Fourth Down and Dirty: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Fourth Down and Dirty: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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I walked into the
Tutoring Center to the sweet relief of air conditioning. I let out deep breath
and dropped my bag at my desk before making a beeline to the restroom. I looked
at my reflection to make sure there wasn’t any sweat stains on my light green
blouse. I flattened the collar of the blouse and fussed with the topmost
button, settling on leaving it unbuttoned the way it had been. After all, it
didn’t leave anything more than a part of my neck revealed.


I walked back out
to grab my schedule and sat at my desk to look it over. That was when I saw
Landon’s name on my schedule again. He would be my last student of the day.


“Oh, shit.” I
breathed out, suddenly feeling all hot and bothered. My cheeks and chest were burning.
I felt increasingly uncomfortable about it. I must have looked like a bright
red sore thumb. I quickly went into the break room to down a cup of water
before refilling it and taking it back to my desk.


“Everything okay?”
Stella asked as she arranged some papers at her desk.


“Huh?” I was
caught off guard. I took a sip of water and nodded before dropping down to my
seat and placing the cup on a coaster I had bought at the local thrift shop.
Stella eyed the coaster and smirked. She always teased me about being the only
one anal enough to actually bring in my own coasters to work.


I, however, was too busy trying to mask my
discomfort by joking, “Just Landon Bryce scheduled again so I guess I can use
that time to catch up on my schoolwork.”


Catch up
on schoolwork? What, did you
fall behind your own intense schedule?” Stella laughed. She knew me all too
well. My definition of falling behind was not being ahead by at least a couple
days. It was a study habit I picked up when I was younger, but it intensified
since my mother fell ill. Despite being busy working and being my mom’s only
care taker, I found a way to keep to a rigorous study schedule.


I shrugged off
Stella’s comment and took another sip of water before getting ready to work
with my first student. I had two scheduled before Landon and I had to keep my
mind clear for them. There was no way I would jeopardize my job for some crazy
fantasy I had about a dumb jock. I shuddered, wanting to push the memory of my
little fantasy session as far away from my mind as possible.


I took another sip
of water before deciding I needed to slow down or else I would need to take an
impromptu bathroom break during one of my sessions. Good thing I was
disciplined and professional enough to get through my first two sessions
easily. As much as I hated it, time flew by. I doubted he would come by, but I
was dreading the hour nonetheless.


When 3:59pm hit I
was stunned to see none other than Landon Bryce walk through the front doors.
My heart skipped and stumbled. My nails dug into the palms of my hands. I could
feel my cheeks start to burn again from annoyance and embarrassment. All I
could think about was when I pleasured myself thinking of
. Judging by the way I felt, the headlines from my imagination
might as well have been true.


I quickly finished
my cup of water and immediately regretted it. Now I wouldn’t have anything to
drink during our session and I figured that was when I would need it the


“Good afternoon,”
I forced myself to say in the most pleasant tone I could muster. He dropped
down in the seat across from me. He gave a nod and slouched down momentarily
before sitting up straight. He placed his elbow on the desk and rested his head
on the palm of his hand, tilting his head slightly and observing me with his
startlingly green eyes.


I gulped. I needed
to be as professional with him as I was with any other student. This guy was
used to being treated differently and I didn’t want to be another person to
placate him in the least bit. To me, he was just another student. Just an
everyday normal student…

This was going to
be difficult.


I pulled out his file and handed him a quick
list of topics with examples I had drawn out for what should have been our
first session.


“I compiled this
based off the academic information that was submitted to me,” I paused and
looked at him. I gripped the folder tighter in my hand when we made eye
contact, but was determined not to let him know he was having any kind of
effect on me. “It is completely confidential, of course. I’m sure you know.”


“And?” he asked


I took a second to
let his blasé comment slide off my shoulders. Now I remembered how much I had
hated his attitude and figured I was right to think his personality ruined any sort
of attractive quality the he might have had.


