Forgiving You: A Switched Series Novella (The Switched Series Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Forgiving You: A Switched Series Novella (The Switched Series Book 3)
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“You should talk to Lucas Smith. That’s who I bought my place from and who Collin used to find a place to rent. He’s a nice guy,” Brody tells her. She nods her head and heads up the stairs.

“I should probably get Ava home. Thanks for helping me with her today. I don’t want to hurt her or anything,” I say to my mom. She comes over to give Ava a kiss on the cheek.

“You don’t have to thank me. I loved having her around. We’ll see you later. Call if you need us,” she says before heading back into the kitchen.

I load Ava in the car without waking her and start the drive home. Molly’s story has confused me even more. I haven’t seen Margo in years and never have trusted that girl. So now, not only do I need to figure out what Trent is up to, I also have to figure out if Margo is telling the truth.



Finally after hours on the road I pull into Jaxon’s driveway. I’m really surprised he kept this house. I was even more surprised when I walked in yesterday and realized he hadn’t changed anything. After five years, I figured he had sold everything I had ever touched or even better blown the place up.

I grab the key out of my purse that he somehow snuck in there when I wasn’t looking. I was starting to worry how I would get in this late or this early depending on how you look at it, when I opened the side pocket of my purse and found the key he put in it. That was the first thing that made me fall in love with him. The way he always took care of me without making a big deal out of it. That’s what hurts the most about all of this, the one time I needed him to take care of me, he was nowhere around. I wish I could forget how bad he hurt me when that happened. I wish I could run inside this house and let him hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay.

Unfortunately, even if he did that right now, there is no way I would be able to forget what I have endured because of his choice that day, the mess I am going to have to clean up with Trent and him. The mess I made from my choice of letting Trent take care of me and Ava when it should have been Jaxon. Maybe I should have shown up on his doorstep with Ava, but I was young and stupid and had too much pride to beg him to take us back. Now, I wish every day I had done just that.

I try to quietly open the door without waking anyone up. As soon as I shut the door behind me, Jaxon jumps up from the couch.

“Hey, you made it,” he says sleepily. I can’t help but smile at the way he looks right now.

“I did make it. Is Ava okay?”

“She’s in my bed asleep. She is so amazing. Thank you for letting me spend the day with her. She has all of us wrapped around her little finger, even Molly. She showed up tonight.”

“Molly’s here?” I ask. Jaxon nods his head at me while yawning.

“Good, I need to talk to her. Do you ever see Margo anymore?” Jaxon’s eyes go wide and he looks shocked right now. Maybe they are together. I know she used to have a huge crush on him. We always laughed about it, but I never thought he liked her.

“Why are you asking about Margo?”

“You didn’t answer my question. Do you ever see her?” I ask again, getting angry. I don’t want that crazy woman anywhere near my baby. I know she has met her a couple of times when she would visit Trent, but I always tried to keep her as far away from Ava as possible.

“I haven’t seen Margo in years. I’m just trying to figure out why you are bringing her up. She went to see Molly last night. That’s why Molly is here. She wanted to know what is going on.”

“Margo went to see Molly last night?” I ask, trying to wrap my mind around all of this.

“Yes.” I shake my head and start to cry. I am way too exhausted to think about any of this. “Hey, what happened?”

“We have a lot to talk about, but can it please wait until tomorrow. I am exhausted and need some sleep.”

“Of course, go get in bed with Ava. I’ll be right here if you need me,” he says, sitting back down on the couch. I know I shouldn’t want it, but I need both of them near me tonight.

“You know, it is a big bed,” I say before heading out of the room. I grab my pajamas and go into the bathroom. When I come out of the bathroom, Jaxon has moved Ava to one side of the bed with a huge pillow to keep her from falling off and he is on the edge of the other side. “Do I get the couch tonight?”

“Nope, you get the middle. Come here,” he says, holding the covers up so I can crawl under them. I lay down between my sweet baby and Jaxon. He pulls the covers around me, putting one arm under my pillow and putting his other arm around my waist pulling me to him before reaching over and grabbing Ava’s hand. He kisses the back of my head before whispering in my ear. “You looked like you needed this tonight and after the night I have had, I need you in my arms. There’s not been anyone since you. The only person I will ever need is you.” And just like that, I let myself fall asleep in complete comfort and safety for the second time in a row in five years.


I wake up to an empty bed and the smell of bacon. After brushing my teeth and throwing my hair up in a messy bun on the top of my head, I head to the kitchen. Ava is sitting in the living room floor watching cartoons with dog beside her. “I didn’t know you had an inside dog,” I say, walking over to Jaxon. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and goes back to cooking.

“I don’t, but that little girl is very hard to say no to,” he says shaking his head. I look over at the clock and see it’s eleven thirty already.

“Thanks for letting me sleep. I guess I needed it. What time did she wake up?”

“Miss Ava was up at seven, but I convinced her you needed your beauty sleep. We have been outside with the horses.” I give him a smile and grab a cup of coffee. I start looking around and realize how much I have missed this place. I try to wipe the tears away before Jaxon notices them. He puts a plate down on the plate in front of me. “Breakfast is served.”

