Forever Distraction (Distraction #3) (33 page)

BOOK: Forever Distraction (Distraction #3)
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He lightened the kiss after
a long, frenzied moment, and the tender Jason was back, urging me to love him with my lips. This was my favorite place, right here with the man who wants to live forever with me. We broke the kiss, slowly catching our breaths. Tears filled his shiny green eyes and I wiped them with my thumbs. I slipped the salty finger into my mouth while watching his smoky lust replace the vulnerability. “The ring was my grandfather’s and I want you to wear it.”

He flashed me a beautiful
, sexy grin and I imagined having sex right here with him. He looked so yummy in his tux, and the freaking charming grin he was wearing made me crave him…every part of him. I knew he read my mind, because his eyes flickered toward the door and then he rolled his head on his shoulders, mumbling something. I think I was seconds away from getting what I wanted, but instead, he slowly slipped his fingers through mine and led me back inside.

“You are a dangerous girl
,” I heard him say and I giggled. He made me so happy, and even in this sad moment of saying goodbye to my grandfather, I found myself grinning like a fool as he pulled a chair out for me and did the male-nod thing at Owen. I loved this day.





My family left the beach house, and Katarina and I decided to stay one more day before returning home. I decided I needed one more day, twenty-four more hours before I dealt with reality. I’m finally almost ready to return and fix what I abandoned, left behind a month ago. It was like a wooden chair left out in the sun over the summer; I’d had to go home, peel away the burnt layer, and take my time sanding it, staining it, and nurse it back to its original splendor. It would take patience and hard work to make it completely whole again, but it’ll be worth it.

I wake early and silently tread downstairs; Bo accompanies me, taking his time. I have been planning out this day for a while. I owe Katarina a fantasy. So, here I am now, dressed in cargo shorts and a tight polo shirt. My shirt is so tight I can barely breathe. My arms cross in front of me in an attempt to stretch it out until I hear the material tear, and then I grab the pool brush.

And there you have it…I’m a pool boy. My shorts hold everything, and it kind of feels like I could carry all my belonging in these six pockets. I grabbed the pool brush and toss it between my hands. It’ll be the first time I ever scrub a pool, even my own. I have always splurged on a pool guy, but now, knowing Katarina’s fetish, I might rethink the whole hired-pool-boy thing. My girl likes to pretend, so I am going to do the best performance of an awkward-teenage-first-job-pool-boy I can pull out of my ass.

I feel her approach from behind me and watch as Bo’s ears perk up. His head tilts before his heavy tongue falls out of his mouth. His head bobbles at me for a moment before he slowly hobbles over to her. I ignore her heavy breathing and the sexual tension that follows. All the frickin’ things I do, and she gets turned on by a heavy-pocketed pool guy.

I guide the brush into the pool and move the handle in long strokes. It’s kind of therapeutic, and knowing she’s watching my every move has me falling into this perfect role. It gives me an added addictive thrill. I hear her clear her throat and then the padding of her feet as they move toward the crystal blue water. I snap out of my haze and realize I’ve been doing this for just over a half-hour, but I want this. I want her deep into her fantasy, crazy with lust, dripping with want. I desire her wide blue eyes watching me with hunger, and I’m not finished. This is going to be good—scratch that…this will be great…epic, in fact. I will always be her fantasy. 

“Please, have a seat. As your professional pool caregiver, I need you to wait until I am completely finished before
immersing into the water.” I give her a hard look and she giggles, and it’s difficult to hold the stern look when she makes that sound. “Something funny?”

She nods at my words and I go back to cleaning the pool and checking the chemicals in the water. I disappear into the large closet that holds the chemicals, when I hear her breathing behind me. I turn and gaze at her. I need her to take the lead. I know I could ruin this. I know my dominance would take control and she would let me smother her fantasy just like the last time. So, I stare at her hesitant blues and I study her. Her eyes skim down my outfit and realization dawns that it’s her turn, her move to make, that I’m in her fantasy. I see the flare in her eyes, the sweet curve of her lips, and I hunch my shoulders slightly, getting into the teenage role.

“I saw you…you know.” Her voice is smooth, almost creamy, and I squeeze my eyes shut at the delicious thought. “I noticed the way you stare at me out of the corner of your eyes.”

My hair falls forward and I shrug. “I can look; it’s a free country.” I wipe my nose with the back of my hand and scratch the back of my head.

“Would you like to touch me?” she asks and I groan. Fuck, I groan because of how innocent her voice sounds when she said it, and I tell my aggressive side to back the fuck down, because right now, I want to take her and that fucking innocent mouth. “You can touch me,” she gives me permission.

