Forged of Fire (7 page)

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Authors: Stacy Von Haegert

BOOK: Forged of Fire
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“We never get over the deaths of our loved ones.” Bane’s voice was sympathetic. “Teakin may not be here to be the heir but you are… Be the King he never got the chance to be.”


Ash looked over at him. “Give me some time.” A twinkle lit in Bane’s grey orbs. “That’s all I can promise. To consider it.”


“That’s all I can ask.” Bane smiled and stood. “And thank you. For helping with the girl.”


“She is not much of a girl. I was not expecting a woman.”


“You never asked her age.” Bane chuckled before turning to leave. “A very attractive woman at that.”


A much too attractive woman indeed…






Stefen slammed down his mental communication with his brother. Alaric was furious and when Stefen’s older sibling was this ticked it did no good trying to rationalize with him. He would just have to stay off the grid until Kielyn was with her correct mate. Hopefully that would be before Alaric sent the wrath of God down on him. His brother had demanded Stefen bring the bender to him, even after he had told him about Pythia. He demanded to know Stefen and the girl’s location but Stefen had mentally closed off his tracking in the woods earlier that night. That should buy him at least a few days, Stefen thought as he rounded a corridor.


The underground facility was tricked out nicely, same as the main house but it still unnerved Stefen that there was no natural light. One of the first things he intended to ask Bane was how soon before Kielyn and he could have a room on the main level. A dungeon was still a dungeon, even with seventy thousand dollar oriental rugs adorning each room. “Right this way Lord Von Emmerich.” A servant, or Gilcolm, as Bane enlisted, matched strides with him
. Interesting
. He had never given anyone his full name. Now that they knew who he was, Stefen was sure there would be more detailed questions at some point. “The breakfast room is right through those doors.”


Stefen nodded and continued into the room. The same six faces he had originally met seven hours ago, along with a new blonde female, all stood when he entered.
Yep, they knew
. “I can assure you I have had a life time of rising bodies when I enter a room. On this planet, I prefer to not play the brother of his Majesty.” He smiled. “Please, sit. I promise, I will only disappoint you if you think of me by my birthright.”


“It is an honor to meet you. I am Marsala.” The pretty blonde woman smiled as she took her seat along with the rest.


“It is a pleasure Marsala, but you might not feel so honored when my brother arrives.” Stefen chuckled. “How quickly can you get Kielyn wed?”


“His Majesty is unhappy you are here?” Bane’s brows knitted. “I thought you were supposed to watch Kielyn?”


“Watch her yes,” Stefen spooned eggs onto his plate when a server offered. “Interact with her no.” Another server offered bacon and sausage next as Stefen continued. “Follow the advice of an elusive Oracle, kidnap my charge and take her to be married off to an unknown bender turned Vampire… Err, definitely not.” He stabbed a strawberry and lifted it to his mouth. “Now you see why I am the black sheep of the family.”


“And your brother knows all of this?” The one called Marcus asked hesitantly.


“As of ten minutes ago, yes,” Stefen took a sip of orange juice. “But I have a blocker on so it will take him a few days to find me. Can Kielyn be away from here by then?”


“Would he hurt her?” The Water-bender in the running for Kielyn’s hand in marriage asked.


“No.” Ash intercepted the question. “He wants her for himself.”


The fire bending Vampire’s displeasure was laced through every accusatory word. Stefen wondered if the male had realized how possessive he already was for a female he did not even know yet. “Knowing the full story now, I believe you are correct but I am not sure it would be to wed her. I believe my brother simply wishes to keep her out of Dante’s grasp.” He leaned back in his chair. “How many strong are you all? Combined?”


“That’s our biggest issue,” Bane spoke up. “We are just getting organized. Skyler has the most rouge Original Vampires topside, numbering around five hundred. There are three hundred Earth-benders set up in Dax’s underground facility in Tennessee. Marcus has four hundred Air-benders in New Zealand. I have only one hundred and forty Water-benders in Belize. There are even fewer Fire-benders that we know of and it is believed that there are only twenty five Benders, turned Vampire, still in existence.”


“That’s not enough. Dante has three times that amount, same as my brother.” Stefen looked to Ash. “Where are your people located? Perhaps I could convince Alaric to grant you all a safe haven if we could combine forces.”


Bane cleared his throat. “Ashdon has yet to…”


“I will lead them.” The dark haired Fire-bender spoke up. “And I agree Stefen. The only way to stand a chance against Dante is to unite. Do you think your brother would agree to this?”


“I think he can be persuaded to. Once his temper cools.” Stefen threaded his fingers together and leaned back in his chair. “Now that we are talking politics, Kielyn and her mate would have to sign a treaty with Alaric of course. Since any child born of this union would have supreme control eventually. My brother would be much more accepting if he approved of the union as well.”


“We need to get my people rounded up.” Ash turned to Bane. “How quickly can they be accessed? Do you have their profiles in a data base?”


“Yes. All I needed was your commitment.” Bane smiled then looked back to Stefen. “We should choose a central location and bring all the benders together. We can’t travel to your realm without an Angel transport and only Vampire-benders can enter into Dante’s realm so our camp has to be here.”


The brunette Original spoke up. “Marcus and I can get on some research now to decide where the ideal location is for all your elements.”


The blonde, Marsala, stood with Skyler and Marcus. “I can help as well. Just give me a task.”


