Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1) (35 page)

BOOK: Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1)
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I pulled in a ragged breath with this new information but was relieved that Jordan already addressed the issues with the hospitals.

A few moments of silence passed between us with each caught up in our own thoughts. Suddenly I giggled as I thought of what I looked like propped up in bed.

“What is so amusing, pretty lady?”

A look of relief passed over his facial features and his body relaxed with the lighter mood in the room.

I ran my hands up and down his arms enjoying the firm muscles rippling under my hands. The tactile sensation of my hands brought a smile to his face.

“I feel like an invalid lying in bed in the middle of the day.”

“It’s well into the evening now and you have good reasons for being in bed. I am still shaken about the blow you took to your head and knowing I did it…”

“Jordan. It was an accident. You would never have done that on purpose. The blow was meant for Lee and I jumped between the two of you to break up the fight. By the way, you could be in a lot of trouble for assaulting an officer.”

“I am well aware of that. Lee is a good man. He is not pressing charges against me. I was determined to see you and anyone that was in my way…well, it did not end well.”

I smiled at him as I thought of the fight that ensued between him and Lee.

“I couldn’t bear the thought of your anguish and that I was responsible for you and your business being tarnished in any way.” His eyes searched mine again for signs of distress. “I had to get to you, to see you and explain in person that the information was not correct. That I would never do anything to hurt you.”

He could not seem to keep his hands off me. His hands gently cupped my cheeks and I rubbed my face in his palms as his thumb ran across my lips.

“How are you feeling?”

“Much better, Jordy,” I whispered.

He leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on my lips.

My eyes fluttered shut as I savored the feeling of his warm beautiful lips on mine.

“Come away with me. Please. I want to take you away for a few days.”

“I am too busy at work.”

“Veronica and Andre can step in like they always do.”

“But I have a lot going on with the new office and all.”

“I understand, but three days away will do you good. It’s not overseas.”

“What about all the drama here?”

“I hire people to deal with drama.”

“I’m not sure.”


“How is that good?”

“It’s not a no.”

I laughed at our quirky banter and Jordan swooped in for a kiss.

“When and where?”

“Tomorrow, and it’s a surprise.”

“How will I know what to pack?”

“I will pack for you. You just need your essentials. I will do the rest.” He flashed a sexy smile and his blue eyes lit to their familiar brilliance.

“Fine, fine.”

“Thanks. One more thing.” He sat on the side of the bed and pulled me onto his lap. “I love you, Zoe Caine,” he whispered.

My breath caught in my throat as I gazed into his eyes.

“I want to be your best friend. Your lover. Your partner in life. In other words, darling Zoe, allow me to be your forever man.” His gaze held mine, unblinking.

I wound my arms around his neck.

“I love you, Jordan Dawson. Always have. Always will.”

Chapter 35

The smell of food cooking wafted in the bedroom and my stomach growled reminding me that I hadn’t had lunch and it was now suppertime. I laughed and Jordan crushed me to his chest.

“Time to feed you, pretty lady,” he said and stood with me in his arms.

“Wait. I need to use the restroom and make myself presentable.”

“OK. I will get something out of your closet for you to wear.” He took me to the bathroom and set me on my feet in front of the mirror.

I looked in the mirror and gasped “It’s worse than I thought.” My disheveled features stared back at me in the mirror. My hair was in a tangled mess, my nose pink from crying and my eyes were a little puffy.

I pulled a brush through my hair and secured it in a loose bun then splashed water on my face and brushed my teeth.

I wobbled back in the bedroom.

Jordan pulled off my crumpled dress and held me at arms length. His eyes roamed over my body as he took in my state of undress. His hooded gaze caught me off guard.

I wanted nothing more than to throw myself in his arms but with the last bit of self-control I had, I reached for the bra and top he held in his hand and slipped into the clothing, and then my slacks.

Jordan pulled me into his arms and gazed at me with a hunger that shook me to the core.

I squirmed against him and felt the fullness of his erection straining against the zipper of his jeans.

