Forever Young Birth Of A Nation (89 page)

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Authors: Gerald Simpkins

Tags: #paranormal romance, #vampire romance, #romantic paranormal, #historic romance, #action adventure paranormal, #vampire paranormal, #romantic vampire, #vampire action adventure, #action adventure vampire, #paranormal actin adventure, #romantic action adventure, #historic action adventure

BOOK: Forever Young Birth Of A Nation
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Gen. Cornwallis:
British general.

General Henry Clinton:

General Thomas Gage:

General William Howe:

George Washington:
Founding Father,
commander of American Army.

Gray Fox:
Seneca brave.

Gray Wolf:
Seneca chief.

Prussian Vampire.

Henry Knox:
Colonel and later general
in G Washington’s army, an artillery officer.

Henri Lafayette:
French vampire,
Ian’s mentor, banker, financier.

Henri Laforge:
Alias used by Henri

Heinrich Von Steuben:
vampire, chief judge
Supreme Council

Ian McCloud:
Vampire from Scotland
and France.

Jacques St. Laurent:
Vampire from
France employed by Marquis de Sade.

James Barrows:
Vampire from England.
Ian’s companion.

Janine Anjolie:
Alias used by
Jennifer Amsler.

Jean Claude Larue:
Smuggler known by
John Hancock.

Jennifer Amsler:
French vampire, part
of Lafayette vampire family.

John Hancock:
Signer Declaration of
Independence, Gov. of Mass.

Johnny Slyman:
Alias used by Jonathon

Jonathan Siebert:
Captain in British
Army, NYC.

Prussian vampire.

Juliet Stearman:
Alias used by June

June Stedman:
Tory, vampire, part of
Yvonne’s coven.

King Charles III:
King of Spain
during American Revolutionary War.

Laura Millhouse:
Niece of Thelma,
daughter of Merriam in NYC.

Vampire in Yvonne’s

Leo or Leopold:
Alias used by Li.

Lester Stedman:
Tory, vampire in
Yvonne’s coven.

French vampire in Lafayette
vampire family, close friend of Ian.

Liri Garnier:
French vampire in
Lafayette vampire family, wife of Mustafa.

Louis Bouchard:
French vampire in
Lafayette family, brother of Cosette.

Margaret Milliken:
English vampire,
wife of Robt. Milliken.

Marie Lafayette:
French vampire, wife
of Henri, mentor of Ian and Cosette.

Marielle Laforge:
Alias used by

Marquis de Sade:
documented pervert and sadist who lived in France in latter half of
century. Was an agent provocateur in the French
Revolution and Reign of Terror.

Mary McCloud:
Ian’s aunt and wife of

Matthew Davis:
Colonel in British
Army, father of Rebecca.

Maurice Garnier:
Alias used by

Maxemillien Francoise de Robespierre:
Radical French leftist lawyer/revolutionary.

Melissa Willocks:
Tavern wench in

Merriam Millhouse:
Sister of Thelma,
mother of Rebecca.

Moon Owl:
French and Indian

Monique Orleans:
Alias used by Moon
Owl when mixing in white society.

Mustafa (Maurice):
French vampire,
member of Lafayette vampire family.

Night Stalker:
Name given by Seneca
Indians to Ian and James.

Oliver Tarrant:
Vampire in Yvonne’s

Paul Revere:
Patriot, silversmith in

Priscilla Weeks:
Vampire in Yvonne’s

Rebecca Davis:
Daughter of Col
Matthew Davis.

Richard Townsend:
Spy in Culpers spy
ring, owner of
Green Dragon Tavern

Vampire in Yvonne’s

Robert Milliken:
English vampire,
banker, judge
Supreme Council

Samuel Adams:
Founding Father,

Samuel Culper Jr.:
Alias used by
Thomas Woodhull, a spy in the Culper spy ring.

Samuel Culper
Sr.: Alias used by
Richard Townsend, a spy in the Culper spy ring.

Saffron’ Lemont:
Alias used by Sophia
for espionage.

Simone Dubois
: French vampire
Lafayette family, wife of Alexander.

Snow Fawn:
Mother of Moon Owl.

French Vampire, wife of Li,
member of Lafayette vampire family.

Stefan Devrie:
French vampire seeking
revenge against Ian for loss of hand.

English vampire works for
Robert Milliken.

Stuart McCloud:
Ian’s younger

Tall Elk:
Seneca Indian chief.

