Freefall (Santa Cruz Skydivers Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Freefall (Santa Cruz Skydivers Book 1)
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Chapter Sixteen




What the fuck was going on? How was it possible that I’d just had the best sex of my entire life with a girl I had only just met? Sure, I’d had one-night-stands before, but had never felt like this after. She was doing things to me I couldn’t explain. I leaned up against the closed bathroom door and heard Andi turn on the shower. It took all of my restraint to hold myself back and not go in there and fuck her all over again, take her from behind and rub her clit while I pumped her hard. Just thinking about her naked started to make my cock stir again.

I palmed my balls and gripped my cock tightly, moving my hand up and down my hardening shaft. I thought about her in there naked, washing herself, wishing I was doing it for her, my mouth on her, fucking her with my tongue, making her come. I had been wrong about her. She tasted sweeter than honey. But, to be honest, it wasn’t just that. It was more. It was much, much more. I wanted to bury myself in her and never let her go. She was perfect. The moment she took her clothes off last night while we played strip poker, I knew I had to have her. The shape of her full breasts, her tiny waist, and just a glimpse of her bare pussy through that thong, teasing me, driving me wild.

I crossed a line last night, something I wasn’t proud of. I wouldn’t have even considered doing what I’d done with her if she hadn’t told me what she had, and kissed me the way she did just before we went to sleep. Remembering her comment, I kept my hand moving up and down my cock, gripping hard, pulling my hand up to the knob of my cock and back down to the bottom of the shaft. I imagined it was her hand on my cock and shut my eyes.

“You are so fucking hot,” she had said, slurring her words, as I carried her to my bed. Her eyes were half shut because she was that drunk, and she’d run her hand across my bare chest.

I had instantly grown hard at her touch, like I was a sixteen-year-old school boy ready for his first lay. I had laughed at her.

“You’re just drunk,” I had said, and put her in my bed and tucked her up in the sheet. I had to cover her breasts. All I had wanted to do was take them in my mouth. Her nipples, pert and hard, were taunting me.

“Yes, I am, but that’s not the point. Can I have a good night kiss?” she had asked, her hands continuing to move over my body. This time, she held onto my biceps, her petite hands just big enough to encircle the outside of them.

It was wrong of me to kiss her when she was so drunk, but I had been craving it all night. We had been so close many times, but the timing hadn’t been right. Just like now, but I was weak. After all, I was only human.

“Just one for goodnight,” I had told her, unable to say no. I kissed her softly, our lips moving together, like we had done this before. She had run her hands down my back, pushed her hands into my Calvin’s, and grabbed my ass. I had wanted nothing more than to just rip that sheet off and take her then and there.

Remembering that kiss and her soft lips, I moved my hand faster up and down my cock, my balls tightening as I felt my climax building. I had to move faster. She wouldn’t be in the shower much longer.

I kept my eyes shut, picturing her in my bed. “Levi. Can I ask you something?” she had asked me, slurring her words as she fought sleep.

“Of course, anything,” I had replied, and lay down on the bed next to her, wrapping her in my arms.

“Do you think I’m attractive?”

“Of course I do,” I had told her. She was the hottest girl I had ever met.

“You’re not just saying that?”

“No, I’m not,” I had told her.

“Do you want to have sex with me?” she asked me.

“Oh, believe me, I do,” I told her. “But not tonight.”

“Okay, not tonight. I don’t fuck on first dates anyway,” she had said, laughing at her joke. “But can we kiss some more please?”

I didn’t even reply, but started kissing her again, running my hands over her covered breasts. Her hands moved down my body and made her way to the front of my boxer briefs, and she slipped her hand inside and lightly touched the tip of my cock.

That memory of her touching my knob was all I needed to finish me off now. Pre-cum glistened as I pulled on my hard cock, up and down, now remembering how it felt inside of her, her sweet tightness biting on my cock as she came. My body tensed and my balls contracted. I hissed though my teeth, holding my orgasm in, clenching my ass cheeks, until I couldn’t hold it any longer. I fell to my knees, grabbed my discarded Calvin’s, and let myself go, my cock and body shaking as I came into the material.

I was spent. I hadn’t come that hard from a hand job since I discovered
magazine when I was fifteen. I stood up, tossed my boxers into my dirty clothes pile to be laundered, and grabbed a clean pair from my closet.

