The Engagement - Regency Brides 02

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Authors: Kimberley Comeaux

Tags: #Book 2 - Regency Brides

BOOK: The Engagement - Regency Brides 02
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ISBN 1-59310-125-2


Kimberley Comeaux


London, England - Spring 1814

"Is it just I, or do you find these dinner parties dreadfully dull?"

"I, too, share the sentiment, but then again, I find many things dull. You, on the other hand, have a better excuse than I," Trevor Kent, the Duke of Northingshire, answered his friend as they watched the guests who were in attendance at the Beckinghams' party. "I don't imagine you canĀ· compare adventure on the high seas and your escapade with pirates with our monotonous English society and their dreary little efforts at entertainment."

Thomas Thornton gave North, as the duke was known to his friends, a sardonic grin. "You could not be further from the truth. I didn't like dinner parties before my

'adventure,' as you call it, and I will die a happy man if I never get on another boat," he informed him. "And it was a merchant ship that rescued me, by the by."

"Yes, but let's keep that between us, eh? The story sounds so much more thrilling to add the pirates."

Thomas chuckled. "If it had been pirates, I might have been the dead man everyone thought I was!"

Thomas and North shared a sobering glance. "Indeed. God must surely smile on all the Thorntons, since both you and your brother have truly been blessed this past year."

While Thomas could now make light of his harrowing scrape with death, it had been the blackest time of his life.

When he was a lieutenant in the Royal Navy, his ship had been destroyed during a horrendous storm at sea. He and only a handful of others managed to survive by holding on to pieces of the hull until a merchant ship heading to Canada picked them up. Because of the war between the Britons of Canada and the United States, he was not able to return home until nearly a year later. Unfortunately, during this time, all aboard the ship had been declared dead. And that is what his family and friends had been told.

His surprising homecoming was made bittersweet when he learned his young wife, with whom he'd had an arranged marriage, had died giving birth to their son, Tyler. His brother, Nicholas, bad looked after the baby until Thomas could return.

"If only He would also bless me with a wife as He bestowed upon my dear brother." Thomas smiled as he referred to his new sister-in-law, Christina, who was also the vicar's daughter in his hometown of Malbury. That smile dimmed a little as he recalled his past. "Dear Anne, my late wife, was a good woman and gave me a wonderful son. Perhaps I have no right to want more."

"Of course you have a right. Which is why you have dragged me to this 'dreadfully dull' affair, or have you forgotten?

We must endure such events to find you a wife and a mother for young Tyler," North stated matter-of-factly. "Now tell me which young miss has caught your eye, and I'll see to the introduction."

Thomas made a show of scanning the room. "Therein, unfortunately, lies my problem. They are all very nice and most comely to admire, but ... " His voice drifted off, as he was unable to put his feelings to words.

"Mmm." North nodded. "I know what you mean. You are searching for what I've sought after for quite some time someone who is original."


"Someone who is pretty yet doesn't give the impression of being like all the rest."


"She must be easy to talk to and not bore you with relentless chattering about fashions or gossip about the neighbors,"

North added to the list.


' And above all, she must be loyal, loving, and kind!"

"Here, here!"

They held a moment of silence as they both paused to think about what they had just said. Suddenly, they glanced at each other and began to laugh.

"I believe I just described my dog," North sputtered between laughs.

Thomas wiped the moisture from his eyes. "I was thinking of my horse!"

It took a few moments for both men to regain control. By then the whole room was staring at them with curiosity and censure, the latter, of course, from the older set.

"I believe we have drawn enough attention to ourselves this evening. Perhaps we should say our good-byes to our host."

Thomas nodded. "Indeed. I do not think I shall find my bride among this crowd, anyway. Perhaps I should take a page from my brother and start attending services in various churches across the shire. There could be another vicar's daughter like my brother's wife, out there--somewhere."

North grinned. "Or you could forgo your loathing of sea travel and go with me back to America. My cousin and I have established a sugar plantation near the city of New Orleans.

I was supposed to go and see how he was faring this last year, but a war was still going on. Now that it seems to be over, I shall leave in just a few months."

"I think I've seen enough of North America. We were docked in some little Canadian harbor for two months, and I was glad to leave," Thomas answered with a shudder. "If I cannot find a bride on English soil, then I shall remain a single man."

"Well, if you ... " North's sentence drifted to a halt when they both noticed the room had become quiet. They glimpsed around to see that all eyes had turned toward the door.

The woman who stood at the entrance to the hall was even more beautiful than the last time Thomas had seen her. Her light blond hair curled artfully about her face while the length of it was pinned atop her head and cascaded in tiny curls down the back. Even from where he stood, he could see the smoothness of her cheeks, the arch of her light brows, and the glow from her incredible golden eyes. Her dress was the color of bright copper, with delicate beaded lace at her neck and high waistline.

But something was different about her from the last time they'd met. No longer was there an enchanting smile on her face or a confidence in her stance as once had been. Instead, he saw a wariness in her eyes, a brave tilt to her proud chin, and a challenged air to the way she stood, as if she were readying herself for an assault.