Terrence Dalton:
English private

Thelma Millhouse:
Widow of August
Millhouse, Laura’s aunt.

Wilhelm Hoffmeister:
vampire, judge on
Supreme Council

Son of Mustafa and Liri in
Lafayette vampire family.

Yvonne Devrie:
Red-headed vampire who
was burnt badly at Francoise mansion.

Glossary of Terminology

A vampire so trained and
as to be able to tolerate indirect sunlight, human
food, lack of blood for short periods, and mastering human
mannerisms in such a way as to be able to blend with human society
and not be detected.

Adjust hearing:
The ability for a
properly mentored vampire to adjust the acuity of their hearing so
as to hear extremely well in near silent conditions, and also to
reduce hearing sensitivity in noisy conditions. This is necessary
for any successful
vampire who desires to mix in human
company in cities.

Banque de Lafayette:
Bank owned by
vampire Henri Lafayette of France who is also a judge on

Blood Fast:
The length of time a
candidate can do without blood. This is best achieved by denying
blood during the imprinting process. It forever makes the candidate
less dependent on blood and more able to tolerate being without it
and able to not lose control when smelling it. The associated pain
when denying one’s self blood during
enhances the candidate’s ability to tolerate pain. Only
do a blood fast when imprinting. Many
do not even know to imprint that characteristic.

Brought over:
To become a

Crossing over:
To become a

Edwards and Milliken Bank:
Bank in
London owned in part by Robert Milliken, vampire and judge on
Supreme Council.

Eye lights:
A term used to instruct
candidates who are being brought over to become vampires regarding
the control of the tendencies of vampire eyes to glow when emotions
are stirred, whether passion or anger. A candidate is properly
mentored when he or she is taught to ‘control their

Generational Move:
The period where a
successful Adept vampire changes his identity and home. This can
involve wearing a wig in public if staying in the same country when
in cities they might have lived in before the name change. This is
done to prevent recognition by a human who might have known them
before they changed their name, and to prevent humans from
realizing that they have not aged.

Grover Merchants’ Bank:
Bank in New
York City.

The act of imprinting, or
the sum of the characteristics achieved due to imprinting.

The three week long
process of body and physiology and mental changes that a vampire
undergoes after being brought over. During this period, permanent
characteristics are forever imprinted on the candidate. Physical
characteristics such as length of hair and nails are permanently
established. Ambidexterity can be easily accomplished during this
period, as well as a tendency to excel at various things whether
linguistics, music, hand to hand combat, weapons mastery, etc. Also
a refinement of touch is far easier to learn at this time, such as
how to handle delicate things without causing damage in spite of
having far greater strength. Even such minor things as how one’s
breath will smell, the length of their hair, how to control the
acuity of their hearing, and control of their tendency for their
eyes to glow are mastered during this three weeks if the candidate
is properly mentored. Vital characteristics such as how long one
can be without blood will be set during this period as well as how
much daylight they can tolerate. This in turn helps the candidate
to be far better able to endure pain of all kinds.

Laforge & McCloud Merchants’
Bank that Ian and Henri start in Philadelphia.

Liechtenstein Trade Guild:
building in Liechtenstein where the
Supreme Council
disguised as a trade guild to deceive humans.

Man of war:
A ship built by a nation
for conducting warfare on the seas.

A ship used by traders
and merchants for transporting goods.

Milliken Merchants’ Bank
: Bank that
Ian was sent to start up in New York City and Boston

Vampires that may or may not
, but who do feed on humans.

Sensitivity and touch control:
training is necessary for well mentored Adept vampires to mix well
in human company. It teaches the vampire to have a delicate touch
and to be able to control their great strength at all times. One
common method of teaching this is to toss eggs back and forth
rapidly without breaking them. This is another vital trait for
vampires who would successfully mix with humans in human

Supreme Council

’): The nine
vampire judges who hand
down life or death decisions regarding vampires who have done
things causing humans to become knowledgeable regarding vampires
and their existence. This can include death warrants being issued
for humans who will try to make known the existence of

Wellington Bank of Commerce:
Bank in
New York City.

Wig Generation:
The twenty years
following a generational move where a wig needs to be worn in
public to avoid humans recognizing the successful vampire from a
time when they had another name and did not wear a wig. Generally
speaking a wig generation occurs when the previous twenty years
involved no wig or disguise, and begins when the vampire begins a
new twenty year residence somewhere unless it is in another part of
the world far from where they were living.

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