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Authors: Rebecca Brooke

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Forgiven
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His finger continued to glide in and out of me as his thumb moved to rub all around my clit, never touching. “Caleb,” I pleaded. I wasn’t sure how much more my body could take. His touch felt incredible, but I wanted him inside of me.

“Not yet, baby.” I felt my body starting to tighten in anticipation. Caleb must have felt it to because he moved his thumb away and I groaned at the loss.

As soon as the tightness started to melt away, Caleb moved his thumb back to continue the torture. I threw my head back—his hands felt incredible stroking me on the inside and out. “Caleb, please,” I begged.

“Almost, baby.” He continued to work my body until I was at breaking point. My legs squeezed his waist as I arched into his hand.

“Now, baby,” he groaned, as he finally pressed his thumb to my clit.

I screamed out his name through an orgasm that seemed to last forever. Before I came back down, he had his erection free, covered with a condom, and my panties were gone. He thrust into me, over and over again. Hard, powerful thrusts, that had my orgasm building back up quickly. It wasn’t long before we were both screaming out our release.

Caleb pulled out of me and we slowly slid to the floor. He leaned his forehead against mine, still breathing heavy.

“Baby, please forgive me for earlier.”

“It’s okay,” I said touching his face. “These are emotions I should have dealt with a long time ago.”


I cut him off. “No buts. This is on me.” I kissed him quickly, then looked around the room. “Oh shit! Josh?”

He laughed. “He’s not here. Do you really thinking I’d let him see my beautiful girlfriend like this. Those moans and looks are only for me.”

His eyes took on a dark look that sent a thrill through me. Our breathing finally slowed, and he stood to help me to my feet. I moved into his embrace as his hand slid up my ribs and brushed the side of my breast. I felt the heat from his fingers through the fabric of my dress and let out a whimper.

He bent his head to whisper in my ear. “This time I’m going to take my time, and make you scream out my name over and over again.”

It was then that I knew I loved this man…and it was time I told him. I started to open my mouth, but I let out a shriek when he swept me up into his arms and carried me toward his bedroom. The speed at which he moved indicated that he felt the ache as much as I did. We both had an appetite that needed to be satisfied…immediately. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I would tell him how I felt.

We made it to his room, laying me down on the bed. Without bothering to shut the door, he climbed over me. At that point I ceased to think at all, as Caleb made good on his promise.



I woke in the arms of an angel. Angie looked so beautiful in her sleep. Who was I kidding…she was beautiful all of the time. But today she had a peace about her that I had never seen before.

What a roller coaster ride last night had been. I’d never intended to hurt Angie. I just hadn’t wanted to remind her of the fact that she grew up with that fucker. She never had the chance that I had to create happy memories. Sure, my world had changed two years ago, but she’d been living that nightmare her entire life.

It had killed me to watch her cry last night, but I knew she needed to get it out of her system. I knew she’d cried this time when her father had hit her, but I’m not sure she’d ever mourned the loss of her childhood…until last night.

Thinking of last night reminded about how wonderful she had been with my parents, even after she was pissed at me. I still couldn’t believe Mom had let me have it in the lobby when she walked out upset. That’s how I knew she loved Angie on sight—she’d wanted me to be honest with Angie. I just didn’t think I had it in me to tell her the story…there was always the chance she’d walk away.

When Mom called, she’d asked to spend the day with us, before they had to head back to Syracuse to pick up Nicole. I didn’t want to ask Angie last night because I knew she was still afraid that my parents hated her. She was embarrassed about what happened at dinner, but I didn’t want her to be afraid to spend time with my parents, so I told Mom that we’d go. She wanted to do some shopping down in the Commons. I smiled when I realized I could buy Angie whatever she liked now that she knew about my family and their wealth.

Angie began to stir in my arms. I let my lips touch the skin at her shoulder, slowly moving my way up to her neck. She turned toward me in her sleep. I continued kissing her neck until I reached her ear, and then moved down her jaw. Her eyes flickered open and she gave me the sexiest smile. It was ridiculous how good she looked when she was sleep-rumpled.

“Good morning, sweetheart, did you sleep well?” I’d kept her awake late last night, making up for taking her right in the living room. I needed to make things up to her properly.

She smiled. “Yes, better than I have in a long time.”

“I like to hear that. I have something to ask you.” She looked at me without saying anything like she was waiting for me to continue. “When Mom called last night, she wanted to know if we’d spend the day with them down in the Commons, before they have to head back to pick Nicole up.”

Before we’d gone to sleep I’d told her more about Nicole and Matt. They had been my shoulder to lean on through everything, and that kind of love shouldn’t be repaid by pretending they didn’t exist to the girl I loved. It was weird to think that after everything that happened, that I would fall in love, even if I still felt guilty about it. But I did, now I just needed to find a way to tell her. Today was going to be the day, and I just hoped she felt the same way about me.

She still hadn’t answered me. “It’s okay if you don’t want to go, but I’d love for you to go with me.”

The smile spread across her face. “In that case, I would love to go. I just need to grab my overnight back out of the car so I can shower and change.”

“I’ll go get it now.” I rolled out of bed and threw on my boxers and a pair of shorts. I walked out into the living room to see Josh passed out on the couch.

I went over and pushed him with my foot, “Dude, go to fucking bed. It’s not like you don’t have one here.”

He opened his eyes and immediately closed them, putting his arm over his face to block out the light. “Shit, how much did I drink last night?” he croaked.

I chuckled, “I’ve no idea, but at least you came home alone. Now get your ass off the couch and go hide in your room.”

He slowly dragged his ass off the couch and flipped me off. “I’m going.”

