The China Study

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Authors: T. Colin Campbell,Thomas M. Campbell

BOOK: The China Study
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"Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders
of Dr. Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field. This is one
of the most important books about nutrition ever written -
r e a d i n g it may save your life."
- D e a n Ornish, MD
- -THE- -
"The China Study gives critical, life-saving nutritional information for ev-
ery health-seeker in America. But it is much more; Dr. Campbell's expose
of the research and medical establishment makes this book a fascinating
read and one that could change the future for all of us. Every health care
provider and researcher in the world must read it."
Author of the Best-Selling Book, Eat To Live
"Backed by well-documented, peer-reviewed studies and overwhelming
. ',
t statistics the case for a vegetarian diet as a foundation for a healthy life-
style has never been stronger. "
"The China Study is the most important book on nutrition and health to
come out in the last seventy-five years. Everyone should read it, and it
should be the model for all nutrition programs taught at universities ,
The reading is engrossing if not astounding. The science is conclusive .
Dr. Campbells integrity and commitment to truthful nutrition education
shine through."
-DAVID KLEIN, PublisherlEditor
Living Nutrition MagaZine
"The China Study describes a monumental survey of diet and death rates
from cancer in more than 2,400 Chinese counties and the equally monu-
mental efforts to explore its Significance and implications for nutrition
and health. Dr. Campbell and his son, Thomas, have written a lively, pro-
vocative and important book that deserves widespread attention."
President (1978-1995) Emeritus, Cornell University
"Colin Campbell's The China Study is an important book, and a highly
readable one. With his son, Tom, Colin studies the relationship between
diet and disease, and his conclusions are startling. The China Study is a
story that needs to be heard."
Nobel Prize Winner, Professor of Physics
and Vice Provost of Research, Cornell University
"The China Study is the account of a ground-breaking research study that
provides the answers long sought by physicians, scientists and health-
conscious readers. Based on painstaking investigations over many years,
it unearths surprising answers to the most important nutritional ques-
tions of our time: What really causes cancer? How can we extend our
lives? What will turn around the obesity epidemic 7 The China Study
qUickly and easily dispenses with fad diets, relying on solid and convinc-
ing evidence. Clearly and beautifully written by one of the world's most
respected nutrition authorities, The China Study represents a major turn-
ing point in our understanding of health. "
-NEAL BARNARD, M.D., President
Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine
"Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders of T.
Colin Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field. This is one of the
most important books about nutrition ever written-reading it may save
your life."
-DEAN ORNISH, M.D., Founder &: President
Preventive Medicine Research Institute Clinical Professor of Medicine,
University of California, San Francisco
Author, Dr. Dean Ornishs Program for Reversing Heart Disease and Love & Survival
"The China Study is the most convinCing evidence yet on preventing heart
disease, cancer and other Western diseases by dietary means. It is the
book of choice both for economically developed countries and for coun-
tries undergOing rapid economical transition and lifestyle change."
-JUNSHI CHEN, M.D., PH.D., Senior Research Professor
Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety,
Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
"All concerned with the obeSity epidemiC, their own health, and the stag-
gering environmental and social impacts of the Western diet will find
wise and practical solutions in Dr. Campbell's The China Study."
-ROBERT GOODLAND, Lead Advisor on the Environment
The World Bank Group (1978-2001)
"Dr. Campbell's book The China Study is a moving and insightful his-
tory of the struggle-still ongoing-to understand and explain the vital
connection between our health and what we eat. Dr. Campbell knows
this subject from the inside: he has pioneered the investigation of the
diet-cancer link since the days of the seminal China Study, the NAS
report, Diet, Nutrition and Cancer and AICR's expert panel report, Food,
Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective. Consequent-
ly, he is able to illuminate every aspect of this question. Today, AICR
advocates a predominantly plant-based diet for lower cancer risk because
of the great work Dr. Campbell and just a few other visionaries began
twenty-five years ago."
