Forged of Fire (10 page)

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Authors: Stacy Von Haegert

BOOK: Forged of Fire
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He yanked them up when she looked at him. “You have noticed that too? His ability to mask his energy.”


“Yes and I understand why after glimpsing his strength. It’s fascinating really.”


“Fascinating indeed.” For some reason the description combined with Kielyn’s obvious affection for the Angel irritated Ash. “Is the young Water-bender equally fascinating?”


Kielyn tilted her head as she looked at the thin burgundy legs of her wine running down the inside of the glass. “All of you are fascinating in your own right. This whole supernatural world is just crazy but Kizer is as you said, younger. Like me. And, human. Are we the only two human benders here?”


“The only two human benders, yes. There are other humans that reside in the main house.” Ash nodded when a server offered a plate of roasted duck and the Gilcolm placed some on his plate. “They are servants though.”


The server went to Kielyn’s plate next and then back to the side bar to grab the next plate. “Are the servants down here immortals of some kind?” She said in almost a whisper.


“What do you sense of them?”


A small moment of silence passed as the Gilcolm returned with the next offering of cinnamon glazed sweet potatoes. “I feel that they are.” She leaned in when the man returned again back to the bar. “But, not nearly as strong as the rest of you. And,” She paused when the server returned with mixed greens. “I am not nervous around them.” She added.


Ash lifted a hand signaling that they were done receiving dishes as the man bowed and took his leave of the room. “They are called Gilcolms. Otherwise known as blood slaves.” He took a bite of the duck. “Only, they willingly pledge themselves to their Vampire masters so I am uncertain where the word slave ever came about. They are only granted a prolonged life for as long as they provide blood for their masters. Gilcolms can also walk in the daylight which many immortals find useful for carrying out business in today’s modern world. The masters reward them with enough blood in return for their services to extend their miserable lives.”


“Do all Vampires employ them?” She ask.


“Most. I do not.”


“Why? Do you not need someone that can see to things for you during the day and don’t you need blood to live? Or is that a myth.” She eyed his fork as it stabbed the greens on his plate and lifted it genteelly to his mouth.


“I can walk in the day and I am a snob when it comes to my dinner. The myth is partly true. As you see, we eat mortal food. It provides us with some nutrients, though we can barely taste it.” He smiled. “Oh, but the smells are wonderful and with a good enough imagination, I can almost taste it in its full glory. We do need blood to ultimately stay alive. The older we are the longer we can go without it.” He took a bite of the salad.


“How can you walk in the day?” Kielyn sat forward in her chair.


“Long story but I have mastered the art of molecule manipulation. Being able to draw strength from the sun helps me craft a UV blocking cloak so to speak.”


“That’s fascinating. Where do you get your blood from if you don’t have a Gilcolm?”


Ash leaned back in his chair. “I prefer pure human blood.”


“I see.” Kielyn swallowed even though she had no food or wine in her mouth and again Ash’s eyes followed the movement.
Blast! She really needed to stop doing that
. This time her gaze lowered to her glass on the table in avoidance of his stare so there was nothing to keep his eyes off of that tender spot right below...
Fucking hell!
She is your pupil, Ash mentally reminded himself, not a stunning woman that you want to strip naked and fold over the table! The issue was, she was a stunning woman that he desired. He wanted to walk over to her, lift her to her feet, tilt her delicate neck and plunge his fangs deep into her throat, then fuck her blind. “How were you turned into a Vampire?” The words were like ice water being dumped on his head. She looked up. “Was it also by Dante, like Mr. Bane was?”


Ash downed his wine. He could not get drunk but he could catch a fleeting buzz which was what he very much wanted at the moment. “So Bane also gave you a history lesson today?”


“He did. He said you were both turned by Dante, or as humans know him, Lucifer.” She studied him. “Does that mean some of his strength was passed on to you?”


Ash was not sure if he wanted to applaud or spank her for her curiosity and directness. “In ways. I did not become a stronger bender but having been turned by an Original, a King no less, biologically makes me a stronger immortal than someone turned by a second or third generation Vampire.”


“Do you share any connections to him?”


Definitely a spanking
. “No. I am not tied by some stupid bond to him like you read about in Anne Rice novels.” Ash refilled his wine glass. “Which is a blessing considering he is a giant ass.”


The parlor door opened and a Gilcolm emerged. “Master Bane wishes to speak with you, Your Grace.” He addressed Ash.


Ash stood. Probably more eager than he needed. “Very well. We are finished so the timing is perfect.”
Perfect for escaping her inquisitive mind.
“Is he in his office?”


“Yes, Your Grace. I can show Lady Allister back to her rooms.” The man said.


“That would be wonderful.” Ash turned back to Kielyn. “Thank you for your time. We will begin your fire bending training in the morning.”






“Alaric has agreed,” Stefen announced. “Sort of.” He shook the bourbon in his glass, breaking up the ice. “Provided he agrees to one of you two.” He looked from Kizer to Ashdon.


“Agrees?” Ash lifted a brow.


“Yes.” Stefen said. “He will be here tomorrow night to meet you both and of course, Kielyn.”


“What’s to keep him from taking her?” The young Water-bender asked.


“Nothing but his word.” Stefen answered. “If he finds one of you to his liking he will agree to combine forces.”


“If he does not?” The blonde Air-bender, Marsala asked. “Will he take her?”




