Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty (24 page)

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Chapter 46 - The Third Duchess


Mlka and her three warriors activated the escape system. The interior of the
asteroid shifted as a heavy class ship separated and a hole in the structure
opened up. The duchess rubbed her mandibles angrily as her ship headed outside.

have I been embarrassed like this before,” she said. “Have all of our remaining
forces hold them off for the time being. We’ll join with our fleet engaged with
the queen’s forces for now.”

is it doing that?” the third warrior asked.

monitor showed the Artemis making its way towards the power center of the base.
At the same time all the remaining ships and escape shuttles were launching.

we send out the self-destruct signal?” the second warrior asked.

ahead,” the duchess said.

command has been sent,” the first warrior said.

ship flew outside and turned about quickly to join its allies at the north
pole. The Freedom and all its allies were tied up for the time being.

path is clear,” she said.

out now,” the first warrior said.

receiving another message from the Terran captain,” the second warrior reported

him,” the duchess said. “We still have a chance at victory.”

you don’t,”
Tctie said.

four armed mobile suit sped out of some wreckage and flew in front of the ship.
The mobile suit then spun like a blender as its blades cut through the ship’s
shields and hull. Before the duchess could scream the ship exploded.


* * *


Artemis stood in the main engine room of the asteroid base. The alert system for
self-destruct had already been activated. Brian stopped what he was doing and
sighed with relief.

seem rather relaxed given the situation,” Seles said. “What are we going to

originally planned on destroying this place,” Brian said. “But the cost to
build one from scratch is enormous.”

in the engine room,” Seles said.

have three minutes until it explodes,” Brian said. “I’ll have a look outside
and see if I can stop it from doing that.”

back in two minutes,” Seles said.

will,” Brian said.

front hatch of the Artemis opened up and let Brian out. He quickly looked
around the room. Lining the walls were twenty heavy class gravity drives. He
ran to the main control console and searched through the system. After a minute
of panicked work Brian deactivated the self-destruct device and shut down the
gravity drives. The entire complex went dark before the system rebooted. He
then programmed the base to move to a stationary orbit around Ick-Tckt Prime.
Brian checked one more time before running back to the Artemis.

it a success?” Seles asked as he stepped back inside.

than that,” Brian said. “I’ll get us out of here.”

touched the wall of the cockpit and concentrated. After everything was glowing
Seles flew the Artemis back outside. Both he and Seles removed their helmets
once the mobile suit went back to normal. He noticed she was staring again.

my eye leaking again?” he asked.

could say that,” Seles said.

his eye faded back to normal Brian’s body was emitting the green light he used
to cover the Artemis. The aura went away as soon as he turned back to normal.

was odd,” he said.

think Mira should check you when we have some time off,” Seles said.

he said.


* * *


forces of the newly dead duchess were in complete disarray. Queen Kchlt watched
her soldiers trampling over the remaining enemies on the surface. In orbit, the
Freedom and its allies charged into the battle at the north pole to pincer the
enemy fleet. The flashes of pulse fire quickly ended when the surrender signal
was sent out. Khcha appeared on the screen.

enemy on the ground is all but destroyed,” he reported.

surrendered in space,” the queen said.

smiles upon us again,” Khcha said.

question now is how we go forward,” the queen said. “The future of our people
is bright if that young drone wasn’t tricking us.”

felt his words in my mind,” Khcha said. “I pray it’s not a lie my queen, that I

your work and return to me,” Kchlt said. “We must be prepared to greet Captain

head back as soon as I can,” Khcha said.

he ended transmission the queen watched the monitors and saw the duchess’s
allies surrendering all across the homeworld.

hope peace can finally be had,” the queen said to herself.


* * *


walked onto the bridge of the Freedom. Jesela quickly took her leave to repair
the Artemis and Siren. Myden and Grigon quietly went about their work while the
droids did likewise.

they surrendered?” Brian asked.

of the enemies in space have,” Myden said. “There are a few pockets of
resistance on the surface to take care of.”

queen can handle them without our help,” Brian said. “How’s she holding up?”

HV missiles have been launched and the pulse cannons are functioning at thirty
three percent,” Myden said.

shields are down to eighteen percent,” Grigon said. “But everything else is
working as it should.”

other systems are functioning normally,” Droid A reported.

was a hard fought victory,” Brian said.

you save the base?” Grigon asked.

course I did,” Brian answered.

going to give it back to the queen as a gesture of faith, aren’t you?” Myden

the idea,” Brian said. “I don’t know the details on how much their bases cost
but I doubt they want lose an investment like that.”

the last resistors on the surface have surrendered,” Droid A said.