American Institute for Cancer Research
"The China Study is a well-documented analysis of the fallacies of the
modern diet, lifestyle and medicine and the qUick fix approach that often
fails . The lessons from China provide compelling rationale for a plant-
based diet to promote health and reduce the risk of the diseases of afflu-
ence ."
-SUSHMA PALMER, PH.D. , Former Executive Director
Food and Nutrition Board, u.s. National Academy of Sciences
"The China Study is extraordinarily helpful, superbly written and pro-
foundly important. Dr. Campbell's work is revolutionary in its implica-
tions and spectacular in its clarity I learned an immense amount from
this brave and wise book. If you want to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast
and then take cholesterol-lowering medication, that's your right. But if
you want to truly take charge of your health, read The China Study and do
it soon! If you heed the counsel of this outstanding gUide, your body will
thank you every day for the rest of your life."
-JOHN ROBBINS, Author of the Best-Selling Books
Diet for a New America and The Food Revolution
"The China Study is a rare treat. Finally, a world-renowned nutritional
scholar has explained the truth about diet and health in a way that ev-
eryone can easily understand-a startling truth that everyone needs to
know. In this superb volume, Dr. Campbell has distilled, with his son
Tom, for us the wisdom of his brilliant career. If you feel any confusion
about how to find the healthiest path for yourself and your family, you
will find precious answers in The China Study. Don't miss it!"
-DOUGLAS). LISLE, PH.D., & Alan Goldhamer, D.C.
Authors of The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force
That Undermines Health and Happiness
"So many diet and health books contain conflicting advice, but most
have one thing in common-an agenda to sell something. Dr. Campbell's
only agenda is truth. As a distinguished professor at Cornell University,
Dr. Campbell is the Einstein of nutrition. The China Study is based on
hardcore scientific research, not the rank speculation of a Zone, Atkins,
5ugarBusters or any other current fad. Dr. Campbell lays out his lifetime
of research in an accessible, entertaining way. Read this book and you
will know why. "
-JEFF NELSON, President (most visited food Web site in the world)
"If you're looking to enhance your health, performance and your success
read The China Study immediately. Finally, scientifically valid guidance on
how much protein we need and where we should get it. The impact of
these findings is enormous."
The China Study
_ _THE............. .. . . . . . ._... . . . . _-._..... . --.................._.-._......................................... -.. . . ..
................................................... .......... ....__ _
The Most Comprehensive Study
of Nutrition Ever Conducted
and the Startling Implications
for Diet, Weight Loss
and Long-term Health
T. Colin{ampbell, Ph.D.
Thomas M. Campbell II
Dallas, Texas
Nothing written in this book should be viewed as a substitute for competent medical
care. Also, you should not undertake any changes in diet or exercise patterns without
first consulting your physician, especially if you are currently being treated for any risk
factor related to heart disease, high blood pressure or adult-onset diabetes.
Copyright © 2006 by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II
First BenBella Books Paperback Edition 2006
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permisSion except in the case of brief quotations embodied
in critical articles or reviews.
Ben Bella Books, Inc.
6440 N. Central Expressway
Suite 503
Dallas, TX 75206
Send feedback [email protected]
Printed in the United States of America
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
ISBN 1-932100-66-0
The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follow:
Campbell, T. Colin, 1934-
T h e China study: the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever
conducted and the startling implications for diet, weight loss, and
long-term health / by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II.
p. cm.
ISBN 1-932100-38-5
l. Nutrition. 2. Nutritionally induced diseases. 3. Diet in disease.
I. Campbell, Thomas M. II. Title.
6 13. 2-dc22
Cover design by Melody Cadungog
Text design and composition by John Reinhardt Book Design
Printed by Victor Graphics, Inc.
Distributed by Independent Publishers Group
To order call (800) 888-4741
Foe special sales contact Robyn White at [email protected]
To Karen Campbell, whose incredible love and
caring made this book possible.
And to Thomas McIlwain Campbell and
Betty DeMott Campbell for their incredible gifts.
