From the Heart (A Valentine's Day Anthology) (24 page)

Read From the Heart (A Valentine's Day Anthology) Online

Authors: M.B Feeney,et al L.J. Harris

BOOK: From the Heart (A Valentine's Day Anthology)
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Andy waited for an answer, he loved how affected she had become even by just a kiss, she always seemed so shy but he didn’t have any doubts that she would be a vixen once he got her home, home and naked.

He nearly missed her nod, but her sweet innocent smile managed to fire his blood even more, he grabbed her hand and almost dragged her from the wall of the coffee shop and down the street.

“Hurry Andy, I need you too”

“Fuck baby that’s exactly what I wanted to hear.” He smiled as she giggled, her lips still so obviously swollen from his assault and her hair a little messed from where he had had her pinned. Carly squeezed his hand as they hurried along, her whispered words had him stumbling before he upped the pace. 



Excitement thrummed through Carly’s veins as Andy practically dragged her to his apartment. Her feet barely touched the floor and she was unable to hold back a giggle when she had admitted to Andy that she needed him just as bad. He had moved like a man possessed and she loved it.

Within moments they had arrived at his complex, he had them up the stairs and outside his front door in a matter of minutes. Andy unlocked the door but stilled, Carly placed her hand on his muscled back, concerned that maybe he wanted to change his mind already.

“Andy are you ok?”

He nodded and pulled her hand up and around so he could and kiss her palm, his voice a little breathless.

“Say no now Carly if you don’t want to do this and I will wait no matter how long it takes till you are ready.”

Carly could see a muscle tick in his jaw, his body trembled a little and proved there and then that he fought against his overwhelming need for her. Carly had never had this, never had a man admit to wanting her so much as Andy did right now.

“Andy,” her voice echoed in the passageway, “I want this, I want you.” Carly again licked her lips and stepped closer towards his body, his muscles bunched in reaction to her touch on his arm.

“Andy. I’m yours.”

Carly couldn’t supress the squeal that fell from her mouth as Andy quickly tugged her into his arms and meshed his lips with her own. One hand cupped the back of her neck and held her to him, he placed his free arm around and under her arse cheeks and lifted. Her legs eager and wrapped about his waist, Carly groaned at the feel of being lifted and forced so close to this man that made her feel so much. He kicked open the front door and staked into his apartment, the power of the kick sent the door rebounding off the wall and back into its frame, shutting it with a click. Their lips still sealed Andy moved them down the hallway and straight into his bedroom.

Carly couldn’t get enough of Andy, his taste was heaven and she actually whimpered as he pulled away from her lips, he slid her body down his own. His eyes blazed with unconcealed lust and the physical evidence was pressed against her belly. Hot and hard she couldn’t help but gasp. His lips curled into a grin and he pulled her tight against him, chest to chest, pelvis to pelvis.

“Feel that baby girl, that’s all for you.”

His words instead of shocking her made Carly tremble with need as his hands made quick work of removing her jumper. She watched as Andy slowly slid to his knees in front of her, his gaze locked on hers as he pressed open mouthed kisses to her bare stomach. His fingers undid the buttons to her jeans before he slide them down her legs, Carly placed her hands upon his shoulders for balance as he pulled at her boots and freed her feet from the material.

Carly stood in only her underwear and she for once didn’t feel self-conscious or undesirable. This man made her feel beautiful as well as sexy. She watched as he stood in one slow fluid movement, his eyes filled with heat he pulled at his own clothes. Her eyes roamed over every muscle and banked each dip and valley to memory. His chiselled arms wrapped around her waist and once again pulled her tight against his own body. His mouth teased at the edge of her own lips.

“I hope you are ready Carly; I plan to take my sweet time with you.”

Carly nodded, their lips met again, the outside world forgotten and their bodies entwined and found the passion they had both craved for so long.



Sunday 13
February PM


Andy opened his eyes and grinned, he looked down at his chest and saw the spread of brown hair that lay splayed out as his Peach lay asleep. Her right hand was tucked up and under his ribs and the other clutched at his bicep as if scared in sleep he would go. There was
ero chance of that happening, he would like nothing more than to stay like this for a long time.

With a tilt of his head he looked at his wrist watch, 5pm. They had only been asleep for the past hour but the time spent before that had been the best time of his life. He doubted he would ever forget the feel of their bodies locked together, her nails biting into his skin or his name on her lips as he brought her to release over and over.

Andy used the arm that wasn’t locked down by Carly’s tight grip to sweep her hair away from her face, sleepy eyes met his own.

“Hey gorgeous.” She blushed but smiled a sleepy smile before she rubbed her cheek affectionately against his chest.

“Hi.” She answered.  He grinned, there was nothing better than seeing her blush, especially as it travelled from her chest and up towards her face.

“Want a drink baby?” Reluctantly he let her sit up and away from his body, he wanted nothing more than to drag her back into his embrace.

“Sure water’s good for me” Her voice carried a husky edge to it, one he hoped he had caused by making her scream numerous times.

