Forever Young Birth Of A Nation (76 page)

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Authors: Gerald Simpkins

Tags: #paranormal romance, #vampire romance, #romantic paranormal, #historic romance, #action adventure paranormal, #vampire paranormal, #romantic vampire, #vampire action adventure, #action adventure vampire, #paranormal actin adventure, #romantic action adventure, #historic action adventure

BOOK: Forever Young Birth Of A Nation
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Rebecca Davis answered the door and broke
into a dazzling smile as she greeted Cosette and Ian. “Come in, you
two. Stuart just finished telling us about one of your visits to
Scotland when he was a boy.” They followed her to the parlor where
the Millhouses were seated with Sophia, Li, Priscilla, Oliver, and

“Would you like some tea?”

Ian nodded with a smile as Cosette answered
“Yes, thank you.”

The two greeted everyone as Thelma came to
embrace them, gesturing toward a vacant love seat. “Laura has
something to share with you two.”

Laura said “Deputy Lucas Ross has been here
just this morning to ask if he can see you, Cosette.”

Cosette looked at Ian and then back to
Laura, saying “I can do that. Did he say what it was about?”

“No, only that you might know something that
could help him and that you would want to know about this, whatever
it is.”

“I see. Then he will return later?”

“He will. We didn’t tell him where you two
are staying.”

Ian spoke then, saying “That is just as
well, Laura. James and I are not advertising our presence in New
York City.”

“He should be here any time because he came
here around seven o’clock this morning.” The sound of the brass
door knocker punctuated that statement and the Butler answered. He
escorted Lucas Ross into the room and Lucas stood hat in hand,
smiling and nodding to everyone as Cosette smiled and nodded to
him. “Mrs. McCloud, may I speak to you privately?”

Cosette looked at Ian who nodded
imperceptibly and then she rose to accompany Lucas back toward the
kitchen area of the house. They stopped in the butler’s pantry and
Cosette closed the kitchen door, turning to Lucas with her eyebrows
raised inquisitively.

Ross fastened his gaze on her and said “We
found another bite victim floating in the harbor early this
morning. Some fishermen reported it.”

Cosette nodded somberly, and stood silently
regarding Lucas as he continued “This one was a crewman aboard the
Ill Wind
. Four of his crewmates went missing on
the voyage over from Liverpool. All of their livestock died during
the voyage too. The crewmen won’t set sail on that ship nor will
the captain. He has resigned his position and the Crown is in the
process of seizing the ship pending an investigation.”

She nodded and said “Was this victim bruised
in the same way?”

“He was. Does this mean what I think it

“It means that one of the creatures has come
here from England, Lucas; a rogue.”

“A rogue you say? Why that designation?”

“The ones who do not consume human blood
call those who do ‘rogues’.”

“How do… how do you know that?”

She only stared at him with her exquisitely
beautiful eyes, saying nothing.


“Lucas, what are your intentions regarding

“Why I… I… what business is that of

“It’s my business if we are to discuss this
any further.”

He stood there, regarding her with a puzzled
look on his face, and then he said “I love Laura and I’ve already
asked her to marry me.”


“Well” he smiled shyly “she said yes only
two days ago but we’ve told no one yet. We’re not quite yet
formally engaged. But what has that to do with this… this

“Let’s you and I go for a walk with Laura
and the gentleman I was sitting next to and we will see if we might
be able to shed more light on this subject.”


The serving wench came to the table and sat
two pints of ale before Bartholomew and Yvonne. The two sipped it
as they surveyed the clientele. Yvonne was looking for a suitable
male, but Bartholomew had already made his choice, being the
serving wench.

It was a busy night at the Green Dragon
Tavern in lower Manhattan and many British soldiers and officers
mingled with the mostly Tory and loyalist crowd. Owner Robert
Townsend alias Samuel Culper Jr. watched over the entire scene
without seeming to. Always on the move and always mingling with the
soldiers and officers, he was widely regarded as a loyalist and
trusted by all of the officers of the King’s army.

Major Jonathan Siebert came in then and went
to his usual table, a small one near the kitchen. He passed by
Yvonne and Bartholomew without seeing them, but Yvonne saw him as
he sat down. Turning to Bartholomew she said “I see someone who I
need to talk to. I will see you back in Hoboken. Don’t get into
trouble, Bartholomew.”