A gasp escaped my lips and he took the opportunity to slam his mouth against mine assaulting my senses with a deep kiss that had me wanting to beg for more.

“What you do to me. You take my breath away,” he whispered in my ear.

“You most definitely have the same effect on me,” I replied.

He kissed the top of my head and stepped away adjusting himself. He caught me gawking at him and winked at me.

I quickly turned around and walked toward the door with a smile on my face.

Jordan slipped his arms around my waist and we exited the room together.

The room was buzzing with friendly conversation and the aroma from the kitchen filled the house with the promise of great food. I took in the sight of those I cared about most in my life and my eyes misted with tears, grateful that I had such love and support.

Jenna was sitting in the recliner. David stood behind her rubbing her shoulders.

Mia was perched prettily on the side of the sofa with Philippe beside her, his hand on one of her knees.

Veronica looked across at me with her brandy colored eyes and smiled. She sat in the middle of the sofa with Trevor beside her.

Lee and Andre sat on chairs from the dining room, deep in conversation. Lee winked at me. It did not go unnoticed by Jordan; his hand tightened on my waist and pulled me closer to his side.

Aunt Suzette and Neena were busy dishing up the delicious food in the kitchen.

I sniffed the air appreciatively and smiled broadly at everyone, reassuring them that all was well in my world now. I moved around the room hugging and thanking everyone for being at my side during this awful ordeal.

“So, we’re cool with Jordan or what?” Trust Mia to pipe up to address the elephant in the room right away.

“Yes. Jordan and I are cool.” I looked up at him and smiled.

“Just making sure I can call off my boys.” She grinned.

“Can we eat now? I’m starved?” asked Jenna.

“Oh good. You’re getting an appetite then. Less nausea?” asked Veronica.

“Finally feeling a little better. The meds help. Great to eat normal food but I’m taking it slow,” Jenna said, beaming from ear to ear.

“Then you’re first in line,” David said as he helped her out of the recliner.

Jordan gently squeezed my arm and excused himself. He made his way over to Lee and shook his hand. They spoke in a low voice and relief washed over me as I saw they were both smiling.

Soon we were all scattered in the dining room and living room as we ate and conversed.

Aunt Suzette and Neena were beaming with compliments on the food from all of us.

An hour later the group slowly dispersed.

Aunt Suzette fussed over me for a few minutes. Her eyes took in my appearance and she commented on the color that was coming back into my cheeks. She placed a glass of water and a couple ibuprofens in my hand and insisted that I take them.

I sighed with contentment and I relaxed against Jordan on the living room sofa. My feet were tucked under me as Jordan held the glass of water to my lips. The cool liquid slid easily down my throat and contributed to the placid feeling that I easily succumbed to.

I yawned and leaned into the leather sofa as Jordan went into the kitchen. He returned and picked me up. I giggled as he navigated his way back to my bedroom and lay me on the bed.

“I love that sound,” he said. “I’ll never tire of your giggles and laughter. Among other sweet noises that you make. It’s…well, I hope to hear a lot more of it. I missed you like hell, my love.”

My breath caught in my throat at the sincerity in his voice and I paused for a moment with the realization that I missed him too. We’d been apart for five days (not counting Jordan’s brief visit before I left my office Tuesday) and it seemed like an eternity.

“I’m glad you made it back safe from Europe. Business was good I presume?” I asked.

“All went as planned. Just business as usual, but we will not discuss the details of acquisitions. You need to rest.” He chuckled as I pouted. “Now, let’s get you undressed.”

“Why, Jordan Dawson. My doctor would not be pleased that you want to have your way with me soon,” I said and laughed as he tickled me.

With quick movements he rummaged in one of my drawers and produced a tank top and matching bottoms.

I slipped them on and lay demurely back in the bed.

“Don’t look at me like that or I will forget my good intentions and have my way with you, Miss Caine.”

“Would you like to spend the night with me?” I asked.

“I insist on it.” He pulled off his shoes and jeans. I unabashedly stared at the absolute perfection of his chiseled body. “Turn around, or so help me…”

I quickly scooted to the middle of the bed and lay on my side facing away from Jordan. I felt the bed dip as he got in beside me.

