Forever Night Sins (3 page)

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Authors: B.J. McCall

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He crossed her wrists and clamped a large cold hand around them. He was forceful and so damn strong she might as well be cuffed. “I can’t feel my hands.”

“That’s the least of your worries. Let’s go.”

? A horrible thought bloomed in her brain. If he took her to the Cemetery she’d be torn apart.

Harper tried to plant her feet, but he pushed her forward. “I can snap your arms like twigs. Don’t tempt me.”

Keeping a tight hold on her wrists, he marched her into the dark recesses of the building. It was black as pitch, but the vampire had no trouble navigating. She was turned right, then left.

“Stairs,” he said, warning her seconds before she reached them.

. Silently, she counted. He turned to the left. Ten steps later he stopped. Harper had memorized the path, but even if he released her she’d never beat him to her vehicle.

He spun her around, shoved her up against a wall and manacled a wrist. She struck out, her fist connecting with his body. Pain exploded in her hand and radiated up her arm. The vampire grabbed her other hand and snapped a restraint around her wrist.

Although she was blind in the darkness, Harper knew he was standing in front of her. Mustering her anger and strength, she raised her right knee and went for his crotch.

Instead of connecting with his vampire junk, her knee slammed into his hand. His fingers dug into flesh. Pain rocketed through her knee. “Bastard.”

He tightened his grip. “Try that again and you’ll limp for the rest of your life.”

The pain was so intense her eyes welled with tears. “Fuck you.”

“That wasn’t the plan,” he said, in that silky voice. “But I’ll give your request consideration.”

What was the plan? Whatever it was, it wasn’t good.

I’m gonna die

Chapter Three


Sex wasn’t part of his revenge. Egan wanted the agent to pay for killing Noah. Pay in sweat and fear. He knew what she was, what she did night after night against his kind. Still, she tempted him.

Nostrils quivering, he inhaled, drawing in her amazing scent. The incredible mix of woman and blood pushed all thought of torture out of his mind. A slow sweep of desire moved through him. Egan wanted to taste her, savor the tangy sweetness of her blood.

Damn the devil, he wanted her. Desire coiled, tighter and tighter, low in his groin.

He released her knee and placed his hands on her thighs. Kneeling, he slid his palms along the length of her legs to her ankles. The thought of her naked with her long legs wrapped around his waist bloomed in his brain. Ripping off her hated DSA uniform would be fun and with all that anger boiling inside her, Agent Croix would be deliciously hot.

Egan licked his fangs. Just smelling her kept them extended and sharp.

Gripping her ankles, Egan pulled her legs apart. He leaned close, his nose a breath away from the juncture of her thighs. Scented heat poured from her body, teasing the cold skin on his face. Raw hunger coiled in his groin. For the first time in a very, long time, Egan was mesmerized.

He wanted to see her naked. He wanted to lick, kiss, fuck and feed.

She shifted her hips from side to side, trying to move away from him, but all she did was arouse him more.

He wanted to hear her cry, but not in pain. What better torture than to bring her to climax? Egan grinned. She’d hate every second of pleasure. She’d hate herself for succumbing.

Wisely, she didn’t try to kick him as he shackled her ankles. He stood and flicked on a battery-powered lamp. He wanted Croix to see her tormentor.

She pulled at the restraints, rattling the chains he’d mounted into the walls. He’d set up this room just for her, his prisoner.

Egan touched his fingertip to her cheek. Her skin was soft and warm. Her face was delicate and her green eyes captivating. Her kick-ass attitude and her spiky hairstyle diminished her natural femininity.

Lifting her chin in defiance, she glared at him.

Egan had to admire her. Most humans were whimpering, sobbing fools when confronted by vampires. But not Croix. She was going to make him earn every tear and every sigh.

The challenge stirred him to touch and to taste. Egan licked his fangs.

She didn’t bat an eye or utter a word. Her only reaction was to ball her hands into fists.

Damn, she was going to be hot.

Egan unfastened the reinforced anti-vampire collar of her uniform jacket, exposing her neck. She didn’t make a sound.

Slowly, he slid a fingernail along the front of her red jacket, opening the seam. Beneath she wore a form-fitting, red top. The thin material clung to her chest like a second skin. “My favorite color.”