Andy climbed out of bed and grabbed a pair of running shorts from the chair by the bed.

“Stay there baby, I will be right back, I’m not finished with you yet.”



Carly’s eyes followed Andy and watched his bare arse flex as he tugged up a pair of shorts, she had to bite her lip to stop herself from groaning out loud. The cocky grin he sent her proved he knew what had her all flustered, with a wink he left the room, leaving Carly to deal with a hot flush as she remembered what they had done a few hours before.

Unbelievably she had zero regrets about what had happened, it had felt right and she only hoped Andy felt the same and would like to repeat the experience.

Carly wedged the sheet under her arms and slid off the bed in search of her purse and in turn her phone. She checked that she hadn’t missed anything important before she fired a quick text to Robyn.

To Tart @5:10pm

Guess what happened ;)


Carly xx


Carly couldn’t stop smiling as she sat back on the bed, her life was now starting to fall into place. She already knew she had strong feelings for Andy.  She wouldn’t have fallen, well jumped into his bed if she didn’t. She was pulled from her inner musing by the doorbell and followed by Andy’s voice as well as that of another.

Carly bent and collected one of Andy’s discarded t-shirts from the floor and tugged it on as well as her panties before she peeked out of the bedroom door. A stunning blond stood in the doorway, a pleading look upon her face as Andy scowled down at her. Now this was the sort of woman she had always imagined Andy to be with. Unable to keep quiet she edged out more.

“Andy, everything ok?”

She must have surprised them both as they both turned to look at her, the blonde’s eyes widened before she smirked and a look she didn’t recognise flashed across Andy’s face before it was hidden.

“Yes fine,” Andy’s tone was harsh. “Might be a good idea if you get dressed.”

His voice was cold and distant, his eyes never met her own as he turned to face the blonde once again.

Carly closed the bedroom door and quickly located her clothing. She dressed then retrieved her handbag and phone as she attempted to fight back the tears that threatened to spill. It didn’t take a genius to realise that something was going on between those two. That coupled with Andy’s harsh words so soon after their afternoon tumble hurt more than Carly was ready to admit. Maybe it was best if she just left. Her logical side had said all along that he was well out of her league.

Fully dressed she opened the bedroom door and walked towards the front door, both set of eyes watched as she drew closer. One laced with sadness and the other a look of smug indifference.

“Carly you don’t have to leave,” Andy looked down at Carly as she stood by the door.  She lifted her chin and met his gaze head on, her voice calm.

“Yes I do and it’s probably for the best, I will leave you both to it.”

The blonde then moved so Carly could walk out of the door. Her face clearly showed she was enjoying the little drama.

“Carly please.”

“Don’t Andy, I get it ok. I just…yeah goodbye.”

Carly turned and walked away, she bit into her lower lip to stop a sob from escaping. Yes they had only been “together” for a few hours but she had known him 14 months and had in all honesty fallen for him not long after they had met.


Carly’s thoughts were in a whirl as she walked home, she didn’t doubt that she looked a mess but she couldn’t give a shit. Her phone vibrated from inside her bag, but she left it where it was, she really couldn’t be bothered to check it right now. Why did she always have the worst luck with men? It just proved that no matter your weight they all tended to be arseholes.

“Princess, you alright?”

Carly jumped in surprise and lifted her head to see Simon in front of her. She had just turned down the alley that was a shortcut to her house but it also went past the back of the gym.

“Shit Simon you scared me.”

She went to move past him but he grabbed her elbow in a bruising grip.

“Carly are you ok?” His words softer than his grip.

“Yes sorry Simon, I’m fine thank you, I just want to go home.”

Carly again tried to move past Simon but he refused to budge. “Did you not like the gifts I sent you Carly? I made a special effort with each one,” his voice strange almost flustered.

“Gifts? What Gifts?”

Carly’s stomach dropped, she had a good idea what he was talking about and she now wished she had mentioned it to someone, but she never thought it would be as serious as this. Simon smiled again but this time it was a cold smile.

“Yes gifts, the flowers and notes I left you after every session you did at the gym,” Simon’s grip became tighter and Carly tried to pry his hand away.

“Simon get off me, you are hurting my arm, now let go.” His gaze turned angry as she started to fight his hold.

“I make all that effort for you and you don’t even acknowledge it, but you are happy to be with that prick Andy. You are a cock tease Carly. Not to worry you will learn your place soon enough.”

“What the fuck Simon get off me!” He grinned and pulled a white cloth out of the back pocket of his jeans.

“Oh you will learn princess,” he tugged her closer and thrust the cloth into her face, over her nose and mouth, it gave her no choice but to inhale the fumes from the cloth.

Carly’s vision started to dim as the effects of the chloroform took effect.  Her body crumpled and she lost consciousness, unable to fight the pull to darkness.


