Read Friends With Benefits Online

Authors: Anne Lange

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Friends With Benefits (13 page)

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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Tyler pulled her close and tucked her head under his chin. He glanced at Connor, his eyes pained. “Not a joke, baby. I just wanted the whole thing to be special and spontaneous. If you’d known the complete truth, it wouldn’t have been a fantasy becoming reality.”

“But you let me feel like I was cheating on you, even though you encouraged me. Now I find out he’s your best friend.”

“Yes, but I spoke with both of you. I knew what was going on. I wish I could have been here. But if I had been, it wouldn’t have been the same.

“I suppose that’s true.”

Connor closed his eyes and breathed a silent sigh of relief.

He watched as she pulled away from Tyler and turned to him again, though now the look on her face held a note of shyness and a little curiosity.

Angela returned to her seat and curled a leg under her butt, but still kept her gaze trained on him, studying him.

“Now I know why you seemed familiar that first morning. I couldn’t place you. I’ve only seen you in a few pictures from years ago. You’re the famous Jonesy, I presume?”

Connor groaned and mock-glared at his friend. “I prefer Connor. Jonesy was a nickname I had growing up. And I hated it by the way.”

“Tyler’s told me a lot about you, but clearly not enough.” She switched her gaze to her husband. “He was one of the people involved in your threesome, wasn’t he?”


“Did you two…” She waved a hand between them.

Connor choked the mouthful of wine he’d just swallowed, ready to put an immediate stop to where her mind had headed. “He may be considered handsome in some circles, sweetheart, but he’s not my type.”

Tyler’s exaggerated put-out look turned Angela’s expression of relief to one of amusement.

“Sorry, babe. I’m a straight shooter, as is Connor. We go for people of the female persuasion only. We used to sometimes team up to help a woman experience absolute bliss, make her feel as though she’d won the lottery.”

“Wow, I didn’t realize you were so high on yourself, dear.” A smile slid into place on her pretty face as Tyler chuckled. She turned to Connor. “Do you also think you’re God’s gift to the ladies?”

“Absolutely not.”

“OK, enough for the moment,” Angela said. Her voice had returned to normal. “But just so you know, you both have a lot to make up for.” With that parting shot, she disentangled herself from her husband, shot them both a saucy, sexy look, and sauntered into the kitchen. She laughed as she left the room, and Connor knew the joke was actually on him. Why couldn’t he find a woman like this to love him unconditionally?


* * *



“Angie, you joining us, baby?” Tyler called out from the living room. When dinner ended, she had busied herself with cleanup. The guys waited in the other room.

Could she do it? She peeked through the archway. Tyler moved around the room, turning down lights, turning on soft music, setting the mood—her sweet husband doing what he could to help her relax. She caught Connor’s dark, heated gaze, trapped as he followed her movement. Her womb clutched, her nipples tingled. How did one go about starting an evening of sex with two men?

“I need to relax.” She breathed deep, filling her lungs with much-needed oxygen. After a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, she felt a little tipsy. Those butterflies had congregated in her stomach, with their wings extended, ready to take flight.

Excitement raced through her body, leaving her jittery and hyperaware.

She licked her lips and turned away from Connor’s watchful stare to wipe the spotless table. A moment later, a warm hand covered hers. She glanced up into her husband’s heavy-lidded eyes.

“I think the table is clean. How about you sit with us and have another drink?”

“OK,” she whispered. Dropping the cloth, she allowed her husband to lead her away. She followed him to the other room.

“More red?” Tyler asked. “Or would you prefer to switch to white?”

She shook her head. “I’ve had enough. Some water would be nice though.”

While he filled her request, she sat on the couch and stole a quick glance in Connor’s direction. He appeared relaxed, lounging across from her in the recliner, his right foot propped upon his left knee, twirling the stem of his wine glass in his deft fingers.

Tyler joined her, handed her the water, and settled into the cushions. At the back of her head, his fingers toyed with her hair, every so often brushing across the back of her neck in soft strokes.

His attempt to relax her had yet to work. She took a deep breath and downed half the water. If she had to wait much longer, the risk of chickening out increased.

Connor rose and crossed the room. He dropped to his knees in front of her.