“I like to start
by creating a plan with my students based off goals we’ll work toward. I see
you need to keep a minimum 2.0 GPA as an athlete, but you’re having some


“Look,” Landon cut
me off. He leaned forward on the desk and stared straight into my eyes, looking
bored. “I told you before I was just going to come until my grades got up,
right? So make whatever plans and goals you want, all I care about is getting
Coach off my back about being benched.” He leaned back in his chair and pulled
out a stick of gum, shoving it into his mouth and chewing it obnoxiously.


I clenched my eyes
shut and drew in a breath. Thinking he would be a big challenge was obviously
an understatement. He didn’t even care about learning or getting better, all he
cared about was getting signed off so he could keep playing. Even though my
mother warned me not to be quick to dismiss people like him, I couldn’t help
but think he really was nothing more than a dumb jock too drunk on fame and
arrogance to care about anything real. It was beyond annoying to me that I was
the one that had to work with him.


“Fine,” I told him
curtly, “If you don’t want input on your plan, it’ll be entirely up to me.”


“I did give my
input.” He was now talking to me as if I were some stupid kid who wasn’t
getting a simple concept. “My input is this,” he said slowly, “I want you to do
whatever you need to do so I can meet the minimum GPA.”


“With minimal
effort, of course,” I muttered under my breath. I stopped and looked up at him,
surprised by my own forwardness. From the look in his eyes I knew he had heard
me, but it didn’t seem like he cared much. All he did was shrug and continue
chewing his gum.


I reached across
the desk to grab the paper I handed him earlier, feeling uncomfortable when I
saw his eyes wander down to my breasts. I cleared my throat and sat back,
holding the paper in front of my chest as I looked over it. His lowest grade
was in his English Composition class, but I noticed he had a rewrite of his
first term paper due that could boost his grade considerably. I pulled out a
copy of the paper he had submitted. It was a draft of mish-mashed information
that amounted to nothing. It was no wonder he’d gotten a failing grade. After looking
over the prompt I handed him a worksheet on breaking down questions and
providing answers with evidence.


“I’ve never had this assigned in my class.” He
pushed the paper back toward me, but didn’t let it go, instead meeting my gaze
and slightly arching his eyebrow. “Seems you’re trying to
work me
a bit extra.”


I pushed past the
very obvious and gross sexual undertone, “You need practice picking out proper
quotes and facts to support your claim in the paper.”


I expected a
blank-dump-jock-stare, but instead he glanced down at the paper with a quick
look at my breasts. He answered the first two vocally, picking the perfect
quotes for each. I was shocked. Was he not as dumb as he let on? I took the
paper from him to put it away so we could take a look at his draft even if
there wasn’t much to salvage from it.


“Take a look,” I
urged him.


likes to be in control,” he
breathed as he reached out for the stapled papers. I noticed his large hands
and tried to steady my breath as I briefly thought back to my little fantasy. I
wondered what they would feel like on me. He flipped through the pages, barely
skimming each one, and then looked up at me.


I could feel my
cheeks starting to grow warm. I hated it. His comments, noticing his hands, and
now the way his green eyes were so intensely staring into me were all stirring
up feelings that made for an uncomfortable situation. Our session went on with
him constantly saying something implicitly sexual no matter how much I tried to
get him to focus on schoolwork.


Eventually, I
found myself playing into his little game by unwittingly feeding him lines to
work with. "The best way to start is to break it down into sections. Don't
worry, it's not really that hard."


He chuckled and
tapped the desk with his index finger. "Well something else
hard.” He stopped tapping his finger
and slowly rubbed his lips together, taking a quick glance at my breasts again.


My breath hitched
in my throat and I found myself wishing I wore a blouse without buttons, perhaps
one that didn’t fit so tight. “Many students think studying will eat up a lot
of unnecessary time, but it’s not really that long and it ends up being a good
thing anyway,” I kept going, trying my best to ignore him and avoid eye


,” he said with a chuckle, “It
definitely is a good thing it’s long.”


“That’s not…” I
felt my cheeks burning red and I excused myself to get a cup of water. I threw
it back with one long gulp and instantly got more, trying to calm down in the
break room before going back out there with him. Working with him was nothing
but a warzone of dick jokes and sexual innuendoes.


