Friends With Benefits (21 page)

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Authors: Anne Lange

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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“Yeah…yes…soon. Real soon.”

Heavy pants, groans, and grunts filled the room. Outside, the rain continued to pound the pavement. A clap of thunder reverberated throughout the room, shaking the house and cutting the power. Angela shrieked and clamped down around him, her orgasm coating him in liquid heat.

“Fuck, I’m coming,” shouted Tyler.

Connor felt his cum race through his cock. Holding her hips secure, with the last of his strength, he rammed into her one final time, and froze as it blasted out, filling the tip of the condom.

For the first time in his adult life, Connor wished he could spill his seed and fill a woman, this woman, currently collapsed over her husband.

They stayed like that long enough for the power to return. After they’d cleaned up, they settled once more on the couch in front of the TV. The rain still splattered the windows, but it had let up to more of hard drizzle. The game had finished, and now some made-for-television movie played. When Tyler cleared his throat, Connor twisted around to look at him.

“How do you guys feel about going out to a club this weekend?”

Connor felt Angela go rigid beside him. “Ah, Ty, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

“Wait, let me explain. I spoke with a friend who’s familiar with this specific club. It’s not your normal bar. Its clientele is unique, and they are into…shall we say…a different way of experiencing sex.”

Angela sat up to look at her husband. Connor wrapped an arm around her waist, and tugged so she’d fall into him. The smell of her shampoo mingled with their combined scent of sex to tease his nostrils. He caressed her bare side with his thumb.

“What friend?”


“He and Tammy belong to a sex club? Are you serious?”

“I think you can have sex there if you choose. I don’t know a lot about it, but the important thing is, everybody is there for the same reason. Because they live a different lifestyle, and they want to go where they’re accepted and can speak and act freely without being discriminated against. I thought we might go check it out. We can dress up, dance, and have a few drinks, same as any normal dance club.”

“Will people be having sex while we dance?”

Tyler chuckled.

Connor smirked. “I’m assuming we won’t be forced to step over bodies writhing all over the floor.”

“No,” Tyler said. “I can’t say for certain, but I would guess the areas are separated. I met with Scott yesterday, and he’s arranged for us to meet the owner tomorrow at five. We can tour the place, ask him questions, and then decide if we want to go. What do you think?”

Connor loved the idea of spending time in public with Angela without having to worry about what other people might be thinking. “I think it’s worth checking out at least,” he said.

Angela hesitated, a thoughtful look on her face. “OK,” she said. “I think we can at least look at the place. If it’s a skanky dive, we’re out of there though.”


Chapter Twenty



“Wow. Skanky, it is not.” Connor whistled his appreciation of the view before them.

The mansion rose from the center of a beautifully landscaped property about two hundred feet beyond a black wrought-iron entrance gate. Tucked off to the left, a mini replica of the main building sat almost hidden behind a small grove of dark maples.

Tyler drove up the drive to a round motor court with a garage on either side and parked his Camaro by the front door, next to a black Porsche Cayenne. From what Scott had told him, on a Saturday night he’d have to drive around back to the parking area that was not visible to the naked eye.

“What a beautiful building.” Angela twisted in her seat, trying to see as much of the view as possible. “The whole property is gorgeous. I’ve driven by a number of times and always wondered what it was.”

Emerging from the car, Tyler rotated to look back to the street. The property was situated in a well-established part of town that had experienced resurgence in the last ten years. Some of the more decrepit structures had been replaced with modern mansions.

Stone walls and mature trees were sprinkled throughout the property, creating a handsome barrier to traffic and the casual observer. Once behind the gates, you were closed off from the outside world. Tyler welcomed the privacy.

The main building, turn-of-the-century vintage, stood proud, and spoke of the care its various owners had shown it over the years. The exterior stone, large tumbled rocks, stood out in varying shades of gray against the white-framed windows. Three stories high, Tyler guessed it to be about six thousand square feet. It could have been a school in its day, or the home of a prominent member of society. He chuckled to himself. Now it was a club for people who wanted to explore their sexual boundaries. Who’d have thought?

