Forgiving You: A Switched Series Novella (The Switched Series Book 3)

BOOK: Forgiving You: A Switched Series Novella (The Switched Series Book 3)
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Forgiving You

A Switched Series Novella



Brittany Bromley

Copyright ©
2015 Brittany Bromley


All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, places, and events either are the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.




“Mommy, I am so hungry.”

“I know baby, but there’s really not anywhere to eat around here. I promise just another half an hour or so and we will find a McDonalds, okay baby?” I ask, knowing it’s not okay. We haven’t eaten breakfast because I was in such a hurry to get out of this town. I have been able to stay away for almost five years now, and coming back here to the town I thought I would always live in, has really messed me up.

“I don’t want to wait. Please, can we stop and eat somewhere?” Ava asks for the hundredth time this morning. I am starving too, but lunch time is always crazy around here and I really don’t feel like talking to anyone right now. “Please mommy,” she says again.

“Okay. We don’t have a lot of time, so we will have to order and then eat as fast as we can, so we can go home. Can you do that, Ava?” I ask while pulling into one of the only two restaurants in this town.

“Yay, we get to eat,” she screams from the backseat. I get out of the car and open the back door to let Ava out. I get her out, set her on the ground, and take her hand before praying there is no one I know in this restaurant.

“Well, look at this beautiful sight walking through my doors,” Ms. Betty says with a smile. “I didn’t think I would see you around here again.” She’s not the only one. I never planned on coming around here again either. Mrs. Betty and I go way back. She was like a second mom to me, actually she was probably more like a first mom to me. She hired me to work here in high school. My parents were not happy with the fact I would be serving people, but I loved it and I loved Mrs. Betty. Too bad I haven’t talked to her in years, when I drove away and never looked back.

“Hi, Ms. Betty, it’s good to see you,” I say, walking up to the counter. I take a quick glimpse around and am very relieved that I actually don’t know anyone in here, especially since it’s so crowded.

“What can I get you?” she asks.

“I will take whatever you have on special and Ava will have a grilled cheese with pickles and fries. I guess make it to go, you look very busy in here.”

“Don’t you remember, it’s always this way at lunch time? Is she yours?” she asks, looking over at Ava.

“She’s my niece,” I lie. I’m not sure why I lie, and I’m not sure why she seems to really be confused. Did he really not tell anyone about Ava?

“She’s a cutie, looks like she’s made some friends too,” she says with an odd look on her face. “It’ll be ready in a few minutes. There are some chairs at that table. They won’t mind if you sit with them. Those are some sweet girls.”

I turn back around to see that Ava has walked over to the table with the sweet girls as Ms. Betty calls them. I head over to the table to keep her from bothering them or talking to them.

“I am so sorry. I was ordering and didn’t realize she walked off. She loves babies.”

“It’s okay,” a pretty brunette says, who somehow looks very familiar, although I’m pretty sure I have never met her. How odd. I have got to get out of this town. It really is messing with my brain.

“Come on sweetie, we are going to have to eat in the car. There are no tables in here,” I say to Ava.

“You’re welcome to eat with us. We have two extra chairs,” another pretty girl says. This one has blonde hair and I know I have never seen her before. Who are these girls? It’s not like that many new people move to this tiny town on purpose.

“Umm, okay, thank you. That’s really sweet. I’m sorry for ruining your lunch. We will try to hurry,” I say, looking around again to make sure I don’t know anybody. The last thing I need is for Jaxon to see me here. We should probably leave, but I hate to make Ava eat in the car.

“What are their names?” Ava asks pointing to the babies.

“Their names are Ella and Annie. What is your name?” the familiar girl asks Ava. Please don’t say your last name, please don’t say your last name, I want to scream to her over and over.

“My name is Ava Rose Taylor and my mommy is Maya,” Ava replies. Of course she had to say her full name.

“Your name is Maya Taylor?” the familiar girl asks looking at me in shock. Who is this girl? She keeps looking from me to Ava over and over. Do I know her? I just keep staring back not having any idea what to say when Ms. Betty walks over to the table with the other girl’s food. Thank goodness for interruptions.

“Your food will be ready in just a minute, Maya,” she says putting her hand on my shoulder. “I was really sorry to hear about your grandmother. I always liked when she came in to see me,” she says, before heading back to the kitchen. All I can do is nod. I’m still trying to figure out who these two girls are, who are still staring at me.

