Forgiven (11 page)

Read Forgiven Online

Authors: Rebecca Brooke

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Forgiven
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“There is only one asshole in this situation, and it’s Caleb. I’m never letting him near me again,” I stated with a conviction I wasn’t sure I felt.

“Oh Angie, good for you. You’re so strong and have dealt with way too much shit in your lifetime. In my opinion, that asshole deserves a swift kick to the balls. He’s a douchebag. Let’s go out tomorrow night and forget all about him?” she said with pleading eyes, and gave me that look she knew I couldn’t say no to.

“Alright,” I said as I wiped the tears from my face. “But right now I just want to be done with this shit so I have to go finish the assignment.”

She jumped up and pulled me into a hug. “Let’s go. If I help you’ll be done before you know it.”

I shook my head, “You don’t have to help. I know you have your own project to work on.”

“Please, we’re almost done and my partner isn’t a total fuckwad. Plus there is no way you’re getting it done tonight without help.”

I hugged her again. “You’re the best. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

We walked back to the table and started where Caleb and I’d left off. I had to shake off the memories of Caleb’s hands all over me to concentrate, but I did it.

It took us a few hours, but we finally finished and I was extremely happy with how it turned out.

“Done! Now I can turn it in on Tuesday,” I stated, shutting my laptop.

She looked over at me, “Please don’t tell me you are going to let
take any credit for the work.”

Shit, she wasn’t going to like my answer. “Yeah I am.” Her eyes widened in surprise. She opened her mouth to speak, but I silenced her by raising my hand. “But before you freak, let me explain why.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, “This better be good.”

“Look, he did most of the research. And if I don’t give him credit, then he’ll end up forcing me to work with him to finish the assignment so he can
credit. It’s just easier this way,” I sighed.

She dropped her arms to her sides, “Fine, but I don’t have to like it.”

I decided to send Caleb a text to tell him that the project was done. I knew he wouldn’t respond, but then again I really didn’t want him to.


Me: Project is done. Don’t have to worry about it. Give you a copy Tuesday.


That night I went to bed but couldn’t sleep. I’d put on a brave face to get through my assignment but alone in my room with the memories of what happened, I started to cry again. The biggest problem was that I’d loved the feel of his hands on me. He hurt me, not physically but he stole something from me that I wasn’t sure I would be able to get back—my trust in others.

I finally fell asleep for a few hours before I had to get up for classes. Luckily my day went pretty quickly, and I made every effort to avoid places I thought Caleb might be on campus. Thankfully it was Friday and he most likely wouldn’t come to campus all weekend.

When I got back from class I decided to take a nap. Emily was determined for us to go out and have fun. Usually that meant short dresses, fake ID’s, and severe hangovers. Normally this wasn’t my thing, but this time I was in. I could use a night to forget that I actually felt something for Caleb. Something that he balled up and threw out like it meant nothing to him.

A few hours later I felt someone push on my shoulder. “Wake up sleepyhead. We’re getting out of this apartment if I have to drag you myself,” Emily said with a slight shove.

“Alright, alright. I’m getting in the shower now,” I grumbled, still not awake.

I finished showering in record time—I knew if I took too long, Emily would turn on the faucets in the kitchen until the shower ran cold. I went back to my room and found an outfit waiting for me on my bed. Emily had already picked out a short black skirt that left little to the imagination, a blue halter-top, and black heels. I was normally a jeans girl, but I understood what she was trying to do. She was hoping that attention from the guys at the bar would take my mind off of Caleb. I was just hoping she was right.

I dressed, added a necklace, earrings and a few bracelets, before heading back to the bathroom to do my hair and put on my makeup. After about fifteen more minutes, I was ready to go.

We’d been at the bar for about an hour when Jillian and Heather showed up.

“Hey girls, room for two more?” Heather squealed through the bar.

I laughed, “Of course honey, there’s always room for you.” I had a decent buzz, but it wouldn’t take much more for me to be completely drunk. It felt good to let go after the last week.

I watched Heather worked the room. “Hello Boys.”

