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Authors: Dean

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My wife has found reassurance in your books that some of her own sexual fantasies (about which she had felt guilty because of their lesbian character) are a frequent occurrence in the minds of many women.

I am forty-one, my wife is thirty-six, and we have been married twelve years, this being the first marriage for me, the second for her. We are college graduates, employed in our professions – she in teaching, I in industrial art. We are both also quite active in church and civic affairs.

It seems that my wife’s preference for masturbating and cunnilingus heightens rather than lessens her sexuality and enjoyment of every variety of sex. What she enjoys most of all is lying on her back with her legs widely spread and my licking her clit and cunt (which she keeps clean-shaven) for sometimes even an hour or longer. Our lovemaking sessions are always very long; often up to two hours (because she doesn’t have her first orgasm easily), but after that – wow!

While I’m licking her, since I don’t see her face, I usually start, after a while, imagining that it isn’t her cunt that I’m licking but the cunt of some other women whom I know. I think of some of my friends’ wives, my wife’s friends; quite often, it is our minister’s wife who is quite a sexy female, also Jackie O., Elizabeth T., Sophia L., or another movie, star and yes, Nancy, sometimes it’s you whose cunt I’m _licking.

This fantasizing gives me the patience and endurance to lick my wife as long as she needs it for her first orgasm.

Nancy Friday


After she has come as many times as she enjoys, she usually gets on her knees and shoulders and I fuck her from behind which is the position she prefers. Now, again since I don’t see her face, just her ass and cunt, I often fantasize that it’s some other woman I’m fucking. By that time my wife’s cunt has become dripping wet which always arouses me very much and with the help of my fantasy I need only a few minutes to fill her cunt to the brim.

Lately I at times participate in my wife’s lesbian fantasies.

While I’m licking and sucking her cunt she describes to me in pretty great detail how she is either sucking the nipples, masturbating or licking the cunt of another woman of our acquaintance or having this done by that woman to her.

I’m pretty sure that my wife fantasizes sexually also about other men, particularly when she masturbates while looking at the naked men in Playgirl magazine, which she does quite often. She has, however, never told me about them, just as I don’t tell her about my fantasies which I have described to you. I just feel that she might have an adverse reaction and wouldn’t be too thrilled to know that while making love with her I am fantasizing about fucking, licking or being sucked off by some other woman. This is also apparently the reason she feels free now to tell me of her lesbian fantasies but never about imagining other men.

I am not surprised that several women sent me their men’s fantasies. The ideas may have begun by being his; but now they are shared, the woman sees them as evidence of his trust, his desire to be close. The woman is proud to let the world know that his secrets are mutual property. Helen (above) makes it clear that she and Bryce draw the line very sharply between verbally sharing fantasies and acting them. Their ideas sound harmless and bucolic enough, the line is never crossed: “We just talk.”

Lee’s wife (above) sometimes takes up to an hour to climax. He uses fantasies to keep both him and her excited.

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However, he wisely does not tell her those in which other women enter. That would bring her down abruptly and ruin more between them than just one hour of sex. For his part, he enjoys her lesbian fantasies; he assumes she may fantasize about other men, too. He knows better than to ask.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee have my admiration. They are able to give each other the freedom of their bodies without surrendering the freedom of their minds. They intuitively understand the uses and limits of fantasy: To have sex with a real partner while privately imagining that it is with someone else is not betrayal. It is a private excursion of the mind that heightens the physical experience for both.


I am thirty-five years old with a graduate, professional degree. My wife is one year younger than me, and also a professional. She was physically and emotionally a virgin when we first screwed; however, I (both before and after our marriage fourteen years ago) have fucked with countless women.

Although we have maintained a “satisfactory” and “proper” sex life, I have constantly fantasized about further, additional sexual experiences.

Without getting too Freudian, I must point out that she has always been very orgasmic while still believing (as she was taught) that there is something “dirty” about sex. I almost insisted that she read your two books, but she has never been able to find the time to do so. She indicates impatience when I tell her that I enjoy Penthouse, Deep Throat, etc. She will not even consider anal sex. Although she enjoys my going down on her, she considers the thought of giving me a blow job repulsive. While I was able to coerce her into an extramarital affair once in the past, she still approaches fucking as a twice-a-week duty. Please do not misunderstand. Although I consider our marital sex deficient, we have many other qualities in common (including two wonderful children), and Nancy Friday


I would never consider having such a deep commitment with any other person.

My work requires me to travel all over the country, and this gives me available access for acting out my various fantasies. I have never fantasized a situation I would be unwilling to act out, and, given conducive and non-exploitive circumstances, I am ready to act out any and all of my fantasies.

First, those which I have been able to act out:

− The first was to have an extramarital affair. I was surprised to discover that this not only did not “ruin my marriage,” but had no effect upon it.

− Another was to fuck women of different races. Although every partner is slightly different, I now know that there are no discernible racial characteristics.

− Since my wife is rather flat, I dreamed of fucking with a possessor of enormous tits. Just as with my slightly less than average prick, I learned that size has no relation to competence.

− I always dreamed about receiving a good blow job, and of fucking some woman in the ass. I now enjoy these experiences at every opportunity.

− I had fantasized often about going to a nudist camp. Acting this out was boring, and I learned that sunburned balls smart.

− Still another was to fuck a whore not for money, but because she enjoys me. This has happened with two different ladies and is wonderful for my male ego.

− I have also thought of fucking animals, but the closest I have come is to train my dog to lick my balls and ass while I jack off.

Socially, lesbianism is ignored, while male homosexuality is deplored. While most of us men feel a social necessity to act disgusted at the thought, I suspect that most of us are intrigued at the possibility. I recognize that I would enjoy sucking a cock, and I believe I would enjoy being fucked in the Men In Love


ass. However, I may have to wait some time before the circumstances are conducive for acting out this fantasy.