“What are your names?” Ava asks looking up at them.

“I’m Callie, this is Leighton,” Callie says to her. It’s now or never, I guess.

“Do Callie and Leighton have last names?” I ask, silently begging that it’s not Taylor.

“Callie Clayton,” she says looking at me. It’s Clayton, of course.

“I’m assuming you are married to Ash,” I say the same moment Ms. Betty puts our food on the table.

“You would assume correct,” Callie says with a small smile. If she is married to Ash, that means she knows Jaxon. I try my best to keep smiling and look to the blonde who still hasn’t said her name.

“I’m Leighton Lancaster,” she says looking at Callie. Finally she looks back at me and smiles. She holds up her left hand and I see the ring. “Soon to be,” she stops there and looks down at Ava. That’s when I know.

“Taylor?” I ask trying to hold in my tears. Why is this conversation so hard? Does she know about Ava? Did he tell her or does he just pretend she doesn’t exist? One thing is for sure, he is going to have to talk to me before he marries anyone else.

She nods her head and gives a small smile. “Brody and I are getting married.” So she’s not marrying Jaxon. Why did I stop here? There are too many memories. We are all sitting here staring at each other. Ava is the only one eating. She has already cleared her plate, I guess she was hungry. Unfortunately, my appetite has completely vanished.

“I thought you might need this,” Ms. Betty says, putting a to-go plate on the table. “How would you like to come sit with me at the bar and eat some ice cream?” she asks Ava. I can’t believe she sent me over here knowing who they were.

“Can I go mommy?” she asks, jumping out of her seat. All I can do is smile at her and nod my head.

“Thanks……. mommy,” Ms. Betty says, taking Ava by the hand. Why did I lie to her? She had to have known she was mine. I have got to get out of here.

I turn around to look at the girls who continue to stare at me. “Can we keep this little meeting a secret?” I ask stupidly.

“I think he has a right to know he has a daughter. How could you keep that from him? Is she his?” Callie asks and it feels like a slap in the face. Who does she think she is?

“Of course she is his and he knows all about her. I would never keep her from her father. He’s the one who chose not to be in her life,” I snap.

“I guarantee he does not know about her. He would not turn his back on his daughter. He loves my two way too much for me to believe that.”

“You seem to know a lot about him to be married to Ash.” I reply back to her. What gives her the right to think she knows anything about him?

“I do know a lot about him, he’s my brother,” she says, confusing me even more.

“I’m pretty sure I would know if he had another sister. The only one I know is Molly,” I say.

“Yeah, it’s a big mess. Molly and I were switched at birth,” she says, shaking her head.

“Are you serious?” I ask. She nods at me. That would definitely explain why she looks familiar, she looks just like all of them. Just like Ava.

“I know, it’s crazy,” she says. “I don’t know all the details of what happened with the two of you, but I promise he has no idea Ava exists.”

“I know he does. He has pictures of her,” I say trying to hold in the tears. How a father can see actual pictures of his baby girl and not want her is beyond me, especially Jaxon. He was always so sweet and loving to me, until the night that changed everything.

“He has mentioned pictures, but they definitely weren’t pictures of a baby,” Leighton says, speaking for the first time since she introduced herself.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I ask confused. They continue to sit and stare at each other having some kind of mental conversation, these two must be close.

Finally after what feels like forever, Callie looks back at me. “He has pictures of you in bed with someone else, his best friend at the time. I don’t remember his name.”

“I was never in bed with his best friend. You have to be kidding me,” I practically scream. I know I need to be quiet, especially in here, but how could he have pictures of something that never happened?

“I asked him if he was sure they were real. He said he would have known if they weren’t. He seems pretty convinced,” she says. “He also said you sent him another envelope of pictures, but he never opened them. He didn’t want to see you with someone else again.”

“The envelope I sent him was pictures of Ava. If he never opened them, then he has no idea he has a daughter,” I whisper. How can this be happening? Jaxon honestly thinks I was having an affair and he has no idea Ava even exists. Why did I stop here today?

“You can’t leave. He’s going to want to meet her,” Callie says, bringing my attention back to her. How can she say that?

