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Authors: Nyrae Dawn

Freeing Carter (15 page)

BOOK: Freeing Carter
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When we get back to school
Trina and Mel go their way
and Trav and I head to English. It
s not until we
re almost there that I realize Mel didn
t kiss me goodbye. Really
s not a big deal
but for her it is. I mean
it wasn
t too long ago Travis gave me shit about Mel and her leash.

Is it weird that before we could hardly get two seconds to ourselves and now they want nothing to do with us?

Travis shakes his head.
s normal. People grow
get antsy. I
m pretty sure there
s an expiration date on all relationships.

I raise my eyebrows at him
wondering when he figured all this out. When he turned into Mr. Cynical all of a sudden.
And how close are we to ours?

Travis pats me on the shoulder.
Just about expired
my friend.
He turns and walks into class. In my head
I know he
s right. I
m pretty sure we
re past the expiration date
m just not man enough to clean out the fridge.


Mrs. Z
s praise of my homework gives me a high that carries me to practice. Here
I don
t need anything else but a ball in my hand and four teammates with me on the floor. When practice is over
Mel and Trina disappear to do whatever it is they
re doing lately
leaving me and Trav on our own.

Wanna do something? Tad
s parents let him move into the room behind their house. People have been going there to chill and stuff. I
ve been a few times. It
s crazy. He has a fridge full of beer in the closet and they don
t even know!
Travis stands on the back of my truck.

Beer? Nope. Not feeling it.
When did you start chillin
with Tad?

When he started getting beer.

I laugh.
m going to head to the store. Mom wants me to help Kira.
It pops out of my mouth without my meaning it to. Mom wanted me to help her yesterday
not today.

I start to walk toward the driver side when Travis says
Ok. She
s hot. I
ll go with you.

My feet tangle and I stumble a little. Shaking it off
like I did it on purpose (which makes no sense. Who trips on purpose?)
I look at him
trying to figure out why I
m annoyed while talking at the same time.
s going to be working.

who cares? I
m there with you. It
s not going to interrupt her work if I
m looking
unless she
s so into looking back she can
t do her job.
By now he
s walked over to me
fist out and waiting for me to hit it. I swear I will my arm to do it
but the thing suddenly has a mind of its own and won
t listen.

I thought you were going to Tad
I keep digging myself a grave.

Is there some reason you don
t want me to go? I can go to Tad
s later and I
m sure as shit not going home

Why? What
s up at home?
Travis has never talked like that.

He shakes it off.
Just boring. Plus I
m killing two birds with one stone here. A pretty girl first
then beer at Tad
I like
that plan.

You have a girlfriend.
Shut up
Carter. Close your mouth.

And do you have a fever? What the hell
s wrong with you?

What the hell is wrong with me is right
Get in the truck. I
m just giving you a hard time.
I think.


Mom slips out of the store
mumbling something about errands and a quiet question of if I can help Kira if she needs it. My answer is just as quiet and mumbled
each of us treading the uncomfortable ground between us.

Catch you later
Ms. Delilah. You
re looking lovely today
by the way!
Travis calls after Mom
who rolls her eyes at him
before waving goodbye.

why do you flirt with my mom?

He shrugs.
s hot. She
s single

What the hell
I shove him.
t call my mom hot.

Why? She is.
Kira steps up beside us.

no. She
s really not. Again
s my
Pretty sure that
s against the law.

Trav puts his arm around Kira
s shoulders.
s on my side so I
m sticking with her. Why don
t you enlighten us on why it
s illegal?

I suddenly want to punch my best friend in the face. Again.
Because she
s old. Plus
s against the guy code. Thou shall not covet your best friend
s mom.
Or put your arm around the pretty girl with the braids
even though I have no reason to care about that.

Kira laughs
steps out from under Travis
s arm and touches my shoulder.
I think you
re safe
Sleepy. I
m pretty sure your mom wouldn
t go for him.
She walks over to a stand of books and starts organizing. Grabbing his heart
Travis is right behind her.

What? You don
t think Ms. Delilah would go for me? I
m crushed. Well
s not really my type either.
s eyebrows go up.

I stand back in awe
wondering when Travis got so much game. He
s totally flirting with her and I
m stuck between wanting to give him props and kicking him out. I mean
s harmless. Not the dissing-your-girlfriend flirting
so what
s my deal?

s your girlfriend
Kira teases him.

Travis shakes his head.
I see how it is. I can take a hint. Travis isn
t allowed to be nice because he has a girlfriend. Forget that said girlfriend has split personalities
liking him one minute and trying to kill him the next. Oh
and I
m pretty sure she
s up to something shady
but no
Travis can
t be friendly to the new girl or ogle his best friend
s mom.

Dude! Shut up about my Mom.

m kidding
. Simmer down.

m pretty sure I
m coming off like a douchebag today.
Whatever. I
m doing some homework.

Oh! What
s the bet today? What do you want from me that I can bribe you with?
Kira steps up onto a stool
dusting books. I groan
unable to hold it back. She looks like an office worker today. A hot office worker with a tight skirt that goes down to her knees
with a matching jacket-thing. The difference is
her jacket has little glittery things on it
that look like she glued them there herself.

So not touching that one.
Travis laughs
walking over to the table and plopping down.

I don
t know
ll let you know when I figure one out.

She giggles
but doesn
t reply
and keeps working. I sit with Travis
pulling out my books.

re really doing homework? Why are we doing homework?
Travis asks.

My reply is a shrug. Not like I can tell him I
m a slacker and might get kicked off the team if I don
t bring up my English grade. Then something he said a few minutes before pops into my head.
What did you mean by thinking Trina is up to something shady?

Travis leans backward in the chair
crossing his arms.
I don
t know
s just. It
s been weird lately. Even before they suddenly started doing all that cheer stuff with Sam. I don
t know
s been different for like a month
but more lately. Every time we
re together she
s on my ass about something
but she
s spending more time with Sam. You know her parents are never home and Devin always has his friends around. I don
t trust it.

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