Of course nothing else had happened last night, other than those two kisses, but it was a line I had crossed. Once she had touched my cock, I knew I had to stop or we would both do something we regretted. I wanted to fuck her last night, I knew how good she would feel, but I didn’t want her to be drunk when it happened. I wanted her to remember every detail. Being totally honest, in some sick, masochistic way, I wanted her to fall in love with me. I wanted her to want me.

This morning I hadn’t told her about that incident last night. I knew she would be too drunk to remember. Besides, she had been embarrassed enough already just waking up next to me naked. And I didn’t want her hating me for taking advantage of her.

Her reaction after we had sex just now surprised me. Last night, she had been completely different—confident and self-assured. I was afraid she might bolt if I kept coming on too strong. Time to back it up a bit. I needed to take a slower approach with her if I wanted her to stick around.

I had to bite the bullet and make a decision that would kill me. No more sex until she was ready and asked for it, and then I would make sure it wasn’t hard and fast. She deserved it tender, soft, and romantic, just like her. Until next time, I would just have to romance her and be what she wanted—friends. I was well and truly pussy-whipped after one round.

I pulled on some fresh Calvin’s and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.


Chapter Seventeen




Levi was right. I needed to cool off. Halfway through my shower, I switched it to cold. I figured an icy cold shower would put a stop to these insane urges I was feeling. Levi had left me craving more. It was like he flicked a switch and awakened something inside of me. I’d left the bathroom door unlocked just in case he had second thoughts and chose to join me. He didn’t. I guess I had freaked him out. I knew it. Now he wouldn’t want to see me again. The whole friends thing had to be a lie. As soon as I went out there, it would be “thanks for the night, I’ll call you.” I switched off the shower and squeezed my eyes, tears snaking a path down my face. Damn it, I knew this would happen. I let myself fall in love.

I rested my head on the shower wall, gaining my composure before I faced my reality waiting for me in the kitchen. I dried myself with a fluffy bath towel emblazoned with a Versace logo and picked up my discarded thong from the bathroom floor. Only minutes ago, Levi had done amazing, wonderful, unspeakable things to me after he’d taken this off. I sighed and slipped it back on, wishing I could turn back time and not freak out on him.

Cracking the bathroom door open, I peeked into the bedroom to make sure he wasn’t there before I looked for my clothes. Glancing around the room, I remembered he told me he’d carried me to bed topless. No way in hell was I walking out there in just my lace thong. He’d left his closet open, so I grabbed myself one of his black T-shirts and slipped it on. It didn’t cover much, but at least I was covered. I finger-combed my wet hair, took a deep breath, and prepared myself for the inevitable.

Levi was still eating breakfast when I walked into the kitchen. He was sitting on his marble kitchen bench-top, wearing nothing but his Calvin’s, eating a slice of toast. Goddamn it, he was so sexy it hurt. He glanced up at me, his eyes widening slightly as I walked up to him.

“Hope you don’t mind, I borrowed one of your shirts.” I tugged on the hem of the shirt, trying unsuccessfully to cover my ass, and stood awkwardly near him. I didn’t know where I should go. Should I go over to him or just collect my stuff and leave?

He smiled at me. “It suits you, although I prefer you without clothes on at all.”

I felt my face flush. He patted a spot on the bench next to him. “Why don’t you join me, and I’ll make you something to eat.”

“I might just go put my jeans back on, if that’s okay?” I asked him, looking toward the room we had been drinking in last night.

“No, that’s not okay,” he replied. “I’m rather fond of your ass like that. Now, sit down.”

Shyly, I pulled myself up and joined him on the kitchen bench.

“Don’t you have chairs?” I asked as I wiggled my way back so my legs were hanging comfortably over the edge of the bench. I felt three years old.

“I prefer sitting up here. We can sit at the table if you like. It just seems too formal. I like things a little unconventional.”

“No, here is fine,” I replied. I was totally the opposite of unconventional as there could be. Now I knew I wouldn’t stand a chance. I swallowed hard. “I should go.”

He jumped down from the bench and faced me, his hands either side of my legs. His green eyes pierced mine. “Is that what you want?”

“What do you want?”

