Forever Night Sins (6 page)

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Authors: B.J. McCall

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BOOK: Forever Night Sins
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“Tell me how you feel.”

“Elated. Warm and fuzzy.”

“I wish you could stay.”

“Help me get out of here. I can’t afford to lose my job.”

He climbed off of her and helped her to her feet. This was the first time Harper had seen his cock flaccid. The vampire was hung.


Egan helped her dress, then slipped into his clothes. “Are you okay?”

Harper giggled. “I feel like I’m coming down from a major high.”

“I didn’t take any blood.” He hadn’t wanted to force the bond. Egan wanted Harper to come to him because she wanted him, not because he’d mesmerized her by sucking her blood during climax. “You’re sex drunk.”

“There’s no such thing.”

“Then perhaps you’re in love?”

Her gaze narrowed. “I need a drink of water.”

He took her hand and walked her into the living room. He stepped behind the wet bar and poured a glass of water from the tap.

She drank the entire glass. “I need to pee.”

He pointed to the hallway. “First door on your left.”

She returned to the living room a few minutes later. “This place is amazing. I’ve never seen such a big shower.”

“Big enough for two. Maybe we’ll share it one day. Your next day off?”

“I’m on duty two more nights then I have four days off.”

He put his arm around her shoulder and they left the penthouse. He walked her back to her vehicle. “Four days. We could spend it here.”

“Sounds like fun.” She kissed him goodbye and slid behind the wheel. “Will you be here tomorrow night?”

“I’ll be waiting.”

Egan opened the gate and watched her drive away. He’d taken a big chance bringing her here, exposing his lair outside the Cemetery.

Loving Harper was a risk, but over the last three centuries Egan had learned a higher risk brought a better reward.

Chapter Six


Midnight had come and was long gone when Harper arrived at the gate. Egan had spent the waiting hours worrying that something would prevent her from coming and agonizing over the possibility that she’d changed her mind.

She climbed out of her vehicle, already stripped of her weapons belt, jacket and boots. She looked around, searching for him in the darkness. “Egan?”


She turned toward him and gave him a smile that vanquished his fears.

Egan stepped toward her and pulled her into his arms. “How long do you have?”

“Not long. Let’s hurry.”

He picked her up and carried her into the penthouse. In the bedroom, clothes were taken off and tossed aside.

Her skin glowed and radiated heat. Egan wished he had hours to caress every sleek curve and tantalizing hollow.

She rushed toward him, jumping into his arms. Egan caught her and fell back on the bed. “Ride me. I want to look at you while we fuck.”

She straddled his thighs, and Egan groaned at the sight of her pussy. He grasped her by the hips, sliding her up his chest. “Ride my face. I want to taste you.”

Harper planted a knee on either side of his head. “No biting.”

Egan grinned and licked his fangs, then plunged his tongue inside the pink folds of her pussy. Her blood-enriched flesh was a vampire feast, but Egan was careful not to nick her skin.

She rolled her hips, adding to the pleasure. The desire to sink his fangs into her lush flesh hit him like a rush, but now wasn’t the time to take that pleasure. He controlled the urge to feed and concentrated on Harper’s pleasure. He found her clit with the tip of his tongue and fastened his lips on the tight bud. He sucked, drawing firmly, lushly until she came, delighting his tongue with her hot nectar.

“I don’t have much time.”

“Ride me. Fuck me hard.”

Harper sank down on his cock, her pussy blistering hot against his flesh. He loved her tight heat. But what Egan loved most was looking at her, watching the play of emotion on her face and the bounce of her lovely breasts as her hips undulated.

Egan grabbed her ass, palming both cheeks. Fueled by need and a running clock, the sex was aggressive, the climax arriving far too fast. He wanted more. He wanted time.

. Time was the one thing vampires had over humans. Time was always running short for humans.

Harper was breathing hard. “I feel like I just ran a marathon.”

Egan pulled her down, pressing her breasts against his chest. Her heart was pounding and heat poured from her skin. He wanted to hold her forever.

“I want more time. Spend your days off with me here. We can sleep all day and make love all night.”

“Make love or fuck?”

The ultimatum was subtle, but Egan welcomed the fact she wanted a distinction. “Hours, days to make love and fuck the woman I love.”

