Forgotten Land (42 page)

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Authors: Max Egremont

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Haase, Hugo
Hamann, Johann Georg
Harder, Albert
Harris, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur
Hartungsche Zeitung
Hatzfeldt, Dorothea, Gräfin von (
Hatzfeldt, Hermann
Hauptmann, Gerhart
Hegel, G. W. F.
Lidzbark Warmi
Heine, Heinrich
Heller, Hugo
Henderson, Sir Nevile
Henry IV, King of England
Herder, J. G.: in Königsberg criticizes Enlightenment birthplaceideas
Herz, Guido
Hess, Rudolf
Heydrich, Reinhard
Himmler, Heinrich
Hindenburg, Oskar von
Hindenburg, General Paul von: and Oldenburg-Januschau estatesappoints Hitler Chancellor backgroundand Tannenberg victory (1914) visits East Prussia after TannenbergKäthe Kollwitz praisesvisits Friedrichstein and peace settlement (1919) and Tannenberg Memorial tours East Prussia (1922)election as president of Germanyas monarchist tombstatusbreach with Ludendorffspeech at 1927 Tannenberg meeting denying German war guilt eightieth birthdaylife at Neudeckdeath and funeral reburied Agnes Miegel praisesThomas Mann supports
Hitler, Adolf: charmin First World WarJuly 1944 assassination plot appointed Chancellor Blunden trusts Alexander Dohna visits and underestimatesvisits Tannenberg Memorial promises East Prussian Poles inclusion in new Germany uncouthnessat Hindenburg’s funeralorders destruction of Tannenberg Memorial (1945)dislikes East Prussian climateAgnes Miegel poem praisesBritish admirersin Memelvisits Königsbergattacks religion in East Prussiaoccupies Rhinelandseizes Prague and Russian advance into Germany
Hitler Youth
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
Hohenzollern family
Holmsen, General Johannes von –
Hoppe family,
Horthy, Miklós,
Humboldt, Alexander von,
Humboldt, Wilhelm von,
Hume, David,
Deutsch Eylau
India: Knox and,
Irkutsk (Siberia),
Israel: Poles in,
Ivanov, Yuri,
ski, Tadeusz –
Jacquemien, Rudolf,
Jacquemien, Mrs Rudolf,
Jagiełło, King of Poland (and Prince of Lithuania),
Jänicke, Eva –
Jänicke, Johannes (later Bishop of Saxony), –
Janin, General Pierre Thiébaut Charles Maurice,
see also
Oldenburg-Januschau, Elard von
Japan: defeats Russia (1905); troops support White Russians,
Jaruzelski, General Wojciech Witold,
Jews: identity; granted full Königsberg; and holocaust; in Poland; Nazi persecution of; killed by Lithuanians; massacred at Palmnicken;
see also
Joachim, Joseph,
Johannisburg (now Pisz),
John Paul II, Pope,
Jordans, Carl von,
Jungingen, Ulrich von,
Junkers: in East Prussia; power; isolation; patriotism in First World War; economic conditions; caricatured; reputation; and Erich Koch,
Kalinin district (or Oblast): place-names,
Kalinin, Mikhail,
Kaliningradskaya Pravda
Kant, Immanuel: in Königsberg; grave and tomb; memorials and statues; exhibition; letter of homage to Tsarina Elizabeth; and Marion Dönhoff; internationalism and reputation; character and ideas; death and funeral; disinterred and studied; on perpetual peace and role of state; Mann and; and education;
Critique of Practical Reason
Critique of Pure Reason
Kapp, August,
Karelia: German prisoners sent to,
Karwinden (now Karwiny),
Katte, Hans Hermann von,
Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm,
Kerensky, Alexander,
trzyn (formerly Rastenburg),
ski, Wojciech (born Adalbert von Winkler),
Kissinger, Henry,
da (formerly Memel): position; as free international city; character; German presence; Hitler in; lost to Germany by Treaty of Versailles,
Kleist, Heinrich von:
The Prince of Homburg
Knott, Otto,
Knox, Major General Sir Alfred: reports on conditions in East Prussia; anti-Semitism; observes Russian First War campaign; and communism in Russia; with British Military Mission to Siberia; finally leaves St Petersburg; sense of failure; as Conservative MP; views on German National Socialism; and outbreak of 1939 – 45 war; loses parliamentary seat, retirement and death;