As a group, they moved toward the front entrance, passing rosebushes in full bloom, their fragrance heavy in the evening air.

The door opened before they could knock. They were greeted by a tall, powerfully built man. Tyler estimated him to be in his mid-thirties. He had short dark hair, serious eyes, and a firm jaw. He didn’t smile.

“Hello, I’m Gabriel McBride. I assume you’re Tyler O’Neil.” The man extended his hand.

Tyler grasped McBride’s hand in a firm shake. “I am. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us Mr. McBride.”

“Please, call me Gabe.” Tyler’s brows raised in surprise. Gabe’s casual attire of jeans and a dark T-shirt, and the request for informality, seemed in opposition to his stern expression.

“Gabe. This is my wife Angela, and our friend, Connor Jones.” Tyler stood aside while the others greeted their host.

“Please, come in. We’ll talk in my office first, and then if you’re interested, I’ll take you on a tour.” Gabe swiveled on his heel and led them into a light, airy foyer.

A circular staircase rose to the second level on the left and a set of double doors faced them straight ahead, but Gabe ushered them to the right and down a winding hallway. They passed an elevator and more closed doors. At the end of the hall, he led them through a doorway with intricate carvings inlaid into the wood and waved them over to a comfortable seating area. A large, curved window overlooked the back yard and its showcase of gardens. A dense tree line along the back of the property offered privacy.

A massive, dark cherry desk, at least fifty years newer than the architecture of the house, faced both the door and the stunning view.

“Can I get you anything? A drink?” Gabe asked.

Tyler looked to the others. “No, I think we’re fine. Thanks for offering.”

“So…” Gabe settled down into one of the chairs, crossed one leg over the other, and clasped his hands together, resting them against his stomach. “You want to know about my club. Are you interested in joining?”

“I am.” Tyler again glanced to the others. “We are.”

Gabe took a few moments to consider Connor and then Angela. “Mrs. O’Neil, do you want to be here?”

Angela looked surprised Gabe had singled her out. “Angela, please. And, I’m certainly interested in finding out more about it. What, precisely does your establishment offer, Gabe?”

Tyler reached over to take her cold, clammy hand in his. He gave it a tiny squeeze.

“Well,” Gabe said, “I offer a secure, private location where couples or groups of people can spend time, without being judged by others. You can enjoy a simple evening out with your partner, listening to music, dancing, talking with others. Or you can explore some of your other desires.”

“Is this a sex club?” Connor spoke up for the first time.

“People don’t walk through the door, drop their clothes, and crawl into an orgy, if that’s what you’re asking.” Gabe chuckled. “Quite the opposite in fact.”

“How so?” Scott hadn’t told him too much, but Tyler had already guessed this place wasn’t a free-for-all.

Gabe cleared his throat before continuing. “The main portion of The Vault is an upscale dance club. The difference is that you pay for the privilege of coming here, and the dancing can often lead to sex in some form. Sex with your partner,” with a nod, he acknowledged Connor, “or partners. Or others, if that interests you and if there’s an invitation. Some couples attend this particular club simply for the opportunity to dress sexily, to dance sexily, and to be seen as sexy by others. Nothing more than that. But I also provide the means for those who wish to explore more erotic fantasies, a safe environment in which to do so.”

“In front of everyone?” Tyler watched a blush steal up Angela’s neck.

Gabe chuckled. “Not in the ballroom. Although dancing can be very erotic to watch, there are rooms available—some private, some with viewing—where sexual exploration takes place. It doesn’t have to lead to actual intercourse. It all depends on the participants. There are also a few theme rooms for those with very specific tastes. And, of course, every room is monitored for safety and security reasons.”

“So there’s always somebody watching?” Connor’s question mirrored Tyler’s thoughts exactly. He didn’t know how he felt about peeping toms.

“Yes, but it’s not televised for a crowd of people. There are discreet cameras in the rooms, and I have two men whom I trust implicitly keeping tabs on the monitors. Should they detect any questionable behavior, they alert me, my brothers or other members of my security team.”

“What do you mean by
?” Angela’s query brought Gabe’s gaze around to her.