“Over my dead body.” Ash’s resolution mixed with the complete even tone of his delivery left no room for doubt


Stefen rested his chin on the backs of his knuckles and eyed the dark haired man seated across from him. The finely polished Fire Lord might dress his inner warrior in thousand dollar threads but deep down he was still a trained and deadly killer. Stefen had done a lot of digging into the lone wolf’s background. He was to be Dante’s protégéé killer. The Fire-bender had been trained with expert detail. If there was one thing to say for Dante, it was that the evil bastard knew how to spot talent. It was also rumored that in Dante’s own sick and twisted way, he loved Ashdon above all others. Even over his own son and daughter. Even more interesting was that despite all the horrors Ashdon would have been made to endure at the hands of a sociopath, he had still managed to secretly hone his craft. All leading up to the day he made his escape and nearly managed to kill Dante. There was only one other being alive that Stefen thought could take on the devil himself and that Angel was heading here on the morrow. Yea, Ash meant every word he spoke. Stefen could only hope Alaric chose Ash as an ally and not an enemy because it was clear as day to him that Ashdon LaGoryen was the chosen one.


Stefen held out his glass as the clicking footsteps of a servant approached. “Do you know you are the one Ash or is that stubborn streak so wide it allows you to lie to yourself?”


“What do you mean?” Kizer bristled. It was the first emotion Stefen had seen out of the young man.


“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news kid but Ash here is the one for Kielyn.” Stefen lifted the newly filled crystal to his lips. “Or rather, she is the one for him."


“I thought she was the chosen one?” Kizer looked from Skyler to Bane. “That it just had to be a strong Water or Fire house to unite the bloodline.”


Both Bane and his mate looked genuinely confused. “You are saying it is not Kielyn that is the chosen one but rather, a Water or Fire Lord?” Bane asked.


“That was how the Oracle explained it.” Stefen explained. “Kielyn’s uniqueness is a gift to be joined together with the chosen one’s original gift. Both parties are needed obviously to make this happen. However there is no telling what would happen if Kielyn did not end up with the right mate. Pythia said that the destined male’s bloodline was the only one that could create a life that would one day rule supreme. She did not say what powers could be gained if the male was anyone other than the chosen one.”


“Why did you not state this last night?” Ash asked.


Stefen spread out his hands. “I was waiting to see which one of you it was.”


“What makes you think it is Ashdon?” Kizer bit out. “If you are so knowledgeable, why did you not know right away?”


“Really?” Stefen looked at each set of eyes in the room before continuing. “If you all really look at your personal reactions and feelings when Kielyn first arrived, then, fast forward up to here and now, can you not answer that question yourselves?” When no one volunteered to answer Stefen turned to Kizer. “When you first spoke with Kielyn, what did you feel?”


“I. Well, the first thing I thought…”


Stefen cut the Water-bender off. “Not thought. What did you feel?”


“I felt she pretty and kind.” Kizer answered.


Stefen pinched the bridge of his nose. “That’s an observation.” He turned to Bane. “Care to help your pupil out?”


“I felt sorry for her.” The older man began. “I felt a paternal sort of protection for her. Similar to the way I felt when Kizer came to me. I wanted to help her and guide her.”


Stefen looked at Skyler. “Forgive this next question in advance.” She nodded and he focused back on Bane. “So, you felt no sexual or spiritual connection to her?”


“Not in the least.” Bane answered honestly. “The only connection I felt was due to the Water-bending connection.”


Stefen looked back over to Kizer. “Care to go again?”


“I don’t see why this matters. Connections take time to form. It’s not like one can simply…” The younger man protested.


“Kizer.” Bane stopped him. “Please just indulge us.”


“If you’re wanting me to say I am sexually attracted to her the answer is an easy yes.” Kizer pushed back, annoyed in his seat. “She is a pretty woman. I am a man. So yea, I would do her.”


Ash’s glass shattered in his hand. All eyes snapped to him. “It started to slip.” He said as a servant rushed to clean up the spill and offer a towel for his hand.


Stefen could not help but grin which earned him a scowl from the Ash “If we are being honest you must play too Ash.”


“Not before you.” Ash challenged back. “Kielyn has a fondness for you. Who is not to say she does not belong with an Angel? You are on the water side of things after all.”


“Well, the Oracle for one. She was very clear on it needing to be a bender.” Stefen could practically see smoke rising off the immortal’s shoulders. “And, just like Kizer here, I find her desirable but I don’t feel an overwhelming need to make her mine.” He eyed the blood quickly evaporating on Ash’s hand. “I don’t feel the need to kill when another man mentions wanting to fuck her.”


Ash’s eyes narrowed. “You’re putting words in my mouth.”


“Then by all means put them there yourself?” Stefen said. “What did you feel the moment you laid eyes on Kielyn?”


Ash pushed from his chair and walked angrily towards the door. A Gilcolm opened it for him. “Ash wait!” Marsala called as she rose from her chair.


The Fire Lord paused in the doorway, his spine straight as an arrow. “I felt like I wanted to recreate time, go back and decapitate the fuckers that tried to rape her.” He turned back to face them, the same resolve radiating from his eyes as when he proclaimed that Kielyn would be leaving with Alaric over his dead body. A silence filled the room’s space. “I felt like she belonged to me!” He growled, his eyes aglow, a thin flame fanned to life across the backs of his hands and licked at his knuckles as he stared pointedly at Kizer. “If any other man ever tried to touch her I would rip his limbs off. One. By. One…”

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