He pulled the cover over us and scooped me against his chest.

I reached around my body to touch him and came in contact with his shirt. “You’re almost fully clothed,” I said.

“Keep your hands in front of you and go to sleep.” His voice was stern and I couldn’t help but tease him.

I should behave myself. I knew I should, but why? I wiggled my ass against him and came in contact with his growing erection. I gasped and my eyes flew open. Oh, God. He felt delicious and divine.

Jordan pushed me gently away from him and something cool and soft hit my backside.

“Did you just place a pillow between us?” I squeaked.

“I did.” His deep no nonsense voice sounded above my head.


“Go. To. Sleep.”

I grumbled and took in a loud woeful breath but refrained from plucking the pillow from behind me and tossing it against the wall.

Jordan’s arms held me steadfast and I wondered if he was smiling or cringing at my behavior.

After a few minutes, I settled down and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 36

Saturday morning I called Veronica and Andre to tell them I would be out of the office on Monday. As usual, they stepped up to the plate, so to speak and urged me to relax and enjoy my time with Jordan.

Jordan wasted no time whisking me away to the airport where we boarded his jet.

“Mimosas for both of us, please. Then breakfast,” he said to the flight attendant.

After reaching cruising altitude we sat at the table and sipped on the cold beverage.

Jordan pulled a folder from his briefcase and pushed it toward me.

“Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival. Oh, Jordan. Thank you.” I flipped the pages and scanned the information.

“I thought you would like it. I planned it a few weeks ago, but I was waiting for the right time to tell you about it.”

“I have always wanted to go but never took the time.”

“I know and was hoping you wouldn’t visit over the years. I selfishly wanted it to be with me.” He smiled, pleased with himself.

“I will absolutely love it. The place looks beautiful.”

“We can experience it together,” he said.

“Will we have time to take a canoe or boat on the lake? Maybe swim?” I asked.

“Will we ever.” He chuckled. “Can’t wait to show you what I have in mind for us to do over the next two days.”

I got up from the chair and flung myself into his arms.

“I love, love, love you. Thank you.” I rained kisses over his face and neck then settled in his lap for a kiss.

“Remind me to surprise you more. I love the rewards of your appreciation.”

After breakfast, Jordan took me to the private sleep cabin.

“This is fast becoming one of my favorite places to be,” he said.

“Mine too. I mean, how many women can say that they get laid at thirty-five thousand feet?”

“Anything to keep that smile on your face.” Jordan quickly stripped me of the summer dress he chose for me this morning. His clothing followed mine on the floor.

Jordan paused and settled me gently back on the bed. He stared into my eyes then slowly ran his hand down my neck.

“I love your neck. You have the cutest little brown moles on one side but not on the other.” He ran his tongue over the moles.

I bit my bottom lip gently as he continued his exploration of my body.

“Then there are your arms, long and graceful with a light dusting of freckles.” He lips followed his hands.

“Your breasts are perfect with yet a few more moles.” He swooped down and licked the moles then pulled his head back and gazed at me again. His head went back down to my breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and suckled gently on it. First one, then the other.

“I love the soft curve of your hips and your pretty belly button, but your legs drive me insane.” He picked up one of my legs and kissed along my thigh all the way to my calf.

My breathing slowly increased with his touch and I moaned. Delicious chills ran across my body as I anticipated more of his touch on my skin. My hands were restless. I wanted to pull his head down to my body but I was captivated by his touch.

“Then there are your delicate feet that always have just the right color nail polish on every pretty little nail.” He kissed my toes and blew on them.

I jolted from the erotic sensations playing across my skin.

Jordan smirked at me. “Oh, I have not even started to worship your gorgeous body, baby. I will unlock every erogenous zone on your body until you are completely and totally senseless with pleasure.”

“Jordan…” I gasped.

“Shhhh, babe. The best part is yet to be explored, but not with words. No, words could not suffice what incredible pleasure awaits me… But, we will take a nap and continue…”

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