Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1) (22 page)

BOOK: Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1)
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“You don’t need to go with us,” I told Erik, Jordan’s driver, as Jeremy and I walked toward the ferry that would take us to the small island.

“I have strict orders, Miss Caine. Mr. Dawson also rented a private boat to take us. Faster that way. I am not to leave your side, ma’am,” he said without a crack of smile on his face.

I was fuming, but did not want to yell on the phone with Jordan, so I decided to enjoy my time with my friend.

“I would not trust another man with my woman either, Zoe. I am fine with the extra company. Come on,” Jeremy said and held my hand as I boarded the sleek speedboat.

“My woman? Really, Jeremy?”

“Um, hey, have you looked in the mirror lately, Zoe? You have really come into yourself. Successful and relaxed in your own skin.”

Erik cleared his throat and gave Jeremy a cold stare.

Despite Erik’s babysitting, we had a fabulous time and took in the history of the old prison.

Back at the pier we had lobster and a beer then headed back to the hotel. I bid Jeremy goodbye.

Jordan met Erik and me downstairs. He was holding the elevator door open. We stepped in and I squinted my eyes at him. Jordan looked at me sheepishly, then looked down at the floor.

“Don’t do it again.”

“I’m sorry. But I can’t promise that I won’t…”

“It’s called trust.”

“Understood. I will work on that.”


He pulled me to his chest and kissed the top of my head. I leaned into him and all was forgiven. Another step in the right direction for us.

“One more meeting, then I will be ready to leave.”

Jordan walked into the suite with me.

Our luggage was packed and some clothes lay on the bed for me to wear. I sat in the living room and pulled my computer toward me and went through my email until it was time for us to head back to Houston.

The SUV took us to the private airport, and pulled in front of the door where we check in and board Jordan’s company jet.

About an hour after takeoff we were served a delicious seafood meal of clam chowder in a bread bowl and grilled California White Sea bass with roasted vegetables.

“I won’t be able to fit in my clothes if you continue to feed me all my favorite foods at once,” I commented to Jordan as I dug into the hot creamy soup.

“Like I said, I love to watch you eat. I ordered food from the Pier since we didn’t have time to eat out. I thought you would enjoy another meal of fresh seafood. Have some more wine.”

I smirked at him, but he just grinned and refilled my wine glass with chilled Francis Coppola Chardonnay.

“Now you’re trying to get me drunk?”

“Let’s make this a memorable flight. I get you tipsy on wine, then you can have your wicked way with me.” His mischievous smile was in place, and I was imagining myself all over Jordan’s hot body.

“Now that would hardly be fair taking advantage of you and all.”

“But I insist.” He rose from his seat at the table and picked up the bottle of wine.

“Well, in that case…”

Jordan wasted no time and pulled me to the sleep cabin.

“I have an insatiable appetite for your delectable body.” His hands slid over my shoulders and down my back, coming away with my dress and bra.

I held his face in my hands, all the while nibbling and kissing his lips. I quickly unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the floor then started on his pants.

“Fuck. You don’t have any underwear on.” Jordan looked down at my naked form.

“Less clothes for you to deal with.”

“If I knew that, we would have skipped dinner altogether.”

He sat on the bed. Naked. My eyes immediately went to his beautiful penis.

I climbed onto his lap and took his cock inside me with one smooth motion.

Jordan threw his head back and groaned.

I lifted my hips, then slid back down on his steel hard cock.

His hands held on to my waist, pushing me to go faster.

My lips kissed a path from his neck down to his shoulder.

Jordan’s wet mouth found my breast and latched onto a nipple. We were moving together in unison, each complimenting the other to bring pleasure to our now glistening body, as the sheen of sweat dampened our skin. Neither of us wanted to give over to the final pleasure that is inevitable in our climactic release.

Jordan flipped me onto my back on the bed and continued to slam into me. He pulled my legs over his shoulders which deepened our connected bodies even more.

I screamed Jordan’s name as I came with a jolt, my body shaking against his.

Jordan moved above me a few more times, then emptied his essence of pleasure into me. He rolled to his side pulling me with him. Our bodies were still connected as our lungs filled with much needed oxygen.

