Four Weeks (4 page)

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Authors: Melissa Ford

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Four Weeks
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It wasn't that she wanted a relationship. She was restless, that's all. She needed something to occupy her time. Something to put her energy into. Something she always looked for when she started a new job.

The couple strolled out of view and she frowned. This time she'd done more than start a new job. She'd packed up and left home, insisting to friends and family that this time she'd stay on no matter what.

Going back home was out of the question. She couldn't face their knowing stares and probing questions. They wouldn't understand that the position no longer existed. They'd just know she'd failed again. Worse than facing them was admitting to herself she'd never make her dreams come true.

No, she couldn't go home. She had to find a way to convince Trent to keep the stable. Even that idea had problems. Seeing him every day and pretending she wasn't attracted to him might be the biggest challenge of her life.

How could someone she'd just met have such an effect on her? She wasn't totally inexperienced with men, but she'd never reacted to a man so quickly. Then again, she'd never met a wealthy businessman before. The guys back home were definitely not in the same league as Trent Parker.

Could she convince him to keep the stable? She couldn't really argue about its current profit making status. During the time she'd been there she hadn't seen one customer. Guessing from the condition of the barn and surrounding yard, no money had been put into Hawk's in quite a while.

Why had Trent's father bought the place?

Another unanswered question followed close behind. Why was Trent on the island if his father had just passed away? Shouldn't he be with his family? He didn't seem to be acting the way she imagined a man would shortly after his father's death. Maybe he was still in shock. After all, Mr. Parker's death had been sudden.

She mulled that over. What did she really know about the business she'd come to manage? With regret she had to admit that accepting the position and dashing away from home may not have been the mature move she'd thought it was. She'd put herself right in the middle of a group of strangers and working at a place she knew nothing about.

Too late now, here I am

Anxious and still full of questions, Louise pushed herself away from the window. She hefted her duffel bag onto the bed, unzipped it and started lifting her T-shirts off the top.

The doubtful image Mrs. Lovell had cast at the worn bag brought a private smile to Louise's lips. She set the shirts aside and wiggled her fingers around inside the bag. Tucked near the middle of her clothes she found the smooth silk she sought.

She took the dress out and unrolled it, smiling as the midnight blue satin glowed in the afternoon sun. She'd never worn the dress, anywhere, but she'd tried it on enough times to know how great it made her feel. She still remembered the afternoon she'd found it buried in the clearance rack. She'd fallen in love with it then and had to have it.

Never in her daydreams had she thought she'd have an occasion like her dinner with Trent to wear it. Sure, he was annoying, but from what Sally said the place he was taking her to must be beautiful. If she didn't enjoy his company she could at least take pleasure in the elegant surroundings.

Who was she kidding? Certainly not herself. But she did need to focus on business first, his classical good looks would have to take a back seat to more important matters.

She needed a plan. She ran her fingers over the dress and after a moment, an idea took root. For a second she doubted the sensibility of it, but easily shrugged her concerns aside. What choice did she have? She had to have a strategy that would make things go her way. She found the strappy sandals that went with the dress and set them down on the floor by iron footboard. After a little digging she pulled out her travel iron and set it next to the things on the bed. Satisfied that she had everything she needed, Louise hung the dress in the closet, left the rest of her things for later and went out into the hall. She pulled the door closed, and as quietly as she could she tiptoed through the silent house.

A long stroll around town to get to know the island would clear her head and keep her from over-analyzing her plan. Trent Parker really couldn't be that different from the boys back home, and she knew how to handle them.

There was no room for doubt. If she didn't want to go running home with her tail between her legs, making things go her way was really the only chance she had.

Chapter Three

TRENT STRAIGHTENED HIS tie for the third time, then he inspected his suit in the large hotel mirror again: no lint and no wrinkles. Try as he might, he couldn't figure out the source of his agitation, why his hands jerked as he smoothed out the flawless material of his black dinner jacket.

