Read Friends With Benefits Online

Authors: Anne Lange

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Friends With Benefits (16 page)

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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Like many women, Angela had never been, and probably would never be, at total peace with her curves or the extra pounds here and there, but under their stroking gazes, she felt super-model perfect.

Sucking in a deep breath, she gathered her courage and stood, her movements a tad jerky. “I’ve never stripped before.”

“You undress every night, babe.” Tyler cocked a thick male brow at her.

“You know what I mean.”

“I’m not asking you to swing around a pole, hon. Just take off your clothes. It’s not hard.”

With two hungry sets of eyes glued to her every move, it most certainly was.

“Would you like me to turn up the stereo?” Connor had shifted his chair a bit, so now he faced her square on.

“No, I’m fine.”

“We’re waiting.” Her husband twirled his finger in the air, a hurry-it-up motion. Angela slipped out of her sandals and nudged them aside. The wood beneath her bare feet warmed from the earlier sun. Taking a deep breath, she raised her hands to the top button of her blouse, and with her eyes on her husband, slipped that first little pearl through the hole.

Being very meticulous, she worked her way down the front, mentally counting to three between each one. When she reached the bottom, she rolled and shrugged her shoulders, letting the top fall over and slide down her arms. The piece of fabric landed at her feet with a soft plop. Next, she undid the snap at the waist of her shorts, eased the zipper down, and then with a hand at each side pushed the cotton over her hips. With the help of a little wiggle, her shorts joined her blouse.

She knew she should feel silly. But standing before these two gorgeous men in her pale blue thong and bra, watching their eyes widen, their cheekbones flush, and their cocks bulge beneath their pants, Angela felt powerful. A feeling of control zinged through her. It made her nipples harden, her womb clench, and arousal flourish at the thought she had them captivated. They were profoundly turned on, and all she’d done was remove two pieces of clothing.

She reached up behind her back and unclasped her bra. Holding one arm across her breasts, she pulled the straps down to the crook of her elbows. A male groan reached her ears. She smiled and shifted her attention to Connor. Keeping one hand across the cups of her bra at all times, she removed the garment. Then she leaned forward, stuck her chest out, and let it fall to join the rest of her clothes. The duo sucked in their breaths. She shimmied her shoulders, making her breasts sway back and forth.

The last thing to go was her thong. Tired of this game now, she didn’t waste time. The little tease show had upped her excitement, soaking the tiny scrap of cotton and lace. With a finger under the band on each hip, she rolled the material down her legs and kicked it off her feet.

Tyler rose from his chair and moved toward her. He cupped her face in his hands and leaned his head down until his lips hovered above hers.

“You are the most beautiful woman.” His husky voice and his warm breath preceded his warm lips.

She let her eyes fall closed and leaned into him.

He released her face and wrapped his arms around her waist, tugged her close, and deepened the kiss. When he ended it, they were both breathing hard.

“Mind if I join in?”

A tingle of awareness rushed through her at Connor’s request.

“Not at all.” Tyler stepped away and Connor took his place, his kiss as tender and potent as her husband’s. Unlike Tyler, Connor stood naked against her. His flesh sparked heat along her body in every spot they came together. Soon his breath sounded as harsh as hers and Tyler’s.

“Why don’t we get in the tub?

Connor released her and helped her up the step, holding her hand while she climbed over the edge and sank into the water. Then he followed. Tyler joined them. Angela wasn’t quite sure where to sit, but Tyler and Connor figured that out for her. They placed her between them, then each proceeded to lick and pet different parts of her body, from the top of her head to the ends of her toes and everywhere in between.

She let her head fall back against the edge, and her eyes drifted shut. While one man played with her breasts, the other palmed her pussy. One dipped his tongue in her ear, the other nibbled her other ear lobe. While one kissed her, the other plunged his finger deep inside her, thrusting in and out, in and out.

She moaned into Tyler’s mouth and arched into Connor’s touch. They’d spent so little time as a threesome, but she had no problem telling her husband apart from this other man, even with her eyes closed.