“God, babe. I can’t get enough of your body. It’s like a fine Cognac, smooth and exquisite. I could die a happy man now.” His hands moved slowly over my body.

I chuckled at his analogy of my body and snuggled closer into his chest.

After a few minutes, Jordan got up and cleaned us both off then pulled me back in his arms. “What are your plans for the weekend?” he asked.

“Haven’t thought that far. But I took today off.”

“Spend it with me.” He did that sexy whisper thing in my ear that made it hard for me to think of anything else but pleasing him. Did he know the effect he was already having on me?

“Yes,” I whispered back.

“Great. Now take a nap. We still have a little over an hour before landing.”

Sated, my eyes fluttered shut and I slept in the cozy cabin of the airplane.

Jordan woke me up and as usual, already dressed. He’d changed from the business suit to faded jeans and T-shirt and wore brown Italian loafers. His casual look was stylish and sexy showing off his broad chest and narrow hips. Yummy.

“I’ll leave these hanging behind the door for you.”

“Again, those are not my clothes.”

“They are now.” He hung the clothes on the hook and closed the door behind him as he exited to the main cabin.

I got up and eyed the clothing. I had no idea where he got the clothes, but I didn’t question it. The Miss Me jeans fits perfectly as did the top and sandals that he chose.

I will address the issue of all these mysterious clothing he magically produced for me to wear, but not now.

Chapter 22

Jordan had a car waiting for us when we landed and the driver gave him the keys to the impressive vehicle with its sleek elegant lines. I arched my brows at him but he smirked at me and opened the door of the new red Jaguar convertible.

“Admit it. You love boys with fast toys.” He patted my ass as I slid into the luxurious leather seat and secured my seat belt. Jordan got in and pushed the button to start the engine. It revved to life and we took off on Interstate 45.

“What’s there not to love about this car? I would look really cool behind her wheels.”

“Did you just call my car a she?”

“Didn’t know it was a him.”

“He thunders and roars like a beast, babe.”

“Hm. Does he have a name?”


I threw my head back and laughed at our ridiculous conversation and Jordan joined in.

“Fuck me! I’m getting a ticket. This is so your fault,” Jordan said.

Sure enough there were red and blue lights right behind the car. Jordan pulled over to the shoulder of the freeway. We sat there until the cop walked up to my side of the car due to traffic whizzing by on Jordan’s side.

“What is your emergency, sir?”

“Sorry, officer,” Jordan mumbled as he took out his license.

“Zoe? Zoe Caine! Well, I’ll be damned.”

I looked up to see Lee Drummond from high school smiling at me. “Hi, Lee. How are you? I didn’t know you were with HPD now.” I’d seen Lee at our 10-year high school reunion two years ago. He said he was with the Dallas police department then.

“Yeah. I transferred back to Houston. My dad isn’t doing well and I moved back to help my sister out with him. Say, let’s have lunch sometime soon. Catch up and all.” He got out a pad and scribbled his phone number on it.

“What the hell, buddy? I’m sitting right here beside her so you can see that she has a boyfriend, right?” Jordan growled at Lee with a no nonsense look on his face.

“Look here, buddy! I can ticket your ass again like I did last week. This is a freeway not the Indie racetrack. You were going 85 in a 65 mile an hour zone.”

“Wait. You ticketed him last week?” I looked at Jordan who was looking anywhere but at me now. Busted!

“Oh, yes. He has all these fancy car’s driving around Houston like a speed demon.”

“Can I go now? And by the way, no, she can’t have lunch with you.”

“That’s it! You can have another of these pink slips here and I’ll see you in court where I hope your driver’s license gets revoked.” Lee was busy scribbling again.

“No! No, please, Lee. Just let us go and yes, I will have lunch with him if I want to.” I squinted my eyes at Jordan who now had a real pissed off look on his face, but thankfully kept his mouth shut this time.

“Just for you I’ll let it slide, Zoe. But I have your number, buddy; next time…” Whatever Lee was saying got lost in the wind as Jordan took off on the freeway.

“Are you out of your frigging mind? He can still give you a ticket, Jordan. Don’t make it worse and you need to slow the hell down. You’re back up to 70, for Christ’s sake.”