He raised his tankard and nodded as Yvonne
made her way to Siebert’s table. “Good evening, Johnny” she said in
a low voice as she put her hand on his shoulder and bent to give
him a kiss.

“Yvonne! Where have you been?”

“Oh, I have had some bad luck lately.”

“Here, sit down” he said as he rose to pull
out the other chair. “What kind of bad luck?”

“Stefan died.”

“Oh? When did that happen?”

“Some two months ago.”

Nodding he said “I am sorry to hear that” he
said as he thought
maybe I can bed you more often now.
went on then “An illness, accident?”

“His heart just stopped. We were in New
Jersey at the time.”

“Hmmm. I lost a good friend that way. Older
than Stefan though. What have you been doing since?”

“I have been drifting, Johnny. I thought of
you quite often. Might we go somewhere to be alone tonight?”

“Why yes. Yes we can.”

“I know that you just got here and haven’t
had a drink yet. Here; just take mine. We can leave when you finish
it” she said with a sultry look that served to arouse him right

Standing he said “We can leave right now,
Yvonne” as he came around to pull out her chair. The two departed
arm in arm as Bartholomew watched, thinking
I’d like to be doing
what he will be doing tonight. That lucky bastard!

About then the serving wench returned and
Bartholomew said “I’ll have two more, Charlotte, if you will only
join me for a minute.”

Smiling she looked at the clock and said “I
am due for a break, Bart. I’ll be right back.”

In less than two minutes she had returned
with two tankards of ale and taking off her serving apron she sat
down, giving a nod to Townsend.

Bartholomew talked about the war then,
asking if Charlotte had heard any news. She replied that the
fighting was heaviest in the Carolinas and that it had been
relatively quiet in the colonies north of New York. “Bart, did you
hear about what happened at Kings’ Mountain? The rebels captured
seven hundred loyalists and forced Howe to move his forces

They talked of other aspects of the war then
for a while and he complimented her on her good looks and on her
always being so good at her job. Switching subjects he said “Do any
rebels ever come in here?”

Laughing she said “No chance of that. If I
didn’t shoot them Mr. Townsend would. This is a place for those
loyal to His Majesty King George only and we make no apologies for

Wanting to impress her and hopefully bed her
after the tavern closed, he said “I have some interesting news,
Charlotte. It should cheer you up and Mr. Townsend too.”

Smiling warmly she said “Really? I hope it
is about something besides how Tarleton was beaten so badly in
South Carolina by that dreadful Mr. Morgan. I couldn’t believe it
when I heard it. And I heard that those rebels have put together a
document called
‘Articles of Confederation’
of all

Lowering his voice conspiratorially,
Bartholomew leaned in closer to her and said “General George
Washington is going to be assassinated.” Charlotte looked suitably
impressed as her mouth dropped open. Then she smiled and said “Oh
Bart! You got me good with that one” as she laughed.

He reached out and taking her hand he kissed
it and said “Don’t laugh too loud. It is true and it is going to
happen soon enough.”

“Really! Why that is wonderful news, Bart!
The war would end soon enough if that happened!” She tossed her
head and straightened her hair a certain way and Robert Townsend
got the signal. Appearing at Charlotte’s side in less than two
minutes he said “Sorry, Charlotte. I need you in the kitchen

Shrugging her shoulders, Charlotte smiled
warmly at Bartholomew and putting her serving apron on, she
followed Townsend to the kitchen where she said “I’ve just learned
of an assassination attempt to be made on Washington himself.”


“He’s trying to impress me so who knows, but
can we ignore it?”

“No. What is his name?”

“Bart. Bartholomew, really.”

“Any affiliation?”

“No. He comes in here once in a while with
that redhead, uhm… Yvette… no, Yvonne. That is it, Yvonne Devrie.
Sometimes she drinks with Captain Siebert.”

“I know him. He is a major now. Hmmm…
Jonathan Siebert. I will dispatch on this as soon as possible.
Thank you, Charlotte.”

