Forever Mine (Providence Series Book 1)

BOOK: Forever Mine (Providence Series Book 1)
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Text copyright © Mary B Moore

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Wow, this is a hard one. I’ve been so lucky to have people holding my hand from start to finish on this book and I’m so grateful to them all and to all of the bloggers and individuals who have promoted me and supported me in the weeks running up to the release of Forever Mine. You guys rock! You’ll see that in the dedications the phrases I’d be lost without you guys and I love you are said a lot- that’s because this is the complete truth. No one told me that this would be as hard as it was and without all of the support that I’ve had, I don’t think I’d be hitting publish.

To my family - thank you for being amazing and for supporting me and pushing me to get the damn thing done, I’m the luckiest girl in the world and I love you all banyak. And to my son - there is nothing in this world that equates to the love that you give me, and hearing you talk about me with pride is what got me to the 2 words I thought I’d never see - The End. Love you sayang and this book is for you. xox

To Eve Montelibano - I would be lost without you. Thank you for holding my hand and for being the beautiful woman that you are, for all of the hours that you’ve spent helping me and for getting me to the publishing stage. I love you millions.

Rhonda & Kiki - you mean the world to me and have made this book possible with your encouragement and support. I love you guys.

Jen, thank you for your encouragement and support from the very beginning and for all of the hours of laughs that we had over Cole and for pushing me to get this done. You’re amazing and I love you.

To my beautiful CJ- Thank you for every second you gave me of your time, for your knowledge, support, encouragement and for being you. Love you bubba

Sarah Curtis - You’ve stayed patient with me, pointed me in the directions that I needed to go and you’ve kept my spirits high throughout, thank you so much…….but I’m laying claim to Mace, he’s mine. Love ya honey!

Trinity Hanrahan- Thank you for the awesome cover, website and all of the graphics that you’ve done for me; be ready for the next demands coming soon. You’ve made this book what it is.

Emily & Shawn - Thank you for being my besties, insomnia buddies, my sounding boards, pushing me forward and for everything else that you do for me. I’d be lost without you guys and love you both very much!

And finally……..

To my boys- you bastards! For those of you who don’t know the story these assholes backed me into a corner to publish my work - something i’d never considered or wanted to do.
You guys set me up, you emotionally blackmailed me and then you did the ultimate jackass move and double dared me with no returnseys.
Well here you go, I’ve done it so: roses are red, violets are blue, I’ve got 5 fingers the third ones for you! That said, I love you guys and thanks for 20 years of fun!




Jaysus but it was hot out.
I'd been guilted into spending the day helping out on the family farm instead of working in my garage in town, and if I had been in there today like normal, I wouldn't be sweating my ass off in ninety degrees of heat and sun. Why had I said yes? Oh yeah, because of my mom. None of us could ever say no to her. With four boys and a girl under her belt, she pretty much had the entire family wrapped around her little finger.

At least, it was Friday so I could head into town tonight to get rid of this tension that felt like it was suffocating me. A couple of days ago I'd seen a dark blonde in Coopers while I was picking up some groceries. It had been her hair that had initially got my attention because it was so unfamiliar and between my brothers and me we pretty much knew all of the females in the county.
I'd stared waiting for her to turn around because if the back was that amazing, then God would be a cruel man to make the front less than the back. When she turned and started walking in my direction, I'd been floored - who the fuck was this beauty? Was she passing through or staying in the area?

She'd turned just then, and I remember struggling to breathe for the second that we looked at each other for, until Grandad suddenly stuck his face in mine scaring the shit out of me!

"Ren boy! I was beginning to think you'd skipped the county. Where the hell you been and what are we staring at?"

By that point, I was twisting and trying to look around him back at the angel, but the old bastard was deliberately blocking my view and when he finally moved she was gone. For the last three days all I could think about was her, seriously seeing was believing when it came to how beautiful she’d been.
The problem was I'd been back to town every day since and had gone into Coopers and hung around the area and there was no sign of her. I thought at one point I'd seen her driving a new black Escalade around, but it turned out to be George Montgomerys because he'd driven it into my garage yesterday saying that there was an electrical fault in the driver door that needed to be dealt with. Who was she? Was she gone now? I rubbed a hand down my face and decided I needed to get laid tonight to get my man card back because I was obsessing over this girl like chicks did over guys.

"Hey, sweetie,” Mom said as I walked in.
She walked up and handed me a cold damp cloth to wipe my face and neck down and then handed me a huge glass of ice tea.

"Hey Ma,” my younger brother Cole yelled as he walked in before I could thank her.
I watched as she gave him the exact same, but that was just so he didn't get jealous.
Like she could tell what I was thinking, she caught my eye and winked at me - I’m so her favorite!

"Now don't y'all forget that the interior designer is coming to look at y'all's houses, okay?” She said hands on hips.

Mom had organized this weeks ago when she'd found out that someone’s niece was moving here and that she was an interior designer. Our parents had built us our own homes on the property on our 18th birthdays.
Obviously, it takes a while for houses to be built and all so we moved in when we were 19 or 20 when they were completed, but on our 18th's we had sat down with an architect, a plan was decided and we were allowed to choose where we wanted them to be on the land the family owned.
I'd been living in mine for seven years, and in all that time I hadn't really lifted a finger to change the place or decorate it aside from hanging some pictures or shelves or shit like that.
My excuse was I didn't ever have the time, but the truth was I didn't know what the fuck to do with it. Then mom came in with this curve ball and now I was feeling a bit protective of my home and trusting a stranger to decorate it.
I mean, they didn't know me and what I liked and they didn't live there so how would they decorate it for me?

“Shit ma we know, you’ve been going on about it for weeks now. Whats wrong with how they look?" Cole whined.
He was such a little bitch. Even my baby sister, Layla, didn't whine as much as he did.

"Y'all haven't done one thing to those houses since they were built. The walls are still covered in white primer and the floors are bare wood for the love of God,” she said throwing her hands up in the air in the way she did when she was truly exasperated.

"Now Ma, you taught us better than to leave our wood bare,” Cole replied with a smirk on his face just as I took a gulp of my iced tea which I sprayed all over the kitchen floor.

“Cole Jessop Townsend!
That are...I don't even know what to say back to that comment apart from the fact that you will eat your words the day you meet the girl who is yours, and you'll regret your tom catting when she finds out about it and you see the look on her face. Now get your mind outta the gutter and start thinking about what you're gonna ask her to do to your home, and you Renwick Samuel Townsend, go get a cloth and clean your mess off the floor. I swear I raised y'all better than this, you get this from your father's family,” she walked away to the pantry muttering under her breath.

"Speaking of which, last night at Jilly's I saw the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen in my life. I've never seen her around here before, but she walked in with the Montgomery’s and hand to God she has unrivaled beauty in these parts,” Cole told me as I mopped my spit and tea off the floor while laughing at him using the term ‘unrivaled beauty’. He’d obviously been lifting Mom’s Harlequin books again; any other pubescent teen would hit Playboy or go online, but not Cole - he’d loved a ‘happy’ ending to his fantasies. Then again, didn’t all teenage boys want a happy ending to their fantasies, but Cole hadn’t thought outside the box and had stolen Mom’s books one by one until she found them in his closet.
Of course, we’d never let him live it down since we’d found out.

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