“Wow, thanks. When did you learn to cook?” He smiles a sad smile, but doesn’t answer. I’m assuming he had to learn when he kicked his wife out. I sit down and take a big bite, not realizing how hungry I was. “This is delicious. Thanks.”

He sits down beside me with his cup of coffee. He looks back into the living room to Ava and then turns back to me. “Are you ready to talk about Margo yet?”

“Trent said Margo is the one who told him about the pictures. He said he just assumed you would all be smart enough to figure out they were fake. I didn’t tell him they were real,” I say, putting my fork down and pushing my plate back. “What did Molly have to say?”

Jaxon takes a deep breath. “Molly said Margo came to see her a couple of nights ago. She told her that Trent was a mess and was afraid he would lose you and Ava. She says the two of you ran off, got married, and had Ava nine months later. And now I was trying to brainwash you into leaving him.” Wow, I was never expecting to hear that story. Why would Margo think this? “Can I ask you a question?” I nod my head at him because I have already promised to be one hundred percent honest with him.

“Are you and Trent living together?”

“No,” I scream a little too loudly. I check the living room to make sure Ava is still watching TV. “I have never lived with him. I have my own place.” He nods his head at me and looks back down at his coffee cup. “Do you think Margo could have done all of this?”

“I thought about that, but honestly, I don’t think she’s smart enough to pull that off.” I nod my head at him and pray he is right.

“Is it okay if Ava and I stay here awhile? I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I really do want her to get to know you.” I finally get a full on Jaxon smile that I have missed so much in the past five years.

“I would love that. Unfortunately, I have to go back to work tomorrow, but I will be sure to be here every night,” he says, disappointing me, but I know he needs to go back.

“That’s fine. I think I can find enough family around here to keep us entertained. Thank you for everything,” I say quietly. Jaxon looks like he wants to say more, but instead gets up and walks into the living room with Ava.





I have been here almost a week and I have yet to figure out what to do about Trent. I know I hurt him and he deserves better. I really never would have made it without him the past five years, but right now I am still trying to figure out what to do with Jaxon. We are all three still sleeping in the same bed, but there has not been a repeat of the first night. In fact, he hasn’t even tried to kiss me, at least not on the lips.

I have been busy all week helping Leighton, Callie, Cindy, and even Molly decorate the barn for the wedding. The wedding isn’t until next weekend, but tonight is a big engagement/bachelor/bachelorette party with family and friends to just celebrate Brody and Leighton. After hearing their story of how they met and what all went down in that short time, I now understand why they are so excited about getting married so soon.

We still have a few hours before the party when I arrive back home, I mean back to Jaxon’s. He is standing in the kitchen, looking really nervous about something. “Is everything okay?” He nods his head and smiles.

“I kind of did something and I probably should have talked to you first, but I wanted it to be a surprise. Ava is asleep right now in our bed, but I wanted you to see it before I showed it to her. In case it was a bad idea and you get mad.” What could he possibly do for Ava to make me mad?

“Okay, show me,” I say with a small smile. He walks over and grabs my hand.

“Close your eyes,” he whispers in my ear. I close my eyes and let him lead me down the hallway to what I think is Collin’s room. I know Collin has been giving us space and staying away. Why would he be taking me in here? “Are you ready?” he asks, taking a deep breath. I nod my head and hear him open the door. He leads me in a few steps and tells me to open my eyes. I am in shock when I open them and look around. When did he do this? “Say something,” he whispers.

I walk over to the bed that is beautiful. It’s a white sleigh bed with a matching bedroom suite. He has somehow found the most beautiful pink comforter with horses on it. In the corner is a beautiful rocking horse. There are probably more toys in here than in toys r us placed perfectly on a matching shelf, and the closet is full of beautiful outfits. But my favorite thing in the room is the stuffed horse sitting in the middle of the bed that Ava has had since before she was born.

“This is beautiful. When did you do it?” I ask, picking the stuffed horse up, amazed she is asleep without it.

“This week, I had a little help,” he says smiling. “Collin actually moved out the day you were in Atlanta and I have been planning this ever since. I know you have a home in Atlanta, but I wanted her to have her own room when she was here. I hope I didn’t go overboard too bad.”

“It’s perfect, especially this,” I say, holding up the stuffed horse that Ava has always had. He gives me a big smile and shakes his head.

“My mom was so excited when she saw that thing. How did you get it? She thought she had lost it.”

“I may have broken into their house and stole it the day I found out I was pregnant. Although we had a key then, so I don’t think it was breaking in,” I say, feeling the tears gathering in my eyes.

“Thank you for letting her have it even though I acted the way I did. I think I was in high school before I stopped sleeping with that thing,” he says, walking over to sit on the bed beside me.

“I wanted her to have something of yours since she wouldn’t have you. Thank you for doing this. It’s amazing and I may never get her to leave here,” I say looking into his eyes.

“You can both stay as long as you want,” he says. I don’t know why I do it, I guess to confuse myself even more, but I lean in and place my lips on his. In no time he deepens the kiss and leans me back on the bed positioning himself on top of me. “Stop me now if you don’t want this,” he whispers, kissing down my neck. I grab his head and pull him back up to my lips.