Relief rushed through her. She wanted to cup his face and kiss him for making the first move.

Maintaining eye contact, he placed his hands over her breasts, cupped them, and then he began a slow massage while he nudged her knees apart and wedged himself between them.

After a quick glance at Tyler, Connor leaned in and brushed his lips across hers.

She sighed into his mouth.

The kiss began as a gentle exploration, a sliding of his lips against hers. She could smell the wine on his breath, a light blend of cherries and oak. The softness of the cushion collapsed within her grip as she squeezed the edge of it in her fists. She couldn’t decide where her focus should be—on her breasts where Connor kneaded them with a soft touch and an occasional flick across her nipples through her top, or on his mouth, where bit by bit the pressure of his touch was increasing.

Around them, candlelight flickered. A low jazz tune played on the stereo.

Deciding to focus on the kiss, she ran her tongue along his bottom lip. She tasted him. She hesitated, and then gently bit down on his lip, tugging it between her teeth.

He stilled and sucked in a breath, air hissing between them. Then he exploded into action. His hands left her breasts and grasped either side of her head. In an instant, the kiss went from soft and gentle to firm and passionate. Her heartbeat went from zero-to-sixty in ten seconds flat.

She almost forgot her husband was sitting next to her, until his grip tightened on her neck. The slight pressure excited her. It felt as though he was holding her in place for his friend.


Chapter Twelve



Tyler watched his best friend devour his wife. His cock pressed against his zipper, cramped, confined, and begging for relief. But no, not yet. He wanted to watch. He needed to know she’d be OK with this before he took it to the next level.

Her moan told him she liked what was happening. She tossed her head back against the sofa, and Tyler adjusted his arm behind her so he could cradle her head in his hand.

Connor stretched up to follow her movement, not releasing his hold on her lips. When at last he pulled back, Tyler watched their lips break suction, bit by bit, as though straining to maintain that connection until the last possible moment.

“Fuck, Tyler. I can’t believe how sexy your wife is.”

Tyler’s chest swelled with pride, his blood flowed thick and heavy with desire. He turned from Connor’s heated look to see a matching flame in Angela’s eyes.

“Why don’t we take this upstairs?” His own husky voice sounded foreign. Tyler removed his arm from behind Angela’s head, and stood, waiting for Connor to do the same. When he did, Tyler reached his hand out to his wife, palm up. She placed her hand in his.

With a firm tug, he pulled her tight to his chest and then swooped down to taste her lips. They were wet and puffy from another man’s attention. His cock pulsed. He drew back and stared into his wife’s face.


Her eyes widened. Her pupils dilated. She nodded. The corners of her mouth turned up the tiniest bit. Instead of fear, he saw pure, raw lust shining in her eyes.

“Let’s go.” He spun her around, settled a firm hand at the small of her back, and ushered her up the stairs.

In preparation for tonight, he’d snuck upstairs and placed a few items in their bedside table. When they entered the room, Angela stopped near the bottom of the bed, an uncertain look on her face.

Tyler turned to his friend. “Connor, why don’t you do the honors?”

“It would be my pleasure.” Connor moved across the carpeting to join Angela. Unhurriedly, he bent to grab the hem of her dress and then straightened, pulling it up and over her head. Then he reached around her back to unclasp her bra. He removed it, and bent down on one knee to pull her thong down her legs. She laid a hand on his shoulder, steadying herself as she stepped free.

“You’re beautiful.” He kissed her, a simple peck on the mouth. “Lie down, honey.”

Tyler retrieved his supplies. “Sweetheart, we want to make this the best for you. You trust me, don’t you?”

“Yes.” She looked straight at him. He sensed her nervousness, but the love and arousal simmering in her eyes made him feel a whole lot better about what was coming next.

“Give me your right hand, baby.” He wrapped one of his silk ties around her wrist, stretched her arm out over her head, and tied it to the headboard. “Now the other.”

He repeated the process, bringing both hands close enough she could clasp them together. “Now your feet.”

Taking each foot in turn, he tied her spread eagle to their bed. He stood back to look his fill. “You’re flushed. You’ll like this, Angie. We’re going to make you feel so good.”