Em and I had a couple of guys down the bar who had bought us drinks, but Heather could work a bar like no one else I knew. She had on a pair of skinny jeans—that looked like she had to paint them on her already small frame—knee high black boots, and a black halter-top. With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she melted most guys’ hearts, and they watched every move she made.

Jillian shook her head and laughed. “Do you believe her?” With auburn hair similar in color to mine, and green eyes, she was just as beautiful—although she did have about five inches on Heather.

We continued to drink, listening to the music in the background. Emily was singing along—by this point she’d had more to drink than I had. Her inhibitions were almost gone. The three of us sat there drinking and laughing at Em’s poor rendition of the song when I felt him. I’m not sure how, but that same current I felt when we touched was running through my body.

Emily was the first to see them walk through the door, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” She looked at me, but I already knew what the problem was.

Jillian and Heather quickly looked in the direction of the door.

“Does that asshole have an ‘Angie radar’?” Jillian asked with a look of disgust.

“Not sure, but if he comes anywhere near her I’m going to kick the shit out of him,” Heather spat.

I needed to calm everyone down, “It’s fine, don’t let him ruin our night.”

Emily grabbed my arm, “Are you sure you don’t want to go somewhere else?”

The boys took a seat diagonally across the bar from us. I wasn’t going to let
ruin my night. “I’m sure. Let’s just have fun.”

So we continued drinking, and a few of the guys from down the bar joined our group. After a while I had the urge to sneak a peek. I was surprised to find him staring, frowning at the guys surrounding us. His eyes connected with mine, and there was a spark in them as his frown lifted into a slight smile. I quickly looked away, rejoining the conversation around me.

A little while later I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Nick with his blonde hair and brown eyes smiling down at me. He was handsome and easily 6’2”, but I didn’t feel the same spark with him that I had with Caleb. Then again, Caleb apparently didn’t feel that spark anyway.

“Hey Angie, do you wanna dance?” he asked with a hopeful look on his face.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Caleb watching us, but I didn’t care. “I’d love to,” I said, hopping down from my stool.

Unfortunately, we had to walk past Caleb to get to the dance floor. Nick grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him. We passed his group of friends, and I could see the anger in Caleb’s eyes as he noticed Nick holding my hand. He looked up into my eyes and saw the hurt I knew was there, his annoyance turned to shock.

His eyes followed us all the way to the dance floor. Nick was a good dancer—I remembered that from the night at the frat house. Unfortunately that night he’d had a bit too much to drink and his hands kept wandering where they shouldn’t have been. However, tonight I didn’t mind. He pulled me closer to whisper in my ear, “You look beautiful tonight.”

My breath hitched as he pressed his lips to the spot right below my ear before pulling away. I looked up into his smiling eyes and returned his smile with one of my own. Nick’s touch may not elicit a shock to my system, but he made me feel special. He kept me close as we continued to dance. One hand stayed on my lower back while the other moved up and down my back in a caress, one time lowering to cover my ass.

After another two songs, he leaned down, “Want to go grab a drink?”

It was hot as hell on the dance floor, so a drink sounded good. “Sounds good to me,” I answered with a smile.

We moved through the people, back toward my friends at the bar. As we passed Caleb I noticed that he was trying to catch my eye, but I looked the other way. I didn’t want to show him any interest. He was only sitting with Josh—that’s when I noticed Andrew with Emily heading to the dance floor.

“Be back in a bit, kids,” she said with a smirk.

I shook my head and kept walking until we got back to our stools.

Nick pulled money out of his wallet, “What are you drinking?”

“Corona, but you don’t have to buy me a drink.”

He waved down the bartender. “A corona with a lime,” he looked at me for confirmation, so I nodded my head. “And I’ll have a Sam Adams.”

The bartender walked away to get our drinks, setting them down in front of us a few minutes later.

“Thanks,” I said lifting the beer to my lips.

Nick looked nervous as he grabbed his beer off the bar. I saw his eyes flick over to Caleb, before he squared his shoulders and turned to me. “Can I ask you a question?”

I shrugged, “Sure.”

He cleared his throat before he started to speak. “Is there something going on between you and Caleb?”

My eyes snapped to his, “Why would you ask me that?”