“I tried and tried to call him to tell him about her. The day I found out I was pregnant, he kicked me out. No explanation, no anything. The next thing I know, I have divorce papers showing up and a husband who never wants to see me again. I tried to call and tell him about Ava. I sent him pictures of her and everything. He had his chance and he didn’t want to listen to what I had to say. I find out today that he did all of that over some pictures that are obviously not real. He should have talked to me about it, not pushed me away. So no, I don’t think I can stay around and let him decide now if he wants to meet her.”

“Mommy, what are you talking about?” Ava asks, running back over to the table.

“Nothing, baby. We need to get going if we are going to get home before dark,” I say, standing up to leave.

“Please. If not for him, for me,” Callie says. “I know what it’s like to not have your family around. Please let us be a part of her life.”

“I need some time to think. I’m sorry, but I really need to get out of here,” I say grabbing Ava’s hand, before turning back around. “His friend, what happened to him? Are they still friends?” I ask, already knowing the answer. Callie shakes her head and looks down at Ava.

“According to him they are probably still together. I really don’t know anything else. He doesn’t like to talk about it,” she says with a small smile. “Here’s my number. Call if you change your mind or just need to talk,” Callie says, grabbing a napkin and writing her number down. “I know you’re mad and I don’t blame you, but you have to think of her, too.”

I take the napkin and walk out the door. I can feel Ms. Betty’s eyes on me while I leave. She knew what she was doing when she sent me over to that table. What am I going to do now? I know one thing; I need to warn the one person who Jaxon possibly hates more than me.

As soon as Ava is in her seat and buckled, I pull out my phone and dial the number of the one person who has been on my side through all of this, the one person I have learned to lean on and depend on. And now I’m starting to wonder if he is also the one person who could hurt me the most.

“Hey babe,” he answers on the first ring.

“Hey Trent, I think we have a problem,” I say.





“You have to have a bachelor party, that’s the only good thing about getting married,” I say, waiting for Ash to correct me. I look over at him daring him to say something, but he just shakes his head at me. I know I am bringing everyone down, but I hate weddings and I really want to be anywhere but here talking about one right now.

“Leighton doesn’t want me to have one, and I don’t want one either. I would rather we just all get together and do something. It doesn’t matter to me,” Brody says. That boy is so whipped already. I get it. He lived a good twenty four hours not knowing if he would ever find her or if she would still want him not long ago. I can tell they love each other something fierce, but I can’t help but worry. If anyone thought they had the perfect marriage, it was me. I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t wonder what could have been if my wife had just had a little more faith in us.


“Jaxon, where are you?” Callie screams while barging through my door, interrupting my thoughts.

“No way, guys only. You’re not supposed to be here,” I say, watching her come into the room. Wow, why does she look so mad?

“We need to talk, now,” she says.

“Callie, where are the girls?” Ash asks, looking as confused as I am.

“In the car with Leighton, you may want to get them. We may be here a while.”

“What’s going on? Why are you so mad at me?” I ask, watching her stare at me.

“I’m sorry, I just…,” she says.

“You just what?” I ask. She looks around the room before sitting down.

“Is this really all the friends you have? It’s just your two brothers and Ash. I thought you were having a guy’s day,” she says. I didn’t know she was expecting to find a house full of men here. All I ever have time for anymore is Ash, Brody and Collin.

“Callie, what’s going on?” I know I am probably the odd brother out with her. Since meeting her, we have definitely not had any deep conversations, but right now I have a bad feeling we are about to. “Do you want them to leave?” I ask, trying to figure why she needs to talk to me so bad.

“You may want them to leave. I don’t know. Let me think. I don’t think I thought this conversation through and I really don’t want you mad at me or hurt,” she says, confusing me even more.

“Hey, what happened?” I ask going over to sit by her. I look up and see Leighton and Ash have come back inside with the babies.

“I think we should all go to the other room,” Leighton whispers. What is going on? Why would she think that? It’s not like I keep secrets from my brothers.

“Y’all can stay. I don’t care. Callie, what is it?”

“Can you promise not to get mad at me or yell or anything? Just do what I say and hear me out. You owe me twenty six years of doing what I say,” she says, trying to smile. What has this girl done and why is she expecting me to fix it? Shouldn’t that be Ash’s job?

“I promise,” I say, looking around at everyone in the room. They all look as confused and worried as I am.