I was used to Josh’s crankiness when he had a hangover, but I wasn’t going to make Angie deal with his shit. He’d be fine by the time we got back. He was always a crabby asshole first thing, but right around three o’clock he was fine again.

I walked back into the room and Angie was still lying in my bed naked. It took everything I had not to jump on her right then and there, but I knew my parents only had so long today before they had to leave. I could have all night with Angie.

“Here’s your bag. While you’re getting your stuff together I’m gonna jump in the shower since I’m faster than you.”

She threw her pillow at me. “That’s because you don’t have to wash all of this hair,” she fake pouted.

I ran my thumb along her bottom lip, and she stuck her tongue out and licked it. I held back the groan that formed on my lips and moved away from her. “We’ll continue this later, but right now we don’t want to be late.”

“Caleb, can you run an errand with me after your parents leave?” she asked nervously.
What was that about?

“Sure, where do we need to go?” I tried to dig.

“I’ll show you when we get there,” she evaded her eyes looking everywhere but at me.

“Fine, but you definitely have my curiosity peaked.” I walked out the door before I changed my mind and jumped back into bed with her.

I showered quickly, dressed in a pair of jeans and black t-shirt, then decided to wait out in the living room—Angie almost naked in my room was just too much of a temptation. I sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV. Not too long afterwards, Angie came down the hallway, looking so goddam sexy that she took my breath away.

She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a pink top that left plenty to the imagination. It made me smile to think that I was the only one who knew what was underneath. I got up and walked over to her.

“You look incredible,” I said as I wrapped her in my arms.

She blushed slightly. “Thank you.”

She seemed nervous, but not as bad as last night when I showed up after Emily’s text. Right now she was just a little fidgety, not in full blown panic mode. I tipped her chin up to me. “Relax. My parents already think you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

I leaned down and kissed her quickly. “Come on, we’re going to be late.” Grasping her hand I pulled her out the door.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“Mom wants to meet at Simeon’s for lunch and then do some shopping.”

“Works for me,” she said sliding into the front seat of my car. Hopefully lunch was better than dinner had been.

It didn’t take long to reach the Commons. We parked in the garage and headed for the restaurant and just like last night, Mom and Dad were already waiting for us. This time they had decided on an outside table. I held Angie’s hand as we walked. Mom noticed us the minute we got close to the table and jumped out of her seat. She came over and once again wrapped Angie in a bone-crushing hug. Angie looked up at me through her lashes, a big smile on her face.

“I’m so excited you decided to join us for lunch,” Mom cooed.

“Thank you for inviting me,” she said, looking back and forth between both my parents.

Mom smiled at me. “We wouldn’t’ have it any other way. I hope you’re up for a bit of shopping? With Nicole at school, I need a new shopping partner.” She cupped her hand around the side of her mouth and stage-whispered, “The boys can only handle so much.”

“I love shopping,” Angie agreed. She couldn’t help but get swept up in Mom’s enthusiasm. She was doing what she always did for me—finding the happiness in everything.

“Alright, Mom, before you start dragging us through all of the stores, you need to feed us,” I reminded her.

“Oh hush, Caleb. I’m going to feed you first. Then we are shopping until you and your father can’t carry anymore,” she laughed, but I knew she was dead serious.

“Oh Claire, not again!” Dad whined. Angie laughed too, but she had no idea what she was in for. We sat down for lunch.

This day turned out so much better than dinner last night. Mom dragged Angie into every clothing store in the Commons. They were both trying things on and laughing. I can’t explain the feeling I got watching my mom laughing with the woman I love—I had never experienced anything like it.

Mom ended up buying Angie a few things as well. Angie tried to talk her out of it, but once Mom’s mind was made up there was no changing it. She held true to her promise and before the day was over, Dad and I had so many bags I wasn’t sure where Nicole was going to sit in the car when they picked her up.

When it was time for them to go, Mom and Dad gave Angie hugs and kisses, making her promise to spend more time with them the next time they were in town.

“Don’t forget to call me, Caleb,” Mom reprimanded.

“I won’t,” I said, kissing her on the cheek. “Have a safe drive and hug Nicole and Matt for me.”

“We will,” Dad said, shaking my hand.

Angie seemed nervous again. I wasn’t sure why, but I figured it had something to do with the errand she needed to run.

“Are you guys heading back to the garage?” Dad asked.

Angie shook her head, “No, I have an errand to run down the street.”

Mom waved goodbye. “Alright, we’ll see you later then,” Dad said as they turned and headed back to the garage.

I waved and looked back to Angie, who was starting to fidget again. I grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards me. “Are you alright?”

She nodded her head like she was too nervous to speak. “Yeah, I just really want to get this taken care of.”

I held out my hand to her. “Well let’s go then. Since I have no idea where we are going you’d better lead the way.”

She took my hand and started walking west towards the end of the Commons. After a little more than ten minutes she stopped walking and started wringing her hands. I took them in mine to steady them. “Would you please tell me what’s bothering you?”

She looked at me with uncertainty in her eyes, “You can’t laugh at me, or try to talk me out of it, okay?”

My brows drew in, and I tilted my head to one side questioningly. “Okay.”

She turned to face the store we were standing in front of. I’d been so worried about her reaction that I hadn’t paid any attention to my surroundings. I looked and saw the name of the store…Hand of Fate Tattoo. The concern I’d felt before increased, and I wondered what in the hell we were doing there. “Angie, what are we doing in front of a tattoo parlor?”

She turned back to me, but her eyes never met mine. “I want to get a tattoo.”

Now I knew what the bad feeling was. Why did she want a tattoo? This was permanent, and I didn’t want her doing anything she would regret later. “Why do you want to get a tattoo all of a sudden?”

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