Forever Viper (18 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

Tags: #paranormal erotic romance

BOOK: Forever Viper
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I head straight for the bar and pour myself a neat vodka and let the burn from it calm me down and to push away my seething anger that starts to climb its way out of me again. I slam down the empty glass on the bar counter and pour myself another drink. A male's voice swiftly makes me snap my head in its direction. I see Hans leaning against the kitchen door with a questioning look upon his face. He looks at the empty glass and then at me and raises an eyebrow, “Hard day at work?” I blow out a huff.

Monica makes an appearance and stands in front of Hans and leans back into him and his hands snake around her waist. This brings a smile to my face but it soon slips when Monica says, “Is Lara being a bitch and not pulling her weight? I will sort her out for you.”

I shake my head and pour myself that second vodka. “Will you please give it up and stop attacking Lara at every opportunity. She has been a star this week and is proving herself to me. It isn’t her anyway, it is Donald. I think he might want me dead.” I’m not sure if I am being overly dramatic with that statement but I meant every word and it appeared as if I'm going to have to explain my meaning.

Monica strides over to me clueless and takes my elbow and leads me to the sofa, where we both plant our asses. I notice Hans takes a seat on the other sofa and leans forward with his elbows resting on his knees, ready and waiting for me to tell them what has happened.

“Did he hurt you? Peppa what the hell is going on?” Monica takes my hand in hers and stares at me.

“He didn’t hurt me, only with his words.” I go on to explain the chat the lovely Donald and I had and by the time I finished I am emotionally drained.

Monica looks panicked, which makes my heart race as I now know I wasn’t wrong in my thinking.
Shit, what am I going to do?

“Hang on ladies, please don’t take this the wrong way but Donald has lost his son and I’m not saying what he said didn’t sound bad, but it’s just words. We all say stupid comments in the heat of the moment. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. He’s angry and for some reason is taking it out on you. I really wouldn’t read too much into it.” Hans sits back in his seat and waits for a response.

I run over what Hans said in my head and begin to let his comments sink in. He could be right and I decide I can’t let the bastard get to me, that’s what he wants, so I will rise above it and be the bigger person. I will however, talk to Juan about it to.

Monica remains quiet and I squeeze her hand to get her attention, “Hey, it’s ok. I have you. You can beat the shit out of him if he gets near me again.”

She smiles weakly at me, “I hate that man Peppa. What if something happens to you and I’m not there?”

I pull Monica in for a hug and we both hold on to each other letting our emotions show through it. “What Hans said makes more sense. I panicked and thought the worst. With you at my back, and your sexy man over there, no one can threaten me and get away with it.”

I lean away from Monica and wipe the tears away from her face. Her smile returns and she says, “You have your own sexy men, keep your eyes off mine.”

I let out a laugh, “There’s the Monica I know and love.”

We both stare at each with understanding. She sighs and looks over at Hans, “I guess the cinema is out of the question for tonight?”

I push myself off the sofa and walk back to the bar, but I make a comment along the way, “Don’t you dare change your plans because of me. You two love birds go out and have fun. I have plans to seduce my own knee trembler.” I look at Monica and wink at her and she laughs. I didn’t want them to feel obliged to stay with me so I used the sex card hoping it will work.

Hans walks past me with his hands over his ears saying, “To much information. Bloody hell, you women really do tell each other everything.”

I giggle, so does Monica. I’m pouring myself another drink when I feel myself being dragged and a whisper in my ear, “I’m not leaving this house until you have eaten something to soak up those vodkas you just downed, so get your pretty little ass in that kitchen, Peppa Thorne, so I can feed you.”

Monica kept her beady eyes on me while I forced down a sandwich before she is satisfied. Then after getting ready and Hans putting on a baseball cap and dark sunglasses, to disguise himself, they left for their night out and I'm left alone.

After watching the loved up pair and with the alcohol flowing through my body, I am determined to get some loving of my own. As Juan has backed off in that department it is up to me to get down and dirty for my man. So what’s the first thing you do when you want a bit of loving? You make sure you are clean and smell nice, that you don’t have hairy legs or armpits and especially not a hairy muff. So, I take a long bath and prepare myself. I dress in the black negligee Juan first made love to me in and headed back to the lounge to wait for the love of my life.