“Okay,” she says, taking a deep breath. “Do you still have an envelope that Maya sent you?” That’s definitely not the question I was expecting. Why would she care about that?

“I think so, why?” I ask, trying to stay calm and not yell at her. I hate talking about Maya and I really don’t want to think about those pictures.

“You need to look at them. Please,” she whispers.

“Callie, I don’t want to see those pictures. I should have burned them a long time ago. Why are we talking about Maya?” I ask, trying to figure out where this is all coming from.

“They aren’t what you think. You should really look at them. Please Jaxon, for me, look in that envelope,” she says calmly. I shake my head at her.

“No,” I whisper back. How does she know what’s in that envelope?

“You have to, for me. Please look in it. We will leave you alone or we will stay with you, but you need to open it. Please.” She is actually crying right now. I can’t stand to see women cry. What is going on?

“Okay, I’ll be right back,” I tell her before walking into my bedroom and grabbing the envelope from the top of my closet. I can’t believe I’m about to open up old wounds for this girl. I walk back into the living room and sit back down beside Callie. I start to open the envelope with my shaking hands when she puts her hand on mine.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispers. She moves her hand back to her lap. I don’t remember the last time I was this nervous about something. I have always assumed this was full of more pictures of her with Trent. I’m beginning to think there is something much worse than that in this envelope now and somehow Callie knows all about it.

I slowly open the package up and pull out the first picture… ultrasound. I think my heart is either going to explode or quit, I’m not sure which. I pull out another picture of the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. How is this possible?

“How did you know?” I whisper to Callie.

“We saw her at lunch,” she replies.

“Her, who?”

“Both of them, I am so sorry. She says she tried to call you and she didn’t know what else to do, so she sent the pictures. She thought you knew about her and just didn’t want her,” she whispers, breaking my heart even more.

“Where is she?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I gave her my number and told her to call me that we really wanted Ava in our lives. I don’t know if she will. She honestly thought you knew about her,” she whispers.

“Umm, who’s Ava?” Brody asks, reminding me there are other people in the room. I just ignore him and continue to stare at the picture in my hand.

“What if she’s not even mine?” I ask.

“Callie asked her that same question. She actually looked like she had slapped her. She says she has no idea what pictures you saw, but she was never in anyone else’s bed. I don’t know why, but I believed her,” Leighton says quietly. I know what I saw in those pictures. I saw my wife and my best friend in bed. There is no way that never happened. “And there’s no way that little girl isn’t yours. She looks just like you. Well, actually she looks a lot like Callie too. This family seems to have really strong genes.”

“Maya has a baby?” Brody asks her. I look up to see her nodding her head at him.

“I know what I saw. There’s no way I was wrong about that. She cheated on me.” I keep saying to myself. Could I have really been fooled by a fake picture? I guess I should have had someone check it out, but I really didn’t want anyone to see the picture. “What have I done? Her name is Ava?” I ask. Callie nods her head and looks down at the picture.

“I asked her not to leave town, but who knows what she will do. I think we kind of shocked her when we met,” Callie says.

“How did you meet? Why were you talking to her?”

“Actually Ava came over to the table. Apparently she loves babies. It was really crowded, so we asked them to sit with us. She looked really uncomfortable, but she stayed.”

“I have to find her,” I say, standing up and running a hand over my face. How do I find someone that I told I never wanted to see again? I don’t blame her if she never wants to see me again, but I don’t think I can go another second without seeing my daughter, if she is my daughter. “What was she driving?” I ask Callie.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t even think to pay attention. I am so sorry. Maybe she will call me,” she says sounding hopeful. 

“I don’t know why she would. I was pretty mean to her a few years ago. I need to get out of here, please call me if you hear anything,” I say before walking into my bedroom. I grab another envelope from the top. The one I never wanted to look at again. I’m not sure why I ever kept it, but now I’m glad I did. I need to know if it’s real or if I just missed out on the most important years of my daughter’s life because of something that wasn’t even real. I grab the envelope and head back into the living room before walking out the door. I don’t know where I am going. I just know I need to get far away from them before I lose it.

I head straight to my truck and get in. I’m about to start the engine when the passenger side door opens and Collin jumps in.

“You can ignore me, scream at me, or I might even let you hit me, but I’m not about to let you leave by yourself right now. Just pretend I’m not here,” he says after shutting the door.

“Okay, let’s go for a ride.”

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