I guess it’s time,” Brian said.

put his hand on the console near the captain’s chair to activate the intercom
system. After he pressed the button the sound of the bell tolling rang out
across every communications device in the vicinity. The sound continued moving
outward in all directions.

not following it up with a speech,” Myden said.

didn’t because this wasn’t a planned liberation,” Brian said. “Our presence
here is only for diplomatic purposes.”

being diplomats we caused a lot of noise,” Grigon said.

forced us to do so,” Brian said. “And we did give the enemy every chance to
avoid conflict.”

Queen Kchlt is sending a direct communication to us,” Droid A said.

her through,” Brian said.

sir,” the droid said.

queen appeared on the monitor.

Captain Peterson,” she said. “I am Queen Kchlt, sovereign of the Ick-Tckt.”

honored to hear from you so soon,” Brian said.

want to thank you for your help in this war,” the queen said. “I also want to
apologize for the attacks on your ship while in my territories.”

accept them gladly,” Brian said.

also like to meet with you in person after everything has calmed down,” she
said. “My Chka Knight will contact you in a few days to begin negotiations.”

be waiting,” Brian said.


* * *


four bases of Heaven’s Light were lessening in activity because fewer refugees
were moving through. Veda and Reban were in the command center when Shiken Ka
entered. He saw the fatigue on the two women’s faces as he took his station.

was a hell of a break you took,” Reban said.

didn’t know Shandi needed six months to sleep,” Veda added.

two are as sarcastic as usual,” Shiken said. “It’s good to be back.”

which is it, a boy or a girl?” Veda asked.

grinned. “Both.”

Reban and Veda asked in unison.

she went to lay the egg two came out,” Shiken said. “They won’t hatch for
another two months, but the scans say I have a son and a daughter.”

Veda said.

a lucky man,” Reban said.

feel as good as the words you praise me with,” Shiken said. “Now back to business.
Where’s the Freedom?”

see no one filled you in,” Veda said.

one bit,” Shiken said.

Freedom headed for Ick-Tckt Prime on its own,” Veda explained.

no doubt he’s a fool,” Shiken said.

but he’s survived to this point being that way,” Veda said.

Phase Talon came out of gravity jump outside the base. An encoded message was
shown on the screen.

appears he’s succeeded,” Reban said.

that all?” Veda asked.

Reban said. “It says all of us are invited to some kind of celebration as well
as one of the Confederation fleets.”

Siata and Baeron on the com,” Veda said. “It’s time we go and say hello to the


Chapter 47 - Communion


few days passed until the request for an audience was sent to Brian. The
Columbia base appeared in orbit a short while afterwards. Brian went with Tctie
to his mobile suit in the launching bay.

shuttle would be a smoother ride,” Tctie said.

forgetting I flew one of these for ten years,” Brian said.

you wish captain,” Tctie said.

drone went in first to start up the systems when Myden stepped out of the

you coming along old man?” Brian asked.

Myden said. “It’s about time I show my face to the world in general.”

ready to go!” Tctie shouted from the cockpit.

not keep them waiting,” Brian said.

and Myden both took the elevator cord to the cockpit and joined Tctie. Brian
found himself looking everything over with the eye of a pilot.

something wrong captain?” Tctie asked.

I’m admiring the modifications they did so you could fly this thing,” Brian

glad they did,” Tctie said before taking off.

four armed mobile suit descended into the atmosphere of Ick-Tckt Prime. After
they hit the airspace above the capital an escort squad of ten Auguar Stars
circled around them. Brian marveled at the ant people’s architecture and
oneness with the environment. The only things marring the view were the
destroyed parts of the cities now under repair. Tctie quietly flew his mobile
suit until they reached the palace. After they landed an honor guard of a
hundred warriors forged a path inside. The three left the mobile suit to the
eerie cheer of the warriors. The dim sun shined in the sky and cast shadows every
which way. Brian led the way while the other two followed. The warriors
continued chanting something only Tctie could understand as they walked into
the palace. At each side hall and door a warrior or drone stood at ready. Only
one path was allowed before the three found themselves inside the queen’s hall.
She stood with Khcha at her side. As she stepped forward Brian, Myden, and
Tctie all crossed their arms across their chests to salute in the traditional
Ick-Tckt manner.

thank all of you for your assistance in our civil dispute,” the queen said.
“But I called you here for a different reason.”

like to know how to form the government structure the queen has in mind,” Khcha

draw out the basics for you,” Brian said. “But it’ll take me a week or two to
do it.”

wait,” the queen said. She looked at Tctie. “You must be the one.”

am Tctie of the deceased Countess Lkchi,” the drone said.

would like for you to demonstrate your power for us,” Khcha said.

well,” Tctie said.
“Can year hear me?”