I ended up with a drink in one hand, a book in another and I'm so engrossed in the sex scene I am reading that when a knock comes at the door, I looked up to see it is after 11:00 pm. I wondered who the hell would be knocking at this time of night. I stumble when I stand,
naughty girl you have had one too many Peppa.
I sway as I stroll to answer the door, my heart nearly beats out of my chest when the knocking comes again and I shout out, “Hold your horses I’m coming.”

The voice that comes back to me says, “Ms. Thorne, it’s Detective Payne.”

I walk faster at that news and swing the door open, “Have you found Noah?”

He looks taken aback, I guess he wasn’t expecting me to answer the door that way, but why would he be standing there at this time of night if it isn’t about Noah? He starts to shake his head and the word “No” leaves his mouth but then his eyes travel the length of my body and widen. A heated look crosses his face. I glance down at myself confused. I guess I should feel embarrassed, but there are more pressing concerns than my breasts being on show.

I gaze back up into his face, “Would you like to come in and explain that no.”

A smile spreads across his face, “Sorry, it has been a long day and I just left work for the night. I won’t take up much of your time.”

My arm beckons him to come inside and when he does, I shut the door and walk towards the lounge. I make myself another drink and turn to face him, “Would you like a drink? You are allowed now right? Since you have finished for the day?”

He takes his coat off and throws it over the sofa, “I would love one thank you. After the day I have had, I deserve one.” He sits down and I walk over and hand him a drink and sit next to him and watch as he takes a sip and leans back to rest his head on the sofa closing his eyes.

Frustration rides me and I blurt out, “If you haven’t found Noah, why are you here?”

He opens one eye, sighs, then scrubs his face with his hand. “Today I have been talking to another witness that claimed to see Noah. The other one, by the way, is a dead end like I thought it would be. We found out today that Donald Blaise had paid the witness to say he had seen Noah. He had someone watching you and was hoping it would cause you to panic and lead Mr. Blaise to his son.”

I thought I had heard it all, but this pissed me off and made me realize just how desperate Donald is. I peer at the Detective totally devastated and I didn’t even notice that I was crying until he leans closer into me and his hand comes up to my face to wipe the tears away. He keeps his hand on my face and cradles it, my eyes lock onto his, his eyes that remind me so much of Noah’s. I swallow down the hurt I’m feeling, my heart skips a beat when his eyes fall to my lips. I start to pull away from him but he leans further into me and his lips find mine. In that moment I let him kiss me, it felt nice to be wanted by someone, even if it is by the wrong man.

My breath leaves my body and my heart stops dead in its tracks as the angry voice of Juan yells out, “I suggest you take your fucking filthy mouth off my woman if you want to leave this house alive!”

Oh god what I have done.
I push the Detective off me and gaze over to an enraged Juan. His breathing is ragged and his hands are clenched, trembling with anger. Juan’s intense glare makes me lower my head, ashamed of myself.

I quietly say, “Detective, you should leave now.”

He answers me with, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

I look up to watch him grab his coat and stand to put it on. He turns to Juan, “Don’t blame her. It is my fault, I over stepped the line and kissed her.”

He starts to stride across the room and when he walks past Juan, Juan grabs him by the throat and I jump from my seat shouting, “Don’t Juan! Just let him go!”

He ignores me and looks straight into the Detectives eyes and says, “You will never set foot in this house again. You will phone from now on with any news. You will no longer lust after or want Peppa again, she is off limits. Now get out of here before I break every god damn bone in your body.”

Detective Payne doesn’t even glance my way, he dusts himself down, nods at Juan and leaves the house. Juan starts to prowl his way over to me, his eyes never leaving mine. My breathing turns heavy as nerves start to bite away at my insides. Then the anger at what Juan just did shows itself, “Why did you say that to him?”

He stands in front of me breathing hard, “Say what Peppa? I can read his mind, remember! He wanted to fuck you and with the way you are dressed, he thought he would try it on with you.”

I wasn’t on about that part but the bitch in me reared its head and answered with, “At least someone wants to fuck me. You haven’t touched me for what a week now? And I wore this for you, you dickhead.”