“Mommy!!!!!” I hear, making me knock Jaxon off of me and onto the floor before Ava comes running in the room. She stops dead in her tracks and looks around the room with her mouth wide open. “Who lives here?”

“You do now baby girl,” Jaxon says. “When you come stay with me, this will be your room. Everything in here is yours. Do you like it?”

She doesn’t answer, just looks around the room until she spots the rocking horse in the corner. She runs over and jumps on it immediately. “I love this horse, but not as much as my Ed.” Who is Ed? What is she talking about?

“Who is Ed?” I ask. Ava apologizes to Jaxon for talking about him and he just laughs.

“I may have bought her a pony this morning too,” he says embarrassed.

“You bought her a pony?” He nods his head and looks into my eyes. “And you named him Ed?” He shrugs his shoulders at me.

“She may have been watching repeats of Mr. Ed with my dad this week. I couldn’t talk her out of it.” I have to laugh at that. Only Jaxon would have a dog named dog and a pony named Ed. I shake my head before turning to Ava.

“Okay, pretty girl. It’s time to get all dressed up for the party tonight,” I say, wishing every day could be as perfect as this one.



I have been dreading telling Maya about everything I have bought Ava this week, but she didn’t say anything about it. Just thanked me and shook her head. I keep waiting for something really bad to happen, because things are way too perfect with her right now. And deep down, I know I don’t deserve her being this nice to me. My family has welcomed her in with open arms. Of course I wouldn’t expect anything less from them. They have always been wonderful.

“Alright, we are ready,” Maya says, making me turn around. She has on a little black dress that shows all her curves and a pair of heels that put her very close to my height. 

“Wow, you both look beautiful.” Ava turns around to show me her light blue dress before heading back to her room. I walk over to Maya and kiss her cheek. “Beautiful and sexy,” I whisper in her ear, feeling the chills on her arms. She turns her head and before I realize what she’s going to do, her lips are on mine and I have her backed up against the wall. As soon as I hear a moan, she pushes me back and smiles.

“Ava,” she says smiling. I am assuming she isn’t ready for her to see her mom kissing her dad yet. I try not to let that bother me.

“Are you ladies ready?” I ask, turning around to see Ava has come back into the room. She walks straight up to me and lifts her arms for me to pick her up.

“Will Nindy and Bo be there?” My mom loved the way Ava said her name so much, they decided to let her call them that.

“They will be there and they can’t wait to see you,” I say, grabbing my phone and keys. We pile into my truck and head over to my parents where the party is being held in their backyard. I’m not sure when all the girls got both their place and Brody’s decorated for the wedding, but it looks great. “Wow, y’all did good,” I say, grabbing Maya’s hand and bringing it my lips. We have yet to talk about our future together, but the fact she doesn’t push me back when I do little things like this, gives me a little hope that maybe there’s a chance.

As soon as we are out of the truck, Ava runs off to find my mom. “Ava, come here, baby girl,” I say, before she gets too far. She turns around and walks back up to me. “I need you to stay with just the people you have already met, okay.” She looks at me and nods her head and says, “no strangers.” I smile back at her and watch her run to my mom.

“Thanks for telling her that. I know nothing will happen to her here, but,” Maya says, before shaking her head.

“Have you talked to him lately?” I ask her, not sure I want to hear the answer. She looks into my eyes before answering. I’m assuming she’s trying to figure out my mood. I trust her to tell me the truth and I hope she trusts me. We had a long discussion about some stuff and have agreed for Ava’s sake we need to be brutally honest with each other, no matter how much it could hurt the other one.

“I finally answered the other night. I told him we weren’t coming home yet and that I would let him know when I decided to come back. He was back to his old self, apologized for scaring me, and told me how much he misses and loves Ava. I really don’t think he will show up here. I haven’t talked to him since.”

I smile at her, grab her hand, and pull her over to my brothers. Maybe tonight won’t be too bad. We are talking to a man named Lucas that I have never met when Molly walks up.

“Lucas,” she says, looking surprised.

“Molly, what are you doing here?” he asks, smiling at her.

“Brody is my brother. What are you doing here?”

“You didn’t tell me Brody is your brother. I guess Collin is too,” he says. How does Molly know this guy?

“How do you two know each other?” I ask, looking between them both.

“Oh, Lucas owns the real estate agency I just started working for,” Molly says. I had no idea she had gotten a job here. I guess she really is staying a while.

“I didn’t know you were working here. I hope that means you are staying.” She smiles at me and nods after finally taking her eyes off of Lucas.

“I’m staying. I needed a break from the city. Lucky for me, Lucas was looking to hire someone.” She looks back at Lucas before introducing him to me.

“Wow, three brothers. I can only imagine,” he says, just as Callie walks up.

“Hi, I’m Callie,” she says to Lucas. I guess she has never met him either.

“I’m Lucas,” he says, looking back to Molly. “Is she a sister?” We all hold our breath waiting to see who is going to say something first. Finally, surprising us all, Molly answers Lucas.

“It’s complicated, but I guess you could say that,” Molly says smiling at Callie.

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