uncanny how clear it is,” the queen said. “How is this possible?”

beings develop a power when they awaken to a certain point,” Myden said. “My
people are infamous for their telepathic ability. Tctie has a similar power.”

is it different?” the queen asked.

them,” Myden instructed.

focused his mind and let the berserk come over him. As his black eyes turned
blue the drone’s mental voice extended outwards for thousands of
While doing this his body was covered in a bluish hue and glowing wings
appeared on his back. After a minute or so Tctie shut the power down and
returned to normal.

has the power of the hive mind,” Myden said. “He can communicate with everything
around him in an extensive area.”

is it different from your power?” Khcha asked.

focused his mind until he felt the awakening inside himself. As his eyes glowed
blue he stared at Khcha and locked onto the warrior’s mind. Khcha resisted for
a moment until he raised his arms and wiggled his clawed hands. Myden stopped
and returned to normal.

people have the ability to manipulate others through mental force,” Myden said.

about you Captain Peterson?” the queen asked. “What power do you hold?”

show you,” Brian said.

left eye began glowing blue and switched to green as an aura of similar hue
engulfed his body. He calmly walked to one of the walls and pushed his hand
through it without damaging the wall or himself. After he returned to the
others he ended the berserk.

Teacher called it a dimensional blade,” Brian said. “For brief moments I can
perceived more dimensions than everyone else can.”

explains how you penetrated our bases,” Khcha said.

won’t use these powers to destroy if we don’t have to,” Brian said. “The truth
is we didn’t come here to display our powers but to reach an understanding.
Heaven’s Light was created to end war and unify the races of Alden. A threat
greater anything we can imagine is on the horizon. We must come together for
survival or everything will be lost. I ask you now Queen Kchlt, will you join
us in this cause?”

do,” she answered. Her eyes began glowing.
“For years I’ve toyed with this
power, unsure if it was real or my own imagination. Now that Tctie has shown it
I know it’s real.”

queen, I didn’t know anything about this,” Khcha said.

hidden it for years,”
she said telepathically. She stopped using her power and returned to normal.
“If possible I’d like Myden to stay and teach us more about this ability.”

will stay as long as I can,” Myden said. “But you should know that everything I
can teach you is with Tctie now.”

well,” the queen said. “For now, let’s find the understanding you spoke of
Captain Peterson. Let our minds touch so they may know more about each other.”


* * *


Mira, Jesela, and Kyli were relaxing in the Kalaidian communal bath again. The
room was filled with the chatter of what everyone was going to do with their
time off.

feels like a great weight has been lifted off of us,” Seles said.

Ick-Tckt were the most powerful government left opposing us,” Mira said.

you think we should be talking like the rest of the crew?” Kyli asked.

think we’re entitled to some time off,” Jesela said. “After all, when this mess
started we were interrupted.”

forgot about that,” Mira said.

could use a few weeks of sleep,” Seles said.

feel the same,” Kyli said. “So is it true Tctie’s going to leave us?”

what Brian told me,” Seles said.

about you Kyli?” Mira asked. “Your contract is coming up as well.”

staying,” Kyli answered. “In the year I’ve been on this ship it’s become my
home. I can’t imagine leaving it now.”

happy to hear I’ll have such a skilled leader for the mobile suit units,” Seles
said. “By staying you also get a present. It’s in your quarters right now.”
Seles smiled. “That’s if you stay lieutenant commander.”

blushed with embarrassment. “Thank you for having faith in me.”

in charge now,” Seles said. “So relax and enjoy yourself for the next few days
because it’ll be more work than you’re used to.”

ready for anything,” Kyli said.


* * *


and Dreka flew a pair of upgraded Phase Talons to the damaged Ick-Tckt asteroid
base. Once both were safely inside they made their way on foot to the main
power room.

did a great job without us,” Dreka said.

resourceful bugs, I’ll give them that,” Grigon said before cawing.

two entered the gravity drive chamber and marveled at its construction.

impressed,” Grigon said.

only thing they don’t have is a rapid response system,” Dreka said after
looking the systems over.

can fix that if they want us to,” Grigon said.

want them to, don’t you?” Dreka asked.

admire good engineering,” Grigon said.

do to,” Dreka said.

let’s check their drive systems over,” Grigon said. “I have a feeling the rapid
response system will be needed in the future.”

two Malcovin engineers worked frantically on the systems of the asteroid base.
From the shadows Myden emerged to take a look.

must be in place then,” Grigon said.

prefer this to celebrations,” Dreka said.

glad you two are so devoted to your work,” Myden said. “Do you want to see the
ladies’ performance or not?”

pulled a tablet computer out of his equipment bag and turned on the video.

wouldn’t miss it for anything,” the old birdman said.


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