Chapter 112

Jonathan Siebert lay back with Yvonne lying
next to him. They had lain there for a while after making love,
saying nothing. “Yvonne that was… it was… stupendous. But I feared
you would break my ribs for a while there.”

“Mmmm. I have been without affection for too
long, Johnny. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but it was sooo good” she
said, pillowing her head on his chest and rubbing his stomach
slowly with her hand. Did you say you had something interesting to
tell me?”

“What? Oh, yes… yes I did. I found out that
McCloud is a hunter during wintertime for the rebels, usually in
Pennsylvania. He seems to be highly thought of. You never asked,
but his wife is Cosette McCloud and she has stayed with the
Millhouse family for over four years now.”

She sat up suddenly “Really? His wife and
she was living there all of that time?” She thought
damn it, why
didn’t I think of that? She had to be the one that cut off Stefan’s
hand and the one who saved McCloud that night. Damn her

“Well, you should not have stayed away so
long, Yvonne.”

“Hmmm… isn’t that the truth. Tell me, do you
know where Washington is camped now?”

Looking narrowly at her he hesitated and
then said “You are certainly a curious one, Yvonne. Washington is
thought to be either near Tappan, or up maybe in New Windsor, north
of West Point. He has given General Greene the southern army and
they are fighting us everywhere in the Carolinas. We suspect
Washington wants to attack us in New York City but we’re too strong

She rubbed his stomach slowly and kissed his
chest softly as she said “You are pretty strong here yourself,
Johnny” as her hand began to go lower and lower until he began to
groan “Yvonne you are insatiable.”

“Oh Johnny, you have no idea, no idea at
all” she said as she rolled astride him with a sultry laugh.


“Good evening 355. Are you in the mood to
take a short trip this night?

“I am, Mr. Culper.”

“Then this needs to go to our friends in
Setauket as soon as possible. We are sending a duplicate by another

“That sounds serious.”

Sitting down at the table, he leaned near
her and said “It is a rumored assassination attempt on General

Cosette fastened her eyes on his, thinking
Ian told me of an assassination attempt on Washington by a
vampire. Could this be some of Yvonne’s people?
She spoke then,
barely above a whisper saying “By any chance does this involve
Yvonne Devrie, June Stedman, or a man named Bartholomew?”

Caught by surprise, Townsend said “Why yes!
Yes it does, or at least Yvonne and Bartholomew. They were both in
here earlier this evening. What do you know about it?”

“I know that you’d better take it very
seriously. I do.”

“Then you’ll take it to Setauket as fast as

“I will, Mr. Culper. Good night, sir” she
said as she picked up the sealed packet and departed.


In less than two hours she had handed off
the package to Abraham Woodhull, alias Samuel Culper Sr. Standing
on his porch in the darkness she spoke in a very low voice “Mr.
Woodhull, this is very urgent. It has information about a planned
assassination attempt against General Washington. I have reason to
believe that this is really serious. My husband stopped an attempt
at Valley Forge the winter before last, and we’re certain that this
involves the same group.”

“Very well, 355. I will attach a note to the
package to that effect.”

“Good night, Mr. Culper, and say hello to
Anna” she whispered as she turned and walked off into the

Joining Ian she said “What now?”

“Mmmm, I can think of something I would like
to do” he chuckled as he put his arms around her, kissing her
tenderly. “But I think we’d best get back and gather what we need
to go to Washington’s camp.”

Laughing softly she said “I had hopes of a
moonlight swim and who knows what afterward, but you are right.
Will the two of us be enough to protect him?”

“We will have to be. The others need to stay
to protect the humans. We will talk with them before we leave, but
we do not want to waste time on this.”

“Would she try it with only one male and
another female?”

“Mmmm, I doubt it. I think they’ll force a
few humans to
cross over
and build another coven somewhere
and move after she thinks they have enough help to kill him.”

“Why the interest in killing

“I don’t know, but thanks to Priscilla we do
know that one of those who escaped is a wealthy Tory Loyalist and I
killed her husband when the two of them tried this at Valley

“You think she is still motivated to kill
Washington then.”

Shrugging then, he replied “Until we learned
about this, I wouldn’t have guessed that she would try that again,
but now I wonder.”

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