Her climax built, moving her slowly toward an explosion, but neither man seemed in a rush. The heated water and foam of bubbles swirled around their bodies. A floral scent teased her nose. Overhead, a plane flew low enough Angela heard the drone of the engine. She opened her eyes and saw the blinking light passing overhead. Stars dotted the sky like glittering diamonds.

“Honey, why don’t you stand up and kneel on the bench seat.”


“I want you to suck my cock.”

“You could just stand in front of me.” No matter how warm the air was, her skin always felt chilled when exposed to air over the heated water.

“That would make it hard for Connor to fuck you from behind.”

She stood and turned so she could kneel on her hands and knees across two of the formed seats. Tyler kneeled on a third seat in front of her.

“Wait.” Tyler paused. “This isn’t going to work. I’ll sit on the ledge. Angie, you can put your hands on my knees and lean over to take my cock in that pretty mouth of yours, and then Connor can stand behind you. He can scoop water over your back to keep you warm.”

They rearranged their positions. She watched Tyler’s eyes darken as she lowered her head over his lap, looking up at him from beneath her lashes. He grasped his length in one hand, holding it for her. She circled his fist with hers and settled her mouth over his wet penis.

He moaned. Their tub had a salt-water system, and he tasted salty in her mouth. She moved up and down, tightening her lips around the tip and applying a little suction each time she pulled back. Behind her, she felt Connor move into place, his hands at her hips. The tip of his condom-sheathed cock tickled her entrance before he eased in. Wet from his fingering her, and from the water, he had no problem pushing his entire length into her.

She heard Connor groan when his groin touched up against her ass. His fingers clenched, digging into her flesh. Then he relaxed and started pumping in and out with slow movements, encouraging her arousal to rebuild. Warm water flowed over her back as he cupped it in his hands and spilled it over her skin. The whole scenario seemed decadent—the three of them out under the stars, in no rush to finish.

When the tub’s jets powered down, Angela listened to the soft grunts from the guys and her own little gasps. The sound of skin slapping against skin with water thrown into the mix seemed louder in the silence of the night.

Tilting her head, Angela lapped at Tyler. She circled the engorged head of his cock and ran her tongue up and down each side before swallowing him, taking him as far back as she could.

“That’s it, baby. Take me deep. Let me feel your throat squeeze my cock.” She did. “Oh, fuck yeah. Just like that.” She swallowed, and was rewarded with a loud groan.

Behind her, Connor began thrusting harder. He’d stopped the waterfall over her back, and now clutched her hips in his strong hands.

Angela started to tremble. Her knees started to shake. Her rhythm began to falter as she crept closer to orgasm. Harsh, panting breaths filled the night.

“I’m going to come.” Connor panted.

“Me too.” Tyler grasped her hair, twining it in his fingers. “You close, baby?”

She didn’t respond. She just closed her eyes and sucked him harder, trying to match Connor’s movements. She needed just that little bit more to push her over that exquisite edge.

A low growl erupted from Tyler before the first spurt of hot cum hit the back of her throat. She worked him, taking every drop as his hips bucked. Connor leaned over, wrapped one arm around her waist, and slid his palm down between her legs, burrowing his fingers into her sex. He pinched her clit.

Angela exploded. Shaking with the force of her climax, the water sloshing around her, she barely acknowledged him pounding into her a few more times, before he too reached his peak, and then collapsed across her back.


Chapter Sixteen



“Honey, you and Tyler have been married for years now. When can I expect to see grandchildren toddling around here?’

Angela paused, a half-chopped red potato resting in her left hand. She looked over her shoulder at her mother.

Margaret Turner stood as tall as her five foot nothing inches allowed, but you’d think she was an Amazon some days. With her brow raised, her sandaled foot tapped against the tiled floor.

“Wow, that’s pretty blunt, Mom.”

“I’m tired of hinting.”

Angela sighed and turned back to her task. “We’ve got time, Mom. Right now we’re enjoying our time together,
we’re tied down with kids. Besides, you already have grandchildren. Two, last I counted.”

“I don’t get to see your sister’s children as often as I’d like. You didn’t run away from your family. I’d be able to see your children every day if I wanted. Would you like me to start the grill?”