I toss my shoulders up again, indicating I may or may not want to touch her. In fact, I brush her off like she’s imagining the whole thing. “I don’t know…what y-you mean,” I stutter and do my best not to look at her and her long legs under her white frickin’ silk nightgown.

She approaches me from behind, and her sweet scent floods my system before her tight little body is in my peripheral vision. She hesitates before her tentative hand creeps up and her finger sweeps my hair back from my face. Her hand lingers in my hair, and then it drifts back over my face. I remind myself of how many times I have taken her with force, with a fierce need to be inside her. She needs this from me.

I glance into her eyes again and she gives me a soft, gentle smile. It’s the most innocent of all her smiles and the first time I have ever seen such a naughty, virginal glow. It’s a weird combination of naïveté and hormone-induced, insatiable desire. I’m buzzing with anticipation, wondering what she’s going to do next. It’s her move, all of it, and I’m literally losing my mind in her performance.

I swallow, my heart convulsing out of…arousal. Her hands drop to her own clothes and I watch; I can’t tear my eyes off of her, and I fixate on her tiny hands sliding down her body as they remove her innocent white nightgown. Her tiny panties are next to hit the floor. She takes her time, as if she’s taking enjoyment out of the obvious torment she’s dishing out. I swallow the rock in my throat at the fucking beautiful vision before me. She’s killing me; I need to do something…anything.

“Tell me what you want me to do,” I manage to say through gritted teeth, because this is difficult. The impulse to smash her against the wall and fuck her hard is all I crave at this point. I shake my head, stopping the persistent thought, breaking the fixation on her naked, mouthwatering body.

“Have you done this before?” she whispers against my chest as she lifts onto her toes to pry the shirt off over my head.

“I don’t mix work with pleasure,” I choke out; trying not to touch her is like not drinking an ice-cold beer on a blazing hot day.

She kneels before me. “First timer, then.” Her eyes lock with mine and I physically shiver when her seductive smile swallows me. Her sure hands unzip my heavy shorts and they fall to the ground. She frickin’ giggles again as she wraps her hand around my shaft. “You can watch me. I happen to like your eyes on me.”

Her delicate, bare back is visible, and the round globes of her ass stick out as she balances on her shins. My eyes drift back to her mouth as her tongue lashes out, and she runs it up the base to the sensitive, mushroom tip. I groan again, wondering how this could be her fantasy, because right now, I’m the only one feeling like I could explode any second.

At some point, my role is no longer an act, and I imagine this is how it would be. This is what we would’ve been like if I was her pool boy as a teenager and still untainted by the club, if I was younger and chose the long brush to scour a pool instead of learning to perfect the ropes and chains, all before my mind and body were desensitized to tenderness and innocence.

I hold perfectly still as I get a visual of her mouth bobbing on my cock. Her hands busily stroke and massage and I get lost in the rhythm. I assume she’ll stop, that she’ll want me to use some of my new pool-scrubbing skills on her, but she never lets up and I feel the familiar pull from the bottom of my stomach and stirring in my balls. She pulls her mouth
off me and strokes me as I release in hard spurts.

It’s too easy; I’m fragile and lack the ability to stop, so I don’t. I come all over her naked body, starting at her luscious mouth and gliding, streaming it downward. My pretend-innocence is gone now, left as proof on her shapes and curves, and bubbled on her rosy lips. Her eyes darken, almost completely taken over by her black pupils, and control and power lie behind them. She appears almost angry, like she’s the predator and I’m about to be eaten alive.

“Shit...fuck…it was…I was…it happened…fast.” I’m suddenly apologetic, and I’m not sure if I’m just really into my role as that teenage boy on my first sexual adventure with this beautiful girl, or if it’s the lack of sex for the last two days, but either way, she’s the hunter, and I can feel her crazed fixation.

She stands slowly, calculatedly, unhurriedly, and squares her shoulders, turning on her toes and leaving the pool storage room. I follow, unsure why, but it’s like my first time isn’t quite over, and I’m curious where she’s going. She slides open the glass door to the pool house and steps inside, leaving the door open for me. Bo trails me, but stalls just outside the entrance to lie down on the grass.

I quickly step inside, but she’s gone, disappeared, and I have to wonder why. I walk through the two-bedroom pool house, listening for any crack or creak, but it’s dead silent. I pause when I hear her heavy breathing and my victory smile crawls across my lips. She’s playing hide-and-seek; she loves this game. I bend my knees when I realize the sound is coming from beneath the bed. The bed is high and I easily slip under it. I slide in until I reach her side, still flat on my back. My heart hammers with every breath. Am I nervous or excited?