“What I want to do is make you breakfast and take you for a ride on my Harley.”

I paused, my heart singing. “What’s for breakfast?”

He reached up, cupped my face, and kissed me. Not the urgent kisses like before, but soft and tender. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him back. While I loved the hard sex with him, I could have kissed him like this all day. He pulled away too soon, sucking softly on my bottom lip, and then kissed his way down my neck and back up again, finishing up by resting his forehead on mine. This was not the reception I had been expecting.

“I like that type of breakfast.” My words came out in a whisper.

He laughed softly. “Me too.”

We pulled apart and just grinned at each other like we shared a secret.

“Some toast and coffee?” he asked me after a moment.

“Yes, please,” I replied, and watched him as he moved around the kitchen preparing me breakfast.

“I’m sorry, I’ve only got instant coffee.” He spooned the granules into the mug. “Do you take it white or black?”

“Make it strong and white please, with two. I’m starting to feel the onset of a hangover.”

He stirred the coffee for me and handed it over. “Do you want some Tylenol as well?”

“I’m fine for now. I’m sure this coffee will hit the spot.”

He nodded. “Okay, but let me know.”

My toast popped up and he brought it to me with a selection of spreads. I chose strawberry jelly.

“You know, I haven’t had jelly on toast since I was a kid. It reminds me of the good times on Sunday mornings, when my dad was still well enough to take me out for a ride on our bicycles.” I took a bite of my toast.

“My father wasn’t around when I was growing up. It was just me and my mom.” A sad look came over his face as he touched his chest tattoo briefly.

“Your tattoos are amazing. Who is that? She’s beautiful.”

He smiled wistfully, his eyes glistening softly as he touched his chest tattoo once more. “Yes, she is, or was. This is my mom. It’s a portrait of a photograph of her when she was young. She died when I was in high school. Her name was Rosa, so I had a red rose tattoo put there for her.”

I smiled at him and finished my breakfast. “She was very beautiful,” I told him honestly. “You know, my last name is LaRosa. Italian, for the rose.”

His head snapped up. “No, I didn’t know that. What a coincidence. Before my mother died, she told me that whenever I saw a rose, I would know that she was nearby.”

I didn’t believe in coincidences, but didn’t want to tell him that. Instead, I agreed with him. “Yes, very strange, isn’t it? So have you ever gotten any signs that she is around you? I’ve read loads of books on afterlife. I find it very fascinating.”

“Once or twice I’ve had the feeling, but never any signs. I know she’s watching over me, though.”

He failed miserably attempting to smile at me, as memories of his mother flicked across his face. He reminded me of sad, lost little boy in a department store. I couldn’t stand to see him hurting. I jumped down from the bench and wrapped my arms around his waist. He reciprocated and held me tight against him. We didn’t talk, but just stood there. I had the feeling he hadn’t ever really grieved for her loss. Not truly grieved. He brushed the back of my hair and kissed the top of my head.

I waited until he was ready.

“Thanks,” he said finally, and kissed me tenderly again.

“You’re welcome. Just so you know, if you ever need to talk about her, I’m always here.”

He tipped his chin at me, silently acknowledging my offer. This wasn’t good. I loved this side of him. I hadn’t foreseen such a soft, tender side to him. The more time I spent with him, the harder I was falling, and the harder it was going to be for me to let go. Before I had time to contemplate how I was going to deal with letting him go, he slapped me on the ass again and squeezed it a little while giving me a cheeky smile.

“Come on, sexy ass,” he said, effectively ending our tender moment. “I’ve actually changed my mind. I think you should get some clothes on before I take you again right here in the kitchen.”

My body tingled, picturing a thousand ways I would love for him to take me.

“I’m going to shower. I have a spare jacket that should fit you for the ride. It’ll keep you warm and protected. If you don’t mind wearing your jeans from last night, you can wear that shirt. Saves us from going to your place first so you don’t have to get changed.”

I nodded at him. “Fine by me. I do have to be home by five, though. I have a family dinner tonight and will need to get changed. I can’t exactly turn up looking like this.”

“I think you look rather sexy in my shirt. But I will have you home by five.” He gave me a quick kiss on my lips. “As much as I am enjoying seeing you like that, get dressed and finish your coffee. I’ll be right back.”

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