She climbed off of him and scrambled out of his bed, the physical distance speaking as loudly as her words. “We can’t be in love. I’m DSA and you’re --”

“Undead. Bloodsucker. Night creature. Pick one that best describes me.”

“You’re the enemy.”

“Enemies fall in love. Have we?”

She raked her slender fingers through her hair. “I don’t know. I’ve got to get back to work.”

Egan climbed out of bed and picked up the clothing they’d discarded. They dressed quickly.

“I’m sorry, I have to go.”

He picked her up.

“I can walk.”

Light as a pillow, Harper hummed with heat and life. “I like having you in my arms.”

Egan carried her to the garage. He set her on her feet by her vehicle and kissed her soundly. “I never want to let you go. I want to be with you every night.”

Harper stepped out of his arms and slid into the driver’s seat. “We’re breaking the law. If we get caught we’ll both pay. The cost is high.”

“The price of night sins.”

“Sounds better than unholy alliance.”

“Tomorrow night we’ll make plans.”

Egan watched as she slipped on her uniform jacket. She gripped the wheel and looked at him. “Are we crazy, Egan? What we’re doing is dangerous.”

“We’re in love.”

She smiled at him. “I’d hate to think we were just fucking.”

Chuckling softly, Egan closed the door and watched her drive away.

He knew Harper still had doubts, but Egan was sure of his feelings. He was happy, truly happy when they were together. It wasn’t just a blood attraction. He’d made love with her two nights in a row without taking a sip of her blood. He prided himself on control, but Egan couldn’t change the fact he needed blood to survive.

He needed a drink, but no way was he scouring the bars for a human female to slake his thirst. Egan secured the penthouse and headed back to the Cemetery and his government issued ration of cold animal blood.

He must be in love to choose that crap over a hot sip.

Chapter Seven


Harper turned into the parking garage. She was cutting it close. Dawn was only a couple hours away. Would Egan still be here?

She had no idea if he spent his days in the penthouse or the Cemetery. Where did he get blood? From humans frequenting the hotel bar? Not likely. Word would get out if the bar clientele were being bitten, and the last thing he’d want was a DSA raid on the hotel. That left Egan two choices, stalking the streets or sucking up the government rations delivered to the Cemetery complex.

The moment her headlights reached the gate, the barrier began to open. She drove to her usual parking slot, shut off the engine and removed her jacket.

Egan opened the door. “I was afraid you wouldn’t make it. All night I heard sirens.”

“There was a big riot downtown.” She climbed out of her patrol vehicle. “The food dispensary ran out and all hell broke loose.”

They hustled toward the penthouse. “People were shot. Blood all over the streets. While the city cops were getting the riot under control the DSA had to converge to deal with the vampires. They tore into the crowd, attacking the wounded. We lit up the area with UV, but they kept coming.”

“The lure of fresh human blood overrides caution.”

“They’re all dead, along with a bunch of humans. Why don’t the vampires stay inside the Cemetery? The government gives them rations.”

“Given the opportunity, any prisoner chooses to escape. No one, vampire or human, enjoys being locked up. The rations barely feed us.”

“I didn’t kill the vampires. I was within ten feet of one of them and I couldn’t burn her, much less shoot her. She was just a kid, no more than thirteen. I froze. The sergeant on-scene had to take her down. He’ll write up an official reprimand.”

“I’m sorry.” Egan drew her into his arms. “You’ve had a terrible night.”

Harper slid her arms around his torso and held him tight. “It’s likely I’ll be pulled off street duty.”


“I can’t go on patrol until my watch commander believes I won’t fuck up.”

“I’ve put you in a difficult position.”

Harper didn’t want to have to choose between Egan and her career. Jobs were scarce and most of the city’s population was barely scratching out a living.

Loving Egan made no sense. Wanting him was reckless. Being with him was dangerous. But resisting him was impossible.

He kissed her, their lips meeting eagerly. His fang nicked her lower lip. A groan tore from deep within him. He jerked up his head.

“It’s just a nick.”

“You have no idea what it’s like to taste fresh human blood.”

“I hope I taste good.”

“Imagine the most delicious food, something you crave but can’t have.”