He sighed, “Look Angie, I really would like to get to know you, but right now I feel like if I keep talking to you he is going to come over here and rip my head off. And I don’t just mean the one on attached to my neck.”

I laughed and reached out to put my hand on his arm. “There is nothing going on between me and Caleb. He is my partner for our midterm in history, but that’s it.”

He seemed to relax, and the corners of his mouth pulled up in a smile. “So, does that mean I have a chance if I ask you out on a date?”

I smiled. “I’d love to go out with you. Do you have a when and a where?”

“Absolutely! How about Tuesday around six? As for the where, well you’ll have to wait and see.” His smile reached his eyes.

“Sounds like a plan. Can you at least tell me what I should wear?” I asked. I realized that part of me wasn’t thrilled with the idea of going out with Nick, but that part of me would have to get over since I was never going to have Caleb.

“Casual sound good?” He asked nervously.

I smiled up at him. “I love casual.”

“Really, ‘cause I have to say you look amazing in that dress,” he said as his eyes traveled down my legs.

I felt the blush creep up my cheeks. “Thanks.”

I picked up my beer during the silence that followed. Nick was gorgeous and he was easy to talk to, unlike mister mood swings himself.

“So, what else do you do besides play football?” I asked.

“Well, mainly school work. I’m here on a combination scholarship—half for football and half for academics. If I want to keep my scholarship, I have to keep my grades up,” he replied looking shy.

“Me too! What are you majoring in?”

“Engineering,” he answered. “You?”

Wow, he was the same major as Caleb. “Well I know this is going to sound boring, but history. I think I might want to teach someday. That or write,” I stated proudly.

“History isn’t boring, it’s one of my favorite subjects. I just wasn’t sure what I would do with a degree in history. So, since I was good with math and love technology, I decided to go with engineering. That way I can put my strengths and passion into one. I’m still working on a history minor though.”

“Wow, most people look at me like I am crazy. I’m pretty good with numbers myself,” I laughed.

That is when I felt a hand curl around my elbow and a familiar sensation run up my arm. I knew who it was, even before he spoke.

“Angie, can I talk to you?” Caleb asked.

I answered him without turning around. “No.”

The pressure on my arm tightened, “I really need to talk to you.”

I slowly turned my head towards him. “Get your hands off of me.” I saw Josh starting to get up from his seat across the bar.

Nick stood up next to me and turned to face Caleb. “Dude, you’re fucking drunk. Go home and sleep it off.”

Caleb’s head snapped in Nick’s direction and his jaw clenched. “Mind your own fucking business, Nicki! Come on Angie,” Caleb growled.

Nick’s hands were starting to shake. “Don’t call me that, asshole.”

I pulled on my arm. “Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. Of. Me.” I said, enunciating each word so he understood.

“Not until we talk!” he snapped.

Nick grabbed a hold of Caleb’s arm. “She said to let her go. Don’t be any more of an asshole!”

“If you don’t get your fucking hand off of me, you’re going to lose it,” Caleb snarled. He let go of my arm and turned on Nick.

Nick looked him up and down. “You really want to do this?’ he asked with menace.

Before Caleb had a chance to say anything, Josh had come up behind him, wrapped his arms around his torso, and was pulling him back. “Man, you don’t want to do this.”

“Let me fucking go!” Caleb cursed as he struggled against Josh’s hold.

“No fucking way. You’re drunk and you’re going to regret acting like an asshole tomorrow,” Josh said disgusted.

Nick was not backing down. “Josh, if he wants to fight, I’m game.” He continued to look Caleb up and down, as if Caleb was pathetic for even thinking he could take him.

Thankfully Andrew and Emily had noticed the commotion from the dance floor. Andrew approached us with Emily right on his heels. He stepped between Caleb and Nick, and put his hands on Nick’s shoulders. “You don’t wanna do this man.”

Andrew continued holding Nick back when he turned to Josh. “Get him out of here before this gets worse.”

Josh pulled harder on Caleb, but Caleb struggled against the hold. Finally Josh whispered something in his ear that drained the fight right out of him. Caleb’s shoulders slumped forward, but his eyes looked up to meet mine. I could see the same sadness I’d seen the first time we met. Even though I didn’t want it to, my heart lurched at the sight of it.

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