This book, from its original conception to its final form, was in the making for
many years. But it was the last three that gave the book form . And this hap-
p e n e d because Karen, my lifelong love and wife of forty-three years, made it
so. I wanted to do it, but she wanted it even more. She said it had to be done
for the children of the world. She cajoled, she pushed and she insisted that we
keep our nose to the grindstone. She read every word, those kept and those
discarded-some several times.
Most importantly, Karen first suggested that I work with Tom, the youngest
of our five children. His writing skills, his persistence in keeping integrity with
the message and his exceptionally quick learning of the subject matter made
the project possible. He wrote several chapters in this book himself and rewrote
many more, bringing clarity to my message.
And our other children (Nelson-and wife Kim, LeAnne, Keith, Dan)
and grandchildren (Whitney, Colin, Steven, Nelson, Laura) could not have
been more encouraging. Their love and support cannot be measured in mere
I also am indebted to another family of mine: my many undergraduate hon-
ors students, post-graduate doctoral students, post-doctoral research associates
and my fellow professorial colleagues who worked in my research group and
who were the gems of my career. Regretfully, I could only cite in this book a
small sample of their findings , but far, far more could have been included.
Yet more friends, associates and family contributed mightily, through their
meticulous reading of various versions of the manuscript and their detailed feed-
back. Alphabetically, they included Nelson Campbell, Ron Campbell, Kent Car-
roll, Antonia Demas, Mark Epstein, John and Martha Ferger, Kimberly Kathan,
Doug Lisle, John Robbins, Paul Sontrop and Glenn Yeffeth. Advice, support and
generous help also came in many other forms from Neal Barnard, Jodi Blanco,
Junshi Chen, Robert Goodland, Michael Jacobson, Ted Lange, Howard Lyman,
Bob Mecoy, John Allen Mollenhauer, Jeff Nelson, Sushma Palmer, Jeff Prince,
Frank Rhodes, Bob Richardson and Kathy Ward.
Of course, I am grateful to all those at BenBella Books, including Glenn Yef-
feth, Shanna Caughey, Meghan Kuckelman, Laura Watkins and Leah Wilson
for turning a messy Word document into the book you now have. In addition,
Kent Carroll added professionalism, understanding and a clear vision with his
valuable editing work.
The heart of this book is the China Study itself. It was not the whole story,
of course, but it was the "tipping point" in the development of my ideas. The
actual study in China could not have happened without the extraordinary lead-
e r s h i p and dedicated hard work of Junshi Chen and Li Junyao in Beijing, Sir
Richard Peto and Jillian Boreham at the University of Oxford in England, and
Linda Youngman, Martin Root and Banoo Parpia in my own group at Cornell.
Dr. Chen directed more than 200 professional workers as they carried out the
nationwide study in China. His professional and personal characteristics have
been an inspiration to me; it is his kind of work and persona that makes this
world a better place.
Similarly, Drs. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. , and John McDougall (and Ann and
Mary, respectively) generously agreed to participate in this book. Their dedica-
tion and courage are inspiring.
All of this was possible, of course, because of the exceptional start given to
me by my parents, Tom and Betty Campbell, to whom this book is dedicated.
Their love and dedication created for me and my Siblings more opportunities
than they ever dreamed of having.
I must also credit my colleagues who have worked to discredit my ideas and,
not infrequently, me personally. They inspire in a different way. They compel
me to ask why there is so much unnecessary hostility to ideas that should be
part of the scientific debate. In searching for answers, I have gained a wiser,
more unique perspective that I could not have considered otherwise.
Lastly, I must thank you, the taxpaying American public. You funded my
work for more than four decades , and I hope that in telling you the lessons I've
learned, I can begin to repay my debt to you.
- T. Colin Campbell
In addition to all those listed previously, I acknowledge my parents. My in-
v o l v e m e n t in this book was, and still is, a gift from them I shall cherish for the
rest of my life. Words cannot describe my good fortune in having parents who
are such wonderful teachers, supporters and motivators.
Also, Kimberly Kathan provided support, advice, companionship and pas-
s i o n for this project. She made the lows bearable and the highs exceptional in
this great roller coaster of an adventure.
-Thomas M. Campbell, II

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