“Chocolate. It’s so expensive I haven’t tasted it in years.”

“You’re double-rich chocolate, the finest quality.”

She unfastened the waistband of his pants. “You’re ice on a hot day.”

“You like ice?”

Harper unzipped him and slid to her knees. “I love sucking on ice when it’s blistering hot.”

She palmed him, found him already hard and ready. Harper flicked the head of his cock with the tip of her tongue before sucking him into her mouth. His flesh was cool and silky smooth.

He slid his fingers into her hair. “Feels so good.”

She wrapped her hand around the thick base of his cock and fastened her mouth around him, tugging and sucking. Moaning, he rocked his hips. Harper responded, taking more of him into her mouth. Egan moaned and his grip on her hair tightened. She fisted him and sucked harder. His cock jerked. A satisfied gasp followed.

Egan drew her to her feet. “No one’s done that to me in a very long time.”


“For a vampire, sex and blood are intertwined.”

“Like our first night?”

He slipped his arms around her waist. “I’ve never had to chain anyone to the wall.”

“You scared the hell out of me. I thought you were going to kill me.”

“That was the plan but I wanted you to suffer, to pay for Noah.”

“I’m sorry, but I had to protect that asshole and his camera guy. Tell me, why did you change your mind?”

“I liked you. You didn’t cry or snivel or beg. You didn’t break.”

“If I had, would you have hurt me?”

He slid a hand beneath her top and ran a fingertip along the length of her spine. “You were too damn sexy to hurt. All I wanted to do was fuck you.”

“And bite me?”

“That too. You’re beautiful and delicious.”

At times like this it was impossible to think of him as a vampire. How had he managed to retain his humanity when so many others hadn’t? Egan was one of the old ones. At the turn of the century, the vampires were cultured and rich. They were accepted by society.

“The first time I laid eyes on you, I had a clean shot. I hesitated.”


“You aren’t like any vampire I’ve encountered. You impressed me. You were in control. The vampires I usually engage, like the ones at the riot, are vicious. Crazed with bloodlust.”

“Gangbangers with fangs?”

“I’d never thought of a vampire as handsome or kind, and sexy was out of the question.”

“You’re turning me on, my love, but we’ll have to wait until sundown. Will you come to me, or should I collect you in one of the cars? I’d like to see where you live. You don’t have a roommate do you?”

“I don’t have a roommate, but picking me up is too dangerous.”

Harper didn’t want Egan anywhere near her apartment. Danik lived in her building and he had a key. One glance and Danik would know Egan was a vampire.

“No one pays attention to chauffeurs.”

“In my neighborhood they would. I’ll take the bus to the city museum and walk the rest of the way.”

“Get here before sundown. I don’t have to tell you how dangerous the streets are after dark.” He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her. “I love you.”

“Are you going back to the Cemetery?”

“It’s too close to dawn. I’ll have to stay here.”

“How are you getting blood?”

“I’m not preying on humans if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Take a sip.”

“I can handle it.”

Harper pulled up her top, exposing her breasts. “Suck me.”

A flash of red tinted his silvery eyes. He was hungry.

“Do it. Just a sip to get you through the day.”

Egan cupped her left breast and closed his mouth over her nipple. He suckled deep and strong.

She wanted him, the desire so intense Harper moaned. She unfastened her pants and pushed them off her hips.

Understanding her need, Egan slipped his hand between her legs and pushed two long, cool fingers inside her. He pumped his fingers and massaged her clit with the pad of his thumb. His fangs pricked her skin.

Her blood turned to fire. Her pussy convulsed, and Harper shuddered with pleasure.

Egan withdrew his fangs and licked her wounds as he brought her to climax again. He pulled out his fingers and stuck them in his mouth. He sucked them clean. “You are delicious.”

Harper pulled up her pants and fastened them. “I’ve got to go.”

“I didn’t take much.”

“I know. If you had I’d be woozy. I feel great. You know how to make a girl come.”

Egan opened the door and escorted her back to her vehicle. He gave her a brief kiss. “Thank you. I needed the sustenance.”

“I needed the climax.”

“I love you, Harper. Take care.”

She put on her jacket and climbed into her vehicle. “See you after sundown.”

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