In disgust, he turned away from his image. He was acting like some idiot college kid on his way to his first big fraternity dance. That was ridiculous, because he was a long way off from being eighteen and this was hardly a date. It was a quest for information.

After thinking things over that afternoon, he'd decided that if he could discover what his father hoped to accomplish by buying the worthless stable, making the decision to sell would be easier.

Louise was the key.

She knew something and he was going to get it out of her even if he had to force it out. He smiled. Of course he would try charming it out of her first.

That prospect had him hurrying down the narrow hall of the small hotel he'd checked into a few days earlier. He reached the stairs, dodged two kids arguing over a sticky strand of pink taffy, and descended to the lobby.

He'd given up denying that he looked forward to the evening ahead. His physical reaction to her was a side effect of the stress he'd been under, he didn't have any sincere personal interest in Miss Hart, but he did enjoy the challenge she presented.

Trent rounded a young couple lingering by the doorway and slipped out the wide front door. He'd considered staying at the world-famous The Majestic, but in the end decided he didn't need to be surrounded by trappings of wealth. The smaller, less prestigious, Manor House suited him fine. Among the noisy families and love struck honeymooners, he attracted no attention. Whether he stayed on, or sold the stable and left town, nobody cared. He preferred it that way.

He started off toward town, hoping walking the few blocks would give him time to clear his head. Or at least work off some of the extra energy that had his muscles twitching. He strolled beside the small private docks where families tied up their sailboats and then neared the larger pier where the ferries dropped off and picked up the tourists. It was early in the season so the docks weren't crowded, but still he saw weary visitors heading home for the day.

A man leaned on the railing, holding his son in his arms. The child laid his head contentedly on his father's shoulder while he pointed to some birds eating the last pieces of a bag of popcorn.

Trent jerked away his gaze. He had no memories of his father holding him like that. Immediately, he cursed himself for having such a stupid thought. He was a grown man now and what his father had or hadn't done for him didn't matter. Rethinking his childhood was pathetic and he wouldn't waste any more time on it.

There were no emotions for his father lodged in his heart. Trent had learned early on that sentiments were something Mr. Parker had no time or interest in.

The old man was gone and Trent fervently wished his lingering thoughts would go away as well. With the swiftness that came from practice, Trent shoved the pain and confusion that had twisted his emotions for the past few weeks to the back of his mind where they belonged and switched his thoughts to something more promising.

Dinner with Miss Hart was the most promising thing he'd had to look forward to in a long time. Even though the reprieve would be short, he planned to make the most of it. There was nothing wrong with enjoying the company of an attractive woman. As long as he still got what he needed.

Trent made his way along Huron Street, glancing in shop windows, but not paying attention to any of the items for sale. Beaded belts, plastic place mats, and T-shirts blurred past his eyes. The tourist items couldn't compete with the image of Louise. Especially the cute way her face turned pink with frustration when he pressed her a little too hard. How would she look seated across from him in the elegant dining room of one of the world's most beautiful hotels?

She was probably used to dining at restaurants that catered to the professional crowd. With its uncommon combination of huge chandeliers and Victorian details, The Majestic wasn't the kind of place to talk business. She'd be out of her element for sure, and that would definitely work to his advantage.

Trent waved down one of the horse-drawn taxis coming up behind him and the driver easily halted the pair of grays. “Evenin’ Sir.” He nodded and glanced at Trent's suit. “Dressed to kill and headed to The Majestic?"

"Yes, but I have to pick up someone first.” Trent climbed up and seated himself on one of the benches.

The driver smiled, his tobacco-stained teeth making a brown line across his weathered face. “'Course. Where to?"


The driver swung around and clucked to the horses. “Get up Nancy, Loretta."

One swished her tail as if to tell him she knew her job and moved to plod alongside the other. Soon the driver pulled up to the curb outside the tidy rooming house.

Trent spoke to the driver as he jumped down. “Wait for me, please."

"Yes, Sir."