“Mom, Stephanie did not run. You know they left because of John’s job.” Her mother uttered a noise somewhere between a sniff and a snort. “And, no, I’m going to wait until Tyler gets home. He can start it then. I just want to have everything ready.”

“Is he on his way?”

“He should be. He had errands to run first.”

“How about if I set the table then? Do you want to eat inside or out?”

Angela leaned over the sink and looked out the window. “I think in. There are some dark clouds up there today.”

Her mom reached into a cupboard and pulled out a stack of plates. Then she moved to the cutlery drawer. After extracting the necessary utensils, she headed for the dining room.

“Kids don’t have to tie you down, dear.” Margaret called from the dining room. “Especially with your father and I so close by and retired. We can help out.”

Angela’s mother could multitask like a pro. And when she had an agenda, she focused like a heavyweight champ. She’d been on a kick for more grandbabies ever since her sister and husband decided to move a few hours south. John had accepted a transfer, and although they lived only six hours away, you’d think they’d moved clear across the county.

Angela rolled her eyes. Now was not the time to start a family. She and Tyler’s future did include diapers and a swing set, but not yet. At the moment, they were enjoying the summer and their time with Connor.

She couldn’t believe how things had changed so fast. Connor had been living with them for a few weeks now. The first few nights he’d slept in the spare room, but now, more often than not, the three of them ended up in their king bed. It had happened so naturally.

Sometimes they just cuddled and talked, but most nights the two men gave her more orgasms than she thought possible. She had yet to take both of them inside her at the same time, but she knew that would happen soon. Although Tyler had played with her ass on occasion over the years, she’d always been timid of anal sex so he’d only used his finger. But over the last two weeks, they’d been getting her ready, preparing her body to take one of them back there. Using their fingers and sometimes a thin dildo, they’d taken turns working to stretch her so she’d be able to accommodate their thick cocks. They’d been going easy on her, but she felt she was ready to take that next step—eager even—and it would fulfill her ultimate fantasy.

But keeping a lid on their relationship was proving difficult. She’d had to stop herself more than once from public displays of affection with Connor. He already felt like he belonged. Her feelings for him went deep, surprising her. She cared for him. Maybe more than cared.

She already knew she’d be devastated when he left. And as each week passed, she began to wonder how many more they had left with him. This worried her for another reason too. Did her developing feelings for Connor mean she loved her husband less?

She needed to be careful. If her parents found out her current living arrangements, they wouldn’t understand.

“Is Tyler’s friend joining us for dinner? Should I set another place?” Her mother had sneaked back into the kitchen.

Angela dropped the potato, catching it before it rolled off the edge of the counter and onto the floor. “Excuse me? How do you know about Connor?” She kept her head down and her back turned. She felt heat staining her cheeks.

“We met him earlier this week, when your father dropped off some tool he’d borrowed from Tyler. He and Tyler were out the by pool. He seemed like a nice young man.”

“Ah, yeah, he is. Um, he and Tyler went to school together. He…ah…he’s renting a house…just a few minutes from here, actually.”

Angela lifted her arm, using the inside of her wrist to wipe away a bead of sweat rolling down from her forehead. That wasn’t a lie. He did have a house. He had furniture in it. And probably some stale food.

“I think it’s nice that Tyler has a friend close by. So, is he joining us?”

“I don’t know. Why?”

Angela sensed eyes rolling heavenward behind her back.

“Well, dear, if he doesn’t know anyone besides you and Tyler, he might enjoy spending time with other people. It’s not fun eating alone.”

Angela knew Connor must have other friends, because some nights he came home after she and Tyler had gone to bed. Those nights he went straight to the spare room. The first time it happened, she had asked him about it the following morning, but he fluffed it off, saying he’d had a late meeting.

What bothered Angela was the strain around his eyes and mouth, and the fact that he went out of his way to avoid looking her in the eye. This morning had been one of those days.

The front door opened, saving her from continuing her train of thought or the discussion with her mother. Angela looked up as male voices travelled down the hall toward the kitchen.

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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