“In this environment, no means no, Angela. That’s my number one rule, and it’s non-negotiable. I don’t care who says it. If a friend, a stranger, or even your spouse tells you no and you don’t cease what you are doing immediately, my men will step in and secure the situation. You will be removed from the premises, and not permitted back.”

Tyler had been watching Angela’s reaction to Gabe’s words. At first, she’d appeared surprised at the vehemence in his voice. Then she seemed to relax as her body settled more comfortably in the chair. Gabe’s rules sat fine with him, too.

“People come here from all walks of life. Some hold prominent positions, others are responsible for minors. No matter what you do outside these walls, I’m sure you don’t want to risk your reputation, or that of your family. I have no plans to risk mine. My members expect privacy, discretion and security.”

“How much does a membership cost?” Tyler expected the fee to be exorbitant. He may own his own company, but he wasn’t a rich man. He hoped he could afford it.

“My club is private and rather elite, but I don’t want to be unreasonably exclusive. I offer a range of prices, depending on the type of member you’d like to be. A gold membership is five thousand a year per couple, silver is twenty-five hundred, and a bronze is one thousand. The bronze is a limited membership. The level depends on the frequency with which you plan to attend. We also have a platinum membership for certain clients, which I’ll explain later.” Gabe glanced at each of them in turn. “How does it sound, so far?”

Tyler turned to look at his wife. “Well, honey, what do you think?”

Angela’s eyes sparkled with curious excitement. Tyler darted a quick glance to Connor. They shared a knowing look.

“I’m curious. I’d like to see more,” Tyler said.

Angela’s tongue slipped out to lick along her bottom lip. Tyler swallowed a groan.

Gabe stood, walked over to his desk, and picked up three sheets of paper sitting in the center of the uncluttered surface. He grabbed a pen from a marble holder on the corner. “Before we go, I’ll need each of you to sign a non-disclosure agreement. It’s very simple. It requires that you will not take photos, nor will you relay, in any fashion to inquiring minds, what you’ve seen inside this building. You cannot give out any information about the members, the activities, the décor or the layout. To the unaware, this is simply my family’s home. I just happen to throw a lot of parties.”

Gabe did not smile, but his tone held a hint of amusement.

“Is this really necessary?” Angela asked.

“Yes, it is. If you decide to join, it will be one less piece of paper to fill out.”

Tyler watched the curious expressions on the faces of the others, but they all signed the agreements and handed them back to Gabe.

“Let’s go then. I’ll take you through the house.”

They stood and followed Gabe out of the office.


* * *



Angela tucked her hand into Tyler’s as she turned to follow Gabe and Connor out of the office. Talk about drop-dead gorgeous. The man made you melt. When he’d opened the door to greet them, she’d had to clench her thighs together. He had to be six five, with short, dark hair and the most stunning blue eyes, in a T-shirt tailor-made to hug his physique. And that Mr. Serious look, it seriously worked for him. Tammy had been privy to this and hadn’t mentioned him to Angela. Not once. She deserved a scolding.

Gabe stopped just outside his office and pointed to a door on his left. “There’s a powder room here.” He then indicated an archway next to it, which led into a room with sliding doors running the full length of one wall. “This is the entrance you’ll use on weekends. Parking is right outside. There’s plenty of closet space for coats and boots in the colder seasons. The room opposite here,” he pointed across the hall to another closed door, “is a change room with two private shower stalls and lockers.”

Gabe started walking down the hall back toward the main entrance. “My security office is on the other side of the building. I have one man situated there and another in the basement at all times.”

“What happens if you have an incident?” asked Tyler. “With a place this large, there’s no way a couple of people could cover all areas.”

“I have a small security team who canvass the building. They’ll respond to any threats.”

“Was this a residence before, Gabe?” Connor asked. “It’s spectacular.”

“Yes. Years ago it belonged to a wealthy family from the area. They’re long gone. My brothers and I bought it about five years ago and spent a year remodeling.”

Angela was captivated by the architecture. She was taken with every aspect of the place, and she hadn’t yet gone beyond the main entrance.

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