Shhh,” she breathes, “he’ll find us.” I tilted my head toward her, wanting to protect her, because her words make me feel like this is real and she’s scared, and there’s nothing I hate more than when she’s scared. “My father wouldn’t like you in here with me,” she whispers and I swallow. “He doesn’t know how bad I want you.” Her breath hits my shoulder.

And then it happens…she slithers over me, quickly and effectively crawls on top of me. Her body’s flesh is pressed to mine in this small, confined space. She inhales a deep breath as she grips my hard cock and wastes no time steering it inside her. She’s a horny teenage girl, and she isn’t ashamed of her needs. I get it, but I’m surprised, taken aback.

My rod easily glides in and I instantly feel her everywhere—her hot breath on my neck, her stomach tight to mine, her hands skimming up my arms and resting in my hair as she moves. I tilt my head to the side, because the insane need to kiss her is overwhelming, but when I opened my mouth to take hers, she only moans, softly whimpers, and intoxicatingly squeals. I can’t move; I can’t control how or when she gets off. Even my hands are struggling to move out from under my body as she moves.

Fuck. My heart races and the familiar stirring
is happening…and I feel this for her, only her. Her rigid movements are climbing and I swallow all of her noises, and for the first time, I convince myself it’s my do-over, my first time renewed. She comes in silence, her body stiff, her channel tightening around me, and then her weight on me relaxes. Her scent in this confined space wafts and my mouth waters at the sweet smell of her lust. For a long while, she rests against my body all sweaty and limp, and I sense her smile on my chest, happy with her actions. Quietly, she breathes me in. We’re still connected, because I’m like a teenage stallion, and even though I know I came in her mouth and then a little just now, I know I have more to spill in her, or on her.

A thought crosses my mind. “Why were you upset when I came on you earlier?”

My inquiry stirs her. “Mmmm…” She sounds sleepy and rolls off of me. She shimmies out from under the bed and then stands, waiting patiently for me to do the same.

“Earlier…you seemed mad after I…came,” I say self-consciously, and I’m rather happy with my teenage performance.

Her eyes skate down my body and then lift back to mine. “When I wear your come you’re not supposed to apologize. I’m the girl you playfully stare at every day, and it should rock your world to see your sticky lust all over my skin. Instead, you looked…embarrassed.” She smiles and then bites both lips together, like she’s said too much.

I observe her closely, my vision falling to her neck and collarbone, down to her rapidly rising chest. She’s nervous and it makes me feel honored, honored I can make her this anxious and aroused at the same time, because her tight nipples tell me she’s definitely aroused. My eyes linger on her dark pink, tempting nipples before falling to her stomach, and then I notice it. I notice white, shiny come
fall down her legs. It’s me oozing from her and I immediately feel my heart rate increase, and like I’m underwater, I can’t get enough air. My nostrils flare as if it’s going to help the breathing issue, and I can’t tear my eyes off of me, on her. It never gets old.

“That’s how you’re supposed to look,” I hear her say, and lift my face to hers. Her lips quirk in the
corners, and the rough guy inside me wants to show her who’s the boss, but I close my eyes, wanting this redo to last, needing to remember this fantasy as reality. I want Katarina as my first; I want to take the memory of my first time out and replace it with this moment. I have too many jaded memories. I fight the urge to tie her down and fuck, I fight the urge to throw her on the bed and smother her, and I fight the longing to take her over my knee and swat her perfect little ass. Instead, I open my eyes and see Katarina. I pretend I am eighteen again, cleaning pools for the summer, and this is my first time with a woman.

My feet move forward and my hand slides up her stomach to her breast, and I run my fingertips over each nipple and watch her chest move as if she’s just finished her morning run. “I grew up around animals,” I state, never making eye contact. “I am a clean guy, no warped visions of porn, but…” I cup her boobs in my hands, loving the softness, “…I’ve watch animals do…it.” I pause, letting her imagine where this is going. “I want you from behind. I want you on the bed facedown.”

She touches my hands and pulls me from my fog to look at her, and then she smiles a heart-racing, fuck-me, sweet-ass smile that makes me feel lightheaded and dizzy. She never takes her eyes off mine, locked as if she’s reading me and soaking up the want I have for her. She doesn’t hesitate a second longer before spinning on the balls of her feet and laying her stomach on the bed. Her legs spread immediately, hanging over the edge of the bed, and her tiptoes barely remain on the carpeted floor. My vision falls to the upside-down V before me, and she is…flawless. Her muscular legs spread and I can see my trace on her inner thighs. In a haze, I move to touch it.

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