The old man started whistling as Trent walked toward the porch. Skipping the quaint bell, he pushed open the screen door.

* * * *

THE SMALL MANTEL clock chimed six as Trent stepped into Sally's parlor. He was nothing if not prompt.

"Hello, Trent.” Sally strolled into the room, carrying a fat tabby cat under her arm. The big animal twisted and stretched up her shoulder. “You lazy boy.” She stroked the animal's fur and turned to Trent with a wink. “I meant the cat."

He laughed. “Of course."

"I'm sure your young lady will be right down.” She watched him. “I checked on her a minute ago."

He shrugged, wanting to let her know that he didn't care one way or the other. Something in her eyes told him she didn't believe him.

"Have a nice evening, Trent.” She said over the top of the cat's wide head as she left the room.

Although he'd only known Sally for a few days, it seemed out of character for her to pass up an opportunity to put her nose into someone else's business.

Trent turned at the soft creak from the stairs and locked gazes with a pair of bright blue eyes. Familiar tightness pulled at his chest as his gaze moved from Louise's upswept hair, over the satin dress hugging each feminine curve, and down to the shoes barely clinging to her feet.

Silently he berated himself for not expecting this turn of events. This was one thing he had not considered when developing his plan for the evening. He'd known Louise Hart was pretty, sweet, and appealing. Now, he reluctantly added sexy to the list.

Her gaze caught his and something in it sparked a reaction in him he truly didn't recognize. He knew one thing, though, whatever it was it meant trouble.

Louise hesitated on the lower landing and reached out for the railing. Too late, she realized she hadn't considered everything when developing her scheme to get what she wanted from Mr. Parker.

The heavy weight of Trent's gaze, darkened with interest, roamed over her again. He studied her so intently she knew he registered every detail, down to the stitching on the hem of her dress. Uncertainty crept over her skin, making it tingle. She fought against the urge to tug her dress down to cover more of her thighs.

Trent's jaw muscles tightened. “At least you're ready on time."

His curt comment put her back on familiar ground. She knew how to argue with him. “What did you expect? This is a business dinner after all."

His mouth shifted slightly. One eyebrow lifted. “Is it?"

Louise pressed her lips together and brushed past him to pull open the door. She took his smirk as a challenge and she wasn't about to let him down. If he wanted to play games, she was ready. He'd soon find out she had plans of her own.

Knowing her hostess lingered within earshot, Louise called out good night.

Sally replied, “Don't leave before the band plays. The dancing is wonderful."

Louise turned to see if Trent heard Sally's suggestion.

He stepped forward to take her arm, and his breath whispered across her cheek. “We won't want to miss that.” As he leaned over her, his aftershave drifted around her, numbed her mind, and chased away the details of her careful scheme. “Are you allowed to stay up that late, little girl?"

She started to jerk her arm away, but remembered her plan. Instead of showing him what she thought of his attitude, she let him guide her down the porch steps and into the waiting taxi.

* * * *

THE DRIVER OF the taxi took his time getting an eyeful of them. Louise couldn't help wondering if he noticed the tension swirling between Trent and her. Either that or something was wrong with her dress. She glanced down to be sure she was still covered, or nearly covered anyway, then scurried onto the bench and out of his view.

After Trent slid in next to her, the driver turned his attention to the dappled pair pulling the cab. Under the driver's direction, the sure-footed animals stepped into the street. The taxi bounced along the road.

Trent turned his attention her. The muscle in his jaw flexed again and Louise suspected he was sizing her up.

"How much do you know about the island?” he asked.

She narrowed her eyes. “What's there to know? It's a beautiful tourist location with a lot of fine hotels and too many candy shops selling fudge."

He flashed her a potentially charming grin. “That's not a very businesslike answer, Miss Hart."

Louise swallowed against the urge to tell him what she thought of his stupid question. “Please come right out with it. Is there something specific you'd like to know? Like my qualifications for managing a stable?"

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