The rough looking Earth-bender, Dax, also stood. “Since we have a plan now, I am going to head back to my compound and continue training.” He turned to Bane. “Message me the second you decide on a location and I can start any construction that needs to occur there.”


Bane nodded and the large male exited, leaving only Stefen, Ash, Bane and Kizer in the room. “Stefen, we have decided that it should be you that talks to Kielyn first. Since you know her best.” Bane said. “We need her to begin training today. I realize this is asking a lot but she has to be able to protect herself.”


Stefen considered the other options. The young Water-bender Kizer had not spoken more than three words since he had met him. Stefen imagined the staring contest him and Kielyn would most likely have. Ash would scare her to death. Stefen imagined telling his big brother that the chosen one had died of a heart attack. Although Bane was a good option, the older man was right, Stefen knew her best. And, unlike the other supernaturals, he could buffer his power so as not to frighten her or make her feel disconnected. Stefen nodded, he could already feel her energy, she was starting to stir. “She is waking, best to get this over with now.”






Kielyn bolted up, dragged from her fading dream by the sound of the door opening. “Hello Kielyn.” The pretty brunette man from last night said as he entered with a tray. “I’m Stefen. Are you hungry?” Kielyn shook her head no and scooted to the far side of the bed, relieved to see that she was wearing clothes now. He moved to the side of the bed and sat down the tray. The aroma of the steaming omelet wafted up and her stomach turned over, betraying her. His kind eyes smiled down at her. “You need to eat. And I have a lot to explain to you, but first I would like to set your mind to rest about a few things.”


“What I need is to get the hell out of here and probably hire an attorney.” She watched him suspiciously.


“I understand that all of this is a major shock to you and I’m likewise, well aware that we are asking a lot. But, you need to understand that what I told you last night was no lie. You are in danger if you leave here,” he edged the tray closer to the bed. “Please eat.”


Kielyn eyed the plate. Red peppers, spinach, mushrooms and onions with a side of bacon cooked to a medium crisp. All her preferred ingredients in her favorite morning breakfast. Kielyn could not have placed the order any more specific herself. She looked back to the man named Stefen.
Why did she feel so comfortable around him as opposed to the others from last night?
It was like they knew each other. “Have we met before?” She snagged a piece of bacon off the plate but paused before taking a bite. “This is not poisoned is it?”


“If anyone here wanted you dead, you already would be,” he chuckled and Kielyn swallowed hard, her dry throat desperate for moisture. He sat down in a chair beside the bed and handed her a glass of orange juice. “You have never met me before. But, I believe that we are all connected in some way or another,” he smiled. “Perhaps you knew me in a past life.”


“After what you told me last night I am in no position to argue science or religious beliefs.” Kielyn took a sip of juice before sitting it down and lifting the tray to her lap. Unable to deny her stomach she took a bite of the bacon then forked up a corner of the fluffy omelet. “I do have questions before I leave,” she looked him in the eyes. “Which I will be doing because of free will and all.”


“I have answers. What I can’t answer, the others can.”


The bite melted on her tongue. The omelet was even made with Gouda cheese, her favorite, Kielyn thought as she swallowed. Her fatigued body seemed to instantly respond to the nutrition. “Why did you not take me to the police?”


“Someone suggested I bring you here,” he answered. “And as I said, you are now a murderer so to the police was not where you needed to go.”


“Why should I believe you? I have zero memory of killing anyone and if someone else was there why would they not go to the cops?” Kielyn could feel her blood pressure rising but she pushed down her warring nerves. If he wanted her dead, she believed him, he would have done it already. She had to remain in control and get as many answers as she could. “Prove it to me,” she said. “Let me see your phone.”


Stefen pulled a cell from his jeans pocket without hesitation and tossed it into her lap. “By all means.”


Kielyn searched the local news. Her heart froze in her chest when the headlines started popping up.
Three dead in mysterious fire… Murdered fraternity boys…Missing college student wanted for questioning
after having been spotted with the three boys…Grieving parents want answers…Kielyn Allister wanted for questioning…
She swiped the screen to black and looked up slowly after a long pause. Stefen’s piercing gaze studied her quietly from the chair. “I suppose my next question is, why would you not go to the cops? Why help a criminal?”


“Kielyn, I witnessed what those assholes were about to do to you. You were not in the wrong and you are far from a criminal,” Stefen sat forward. “The one that told me to bring you here is long gone and also on your side. You are safe here but you won’t be if you leave. As far as believing me, you alone must make that decision,” his eyes settled on hers and just as he had magically done last night, the hammering in her chest began to subside. “Can we fast forward to the questions about what and who you are?”


“What I am? I’m a human.”
The hell…
“My name is Kielyn Allister.” Kielyn stared back at the much too perfect looking man. “I know who I am and no amount of your hypnotizing tricks will make me believe differently.”


“I’m not altering your conscious mind Kielyn. I am only relaxing you so you can think and process better.” He said.


“How can you do that?”


“I’m not like anyone you have ever met,” he leaned back in his chair. “Let’s get to me after we talk about you, okay?”


Kielyn was in no place to argue so she nodded. Stefen began. “Here is what I learned about you this morning,” he began. “Your full name is Kielyndrian, but you never knew this as your grandmother only called you Kielyn. The name is an ancient one and has only ever been used by one other. The reasons for your parents naming you after her are symbolic but we are yet to understand them completely.” He paused as if waiting on her. “You were told your parents were killed in a car wreck. They were not. They were killed by Vampires looking for you.”

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