Even so, she was magnificent to fix one's eyes upon. Her presence seemed to outshine all other ladies around her.

Under any other circumstances, Thomas would have had no reluctance about rushing up to reacquaint himself with her, perhaps even pursue her, for she was exactly what he wished for in a wife and more.

But Lady Katherine Montbatten could not be his-would probably laugh in his face if he even suggested a match between them. No. She probably hated the very mention of the Thornton name. And he didn't blame her.

Katherine had almost been his sister-in-law.

When his brother, Nicholas, the Earl of Kenswick, returned from the war, he'd been wounded and bitter from all he'd seen and done during the battles. In his confused and anxious state, he'd broken his betrothal with Katherine just months before the wedding and conducted himself in a manner in which no gentleman of his station should behave.

During this time, their father had died, then Nicholas had thought Thomas was lost to him, also. With the help of Christina, the vicar's daughter, he'd come to realize he needed God's help and forgiveness. Since then, he'd completely changed and settled down to family life at Kenswick Hall with his new bride.

But that didn't change the fact that Katherine had been hurt by the whole affair.

As the crowd around them started to move about and resume their chatter; he watched her trying to smile while greeting their hosts for the party, Lord and Lady Beckingham.

She tried to pretend nothing was wrong, but clearly something was.

And Thomas had a horrible feeling he knew the reason.

"She has been ostracized by the
he murmured, hoping he was not correct in his summation, for the
represented England's noble families and was known to judge harshly, even among their own relations.

"Not entirely," North corrected. "Only by the marriageable bachelors of the
Of course, there are always those who would have other propositions for her, but it is good she has her family to support her."

Thomas grimaced. "Does Nicholas know?"

North nodded. "He does and has repeatedly offered to make amends by providing her father money to add to her dowry, but he was refused." He sighed. "The Montbattens are nearly as rich as your family, so, of course, money is not the problem."

Thomas once again studied her brave features as she pasted on a smile and greeted those around her. "Why the censure? Others have suffered a broken engagement with little repercussions."

"Apparently some idiot started a rumor after Katherine declined his offer to dance at a ball. From there, the lie grew bigger, and before it was all done, it sounded as if your brother had engaged in a duel because he'd found Katherine in a compromising situation with another man-though far from the truth." He shook his head distastefully as he referred to the duels Thomas's brother had fought after he returned from the war; they'd had nothing actually to do with Katherine.

They were quiet for a moment, both watching her from where they stood at the back of the room. "She is beautiful,"

Thomas murmured, voicing his thoughts.

"Beautiful but cold," the duke stated bluntly. "She was always aware of her beauty, Thomas, and in my opinion overconfident in the fact that many adored her. I always knew she wasn't the one for your brother. I'm just sorry he ended it so badly."

Thomas knew all this, since he'd been acquainted with her before he was married. But he'd always felt that her coolness was a facade, almost as if she were afraid to show who she really was. He would see flashes of wit and intelligence before they were quickly banked beneath a serene smile and cultured conversation.

"It would seem her confidence has taken quite a blow," he finally commented.

North shrugged. "I would not doubt it." He tugged at his lapel. "Well, I've had enough of this scene. Would you like to leave now?"

"I believe I have changed my mind after all," he answered, his eyes still on Katherine.

His friend was silent for a moment, and when Thomas looked at him, he saw speculation and a little worry in his eyes. Thomas knew North wanted to say something more, but he only nodded and responded, "I will fetch us more punch then."

He barely noticed North's departure, for he was already scanning the crowd once more for the beautiful blond.

He was stunned to find her golden eyes had found him first. Several unreadable emotions passed over her face as she gazed at him. Thomas was sure her next movement would be to jerk her eyes away from him in disgust once she realized who he was.

But she didn't.

Suddenly she smiled at him, and the confusing emotions that had been swirling in her eyes were gone. Thomas felt the smile all the way down to the pit of his stomach and did not take one breath, so stunned was he by her reaction.

Thomas was afraid to think of how he felt as she began to make her way to him. He didn't dare speculate on what this could mean. He refused to have expectations.

Yet ... he could not help but hope.


All afternoon, Lady Katherine Montbatten, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Ravenhurst, had meticulously plotted her revenge. With help and much coaching from her cousin Theodora, they derived the perfect way to execute their plan the plan that would vindicate both her and her family and teach the Thorntons a much-needed lesson.

Of course, Katherine had initial doubts about using Nicholas Thornton's brother, Thomas, to do the deed, but Theodora convinced her Thomas must have had a hand in persuading Nicholas to break their engagement. And, besides, what was done to her reputation hurt not only her but also her parents and her siblings. It was only fair the whole Thornton clan suffer as well.

For over a year, Katherine had had to endure humiliation after humiliation as more rumors and speculation spread about her. Slowly, she noticed the offers for her hand had been rescinded and her admirers had fallen away. Even her brother, Cameron, had striven to correct the false assumptions about her character, but he'd been unable to do much good.

The horrible rumors would not die, and she was ruined for it.

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