Hate radiated from her eyes. “Bloodsucker.”

Chuckling softly at her intended insult, Egan unclasped her pants and pulled them down. Her underwear matched her top, blood red.

Drawn by her female scent, he kneeled. Egan ran his hands up her thighs, over her belly and around to her buttocks. She was sleek, soft and hot.

He squeezed her butt cheeks, then slipped a hand between her legs. Desire grabbed his balls.
Not yet

He rested his hands on her hips and stood, then continued his exploration. He cupped her breasts and buried his face in the crook of her neck. Her skin was soft, lightly scented with lemon. Her breasts were firm, her nipples hard pebbles against his palms. Beneath his right hand, her heart pounded. Fast and furious, her veins pulsed against his lips. The sensation was so tantalizing Egan ached to bite, to suck and to feed. Tasting her would be akin to an orgasm. He ached, fangs tingling and cock throbbing.

He lifted his head, torn between desire and revenge. She had to atone for Noah. She had to know it was Egan’s choice whether she lived another day. But torture took various forms.

Croix would likely prefer a quick death to becoming a vampire’s source of nourishment and pleasure, a toy controlled by his will and desire. Egan knew he could make Croix want him. She’d hate every touch, every climax and every sip, but her body would crave him.

“Are you a virgin, Agent Croix?”


His question surprised her. Why did he ask? What did he have in mind? “None of your business!”

She gritted her teeth as the vampire slipped a long, cold finger beneath her bikini underpants. Harper tried to pull away.

“Don’t resist. I haven’t trimmed my nails.”

Harper froze. Vampires had sharp nails capable of cutting flesh.

He slid his finger inside her, slowly pumping in and out. “Hot, so hot.”

“I’m alive, asshole. What did you expect?”

He withdrew his finger. “Have you had sex with a vampire?”

“I don’t fuck dead things.”

“I’ll be your first, but that wasn’t exactly what I meant by virgin.”

Harper realized he wanted to know if she’d been bitten before. She hadn’t, but why tell him anything?

He touched two fingertips against her throat. “Your heart rate is sky high, and your skin is smooth as silk. So delicate.”

Fear laced down Harper’s spine. She’d seen the aftermath of a vampire feeding. The images were burned into her memory. Humans sucked dry in minutes with throats torn, arms slashed and breasts bitten. Perspiration trickling down her temples, she hunched her shoulders and lowered her chin.

“This is going to be fun.” He grasped the hem of her top and pulled it up, exposing her breasts. He slid his thumbs over her nipples. “Vampire fun.”

“Cold, dead hands. Yeah, it’s a real turn-on for me.”

His silver eyes flashed red.

She glared right back at him. “Don’t like being dead?”

He smiled. Not the shit-eating grin she’d seen before, but a genuine smile that changed his face, made him appear human. Except for the pale skin.

“I liked being alive,” he said. “But one learns to make adjustments.”

“One has to learn to suck off the living.”

“Among other pleasures,” he said, sliding his hands down to the hem of her underwear. “Like body heat.”

Harper trembled as the vampire pulled down her underwear. He didn’t rip and tear, but slid them slowly down to her knees.

“You smell delicious.”

Between the oppressive heat and the fear of what he was going to do, Harper was sweating bullets. Too bad he wasn’t offended by her scent.

He ran his fingertips up her thighs, over her belly and up to her breasts. His palms were cool against her hot skin. Although his hands were powerful, his touch was tender. He knew how to control his strength, use his fingers to caress.

He rolled a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Does that feel good?”

It did, but she wasn’t going to tell him.

He cupped her chin, holding it gently but firmly and brushed his lips over hers. “Lush.”

Harper shivered as he turned her head. He licked her neck, the points of his fangs sliding along her flesh. She closed her eyes and sucked in a breath, steeling herself for his bite.

“Throbbing,” he whispered, his lips against her skin. “Excited?”

Harper didn’t want to acknowledge the mixture of fear and excitement he induced. His touch was seductive. Part of her wanted him to attack and get it over with, but mostly she wanted to survive.

He lowered his head and licked her nipples, then selected the right breast and suckled, deep and strong.

