasional rub of my nipples. My body is on fire, and it’s screaming at me to take him, to find its release. My impatience has worn thin, I raise my hips, I need to feel him inside me. My wet entrance seeks the tip of his cock, once found I lower myself softly and slowly down, covering him but filling me. “Oh,” I can barely breathe. The delectable feeling of skin on skin goes above and beyond any feeling of human physical experience - divine, is the word in my head. As I move my hips the rapturous feeling consumes me from my still prickling scalp, to my curling toes. His fingers grab my hips halting me as I fight the urge to move faster.

“Slow baby,” he reminds me. I forget that he likes the slow love, and not a hard quickie. He loves to take his time with me, and I him. But sometimes I find it hard to reign in my lasciviousness, Connor is just far too scrumptious, he deserves my leisurely attention so I keep myself in check and continue the slow grinding against him. My clit is being stimulated deliciously; I can feel those fireworks inside me on the brink of explosion. “I can feel you Jersey Girl, use me, take what you need to feel that ultimate pleasure,” his words tip me over. Every nerve, every ounce of me wants to scream out in ecstasy. My high lasts for the longest time, the peak has been reached, yet still I feel the ripples as I slowly come back down to earth. My shoulders sag, my body is limp.

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