How he managed to
get me so irritated and strangely turned-on at the same time, and in such a
short amount of time, was beyond me. Either way, it was something I needed to
keep under control. Even if I couldn’t stop him from making his childish
comments I could keep myself under control.


When I sat back
down we only had ten minutes to go, during which I tried to get as much done as
possible. By the end of the session we managed to break his term paper down
into chunks so he wouldn't end up rushing to finish it at the last minute.
After our first
tutoring session
I realized he was a lot smarter than his grades or behavior would suggest.


As soon as he
walked out the door I opened my blouse a little bit.


It was going to
take a few minutes for me to cool down.


The following day
I did something at school for the very first time—I set foot in the library. I
had even skipped that part of the school tour thinking there were better areas
to explore than an old building with even older books inside of it.
I was quickly confused at navigating the many
book stacks and wings of the library so I went to the main desk to ask for
help, embarrassing as it was. I was embarrassed enough not to relish in the way
the young lady’s eyes failed to mask her star struck look at helping me out.
Normally I’d think I was the highlight of her week, but I was too busy to care.
I needed to get to where I had to go as quickly as possible. She showed me a
laminated map, explained the system as efficiently as possible, and told me
where I could find the books I needed.


I thanked her and
headed down to the book stacks below ground level. The book I needed was
further back. I noticed it was much quieter down there than where I had just
been. When I turned into the aisle to search for my books I nearly stopped in
my tracks.


There was Ivy sitting down at the end of the
row, on the floor surrounded by a pile of textbooks and binders. I smiled but
quickly hid it, not wanting to chance her seeing something genuine from me. She
didn’t notice me so I had a chance to take a look at her. She was dressed
casually. It was a little surprising because I just assumed she always dressed
like a nerdy professional everywhere she went. But there she was, wearing a
little spaghetti strap tank that was barely able to contain her large breasts.


My eyes were glued
to her cleavage for a moment before I noticed her hair was piled in a haphazard
knot at the top of her head. It wasn’t quite like I had envisioned her in my
fantasy, but
she looked


I briefly
fantasized about sinking my fingers into that tangled mess of a knot to guide
her head as she sucked me off.
I let out
a short, low groan at the thought and gave myself away instantly. She jumped
straight up when she saw me standing there looking at her. She straightened up
and awkwardly tugged her shirt up in an attempt to cover her breasts up better,
but there wasn’t enough clothing there to do the trick. Just the way I liked


I didn’t care to avert my eyes until I saw her
shift uncomfortably. I looked at her pink cheeks and then into her eyes. She
was quite cute when caught off guard. I smiled, not because I was glad to see
her, but because I was right in thinking she had great tits.


She was still
sitting, although now very upright and clutching a book open over her chest. I
walked over to her with my typical smirk and stood above her. I said a few
curse words inside my head. If she hadn’t covered herself up with the book it
would have been a great view. Even so, her long legs were outstretched and
looked shapely in her tight jeans. That was something else I could appreciate
about her.


One thing was for
sure– Ivy was
and I could only
imagine how much hotter she would look naked or without her uptight
personality. Then again, her uptight nerdiness was what made her so


That thought caused me to shift and hold the
sheet of paper in my hands over my crotch. I didn’t want to risk letting her


I took a step
forward to lean over her and see what she was doing. She bit her lower lip and
cast her gaze downward at one of the books in the pile in front of her. It was
obvious she was working on some sort of research. I noticed she had an outline
very similar to the one she suggested during our tutoring session.


“So you make use
of your own tips,” I muttered, finally breaking the tense silence between us.


She gave a start
again, looking up at me and clutching the book tighter to her chest. “Um,” she responded.


I smiled in
amusement, nodding toward her notebook. “Looks familiar,” I clarified.


“Oh!” she said
with a small giggle, which she quickly stifled behind the palm of her hand. It
caused the book over her chest to slip down, tugging slightly at the neckline
of the tank top and revealing a bit more cleavage. There was no way I could
hide my appreciation of the slip. Ivy’s cheeks turned bright red as she quickly
clutched the book with both hands again. Her eyes darted about everywhere
except toward me.