Simon carried Carly’s unconscious form into the back door of the gym, he made sure no one was around before he shut the door and turned to make his way down the corridor to the basement. Unused equipment was propped up against the wall and free weights had been dumped here and there. He walked through another doorway and into the makeshift living quarters he had made for Carly. Ever since he had seen her 6 months earlier he had wanted her and had hoped that she had taken the hint and figured it out that he was the one that was sending her the gifts and love notes.

He was desperate for her to notice and come to him but she hadn’t and instead seemed instead to tease him from a distance and make him jealous by flirting with that pissant Andy. It had taken months of planning and sneaking around so Andy wouldn’t notice and he was able to get things ready. But now he finally had her. He always got what he wanted and Carly was no exception. She would learn that he was all she would need and want, even if he had to persuade her. Simon stalked into the farthest room of the basement, one that had been left to disrepair and placed his new charge on the small camp bed. He would have to pop out again soon to get some more supplies as he hadn’t expected to grab her so soon. Simon didn’t want her venturing out so he wrapped both her wrists and ankles with duct tape. Carly would soon come to realise she was his, she had no choice.



Andy growled and slammed his front door as Alexa finally took the hint and left. Seriously did she really think that he gave a rats arse about her anymore? He had stopped that shit when she had trampled on his heart. But what really pissed him off was that he had snapped at Carly because Alexa had pissed him off with her attitude. He had had no choice but to watch her leave instead of talking to her but he would be fucked if he was going to do that in front of Alexa.

But fuck the look of hurt on her face as she had left had hit him full ball in the chest. He couldn’t deny that Alexa’s visit was an important one. She and a few of the other females from the gym had been having serious problems with Simon. One lady in particular was now at the gym waiting for Andy and the police to show up for a statement. Looked as though Simon had finally crossed that line and Andy couldn’t wait to get rid of that prick. Andy needed to get changed and get down to the gym to sort this mess out, but he really needed to find Carly, she hadn’t answered his calls or texts, she hadn’t even read the texts but he would keep calling. It ate at him that he had hurt her, he wanted to make things right dammit. He clenched his fists, if she had only stayed she would have seen there was fuck all going on between Alexa and him.

For fuck sake didn’t Carly realise that she was it for him. He had loved her since day one. Love is an intense word, and yes he was being soppy but he didn’t care. He had waited long enough for his other half so he would be fucked if he would let her go. Andy grabbed his keys and slammed out of his flat. A plan firm in his mind.


Carly felt hands on her face as she waited for the grogginess to subside. Her head felt like it was full of cotton wool and her mouth was drier than a nun’s flip flop. Her mind was slow to process her current predicament, the words spoken were at first garbled until her brain finally caught up.

“Oh princess, I’ve always wondered if your skin was as soft as it looked, especially after watching you take those long showers.”

Carly struggled to hold back a shudder as he continued to stoke her face and neck, she remembered now that it was Simon who had surprised her in the alley and used something to knock her out. Now she was lay tied up on a platform of some sort and he was spewing some shit about them meant to be together.

Carly opened her eyes and glared up at Simon whose own face was disturbingly close to hers.

“Ahh awake at last,” he sneered his fingers continued to stroke her skin.

“Fuck you Simon, let me go!”

“Now now, that’s a dirty little mouth you have there my precious, a lady should know her place”

His eyes seemed wild as they continued to roam up and down her body.

“How about you let me go you twisted fuck before I scream.”

Simon’s face became distorted with anger and he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her face closer to his own, his breath putrid as it washed over her face before he slammed his lips on to hers, his teeth latched on to her lower lip and forced a cry of pain from her. His voice was almost a growl when he released her lip and pulled away.

“You will have more respect for me now Carly. I have you where no one will find you and you are mine.”

He reached past her and grabbed a roll of duct tape, quickly pulling a piece free and forced it over Carly’s lips.

“Now you will behave and sit nice whilst I leave for a short while to go get you something more suitable to wear.  I will let you have some food as well but only if you are a good girl,” he smirked and let his hand move up her thigh until he pushed it against her core.

“And then once I’m back we can get better acquainted; I have waited a long time to sample you.” He moved his hand back to her thigh and squeezed as he got to his feet, with one long perusal of her stretched out body he left, the slam of metal doors echoed through the basement. Carly closed her eyes and tried not to panic, that would get her nowhere and she needed a way out of this sooner rather than later.

Her wrists were tied together with duct tape so tight that she had no movement, her ankles had been taped the same. Carly decided she would get out, there was no other option, she slid to the end of the bed and looked around the room, a plan quick to form.



She still hadn’t answered any of his calls or his text messages, even her best friend had only received one text and that had been before she had left his apartment. Andy was now sat in his office at the gym, his phone in his hand as he continued to call Carly. He had also yet to get a statement from the female attacked by Simon to make sure she was happy that the police had been informed and she would give them a statement. He needed to be careful with how he dealt with this.   The police being involved just showed how serious the event had been. Andy was pissed at himself that he had missed the signs and this could cause a lot of bad press for the gym.

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