Juan looks at me surprised, but then a sneer appears on his face, “Is that what you want Peppa? To be fucked?” He didn’t give me time to answer, he sweeps me off my feet and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal out his name and he slaps my ass, “Answer me Peppa, do you want me to fuck you?”

The only answer I can give spills from my mouth and he slaps my ass again, “Good, because I’m about to show you who you belong to and I’m not going to be gentle about it.”

He marches to the bedroom, stops at the end of the bed and launches me in the air. I bounce a couple of times on the bed and when my body stills my eyes search for Juan. His eyes are closed and pain shows clearly on his face and shame shows on mine. “I’m sorry Juan, I shouldn’t have…”

His hand shoots up, “Don’t say anymore. I’m really fucking angry right now. I need you. I need to know you belong to me.”

I open my mouth but snap it shut and nod a yes to him instead. He pulls his T-shirt aggressively over his head, his jeans are next to go and his dick stands proud, pointing in my direction, letting me know I’m in its sights. Juan’s husky voice makes me shiver in a good way and my body ignites when he says, “Peppa, if you want to wear what you have on again, remove it now or I will rip it off your body.”

Oh buddy you are so ripping it off me.
He smirks, “So be it.”

He crawls onto the bed hovering, his body looming over mine and grabs the top of my Negligee. With his strong hands he tore the top off it, then he rips it clean in two, exposing my body to him. I arch my back for him as I moan out his name and my body heats with need. His hand wraps around my throat, encasing me and not letting me move an inch. “Mine.” He says. Then he slants his mouth over mine and I open for him, to let him plunge his tongue inside. He tilts my head back with the hand still enfolded around my neck and deepens the kiss. I make some sort of moaning sound, but it gets lost in Juan’s mouth. His other hand helps him position his dick at my entrance and if I thought I couldn’t breathe from the kiss, I certainly can’t when his length enters me in one hard thrust. His mouth leaves mine and my name leaves his lips as he pounds into me. I gorge in what air I can, but it’s hard with a hand restricting your movements. He inflicts pleasure inside of me with every thrust he makes and my orgasm builds to a higher peak each time.

My emotions take over and tears gather at the corner of my eyes. I stare into his blue eyes and I see anger and the lust, but I also see his love for me and with my next words, they come straight from my heart, “I love you Juan, my heart and soul will always belong to you and Noah.”

He closes his eyes and I watch a tear escape and slide down his cheek. He lowers his head and rests his forehead on mine and whispers, “I love you too. I can’t hold back anymore.”

His thrusts become harder, my moans louder and he suddenly moves his hand away from my neck and replaces it with his mouth. My body starts to shake and my orgasm starts to flow. I feel the kiss to my neck, along with a lick, and then my eyes roll back into my head as Juan’s fangs enter my neck and he drinks from me. I have never had such an intense orgasm as the one that washes over me and I cum hard and fast, screaming like a banshee from pain and pleasure and float away into sub space.

I come back to earth with a shake of my shoulders and Juan asking me, “Are you ok Peppa? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

I have no idea why, but I start giggling, “Hurt me? Don’t be silly, I just had the best orgasm of my life.”

His eyebrows meet in the middle as he frowns, “Peppa, I bit you, I’m sorry…”

He stops talking as my hand instantly goes to my neck to feel for bite wounds and I sit up quickly and an intense feeling of guilt hits me. “You bit me?” Confusion sets in next and again, I feel guilt, but I can’t work out why.

Juan pushes himself up to sit next to me and takes my hand in his. “We are now fully entwined. It’s my feelings that you can feel. I’m sorry Peppa, I completely lost it. After seeing what that man was doing to you, my rage boiled over and this was the only way I can feel you belong to me, that you are mine.” And then my own guilt starts to build.

He takes my face in his hands and softly kisses my lips, “No, Peppa, this isn’t your fault, it’s mine. I lost control and I’m sorry for that, but I’m not sorry for fully entwining with you. No matter what happens next, you will always be a part of me now and if that’s all I have, I can live with that.”

He gets off the bed and starts to dress, I start to panic and my heart begins to ache and tears start to fall. “Juan you’re scaring me. I don’t understand. Are you walking away from me? I would have liked to have known you were going to bite me, but I will get over it.”

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