I suppressed the
urge to burst into laughter. I had never been around someone so awkward. At the
very least, it was the first time I thought someone like her could be so sexy
and cute.


“So this place is like your second home?” I
teased, looking at the fort of books surrounding her. It was obvious she set up
camp in the secluded corner a while ago and had no intentions of leaving any
time soon.


“No.” She looked
up at me with my single sheet of paper, “Do you ever take anything seriously?”
It was an obvious jab at me as a student. The difference between the two of us
was as clear as the mountain of books Ivy had harvested versus my sad sheet of
paper and inability to find my way around the library.


I crouched down
and stared straight into her eyes. “Oh, you have
idea what I can take seriously,” I practically whispered. I was
going to turn my seductive charm all the way up.


I watched her as
she shifted a little bit on the floor, awkwardly looking at me and then back at
her mountain of books.


“Okay,” she


I leaned down a
bit, “I take our little tutoring sessions seriously.” I spoke in my typical
suggestive tone of voice.


She arched her
eyebrow, “Is that so?” She made her disbelief quite evident.


I nodded slowly,
not breaking eye contact for even a second. My lips gradually curled in to a
smile, “Only because you’re so cute.”


Ivy scoffed. I
could tell I was having an effect on her. She looked away from me and focused
on the floor. She probably figured it was just a lame line and I was just
having fun messing with her, both of which were true. I loved the way her
cheeks turned red whenever she felt embarrassed. The book slipped out of her
grasp and fell to her lap to reveal her cleavage yet again, but now she didn’t
bother covering back up.


everything. I knelt down to lean
in closer to her. She held her breath. “You probably can’t stop thinking about
kissing me now, huh? Back here in this secluded corner of the library…”


It was my typical cocky
attitude that always got me everything I wanted. She was looking at me like I
was a madman, but I still noticed when her tongue quickly ran across her lips.
Yep. I had this one in the bag.


Feeling bold as
ever, I reached out to put my hand on her shoulder. She froze at once before
slowly looking up at me. She looked confused in a million different ways.


“I’m certainly
thinking about kissing you,” she finally spoke up. “That would
never…” Her voice trailed away as she looked deep into my eyes. I moved in
closer and closer to her.


I continued to
lean in until I was mere centimeters from her lips. I knew she could feel my
hot breath fanning out across her skin. I heard a nervous gulp come from her as
her eyes flicked between my eyes and my lips. I imagined every voice in her
head was screaming at her to run away as she waited on bated breath. She was
probably wondering if I was actually going to go through with it or if I was
just teasing her?


But I knew the
real reason why she didn’t run away. She wanted it as bad as I did. I could see
it in her eyes and the way her chest rose and fell nervously. I had no problem
hooking up with someone like her, sure it wasn’t the type of girl I normally
went for and that was a little strange. But I didn’t mind it. Her on the other
hand—she probably hated guys like me. And she probably hated the way I made her


I swiftly bridged
the small gap between us and kissed her hard.


In that moment something changed inside of me.
I was just having fun before. Why not hook up with a nerdy girl? So what, she’s
hot. But the moment my lips landed on hers was the moment I
something. Something real.


I kissed her like I meant it, not like I was
just provoking her to have a good time. I ran my hand over the side of her neck
until I was holding the back of her head, moving in to deepen the kiss. I bit
her lips and dominated her mouth, kissing her in a way she’d probably never
experienced before. It was something
had never experienced before either. I could only imagine how much she was
protesting inside her head.


Ivy reached
forward to place her hands on my shoulders. I thought she was going to finally
push me away after coming to her senses, but she shocked me yet again. She
actually pulled me in closer! My hand locked tighter at the back of her head as
our tongues found each other. I couldn’t remember when was the last time I had
been so turned on by just kissing.


As soon as my hand
landed on her hip she abruptly pulled back, looked at the clock, and gasped.
She quickly scrambled to gather all of her things and dashed off without a
word, leaving me feeling frustrated and angry. I tried to make sense of what
the hell had gotten in to her. Why would she just bolt like that? After such an
electrifying moment?


“Guess she ran off to her boyfriend,” I
muttered, feeling a little bitter.

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