Fear mingled with pleasure. How was it possible to enjoy the touch of his dead lips?

He stroked, sucked and kissed. Her body turned traitor, responding to the vampire’s lips, mouth and tongue. Damn.


“Did your compliments work on women a few centuries ago, or did you have to tie them up as well?”

He raised his head and looked her in the eye. “Not into foreplay?”

Harper expected the vampire to go for her throat, but he stripped off his shirt. His skin was pale and smooth. His shoulders were broad and his arms were sculpted with muscle. After slipping out of his shoes, he took off his pants. His hips were lean and his legs long and muscular. He reminded Harper of the white marble statues displayed in the big museum downtown, except what hung between his legs was fully erect, dispelling the thought he’d taken off his clothes to keep them clean and the only thing he wanted was her blood.

He stood so close the head of his cock touched her belly.

Harper stiffened, her muscles clenching.

Instead of grabbing her and slamming her back against the wall, the vampire kissed her. His lips moved over hers, gently, but he was wise not to put his tongue in her mouth. He might have fangs, but she had teeth.

He pressed kisses along the column of her neck. Heart pounding and muscles quivering, Harper waited for his vicious bite. Images of her throat torn and her blood spilling flashed in her brain.
Make it quick

To her surprise he wrapped his arms around her and drew her tight against him. “You’re so warm, soft and warm.”

Harper’s retort about his cold skin died. She gasped at the pinpricks breaking her skin and cried out, more in fear than in pain. His fangs sank into her flesh.

This was it, how her life would end. Her fellow officers would find her half naked and chained.

Her muscles jerked. Heat shot through her. Her heart slammed against her chest wall.

The vampire stroked her back, calming her. He didn’t rip her skin or tear at her throat. He suckled, gently. Taking his time. Drinking her blood.

Euphoria replaced fear. The furious pounding of her heart subsided. He withdrew his fangs and licked her neck. Weightless and woozy, Harper slumped against the vampire’s chest.

Then darkness.

* * *

Harper awoke and opened her eyes. Bathed in blue light, she was lying flat on her back, fully dressed and helmeted, in the doorway of a building. Had she been knocked out?

She shook off the lethargy and spotted her light wand. She picked up her weapon and forced herself to stand. Unsteady, she grasped the doorframe for support and took the few steps to her vehicle. After climbing inside, she locked the doors and leaned her helmet against the wheel.

The memories came slowly at first, then like darts. She’d been captured, touched and bitten. Jerking her head up, Harper pulled off her helmet and unfastened the collar of her uniform. Looking in the rearview mirror, she saw the telltale wounds. Two perfect holes on the left side of her neck.

Why hadn’t the vampire killed her? Why had he treated her so gently?

How much blood had he taken?

She grabbed a sports drink out of the drink holder and swallowed the sugary contents. Just one bite shouldn’t turn her into a vampire, but if the agency found out Harper would be removed from duty and sent to the infection center for curing. Bitten agents never returned to the job. They disappeared, never to be seen again.

“Agent Croix. Report

Harper recognized the dispatcher’s mellow voice. She and Danik had dated for a few weeks, but they were better friends than lovers. When she was out in the field and Danik was on duty, he watched over her. She keyed her com-unit. “Croix here.”

“Are you okay? You haven’t answered the radio in over an hour.”

How long had she been with the vampire? How long had she been out? “I was checking a building. Reception sucks in this area.”

“How about a drink after shift?”

“I’m bushed.” Harper didn’t want Danik to see her bite marks. “Can we do it tomorrow?”

“Your status?”

Harper figured Danik’s boss must be within earshot. “Vehicle patrol. Cemetery.”


Harper started the vehicle and backed out of the alley. She drove around the Cemetery wondering if
had already slipped back inside the windowless complex. Or was the vampire on a rooftop watching her?

She didn’t want to think of
as anything but a bloodsucker, but the visual memory of his pale physique and those silvery eyes wasn’t easily dismissed. And his touch. The memory sent a shiver down her spine. A shiver of arousal she didn’t want to remember.

No man had ever touched her as if he were memorizing every curve of her flesh. No man had ever chained her to a wall, either. She pushed away the memory of those cool, powerful hands on her skin.

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