Jordan slowed down to the posted speed limit but was clearly not happy. “Dickhead. I was sitting right beside my girlfriend and he asks her out on a date. Who the hell does that?”

“Your girlfriend?”

“Yes.” He lifted his chin in defiance, not backing down.

Fine, two can play at this game. “I don’t remember you asking me to go steady with you.”

“Go steady? Like we have to talk first then go steady, then I ask you to be my girlfriend?”

“Yeah. Something like that.”

“Zoe, will you be my steady girlfriend?”

I could not help but laugh again.

“Good. I will take that as a yes and I’ll call Dickhead and tell him to fuck off.” Jordan took the paper from me and stuck it in his pocket.

“You will do no such thing. He is a friend. Plus, it’s always good to know a cop.”

“I know the chief of police.”

“I know the mayor.”
Were we really doing this?

“I know the governor of Texas, so there,” Jordan responded.

“You do?”


We laughed at the silly banter between us and I was struck again at the handsomeness of the man beside me.

Pure eye candy. His dark blond hair played off natural highlights from the setting sun and his smile lit up his face. Dark aviator sunglasses hide his brilliant blue eyes that I know were twinkling with mirth.

“Fine. You can go to lunch with us if you behave yourself.”

He sat back in the seat and sulked but didn’t turn down the invitation.

I was pretty sure that he’d go, despite hating the idea of having lunch with Lee. I turned my head, looked out the window and smiled. He was totally possessive and a little jealous. That was not such a bad thing as long as it was just a little.

Jordan pulled the car into a parking garage of a high-rise building in downtown Houston and parked beside an elevator marked Private. We got out of the car and were met by an attendant who held the elevator door for us to enter. Jordan’s driver pulled up beside us in a new black Land Rover. Jordan spoke with him briefly then got in the elevator.

He chatted with the young man who caught him up to the latest weather that was the same when we left a couple days ago, hot and humid. We exited and walked down the hall to another elevator. There was only one button in this swanky elevator, which I assumed was also private for Jordan only.

We arrived on another floor and stepped out into a large room with elegant furnishings. It had a fully stocked bar at one side of the room and a small wooden dance floor off to the side. Floor to ceiling windows showed off the twinkling lights of the city below. We walked through this area to a double wooden door. Jordan pushed some numbers on the keypad and used his index finger for ID. A green light blinked and he opened the door.

“Thanks, Mike. Have a good evening, man.” Jordan tipped the young man that escorted us.

“Let me show you around.” Jordan took my hand and led me into his penthouse. I was stunned at the sparsely decorated space of his living room. There were marble floors throughout the space and again massive floor to ceiling windows allowed a spectacular view of the city and its surrounding areas.

“Did you get robbed?” I asked, since there was only a TV and sofa. The high ceiling of the room made the furniture look like toys.

Jordan laughed. “No. I am only just moving in here. This building is new and they’re still working on parts of it.” We walked through the living room to the office that was elegantly furnished with modern cherry wood furnishings. “I haven’t had much time to work from home, so I’ve not used this home office.” He showed me the guest bedroom, which was a suite in itself, but void of furnishings, then the master bedroom suite that was fully furnished.

“The space is gorgeous,” I said. “You just need a decorator to fill it with equally gorgeous furnishings.”

He led me back to the living room and into the kitchen. I paused to admire the beautiful gourmet kitchen with state of the art appliances and granite countertop. The adjoining dining room was completely empty.

“Actually, I waited to get the place decorated because I wanted you to sort of put your Zoe touch on it. I remember you used to love art and decorating. You went nuts shopping for stuff with Jenna when they bought their first home.”

I was stunned at his request and touched that he remembered my love of art. I did love to decorate and had a keen sense of decorating style.

“That is so sweet, Jordan, but I’m not sure I have the time and this is a massive project, like professional huge and I don’t feel that I have the knowledge to do it justice.” Which was true. I could see that he knew it would be too time consuming, but then he smiled and I knew he had it figured out. “What?” I asked.

“I have an interior designer, but I would like her to get your approval on everything she does. I want you to choose as much of the furnishings and art as your time will allow. She will have all that you need, and if she does not, then tell her what you want and she’ll find it. You can shop from Italy, to South America, Africa.

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