While Tyler had been busy, Connor had shed his clothes. Tyler ditched his and moved back to the bed. As a team, they crawled onto the bed, each taking a side of Angela. Connor’s hand smoothed along her skin from the arch of her foot, over her quivering stomach, up to curve under her left breast.

“Your skin is so soft. Like the petals on a flower.” He leaned down and covered her nipple with his mouth. She gasped and arched into him.

“I’m going to blindfold you, honey. I want your senses focused on feeling and anticipating what’s about to happen.” He looked into her beautiful baby blues, noticing a tiny bit of anxiety sparkling there. “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of you.”

“I know.” Love for his wife filled his heart. He kissed her, hard, and then covered her eyes with a satin sleeping mask.

Resting back on his ankles, he looked across her lush body. Connor’s cheekbones flushed red. His eyes glittered. His tongue snaked out to pass over his lips, and Tyler watched as Connor gulped before raising his gaze to meet his own.

“It’s like a feast has been laid out before me, and I don’t know where to begin.”

“Then let’s start at the top, and work our way down.”

“Oh, yeah, I can go for that.” Connor’s chuckle sounded downright wicked.

They stretched out along either side of her, each staking a claim to a breast. Keeping his touch tender, Tyler grazed his thumb over the hard peak. After a few passes it seemed to swell under his touch. He gave it a little pinch, and then a tug, stretching it out and letting it settle back again. He lowered his head to suck her nipple into his mouth, twirling his tongue around the tip.

When she gasped and arched into their touch, he darted a glance across the bed. His friend’s entire focus seemed to be on sucking as much of her breast into his mouth as he could.

Tyler let the cherry tip pop out of his mouth, lapped it a few times, and then covered it again. When Angela began to writhe beneath him, he released her and inched down her body, licking and kissing over the swell of her breast, along the underside, the sweet scent of her heat filling his nose.

He continued down the middle of her stomach. He stopped to twirl his tongue in her navel, dipping in and out, mimicking what he planned to do at his next stop. He pressed his hand to her sex, cupping the smooth
flesh. Warmth greeted him. Tyler spread his fingers letting his middle one sneak in between her moist lips. Oh, fuck. She enjoyed this. He gathered the moisture he found and spread it over her clit. The little nub was nice and hard.

Scooting to his knees, Tyler positioned himself between her spread legs and stretched out, his feet dangling off the edge of the bed. Placing his hands beneath the cheeks of her ass, he lifted her as far as the restraints allowed. Perfect. Mouth level. He swiped his tongue from bottom to top.

“Mmm…Like licking an ice-cream cone.” His wife moaned. Connor growled. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your turn.”

Tyler returned to his treat, licking and nipping at his wife’s delicious pussy until she became electrified in his hands. He sucked each succulent lip into his mouth. He flattened his tongue and rubbed it back and forth over her clit. He rimmed her opening before diving in to scoop up her juice. He pushed her to the edge, eager for her release.

“Baby, you smell like vanilla, but you taste like some sort of exotic honey. So sweet. Connor, you need to taste this.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Connor rose and switched places with Tyler, settling in as if ready to spend the entire evening there.

Canting his body over hers, a palm on either side of her head, Tyler leaned down, placed a kiss on the top of her nose, and then whispered in her ear, “How are you doing, sweetheart? Is it good?”

“Oh, yes…real good.”

“It’s going to get better.” Angela’s response, a ragged moan and a nod of her head, pleased him.

Connor feasted on her, so absorbed in his task as he hummed and groaned in pleasure, he didn’t seem to notice the grip Angela had on his hair.

Her legs trembled. She panted. Tyler recognized the signs.

“Connor, she’s getting ready to come.” Transfixed, he watched Connor eat his wife’s pussy, absently stroking his own cock as Angela’s moans grew louder.

“Oh, my God. Tyler. Tyler, I’m going to come. Tyler, oh, oh…oh, God.”

Connor’s persistent tongue drove her over the edge. Her body bowed as she came. She cried out, and it was music to his ears.

“Connor, untie her feet. But we’ll leave her hands tied and the blindfold on.”

While his friend rose from between Angela’s legs to remove the restraints, Tyler grabbed a condom from under the pillow and tossed it to Connor.

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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