With the Russian Army
Knox, Edith, Lady,
Koch, Erich,
Koch, Hans,
Kohl, Helmut,
Kolchak, Admiral Alexander,
Kollwitz, Hans,
Kollwitz, Karl,
Kollwitz, Käthe (
Schmidt): in Königsberg; and conduct of First World War; background and career; art works; marriage and children; love affair; and First World War; memorial to son Peter (
The Grieving Parents
); reads Kleist; and son Peter’s death; converts to pacifism; celebrity and reputation; on German defeat; idealism and values; visits Peter’s grave; Berlin square named for; post-war life; statue; and mother’s death; exhibition in Moscow (1927); death,
Kollwitz, Peter (Hans’s son),
Kollwitz, Peter (Käthe’s son): boyhood; mother uses as model; idealism and ambitions; war service, death and memorial,
Konarzewski, Mr (Slobity collective farm director),
Königsberg (now Kaliningrad): position and status; as intellectual and cultural centre; appropriated by Stalin; radicalism; falls to Red Army (1945); nostalgia for; agricultural collapse;
Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) (
) last German occupants; conditions under Soviet occupation and planning; old German buildings; street names; zoo; economic conditions; Russian occupation and rebuilding; bombed in war by RAF, ; 19th – century trade with Russia; 19th—century trade with Russia; Jewish population; liberalism; as working port; Kant memorials; memorials and statues; pleasures; Russians occupy under Elizabeth; libraries and books; bishopric established (1255); as coronation city; Lutheran University; under Russian rule (1758 – 62); Napoleon enters; population; Institut für Ostdeutsche Wirtschaft; German past; bicentennial exhibition (2004); cathedral; present conditions; Agnes Miegel Society; Arnold Wilson visits; Goethe Society; Hitler visits; concentration camp; Jewish prisoners removed and killed; opens up after Soviet collapse; Frevert writes on; name changed to Kaliningrad; Germans deported; ruined in war; as Soviet Fleet HQ; Solzhenitsyn visits,
Königsberger Burgerbrief
Kopelev, Lev,
Krems, Eric –
Kristallnacht (October 1938),
Krüger, Walter and Johannes,
Kurische Nehrung (Curonian or Curland Spit),
Lahrs, Friedrich,
Langenau (estate),
Lasch, General Otto,
Latvia: conditions; under German control (1918),
Lehndorff family – –
Lehndorff, Carol –
Lehndorff, Hans, Count von: life and upbringing in East Prussia; escapes and works as doctor for Russians; sense of place; family members shot; illness; reaches west Germany; meets Hindenburg as boy; medical training and practice; and Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor; cares for grandmother; and conduct of war; religious faith; and Russian occupation of Königsberg; works in Poland; acknowledges German war guilt; marriage and later life;
East Prussian Diary
Lehndorff, Heinrich, Count von: flight from Gestapo and arrest; joins Stahlhelm; inherits Steinort; in July plot against Hitler; hanged,
Lehndorff, Margarethe, Countess von (
Finck von Finckenstein),
Lehndorff, Maria, Countess von (Hans’s mother) –
Lehndorff, Siegfried, Count von (Hans’s father),
Lehndorff, Sissi (
Leipski, Gustav,
Lenin, Vladimir I.,
St Petersburg
Lenz, Siegfried,
Lersch, Heinrich,
Lesch, Paul –
dzbark Warmi
ski (formerly Heilsberg) –
Liebermann, Max,
Liebknecht, Karl,
Lipski, Count Józef,
Lithuania: converted to Christianity; Germans reach (1915); under German control (1918); literary renaissance; independence; nationalism,
Lorenz, Konrad,
Löwenhagen (now Komsomolsk),
Ludendorff, General Erich –
Luise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Prussia,
Lunau, Klaus –
Lunau, Valentina –
Lüneburg: East Prussian Landesmuseum,
Luther, Martin: in Königsberg,
Lutyens, Sir Edwin,

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