My fantasies stem from the first significant sexual events in my life which occurred during my twelfth and thirteenth years. I had entered puberty then and my sexual apparatus had started to mature and I was beginning to sprout pubic hairs. I was also having a terrible time with unexpected and unbidden erections and was starting to look at girls in a new way.

Up the street a few houses from us lived a girl named Jill who was about a year younger than I. Jill was very pretty and petite with milk white skin, china blue eyes and dark brown hair that fell to her shoulders in fluffy curls. She was also a very nice girl with a pleasant disposition but had started to make a pest of herself by wanting to follow me everywhere I went.

One day I discovered Jill had followed me to a place about a mile from our neighborhood that we called the Jungle. This was a large wooded area with a lot of scrub growth and a rarely used freight track along one side of it. This was where we played all our games of childhood: Cowboys and Indians, War, etc. What I remember about them is that they mainly consisted of imaginarily killing each other off or taking prisoners. I tried to scare Jill off by telling her I would take her prisoner and spank her if she didn’t go home. She just stuck out her tongue and dared me to, so I took some cord from my bike kit, tied her wrists behind her and marched her to a small railroad bunkhouse. Instead of being frightened, Jill seemed to relish the adventure, even when I told her I was going to spank her bare-tail. I had to go through with the dare then, so I removed her halter top, shorts and little white panties. She was such a lovely sight with nothing on but her leather sandals that I could hardly control my excitement. I sat on a Nancy Friday


chair and put her in front of me, telling her that part of her punishment was to have to stand naked in front of me while I inspected her. She, too, was just into puberty with the contours of femininity starting to throw hints around her straight-as-an-arrow body. Her breasts with their rose pink nipples were just budding, her pubis had formed an enticing little mound and a dark fuzz with a few delicate strands shadowed her pouting sex. I put her over my lap face down and let my hand roam over her smooth back, her sassy round butt and smooth thighs and I didn’t care if she could feel my hard-on through my shorts. I ran my hand down her crack between her thighs and she giggled and squirmed against it. Then I began the spanking, gently at first and then harder until her ass was bucking and jerking. Every so often I would stop and put my hand down her crack. Jill told me to keep doing that; spank her some more and then put my hand there again. Jill and I had discovered sexual spanking and, while we didn’t know the word for it, I gave her several orgasms.

Jill and I continued that way with our own summer Olym-pics until her cousin Liz came to visit and soon I had two prisoners to play with. We had great fun and after I was done with each of them, I would have them entertain me by going at each other, a sport they both learned to love.

After a couple of years we moved and Jill and I eventually lost contact but the pattern for my sex life and fantasies had been set. One of my favorite fantasies goes like this: I am the owner and headmaster of a highly exclusive school for young ladies aged twelve to eighteen. It is very strict but whenever a student has been so unruly as to earn physical chastisement, she is sent to me. The procedure is that immediately after supper, she must prepare for bed.

Freshly bathed and brushed, in nightgown, robe and slippers and carrying an envelope containing a description of the behavior she is to be punished for, she must come and knock on the door of my quarters. I receive her sitting in a large throne like chair and she hands me the envelope with a curtsy. I read the contents while she stands there apprehensively and then I Men In Love


advise her of the seriousness of her offenses. For such behavior she has a choice: She can be sent home in disgrace or accept a physical chastisement from me at once. The thought of being sent home is too humiliating and she opts for chastising. Her only choice then is whether she prefers a spanking, a caning, a birching or a paddling. If she selects an instrument, she must retrieve it from where they hang on the wall and present it to me. She must now remove her robe and nightgown and place them on a table, giving careful attention to properly folding and placing them in accordance with the school’s manual. She presents herself to me to have her wrists secured behind her so she can’t interfere with the punishment. She must then suffer the indignity and embarrassment of standing before me naked while I lecture her about her misdeeds and study her anatomy. I then position her across my lap if it’s a spanking or have her kneel and lie across a padded bench if it’s for an instrument. I then proceed inexorably with the chastisement. I am expert so that I know how to give it to her so that she is experiencing pleasure through the pain and I keep it up until I know she is on the verge of getting off. Now I comfort her and brush away her tears, stroking her until my hand reaches her pussy and she gets off like a rocket. She spends the rest of the evening learning how to please me and how I can please her. Sometimes, instead of a student, the culprit is a young teacher who has been judged by her peers.

After reading your last book together, a very dear friend of mine confided to me her favorite fantasy. She thought she would like to see if she would enjoy acting it out. We tried it out successfully and have continued it. Her fantasy is that she is on her way to a very important social engagement but is abducted before she can get there. Her captor takes her to his lair where he loots her of all her valuables and jewelry and strips her of all her finery. He then torments her until she is begging him to use her instead, which he does.

We do the whole thing with complete realism. We select a rendezvous site for, that evening, usually a plaza or theater Nancy Friday


parking lot. At home Laura dresses for the kind of event she’s supposed to be going to: cocktail party, formal banquet, theater or dinner dance. She drives to the lot and foolishly parks in a dark and remote comer where I am lurking in the shadows, unseen. She locks her car but before she can take a step, I am upon her, warning her to silence and forcing her into my car. I manacle her wrists, strap her into the seat and put painted-out sunglasses on her until she is safely inside my place. There I take her to a room that I have specially outfit-ted for these activities. I have a large frame on one wall fitted with heavy duty eyelets that provide for a variety of positions. I place her in a standing position and chain her ankles and her wrists to the frame so that her arms are held away from her body. I start to strip her very slowly, removing one garment at a time and making a ceremony of every single snap, fastening, button or tie. Between each item I stand back and regard her before commencing with the next.

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